St. Bartholomew Church 4949 W. Patterson Ave.

St. Bartholomew Church
4949 W. Patterson Ave.  Chicago, Illinois 60641
773-286-7871 
May 10, 2015
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May God Bless Our First Communicants
Jean-Pierre Abayay
Vanelly Alatorre
Tayra Alcazar
Eder Alcazar
Elias Alvarado
Antonio Alvarez
Mariette Araujo
Leah Araujo
Juliza Ariza
Vanessa Arreguin
Jhoanna Arroyo
Cariana Atiles
Brian Avalos
Daniela Avila
Kevin Baca
Jared Belen
Jameson Bespalec-Davis
Virginia Bibian
James Brady
Manuel Bran
Jesus Bran
Jada Marlene Bravo
Kelly Burbano
Angelica Caballero
Isaac Caballero
Jacob Caballero
Jaelyn Cabanin
Julian Cabanin
Cristian Camarena
Marianna Camargo
Andres Carrasco
Marvin Casas
Alejandro Casas
Destiny Chavez
Sabrina Chogllo
Yesenia Colin
Osvaldo Colin
Erika Cuenca
Benjamin DeLuna
Gisel Diaz
Angelina Diaz
Marilyn Diaz
Kaylee Dodge
Matthew Dodge
Jesus Espinoza
Mauricio Esquivel
Diego Eusse
Ryan Fitgerald
Angelica Flores
Antonio Flores
Alexandra Flores
Omari Franco
Juliana Frasco
Julissa Frasco
Liliana Frasco
Melanie A. Galarza
Diego A. Galarza
Vanessa Gallardo
Brenda Garcia
Lyamai Garcia
Alexandra Garcia
Manuel Garcia
Kaylee Gaytan
Emily Gaytan
Rey Genaro
Nadia Gomez
Katerin Gomez
Anais Gonzalez
Yarely Gonzalez
Natasha Henriquez
Evelyn Hernandez
Samantha Hernandez
Fernanda Hernandez
Andrea Hernandez
Jose Hernandez
Mario Hernandez
Jonathan Hernandez
Jacqueline Hernandez
Eduardo Hurtado
Elena Hurtado
Isabella Illarde
Leslie Illescas
Lizmarie Illescas
Edgar Laguna
Michelle Laguna
Keelly Leon
Michelle Leon
Benjamin Lopez
Jacqueline Lukic
Christopher Luna
Ivette Luna
Steven Machuca
Jayden Mackey
Evelyn Magaña
Derek S. Maldonado
Carlos Masariegoz
Aoife McAleer
Abram Mendiola
Alex Miranda
Samantha Miranda
Nicole Miranda
Princess Miranda
Jasmine Montoya
Rafael Montoya
Diego Montoya
Vanessa Mora
Esteban Munoz
Ruby Ocampo
Francisco Ocampo
Katherine Oleas
Martin Onofre
Jaylynn Onofre
Madison Ozanic
Joseph Pacholski
Cynthia Patino
Daniela Patino
Micah Pelegrino
Ryan Pena
Aylin Peña
Nicole Peña
Melanie S. Perez
America Zayuri Perez
Sebastian Perez
Juan Perez
Alondra Perez
Rolando Perez
Alan Perez
Ixtlaly Perez
Bryan Perez
Derek Perez
Kevin Perez
Miguel Ramirez
Nayeli Ramirez
Marco Robles
Adam Rocha
Jocelyn Rodriguez
Ismael Rodriguez
Kenia Rodriguez
Ramiro Rodriguez, Jr.
