View our October Newsletter - West Los Angeles United Methodist

West L. A. Connections
Nurturing Empowerment Welcoming Service
A Monthly Publication of the West Los Angeles United Methodist Church
October 2016
West Los Angeles
United Methodist Church
Festival and Facebook Friends
1913 Purdue Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: 310-479-1379
Email: [email protected]
Like the summer, our annual Asian Cultural Festival has quickly come
and gone. It seems like only yesterday Stan was calling for the first planning
meeting. Now all the tents have been folded up, the tables and chairs put
away, and leftover sodas carried to the youth room. We are good for another
Sunday Worship Services
Many people were pleased with this year’s festival. Attendance was up,
spirits high, and sales brisk. The weather could not have been lovelier, with
plenty of sunshine and cooling breezes.
 9:30 AM
English Language Worship
Nursery and Sunday School
 10:30 AM
Fellowship Time for both congregations
 11:00 AM
Japanese Language Worship
Office Hours
Monday–Friday, 9 AM to 2 PM
Pastors' Office Hours
Rev. Gary: Tues-Fri, 9 AM to 1 PM
Rev. Janet: Tues-Fri, 9 AM to 1 PM
Rev. Becky: Sat, 10 AM to 12 PM
Rev. Gary Oba, Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Janet Cromwell, Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Rebecca Hirata, Local Pastor
Japanese Language Ministry
[email protected]
Midori Tashiro,
Administrative Assistant and Newsletter
[email protected]
Our Mission Statement
Our Mission is to promote spiritual
growth - Building a community of
faith and making disciples of Christ
by reaching out with compassion,
forgiveness and love. At West LA
UMC, building a community of faith is
what we are about.
West L.A. Connections
Every year we learn something new. This year it was the power of
Facebook. We promoted our festival in the usual ways: newsletter, Rafu
Shimpo, flyers, posters, etc. But this year, Rev. Janet promoted it heavily on
the church’s Facebook page along with pictures from previous years. Over
the past two years, we’ve accumulated a lot of friends on our Facebook page.
This year, our friends passed along news of our festival to their friends, who
passed it to their friends, etc. Before we knew it, word of our festival had
spread like a wildfire!
We also saw results from some new avenues of promotion. For the
second straight year, we were able to have our event listed in Westways
Magazine, the AAA communication tool that is sent to over 4 million
households in Southern California. Rev. Janet also was able to use some of
the neighborhood email lists with which she has become familiar.
Our volunteer drivers who shuttled people back and forth from the
Trident building to the church said that many of their passengers were
attending the festival for the first time. Many had heard about our event from
some of these newer means of promotion. In addition, we met numerous
people from the neighborhood who said they didn’t know there was a church
on this street!
My new learning was a greater appreciation for how our annual Asian
Cultural Festival is a way of serving our community. The festival is more
than a fundraiser or an opportunity for old friends to get together. It is a
major way of inviting new people to encounter the warmth, hospitality, joy,
inclusiveness, and eating fellowship of the church. As Jesus said, “Here I
am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the
door, I will come in and eat with them, and they with me.” (Rev. 3:20)
Grace and peace,
Rev. Gary
Page 1
October 2016
Connecting and Nurturing through Prayer
Narrative Lectionary Readings for October
The following readings serve as the foundation for
the Sunday morning 9:30 Worship Service. By reading
these scripture lessons during the week, you can
prepare your heart and mind for Sunday worship.
October 2
Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8
October 9
Exodus 32:1-14
October 16
1 Samuel 1:9-11, 19-20; 2:1-10
October 23
2 Samuel 7:1-17
October 30
1 Kings 17:1-16 (17-24)
World Communion Worship Service
Sunday, October 2
One Worship at 10:30 AM
Please mark your calendar for one combined
English and Japanese worship service on October 2,
beginning at 10:30 AM, and immediately followed by
an All Church Potluck at 11:30. Plan to attend
worship and bring something to share at the potluck.
West L.A. Connections
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October 2016
Worship & Studies
Growing in Faith through Worship and Study
October 9:30AM Worship Services
Sunday School and Bible Studies
October 2 – 20 Sunday after Pentecost
World Communion Sunday
Family Worship and Holy Communion
10:30 AM Joint Service
Rev. Becky Hirata preaching.
Text: Luke 17:5-10
Children and Youth Sunday School
God calls us to grow in faith and knowledge.
