Camp FAQ - YUK Youth Group

November 7th to 9th 2014
El Shaddai Campsite, Wellington
Camp FAQ
Emergency Contact Details
There is poor mobile phone reception at camp
To contact the campers while on camp call the camp phone on 8572 7262
Youth Pastor Luke on 0422 214 603
Camp Details
YUK 2014 Camp
This year camp will be combined with the wider church family, church@paravista, for their
family camp.
7PM Friday, November 7th - 4PM Sunday, November 9th
El Shaddai Campsite (Christian Youth Camps of SA Inc)
RMD 4062, Wellington SA 5259
Phone 8572 7262
Camp is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Spend time at the El Shaddai campsite, do some
awesome games and activities such as archery, flying fox, giant swing, rock climbing,
swimming and basketball. Hang out with new and old friends, and learn and grow as we
discover more about life with Jesus.
How Much:
$70 for the whole weekend. Including all activities, meals, accommodation and transport.
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Registration Information
1) Fill out a Registration Form
Available from or at the sign in desk each week
2) Fill out a Medical Form
Available from or at the sign in desk each week
3) Must have all forms and a $20 deposit handed to the sign in desk by no later than
October 31st
4) The full fee of $70 is due on the day of camp. You can pay this amount earlier if you wish.
What To Bring
Please make sure to label every suitcase or backpack that is brought to camp with the
camper’s name and phone number.
Clothes, Bring a good mix of warm and cool clothes (2 days)
Clothes than can get messy (1 pair)
Closed In Shoes, suitable for walking and hiking
Underwear & Socks (2 pairs)
Toiletries (tooth brush, shampoo, soap, etc)
Sunscreen, We will provide plenty of sunscreen. However it the responsibility of
each individual youth to apply and re-apply it during the day
Sleeping bag & pillow
Prescription medicine, note this on your medical form as well as frequency, time of
day, etc.
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Bible (if you don’t have one we will have extras), paper, pen
What Not To Bring
Drugs, Alcohol or Cigarettes
Weapons of any kind
Fireworks or explosives
If you are caught with any of the above items you will be sent home immediately.
We recommend keeping all valuables/electronics at home. Campers will be liable for any
lost, stolen or damaged items that are brought.
Example: Mobile phones, ipads, ipods, radios, MP3 players, portable DVD players, CD
players, etc.
Travel Logistics
We will be travelling to camp by the church van, a hired van and leaders cars.
We will depart from church at 7PM on Friday once packed. If you arrive later than 7PM, you
will miss camp so be on time! We will arrive at the campsite at around 9PM.
We will depart the campsite at 2PM on Sunday and arrive back at church around 4PM.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I direct camp questions?
If your question is not answered in any of the information provided on this sheet you can
direct questions to Youth Pastor Luke, [email protected] or 8263 2344
What kind of activities will be offered at camp?
El Shaddai has a great range of activities on site which we will be run by their trained staff.
Some of the activities include:
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BMX bikes and track
Giant Swing
Rock Climbing
Swimming Pool
Vertical Challenge
Ropes Triangle
Sporting activities
Tarzan Swing
We will also be organizing a number of other activities around the site including an Amazing
Race and group games. There will also be Bible talks each day, small group time for
discussion and live music.
How can I contact my youth in case of emergency?
If a serious concern arises, you may contact the camp to discuss the situation.
Phone: 8572 7262
Where does my youth need to be dropped off and picked up?
church@paravista, 308 Nelson Road, Para Vista.
Friday at 7PM and picked up Sunday at 4PM.
Do you pickup or drop youth of before or after camp?
No. You will each need to find your own transport to and from the church.
What if my youth is not a good swimmer?
There is a pool at camp, but if they do not feel confident swimming there are plenty of other
actives to do that do not involve water.
Will valuables be safe?
We do not recommend bringing valuables to camp. El Shaddai, YUK and church@paravista
assumes no responsibility for any lost, stolen or damaged items while at camp.
What kind of lodging will youth be in?
Youth will be in cabins that consist of 8 bunk beds with mattresses. Sleeping bags and
pillows are needed. Each cabin will have a minimum of 2 leaders.
What is on the menu?
The camp food will be prepared by a trained chef's that are employed by El Shaddai
Campsite. It will be healthy and filling. If you have any diet requirements we will do our best
to accommodate them.
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