Vianey Romero
Jose Romero
Giselle Romero
Mauricio Rubio
Julian Ruiz
Crystal Ruiz
Mia Ruiz
Tiana Ruiz
Samantha Salas
Alejandra Salgado
Jennifer Salinas
Brianna Sanchez
Yolim Santana
Alondra Santana
Rkelly Santillan
Lindsey Segovia
Anthony Spilotro
Brianna Stark
Cristian Stark
Ruby Tejada
Christopher Tobar
Scarlett Tobar
Kenia Torres
Yazmine Valdez
Alexander Valentin
Alan Velazquez
Jack Velez
Isabel Villatoro
Lewis Wais-Montoya
Alyssa Zambrano
Fernando Zamora
Jonathan Zamora
Nayeli Zepeda
Ethan Zirkle
Page 2
¿Cómo católicos, es suficiente ser una persona buena? ¿Es eso algo que todos debemos
aspirar a ser? ¿Por otra parte es eso lo que deberíamos ser? Puede ser un elogio de ser
considerado una persona buena entre una comunidad, pero el mensaje del Evangelio de
amor nos llama a ser más que bueno. Ser bueno inspira a una persona para ser movido
por las acciones de una persona buena, pero ignora la intención o la motivación de la
acción. En muchos casos hacemos cosas buenas por los sentimientos que se asocian a
tales acciones. Por ejemplo, "doy dinero a los pobres porque me hace sentir bien que
estoy haciendo una diferencia." Otro ejemplo, "Ayudo como voluntario en eventos de la
escuela de mi hijo porque me encanta la sensación de contribuir al aprendizaje de mi
hijo". Estos dos ejemplos son grandes actos de bondad que reflejan las acciones de una
persona buena. Sin embargo, el amor de Dios va más allá de sentimientos y un sentido
de satisfacción. Es un amor infinito que Él nos da y se hace presente para nosotros en la persona de Jesucristo. Como
una comunidad católica necesitamos movernos más allá de sentimientos y emociones cuando se trata de la misión
confiada en nosotros. Esta misión es una misión de amor por el otro. "Amabilidad" no equivale santidad.
Seguramente es un buen punto de partida y recordatorio de la apariencia externa de nuestras acciones. Se les ha dicho
a los niños que Dios sabe cuándo se portan bien o mal, pero tal vez este no es el mensaje completo. Un mensaje mejor
sería que Dios ve lo que está en nuestros corazones y cómo trabajamos hacia la santidad, incluso cuando fallamos Él
nos ama todavía.
¿Qué podemos decir sobre el amor de Dios? El decir que Dios es amor se dice a menudo, pero ¿realmente
entendemos la clase de amor que Él tiene para nosotros y el tipo de amor que Él nos pide? La iglesia utiliza el idioma
griego para expresar cuatro tipos de amor; Storge, Eros, Filia y Ágape. La primera clase de amor es el amor de cariño.
Storge es el tipo de amor expresado por los padres a un hijo. Es un gran cariño a través de familiaridad y es el tipo
más natural de amor que siempre está presente. El segundo tipo de amor es romántico expresado entre los cónyuges.
Eros es un amor que se da y quiere reciprocidad del individuo que lo recibe. El tercer tipo de amor es el amor que
asociamos con amor fraternal. Filia es un amor que se da libremente y tiene reciprocidad porque ambos individuos
buscan amistad. La última clase de amor es Ágape y este es el tipo incondicional de amor expresado por Dios para su
creación. Es un amor que no siempre tiene reciprocidad pero siempre se da libremente. No busca nada a cambio y
siempre quiere el bien para el otro.
El mensaje del Evangelio de esta semana se centra en el amor de Dios y Jesús nos pide que permanezcan en su amor.
Que si guardamos sus mandamientos permaneceremos en su amor. Jesús está diciendo, no está pidiendo, que amemos
a los demás como Él nos ama. El amor de Jesús no es uno de Filia o una simple amistad. No es un amor romántico ni
es un amor de familiaridad. Es amor incondicional. Aquellos que aman no deben amar en las primeras tres formas de
amor, sino en el amor de Ágape que va más allá de la familia, amigos y los que amamos a través de romance. Es fácil
amar a quienes naturalmente queremos; a nuestros padres, amigos, hermanos y hermanas y aquellos que amamos con
sentimientos románticos. El amor de Dios va más allá de sentimientos y emociones y llega a la esencia de nuestra
naturaleza. Si amamos cómo Dios nos ama, incondicionalmente, también podemos hacer milagros. El milagro del
perdón es cosa rara en la sociedad actual. Mientras luchamos con la violencia en nuestras comunidades en todo el
país, lo único que permitirá la curación es el perdón en nombre de Jesucristo. Si comenzamos a hacer las cosas por
amor incondicional esto elevará nuestras acciones "buenas" y dará significado por unirla al amor de Dios. Ya no es
simplemente el amor de su propio interés y emoción impulsada por las acciones, pero acciones con preocupación y
bienestar genuino de otra persona, incluso si ese amor nunca es devuelto, hemos hecho lo que Dios nos mandó a
hacer. Nosotros tememos si somos vulnerables a dar nuestro amor y si no nos aman, no seremos capaces de amar de
nuevo. Dios nos amó tanto que envió a su hijo unigénito para que aquellos que creyeron en Él se salvaran. Es hora de
dejar de lado esos temores porque el amor perfecto disuelve el temor y perfecciona nuestras imperfecciones. Nuestras
intenciones cambian de un sentimiento a un acto de amor y servicio. Ser una "persona buena" es un gran elogio, pero
practicar la caridad por el amor incondicional es mejor. Que todo lo que haga sea siempre para la gloria de Dios y Él
trabajará sus maravillas a través de usted. Recuerde que Jesús está presente en todos nosotros, y que si lo amamos
incondicionalmente todo lo demás seguirá. Nada viene sin sacrificio y privaciones, pero cuando ama a alguien no es
una carga para su felicidad. Que la paz del Señor esté siempre con usted. Por favor, manténgame en sus oraciones
mientras continúo mi formación al sacerdocio. Que Dios lo bendiga.