Children and youth are encouraged to come each
Sunday to learn about God’s love and Jesus’ ministry,
and to have fun and make new friends.
Birth to 3 Nursery (Next to sanctuary)
3 & 4 Year Olds Cool Kids Room 1
K to Grade 3 Explorer Room 3
Grades 4-8 Trekker Room 2
Grades 9-12 Youth Room 8 (Second floor)
October 9 – 21st Sunday after Pentecost
Rev. Gary Oba preaching.
Text: Exodus 32:1-14
Theme: God is swayed by our compassion.
October 16 – 22nd Sunday after Pentecost
Rev. Gary Oba preaching.
Text: 1 Samuel 1:9-11, 19-20; 2:1-10
Theme: God is swayed by our suffering.
Tuesday Night Bible Study
Tuesdays, 7:30 PM, Learning Center.
Following the theme, "Finding God in the World,"
participants take turns selecting and leading
discussions on topics they have come across in
newspapers, magazines, Facebook posts, blogs, etc.
New members are always welcome. Please contact
Rev. Gary for more information. No meeting will be
held on October 18.
October 23 – 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Rev. Gary Oba preaching.
Text: 2 Samuel 7:1-17
Theme: A dynasty that will last forever.
October 30 – 24th Sunday after Pentecost
Rev. Gary Oba preaching.
Text: 1 Kings 17:1-16 (17-24)
Theme: God will preserve the one who risks everything
to follow the word of God.
“Alive Now” Study Group
Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30 AM in Room 2.
The Wednesday morning study group uses the
Narrative Lectionary Readings (on page 2) as the basis
of their weekly discussion. Please see Rev. Gary for
more information.
Men’s Bible Study Group
Periodic Thursdays, 7:15-8:15 PM in Room 2.
The Men’s Study Group meets on periodic
Thursday evenings. Contact Fred Hifumi for dates.
Membership Classes
Rev. Gary Oba will lead a two-part
Membership Exploration Class on October 9,
and 16, in Room 2. The classes on will meet
at 11:15 AM, following worship. Each class
will last about 45 minutes.
The class is for those who are thinking
about being baptized or joining the church, or who
have questions about WLAUMC or The United
Methodist Church. Besides time for questions, the
classes will give some background on WLAUMC and
its current priorities, and the meaning of baptism and
If you are interested or have questions, please see
Rev. Gary.
Asian Cultural Festival
This year’s Asian Cultural Festival brought many
first-time guests to our church. Among the day’s
highlights was seeing people learning about our church
and the history of our members and friends who were
interned during the Second World War.
West L.A. Connections
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October 2016
Children, Youth, and Family Ministries
Supporting Families in Spiritual Growth and Discipleship
Ohana 2.0 Gathering
Saturday, November 19, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
The event for October for Ohana 2.0 has been
canceled. We look forward to the Church Halloween
Party on Saturday, October 29, 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Please
check with the church website for details.
We look forward to the Ohana Gathering on
Saturday, November 19, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. The
Topic/Theme is “An Opportunity for Parents to Learn
About Ways to Make Their Children Shine.” We will
cover the following questions & provide answers to:
How important is play? Are boundaries and limits
important for a child? Has child development and the
educational system changed that much? What are the
most significant values that you can teach your child?
Are Strands that important? How does technology
impact your child? How can I optimize my child’s
4th Grade Bible Presentation
On Sunday, September 18, West LA UMC
presented Bibles to four 4th Graders including Olivia,
Jennifer, Kyle, and Jessica. Each student received a
copy of the Deep Blue Kids Bible, which features the
new Common English Bible translation. These Bibles
were specially chosen for their readability, background
information and definitions, inspirational reflections,
and scripture memory verses.
A panel of Early Childhood professionals, all
colleagues of Rose Honda, will be at Ohana 2.0 on
November 19. They can certainly help us enrich our
children’s development and answer questions and
concerns we all share. Their bios are:
We pray that all of our students will grow in faith
and discipleship as they read their Bibles each day.
Gwen Dophna is a college instructor at SMC for
twenty-five years, Valley College and UCLA Extension
and Pacific Oaks College. She taught young children
for twenty years, including those from homeless
families. She has her M.A. in Early Childhood
Education. Gwen is the Founder of the Westside Early
Childhood Education professional development forum.
