2012 年 4 月 26 日(木) - Learning Tree

Learning Tree English Day Camp in Kamogawa
2012 年 4 月 26 日(木)
ゲームや TV、ショッピングなど都会生活から解放されて、自然の中で、深呼吸。
Let’s get out of the modern world full of TV, computer games and shopping!
Feel the excitement of just being in nature!
Give your child the opportunity to explore, be creative, and to make a secret base in the forest!
Meet at Nishikasai 西葛西校集合、出発
Meet at Toyo Park 東陽公園集合
Circle time 西葛西東陽町合同出発会
Leave Toyo Park 東陽公園発
Arrive at Kamogawa 鴨川到着
Circle time - Talk about safety rules
Play in the forest (Tarzan swing, Zip line, Tree house, etc.)
Lunch time お弁当
Find some leaves and branches in the forest for arts & crafts
Explore! (There is a farm nearby, and we can feed the cows)
Arts & Crafts with the materials from nature
Play in the forest / field (soccer game!)
Leave Kamogawa 帰途へ
Goodbye circle time at Toyo park
Maximum number of children we can take 定員: 50 名
Adults attending the camp 同伴:
8 Native classroom teachers ネイティヴ担任 8 名、6 Japanese staff 日本人スタッフ 6 名、3 drivers 運転手さん 3 名
Fee 費用:
¥10,500 (Saplings 1 have paid the day camp fee already with the tuition.サプリングス1は授業の一環とし
How to apply for this camp お申込み方法:
Please go to our students’ website: www.growing-trees.com/learning/sec からお申込み下さい。
Things to bring 持ち物: Lunch, a water bottle, extra clothes. If you want to bring some snacks, you may, but just a
little bit (the only time we can eat snacks is when we are on the bus. NO hard candy).
What to wear for Saplings 1 students サプ1生徒 服装: PE T-shirt, PE cap, PE track pants, sneakers
PE のTシャツ、PE トラックスーツ、PE の帽子、スニーカー
What to wear for Afterschool students アフタースクール生徒 服装:
T-shirt, Learning Tree cap (please purchase one on our website), jeans, parker, sneakers
T シャツ、ウィンドブレーカー、ジーンズ、ラーニングトゥリーの黄色いキャップ(まだお持ち出ない方は、ホームページからご
購入下さい、1500 円です。)
このキャンプは、英語力の向上だけでなく、TV やゲーム、ショッピング等に楽しみを覚えやすい都会の子供達に、田舎の素晴らしさ、物が無くても
Learning Tree Camp は、一つのグループにメインの先生が一人とアシスタントの日本人が一人付くという、きめ細やかな少人数制です。スタッフ一
にご承知いただきたい事項です。よくお読みになり、ご質問等ございましたらいつでもお気軽にご連絡下さい。Thank you for joining Learning Tree
Camp. The children are already excited about going to the camp. We planned this camp to give children another perspective from city life
where people are stuck watching TV, playing games or going shopping, to the beautiful countryside where they can enjoy many activities,
and enjoy just being in the nature. We believe this experience will enrich the children’s characters and make them a stronger person. We
understand many parents are worried about sending their children to the camp, away from their parents, but we will take good care of the
children in a small group with 2 teachers and make sure that everybody is safe and feels loved. So please happily send your children. We’
ll have a good time and make wonderful memories. Here are some things we want you to know about this camp; please read below carefully,
and if you have any concerns, please feel free to talk to us.
1. このキャンプでは、緊急の場合以外、英語以外の言語を禁止します、ご了承下さい。
We only use English at this camp. We only let children use their native tongue if it is an emergency.
2. 本キャンプに参加するすべてのスタッフは、怪我の手当や心肺蘇生を含む救命救急講習を受講しており、子供達の安全に万全の体制で臨
The staff participating in this camp have taken a First Aid and Resuscitation lecture, so in the case of an emergency, they will be prepared.
The facility is cleaned and disinfected with alcohol to prevent any viruses or germs from spreading. We will try our best to keep everything
safe, prevent any accidents; however, please talk to your children about the importance of keeping safe, and how it is also their own
responsibility. We’ll talk about safety in the circle time and teach children how to be aware of things that might be dangerous; however, this
camp is also for children to explore the world they have never been to before. Please understand that there is a possibility of tripping over
and/or getting scratched since they are testing their limit by experiencing new environments. This is a part of learning. All of our staff and
teachers will make sure to keep their eyes on them and support them to learn in a safe way.
3. もしもの怪我や病気の際は、鴨川市の亀田メディカルセンター(www.kameda.com/)にお連れします。(亀田総合病院とも呼ばれ、日本経済
新聞社の病院ランキングによると、日本で 13 病院にしか与えられていない AAAA という最高評価を受けています。)In the case of an
emergency, we would take the child to the Kameda Medical Center, in Kamogawa city. This hospital is ranked as AAAA. The Japan Economic
Newspaper, known as NIKKEI, has only given this high rating to 13 hospitals in Japan.
4. 万が一の事故に備えて、あいおい損保の賠償責任保険と傷害保険に加入しています。(対人賠償 1 名 1 億円/1 事故 5 億円・対物賠償 5000 万
円・死亡保険金、後遺障害補償 500 万円、入院補償日額 5,000 円、通院補償日額 3,000 円)これは、スクールの過失の有無にかかわらず、補償あるい
はお見舞いをさせていただく保険です。Your child is insured by accident insurance of AIOI insurance company. If you’d like to know the
coverage details, please talk to us.
In case of rain, we are still going, so please prepare your rain gear. Rain is also a part of nature and our lives. We can still enjoy the beautiful
view of the mountains from our log house which has lots of big windows, so even though we’ll have to do some activities inside, it’s still
worth going! 雨天決行です。雨具の用意をお願い致します。雨も自然の一部であり、私達の生活の一部です。ログハウスには大きな窓が沢山
Now we want to take as many children as we can and give them a wonderful experience to grow as a unique individual. We excitedly await
your application. Thank you! それでは、一人でも多くの生徒さんに素晴らしい体験をしていただけますように、お申込みをお待ちしております。
Learning Tree