Moisés Navarro – Seminario
Page 3
As Catholics, is it enough to be called a nice person? Is that something that we should
all aspire to be? Moreover is that all we should work toward? It can be quite a
compliment to be considered a nice person among a community, but the Gospel
message of Love calls us to do more than just be nice. Being nice inspires a person to
be moved by the kind actions of a person, but disregards the intention or motivation of
the action. In many instances we do nice things because of the feelings that are
associated with such actions. For example, “I give money to the poor because it makes
me feel good that I am making a difference.” Another example, “I help volunteer at
my child’s school events because I love the feeling of contributing to my child’s
learning.” These two examples are great acts of kindness that reflect the actions of a
nice person. However, God’s love goes beyond feelings and a sense of satisfaction.
It’s an infinite love that He gives us and is made present to us in the person of Jesus Christ. As a Catholic
community we need to move beyond feelings and emotions when it comes to the mission entrusted to us. This
mission is a mission of love for one another. “Niceness” does not equate holiness or sanctity. It is surely a good
starting point and reminder of the external appearance of our actions. Kids have been told since they were young
that God knows when we are naughty and nice, but perhaps that is not the entire message. A better message is God
sees what is in our hearts and how we work towards holiness, even when we fail he still loves us.
What can we say about God’s love? The saying that God is love is said often enough, but do we really understand
the kind of love that he has for us and the kind of love he is asking of us? The Church uses the Greek language to
express Four kinds of love; Storge, Eros, Philia, and Agape. The first kind of love is the love of affection. Storge is
the kind of love expressed by a parent to a child. It is a fondness through familiarity and is the most natural kind of
love because it is present without coercion. The second kind of love is romantic loved expressed between spouses.
Eros is a love that is given and wants reciprocity from the individual who receives it. The third kind of love is the
love we associate with brotherly love. Philia is a love that is freely given and has reciprocity because both
individuals seek friendship. The last kind of love is Agape and this is the unconditional kind of love expressed by
God for his creation. It is a love that does not always have reciprocation but is always given freely. It does not seek
anything in return and wills the good for the other always.
This week’s Gospel message is focused on God’s love and Jesus asking us to remain in His love. That if we keep
his commandments we will remain in His love. Jesus is telling, not asking, to love others as I love you. Jesus’ love
is not one of Philia or simple friendship. It is not a romantic love nor is it a love of familiarity. It is unconditional
love. Those who love must love not in the first three forms of love, but in the love of Agape which goes beyond
family, friends, and those that we love through romance. It is easy to love those we care about naturally; parents,
friends, brothers, and sisters, and those we love out of romantic feelings. God’s love goes beyond feelings and
emotions and reaches to the very core of our nature. If we love how God loves us, unconditionally, we too can do
miracles. The miracle of forgiveness is one rarely seen in today’s society. As we struggle with the violence in our
communities across the country, the only thing that will allow healing is forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ. If
we begin to do things out of unconditional love we elevate our “nice actions” and give them meaning by uniting it
to God’s love. It is no longer my simple love of self-interest and emotion driven actions but actions out of concern
and genuine well-being of another person, even if that love is never returned we have done what God commanded
us to do. We fear that if we are vulnerable and give our love and it is not returned that we will not be able to love
again. God so loved us that he sent his only son so that those who believed in him would be saved. It’s time to put
those fears aside because perfect love cast out all fear and perfects our imperfections. Our intentions change from a
feeling to an act of love and service. Being a “nice person” is a great compliment, but practicing charity because of
the unconditional love you hope to give is better. Let all you do be always for the greater glory of God and he will
work his wonders through you. Remember that Jesus is present in all of us, and that if we love him unconditionally
everything else will follow. Nothing comes without sacrifice and hardship, but when you love someone nothing is a
burden to see their happiness. May the peace of the Lord be with you always. Please continue to keep me in your
prayers as I continue my formation to the priesthood. God bless you all.