Sunday School Snacks
As the new school year begins, we want parents to
know that Sunday School teachers offer snacks in their
classrooms. Having snacks makes for a fun
environment, builds community as kids eat together,
and oftentimes makes the lesson more meaningful.
If your child cannot participate or has special
dietary needs, please let your child's teacher know. By
completing the Church Program Registration Form,
you can notify teachers if your child has any allergies.
The Christian Education Committee
Rose Honda is a retired pre-school teacher and
former director at the John Adams Child Development
Center, Santa Monica Unified School District. She was
member of Play Matters Committee, So. Cal
Association for the Education of Young Children. Rose
is a lifetime member of WLA UMC.
Lova Hyatt recently retired from Santa Monica
Unified School District after a 40-year career in
teaching young children. She began working with
preschool aged students at John Adams Child
Development Center under the direction of Rose
Honda. After receiving her Bachelors degree and
Credential in Child Development from California State
University at Northridge, she transferred to John Muir
Elementary School and taught Kindergarten and First
Grade for twenty years of her career. Lova has also
been our church soloist for over forty years.
Church Program Registration Forms
Each year, parents are asked to complete a
Church Program Registration Form for each of their
children age 18 and younger. These forms include
vital information for the health and safety of our
church’s children, including allergies, special needs,
and medical information in case of an emergency.
Forms can be found on the church website under
“Resources”. Copies can also be found in each
Sunday School classroom.
Please contact Rev. Janet Cromwell if you have
any questions. Thank you for your help!
This is another golden opportunity for parents to
help their children shine!
Jane Shimotsu, Ohana Coordinator
West L.A. Connections
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October 2016
Library Open for Borrowing & Browsing
Upcoming Events
Sunday, October 9, 11:00 AM
Learning Center 2nd Floor
Learning, Fellowship, Serving, and Fun
The Church Library is open for reading and
borrowing books from 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. New
books and resources are continually being added to
the collection. For more information about the Library
collection, contact Jean Dote, Haru Nakano, or Midori
Tashiro. Stop by and take a look.
Jean Dote, Library Committee
Reconciling Congregation
Ad Hoc Committee Update
The conversation continues as we, as a
community and as individuals, discern whether to
become a Reconciling Congregation. Welcoming
further dialogue and reflection, we have adjusted the
schedule for the vote on this matter and have not yet
mailed ballots to official church members. We will
keep you posted on the new voting schedule.
On August 28th, the Ad Hoc Committee hosted a
forum with West District Superintendent and former
WLA UMC Senior Pastor Mark Nakagawa and Rev.
Keith Inouye, Senior Pastor of Wesley UMC (a
Reconciling Church) in San Jose. With Rev. Becky
translating, they shared their pastoral experiences and
thoughts on this subject, which included an overview of
the varying California-Pacific Annual Conference,
national, and global UMC perspective, positions, and
efforts to find a "Way Forward." Lay Leader Stan
Shimotsu spoke to the Nichigo congregation the
following Sunday acknowledging the request for
additional viewpoints and discussion.
Accordingly, on Sunday, October 16th at 12:15
pm, Rev. Kawano, a retired Nichigo pastor from Union
Church in Little Tokyo and well-respected leader in the
Southern California Nichigo Church Federation, will
join us for a Nihongo presentation (with English
translation). The Nichigo and English congregations
are invited and encouraged to attend.
If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact the pastors or Lay Leader Stan Shimotsu or
Assistant Lay Leader Jeri Okamoto. Thank you for
your continued prayerful participation.
Café Aloha Senior Lunch and Program
Saturday, October 22, 11:00 AM, Social Hall
Our church’s senior members
and friends will gather for a
program and lunch on October
22. The program includes a
presentation and singing led by
Rev. Becky Hirata. Japanese
food is served for lunch.
Please RSVP by signing the Café Aloha sheet in
the Social or by contacting Rev. Becky.
Japanese Film Night
Friday, October 28, 7:30 PM, Sanctuary
This month, West LA UMC will feature “Sweet
Bean An,” directed by Naomi Kawase.
It will be our last film screening of the year.
Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this
great film. The film is free and open to the public.
All Church Halloween Party
Save the Date!
Saturday, October 29, 6:00-8:00 PM
Please plan on attending the
annual Halloween Party at WLA UMC!
Festivities include fun crafts,
games and treats so please bring your family and
friends and join us!
Halloween Party donations of treats are
appreciated as well as set-up help starting early
afternoon. Please contact Valerie Harada, Wayne
Nomi, Emily or David Cook for more information.
