Weekly Bulletin (PDF) - Tain and Fearn Free Church

Sunday 11th January 2015
Fearn Free Church
[Newsletter Title]
Tea/coffee today in the hall
We are pleased to welcome you to our
service this morning. We hope you feel
welcome and trust that you will benefit
from worshipping God with us.
During the service we stand to sing and
remain seated for prayer.
AM/PM Rev. Alasdair MacAulay
Sunday School and Pre-school class
meet in the hall this morning. Crèche will
be run in the cabin. Children leave after
the second singing.
after both services
Next Sunday
AM Rev. Ronnie Morrison
PM Closed for Tain Communion
Youth Fellowship: The Youth Fellowship meets tonight in Hilton. The
Speaker is Mr Hugh Ferrier. The subject is: God reveals himself in Astronomy & Chemistry.
Tain Communion:
The Saturday night preparatory service at
7:30pm will be taken by Rev. Kenny MacDonald (formerly of Rosskeen). There will be a
fellowship in the Tain manse after the
service. There will be a short meeting of
the Kirk-Session after the Saturday night
service also.
The Free Lunch will resume once the kitchen is
completed. Date to be confirmed.
Sunday Night: There will be a fellowship
in the Tain hall after the evening service on
Ladies Bible Study: This resumes in the
manse on Wednesday morning at 9:30am.
The study will be Session 5 – Encourage
One Another. p.51.
King Street, Hilton of Cadboll. IV20 1UZ
Fearn Free Church
Magazines: Payment for the Monthly Record is now due. The total for the year is £18 and should be put in an envelope with your name
in the collection box.
Joint Seaboard Prayer Meetings: The meeting will continue as usual on the last Wednesday of the month. The January meeting will be in
the APC, February in the Free Church and March in the United Free
Volunteers needed for church hall extension work — If anyone is able
to help in any way with work on the extension, please speak to
David or another elder.