Moises Navarro – Seminarian
Page 4
St. Bart’s Fest
Festival de San Bartolomé
Friday, June 5th to Sunday, June 7th
Viernes 5 de junio al domingo 7 de junio
Music - Food & Refreshments - Bingo
Pull Tabs - Pot O’Gold
Children’s Games 3-5PM on Saturday & Sunday
$5.00 Admission ($20.00 Family) at the Gate
Música - Comida y Refrescos - Bingo
Pull Tabs - Pot O’Gold
Juegos infantiles de 3-5PM el sábado y domingo
Admisión en la puerta $5.00 ($20 por familia)
What is St. Bart’s Fest?
¿Qué es el St. Bart’s Fest?
St. Bart’s Fest is new! It is a celebration of our
parish, school and community. We invite alumni,
neighbors, families, kids, seniors, everyone to come
together and have a good time. Of course it is also a
fundraiser. To that end we are dependent upon good
attendance, raffle tickets sales, sponsorship and good
weather. Hopefully, we will get all of the above.
Here is a breakdown of events we hope will appeal
to families:
 DJ playing kid friendly music on Saturday
afternoon 3:00 - 5:00PM
 Storyteller at 4:00PM Saturday
 A Dunk Chair (an alternative to a dunk tank) Mr.
Graham McHugh among others will take a turn
in the chair!
 Ping Pong Ball toss into fish bowls to win a fish
 Bouncy Castle (maybe two)
 Face Painter
 Make your own Sand Art
 Basketball shooting and Football throw
 Stuffed animal cage and other games for little
 Most games will be free with admission to the
Fest. A few will have a nominal charge.
 Our own Children’s Choir as well a our Adult
Choirs will perform on Saturday 6:00 7:30PM
 All ages are invited to play both the dunk
chair and fish game
This is in addition to all the great Live Music, Food,
Bingo, Pulltabs and Beer Garden for Adults.
Invite your family and friends,
enjoy a summer night out
and support your Parish!
¡El festival de San Bartolomé es algo nuevo! Es una
celebración de nuestra parroquia, escuela y
comunidad. Invitamos a los alumnos, vecinos,
familias, niños, personas mayores, a todos que
vengan a disfrutar de este evento. Por supuesto, es un
evento para recaudar fondos. Para eso, estamos
dependiendo de buena asistencia, las ventas de
boletos para la rifa, patrocinios, y buen clima. Con
suerte, tendremos todo lo mencionado.
Aquí hay una lista de algunas de las actividades que
esperamos sean de interés para las familias:
 DJ de 3:00 - 5:00PM el sábado, tocando música
 Cuentista a las 4:00PM el sábado
 Un juego para tumbar al agua a alguien, el Sr.
Graham McHugh será uno de los participantes
 Juego de la bolita de Ping Pong Ball para tratar
de ganar un pescadito
 Saltarines inflables
 Tendremos pintura de caritas “Face Painter”
 Arte de arena
 Tiros de baloncesto y futbol americano
 Juegos para ganar juguetes
 La mayoría de los juegos serán incluidos con
el cargo de entrada. Algunos tendrán un cargo
 Nuestros coros cantaran el sábado de
6:00 - 7:30PM
 Invitamos a personas de todas las edades a
Esto es adicional a toda la gran música en vivo, rica
comida, bingo, y el jardín de cerveza para los
¡Invite a sus amigos y familiares a
disfrutar de una noche de verano
y apoye nuestra parroquia!
May the Lord and His Blessed Mother
reward you with
Love, Joy and Contentment.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Hospitality Sunday
Sunday, May 17, is Hospitality Sunday. Please stop
downstairs after Mass and enjoy some coffee, light
refreshments, and conversation with other
parishioners. The Choirs, Art & Environment, and
the Human Concerns Organizations will be hosting.
Friday, June 5, 6:00PM – 11:00PM
Saturday, June 6, 3:00PM – 7:00PM or
7:00PM – 11:00PM
Sunday, June 7, 2:00PM – 6:00PM or
6:00PM – 10:00PM
Various positions inside and outside. Please call
Kathy Ott at 773-545-5063 or leave your name and
phone # at the rectory, 773-286-7871. Indicate which
time slot would be your preference.
Nurses, Clerical & I.T. Volunteers Needed!
Old Irving Park Community Clinic
5425 W. Addison St.
We are a Free Clinic for the Uninsured with No
Government funding in Chicago. We provide FREE
medical and FREE mental health care for those in
Our staff is approximately 97 percent
volunteers! We are looking for people with a heart
of service to assist us in our mission!
Page 5
Que el Señor y su Madre Bendita
premiarte con Amor, Alegrías y
!Feliz Día de la Madre!
Domingo de Hospitalidad
El Domingo 17 de mayo es Domingo de
hospitalidad. Por favor pase después de la Misa y
disfrute de café, refrigerios ligeros, y conversación
con otros feligreses. Los coros, y las organizaciones
Asuntos Humanos y Arte y el Medio Ambiente
Se solicitan voluntarios como
enfermeras y oficinistas!
Old Irving Park Community Clinic
5425 W. Addison St.
Somos una clínica gratuita para los que no tienen
seguro médico sin fondos gubernamentales en
Chicago. Ofrecemos atención médica y salud
mental gratuita para aquellos en necesidad. ¡Nuestro
personal es aproximadamente 97 por ciento
voluntarios! Estamos buscando gente con un corazón
de servicio para ayudarnos en nuestra misión.
¡TE NECESITAMOS! Las personas interesadas por
favor llamar a Terri Lynn Santiago al 773-427-0198
o enviar un correo electrónico [email protected].
Para más información acerca de nuestra clínica visite
nuestra página de Internet en
Misa de Aniversario de Bodas de Oro
WE NEED YOU! Interested please call Terri Lynn
Santiago at 773-427-0198 or send an email to
[email protected]. To find out about our clinic
go to our website at Thank you.
La Misa de Aniversario de Bodas de Oro sera el
domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015 a las 2:45PM en
Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street,
Chicago, IL.
Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass
Las parejas que se casaron en 1965 y estan
interesados en asistir esta celebración deberán hablar
a su parroquia para registrase. Para mas información
llame a la Oficina de Matrimonio y Familia al 312534-8351 o viste la pagina web:
The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held
on Sunday, August 30, 2015, at 2:45PM, at Holy
Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street, Chicago IL.
Couples married in 1965 interested in attending this
celebration should contact the parish office to
register by May 25, 2015, 773-286-7871. For further
information, call the Marriage and Family Ministries
Office, 312-534-8351 or visit the website:
Page 6
Remember to Pray…
for all the sick, suffering,
handicapped and lonely of St. Bartholomew, especially:
Monday, May 11, 2015
8:30 AM - Domingo Amador Guerra
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 - SS. Nereus and Achilleus
8:30 AM - Health Intention - Fr. Tom Lamping
req by 9:00AM Mass Ushers
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Our Lady of Fatima
8:30 AM - Evelyn Gumler req by Barin Family
Thursday, May 14, 2015
8:30 AM - Rosemary Stamm req by family
Friday, May 15, 2015 - St. Isidore
8:30 AM - Paula C. Bodomo
req by Gloria Allegretti Family
Saturday, May 16, 2015
8:30 AM - Parishioners of St. Bartholomew
9:30 AM - Religious Education Concluding Mass
3:00 PM - Wedding Rubi Zepeda Olivo & Anibal Calva Hernandez
5:00 PM - Ralph, Al & Yolanda Melone
Sunday, May 17, 2015 - The Ascension of the Lord
7:00 AM - Pedro Sanchez req by Sanchez-Martinez Family
9:00 AM - Gerry Kosinski req by Zalesny Family
- Diane Van Gundy req by Nina Kosinski
- Tomas Roman req by Ivonne Roman
11:00 AM - All Our Faithful Departed
1:00 PM - Flora Melecio req by family
- Senaida & Jose Aguilar req by Orlando Aguilar
- Juan Llamas req by Maria Luisa Wyskiel
- Birthday Blessing - Rosa Chavez
Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b;
Jn 15:26 — 16:4a
Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11
Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14;
Jn 16:12-15
Thursday: Acts 1:15-27, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17
Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23
Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10;
Jn 16:23b-28
Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9;
Eph 1:17- 23 or Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13];
Mk 16:15-20
Carmen Agosto
Bryan Ayala
Cindy Bialk
Lillian Borrayo
Bienvenido Bendicion
Donald Bonnem
David Brown
Fr. George Cerny
Francisca Chavez
Patrick Collins
Patrick Connors
Lilia Corral
Maria Corral
Barbara DeLong
Wilhelmina Donzella
Janet Espinosa
Minerva Fernandez
Anne Foy
Phillip Gagliano
Diane Gazda
James Gazda
Ed Johns
Pat Johns
Barry E. Johnson
Marge Jones
Ellen Kelly
Gerard Kurek
Lorraine Kurek
Florence Kuss
Joe Lajb
Fr. Tom Lamping
Rosa Lara
Adeline Lewanski
Consuelo Lopez
Irene Maldonado
Henry Marchionne
Mary Marinoff
Cleto Martinez
Helmut Mayer
John McNulty
Alejandro Mendoza
June Miller
Jean Morris
Pat Noonan
Estrella Odulia
Joseph Parisi
Jeremy Poblete
Greg Potrafka
Laura Pyrzynski
Tony Rivera
Therese Roberts
Lorenza Rodriguez
Lupita Rodriguez
Angelica Rosalanda
Luis Saltos
Louis Samartino
Mary Santiago
Donna Schommer
Joan Seidel
Mike Shapiro
Jean Spisak
Carmen Torres
Christ Trost
Edita Tolentino
Rich Van Durme
Rachel Weber
Catherine Wolek
Eric Wood
Maria Luisa Wyskiel
Mary Zgonina
Ed Ziecina
Rest in Peace... Gloria Rizzi
Please pray for all the deceased members of our parish.
Remember to Pray…
for the protection & safety
of all our family and friends serving in the Armed Forces.
Eric Baksin
Hector Chahin
Paul Cruz
Rev. Chris Doering
Robert Douglas
Francisco Figueroa
Jonathan Figueroa
Antonio Flores
America Galicia
Christian Garicia
Fernando Guzman
Valerie Hague
Rosalinda Jaime
Jason Jantke
James Jorgensen
Tre La
Diego Medina
Lillian Morales
Ivon Perez
Jorge Perez
De Jesus
Kirk Perisin
Mike Pretto
Karla Rosas
Jessica Salgado
Andres Saltos
Mirian Sarabia
Scott Storr
Anthony Urankar
Marco Watkins
Christopher Ryan
Andrew Wiener
Zachary Wiener
Emanuel Zambrano
Matthew Zwolinski
Devotional Opportunities
Every Tuesday, the Rosary is recited and prayers are
prayed for World Peace at 6:00PM in the Rectory. All
parishioners and friends are invited to join us.
All are invited every Tuesday morning to the Novena of
Our Lady of Fatima after the 8:30AM Mass.
All are invited to the 48 Hour Exposition and Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday, 9:00AM until
Saturday, 8:00AM in the Mater Dei Chapel.
Page 7
Human Concerns Ministries
Renovación Carismática Católica
On Sunday, May 17, the Parish Ministries under the
Human Concerns Commission will join the Choirs
and Art & Environment and host this month’s
Hospitality Sunday.
The Human Concerns
Ministries are Bereavement, St. Vincent De Paul
Society, Ministers of Care, Respect Life, Blood
Drive and Rosary for Peace. New Members are
always welcomed so please stop by, enjoy some
coffee and learn about theses Ministries. It might be
exactly the Ministry for you to join.
El Grupo de Servidores de la Renovación
Carismática Católica de San Bartolomé invita a todas
las personas a compartir juntos la palabra de Dios en
el círculo de oración. Todos los sábado en la capilla
comenzando a las 7:00PM con el Santo Rosario y a
las 7:30PM con el círculo de oración. Te esperamos
con AMOR.
There are people waiting to bring you Communion - - we
just need to know you want us to come. Please call the
rectory or drop a note (attention Ministers of Care) with
your name, address, and phone number. We’ll get back
to you as soon as possible. Spanish Ministers of Care are
available, as well as English speaking ministers. For
more information call:
Sheila McNulty 773-283-7120 for English
Jennifer Martinez 773-283-5514 for Spanish
Sunday Mass Attendance Count /
Total de Misa Dominical
May 2 - 3, 2015
To get a better sense of Mass attendance we are
taking an informal Mass count all year long.
Estaremos tomando un conteo informal de la
asistencia a Misa para tener un mejor sentido de la
asistencia a lo largo del año.
Reconciliation : 4:00 to 5:00 PM every Saturday.
Baptism: During pregnancy or after birth, parents are
expected to attend a Baptismal Preparation meeting held on the
first Sunday of the month at 12:30PM. Baptisms are
celebrated on the fourth Sunday of every month at 2:30PM.
For information and registration for class and Baptism times,
please telephone the rectory 773-286-7871.
Marriage: For pre-marriage preparation and to assure the
wedding date you prefer, please call the Rectory at least six
months in advance before confirming a reception hall.
Communion, Confirmation and Conversion for Adults:
Please call the rectory for an appointment.
Communion, Confirmation and Conversion for
children: Please call the Coordinator of Religious Education.
All children should be enrolled in R.E. 1st - 8th grades.
Communion to the homebound: Please call the parish
office with information about those who are shut-ins or sick so
that visits may be made. In an emergency situation, please call
immediately at any hour.
Anointing of the Sick and Funerals: Please call the
rectory if your family member is sick and needs the Anointing
of the Sick, or when a family member dies, so that the parish
priests may minister to your needs and assist you in planning
the Funeral Liturgy. This includes the Wake Service, the
Eucharistic Liturgy and the final commitment at the Cemetery.
Reconciliación: Cada Sabado a las 4:00PM.
Bautismos: Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse y señalar la
fecha de la clase de preparación y la fecha de Bautizo.
Siempre celebramos el Bautismo el segundo domingo de cada
mes, a las 2:30PM inmediatamente después de la Misa de la
1:00PM. La clase de preparación se lleva a cabo el primer
sábado de cada mes a las 3:00 de la tarde, para padres y
padrinos en la Rectoría. No traer niños, por favor. Los
padrinos deben ser mayores de 16 años, católicos y haber
recibido los sacramentos del bautizo, confesión, comunión y
confirmación. Aquellos que viven en unión libre NO pueden
ser padrinos.
Matrimonios, Quinceañeras: Llamar a la Rectoría y
preguntar por el Padre Castillo seis meses antes de la
ceremonia y antes de contratar restaurante, debe reservar la
fecha en la parroquia.
Comunión, Confirmación o Conversión para Adultos:
Llamar a la Rectoría.
Comunión, Reconciliación o Confirmación para
Niños: Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse en las clases de
Educación Religiosa. Todos los niños deben asistir a clases
desde el primer grado hasta el octavo grado.
Entierros: Llamar a la Rectoría.
Presentación: Se realizará el primer domingo de cada mes,
cuando el niño cumpla los cuarenta días o tres años de edad
Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse una semana antes.
Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, May 24 8:00AM – 1:30PM
Krueger Hall, 4910 W. Addison St.
Boy Scout Troop 935 cordially invites you to their
annual Pancake Breakfast. All you can eat pancakes,
sausages, and drinks. There will be door prizes, and
Bake Sale in addition as well as “Friends of Troop
935” will sell raffle tickets on the Boy Scouts behalf
and give 100% of proceeds to Troop 935.
Pancake Breakfast Tickets
$7 – Adults $3 – 3-12 years
Free – Children under 3
Raffle Prices
50/50 – 1 for $1 or 6 for $5
Regular Raffle – 1 for $1 or 6 for $5
Big ticket items – 1 for $3 or 7 for $15
Pick Up Saturday May 23
8:45AM - 9:30AM Krueger Hall
Acct # 3534
Orders due by May 14
Pizza & Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Page 8
BINGO - Sunday Nights
Sponsored by St. Bartholomew School
Sunday, May 3, 10, 17, 24, & 31
Games - Fun - Prizes!
Krueger Hall - 4910 W. Addison St.
Doors open at 5:00PM
Games begin at 7:00PM
For information call Bob Ruffing 773-213-4310
Must be 18 years and over.
Help St. Bartholomew School by
collecting and saving General
Mills Box Tops.
Boxtops for
Education are found on many
Clip your Campbell Soup Label
UPC’s (or provide entire
label). Both Box Tops and
Campbell Soup Labels can be
dropped off at the school office or the
Catholic Charities Collection
Your gift to the Catholic Charities
Collection on Mother’s Day will bring
new life. It is never to late for lives to
May 2 - 3, 2015
5:00pm Envelopes..............$853.00 11:00am Envelopes ...... $1,366.00
Loose .....................$87.05
Loose................. $215.09
7:00am Envelopes ............$207.00 1:00pm Envelopes .......... $674.00
Loose ...................$279.04
Loose................. $619.55
9:00am Envelopes..............$993.00 Mail In Envelopes ........... $706.26
Loose ...................$135.22
Loose..................... $0
Caridades Católicas
Su donativo a la Colecta del Día de las
Madres de Caridades Católicas traerá
nueva vida. Nunca es tarde para
trasformar vidas.
All Masses ................................. $6,135.21
GiveCentral................................... $799.53
TOTAL ...................................... $6,934.74
BUDGETED GOAL.................. $6,200.00
Difference ..................................... $734.74
14-15 Budgeted Goal to Date ............... $266,600.00
14-15 Actual to Date............................. $261,089.02
Difference ............................................. ($5,510.98)
Thank you for your stewardship! Special thanks to those who used
collection envelopes and to those who recently increased their weekly
Offertory Collection contribution. If you did not remember to bring your
collection envelope today, please use the envelope available from the usher.
Welcome New Parishioners! Please register at the Rectory as soon as
possible. You may register either in person or by phone (773-286-7871)
Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
Welcome Visitors! We welcome you to our Parish Family. We hope that
you will worship with us weekly.
Please remember St. Bartholomew when planning your will.
We Need Your Help!
St. Bartholomew parish depends on Fundraisers to help
pay for operating costs. One of the annual fundraisers
was the Carnival. This year we are hosting St. Bart’s
Fest, we are not only throwing a big party for the
Parish but also inviting the community to join in with
us. We are reaching out and making it known that St.
Bartholomew is a strong and committed member of the
It takes thousands of dollars to make this work. We
cannot depend solely on attendance to pay for the costs.
In order to make a profit we are asking and need
sponsorships. If you own a business or know someone
who does, are a group of friends, an organization, we
will appreciate your financial donation and gladly
acknowledge all donations as sponsors in the bulletin
and at the Fest. Any amount will be appreciated!
Any questions contact Kathy Ott, 773-545-5063.
Page 9
School Loan 06/07 .............. .$29,156.13
School Loan 10/11 .............. .$28,836.10
School Loan 11/12 .............. .$16,244.11
Parish Loan 11/12 ............... .$21,469.74
Parish Unpaid 12/13Rev. .... .$69,813.89
Parish Unpaid 13/14Rev. .. .$102,668.55
School Unpaid 13/14Rev. . .$136,223.98
Interest owed Arch Asmnt. .... $6,399.00
Unpaid Bills as of 2/22........ .$23,541.00
CTC Loan.......................... .$155,861.49
2013/14 Total Loans &
Unpaid Arch. Bills ............ .$590,213.99
Thank you for your
continued support!
¡Necesitamos su ayuda!
La parroquia de San Bartolomé depende de eventos para
recaudar fondos para ayudar a pagar los gastos de
operación. Uno de los recaudadores de fondos anuales era
el carnaval. Este año estamos organizando el Festival de
San Bartolomé. No sólo estamos lanzando una gran fiesta
para toda la parroquia pero también invitando a la
comunidad a unirse a nosotros. Queremos demostrar que
San Bartolomé es un miembro fuerte y comprometido de
la comunidad.
Cuesta miles de dólares para realizar este evento. No
podemos depender únicamente en la asistencia para pagar
los gastos de realizar un evento de esta magnitud. Con el
fin de obtener un beneficio vamos a necesitar
patrocinadores. ). Si usted tiene un negocio o conoce a
alguien que pueda patrocinar, agradeceríamos su
donaciones y alegremente los reconoceríamos como
patrocinadores en nuestro boletín y durante el festival.
Cualquier cantidad será apreciada. Si tiene alguna
pregunta, por favor llame a la rectoría, 773-286-7871.
Rev. Ricardo Castillo, Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. George Cerny, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Thomas E. Lamping, Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Hippolytus Njoku, Resident
Rev. Mr. Faustino Santiago, Deacon
Ms. Joyce Vice, Lay Minister
Mr. Charles A. Kessell, Music Director
Mr. James Phillips, Director of Buildings & Grounds
Mrs. Wanda Fleming, Athletic Director
Ms. Rosaura Lopez Business Manager
[email protected]
Mrs. Rose Rutherford, Parish Manager
[email protected]
Mr. Joseph Angelastri, Finance Council Chairman
Ms Joan Billingham, Parish Pastoral Council
Mrs. Susana Ortega, School Board
4949 W. Patterson Telephone: 773-286-7871
FAX: 773–286-4808
4941 W. Patterson
Telephone: 773-282-9373
FAX: 773-282-4757
Mr. Martin Graham-McHugh, Principal
[email protected]
4941 W. Patterson
Telephone: 773–286-7871
FAX: 773-286-4808
Mrs. Maria Arrez, Coordinator of Religious Education
[email protected]
St. Bartholomew Website Addresses
St. Bartholomew Church
4949 W. Patterson
Chicago, IL 60641
Save these dates:
Friday, June 5 - Sunday, June 7: St. Bart’s Fest
After you read the bulletin, fold, stamp and mail it to a friend! Share good news!
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