2016 Asian Cultural Festival Tai Chi Demonstration.
West L.A. Connections
Page 5
October 2016
Final Holiday Boutique Workshop. Our last
workshop for the Boutique will be held on Friday,
October 21 from 9:30 AM. We will complete our crafts
and inventory, label and price our articles, etc. If you
are able to work, please notify our luncheon
coordinator by October 16. We would also appreciate
food donations for our ongoing project, UCLA Wesley
Foundation 580 Café. Thanks!
United Methodist Women
Learning, Fellowship, and Service
United Methodist Women present the
Holiday Boutique
November 5, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
The United Methodist Women of WLAUMC hold a
Christmas Holiday Boutique of handcrafted items every
other year. It takes two years for the women to plan
and prepare all the handcrafted items for the Boutique
Holiday Boutique Set-Up On Friday, November 4, at
9:00 AM, all hands are needed to set up tables, display
goods, put up signs, etc. If you are able to help, please
notify Work-Scheduling Coordinator, Pam Ryder, as
soon as possible. In addition, she will be making a
work schedule for the day of our Boutique and would
appreciate the times of your availability. Thanks!
All of the proceeds from the sale of the Boutique
crafts and food items are donated to charitable
organizations outside of our local church. This is to
fulfill our UMW mission of providing service to women
and children. We hope that you will bring friends and
shop at the Boutique and participate in giving to others.
80+! A Group
Tuesday, October 4, 11:30 AM, Aki Restaurant
80+! A group of WLA United Methodist Women
regularly meets at Aki Restaurant on the first Tuesday
of each month. Originally started to give former Circle II
women a chance to "stay connected," the fellowship
has expanded and all women who are 80 and older are
welcome to the luncheons.
The participants enjoy great fellowship, much
laughter, hearty lunches, fine service, and are informed
about current and upcoming UMW activities. For more
information, please contact Aya Sase or Sets
Yamashita, 80+ Coordinators.
Crafty Friends Welcome! Through the years, many
crafty friends of UMW have donated handmade
creations for our Holiday Boutique. If you wish to
donate new handcrafted items this year, we would
appreciate receiving them before October 21 so we
may put labels and prices on them. To make
donations, please contact any of the Boutique
coordinators: Fusako Hamamoto, Sadie Hifumi, Pam
Ryder, Lois Tateishi or Kathi Yamazaki.
Country Store. A popular feature of our Boutique has
always been our Country Store. If you have any new,
or almost new, treasures smaller than a breadbox you
wish to donate, please bring them to church no later
than October 30. If you have any questions, contact
the Country Store coordinator, Rose Honda. Rose will
begin pricing the treasures the week before the
Boutique so she would appreciate any help you can
give her. Thank you!
Lost and Found
We have a small but growing collection of items that
have been found at church. Please call or stop by the
church office if you are missing something.
Takuan Workshop. We will be bottling takuan on
Saturday, October 15 from 9:00 AM for sale at our
Holiday Boutique. Please contact coordinators, Sadie
Hifumi or Keiko Kano, if you are able to help. If you
have pint-sized canning jars you can contribute, bring
them to church by October 9 so we can determine
what additional supplies we need. Thank you!
Opportunity Quilt "Scrappy CreAsians." Please
invite your friends to purchase tickets to participate in
the drawing for the opportunity quilt. The drawing will
be held at 2:00 PM at the close of our Holiday Boutique
on November 5 (winner need not be present). The
unique quilt, created by Grace Seto with Japanese
print fabrics, will be on display on Sundays after
worship. Donations are $1.00 for one ticket and $5.00
for six tickets. Don't miss this opportunity to own a
beautiful quilt!
West L.A. Connections
Handbells for the Holidays
October 9, 11:15 AM, Room 6
Handbells add a special touch to our holiday
worship services. Music Director Ashley Ramsey will
begin handbell rehearsals on Sunday, October 9 at
11:15 AM in Room 6. New ringers are always
welcome. Please see Ashley for more information and
to sign up.
Page 6
October 2016
Special Offerings
Giving to God through our Tithes and Offerings
Flower Donations
If you or your family would like to provide flowers
for Sunday Morning Worship, please contact the
church office or sign up on the Flower Calendar in the
Social Hall. Persons who donate flowers may take
them home at 12:00 Noon, following the Japanese
Language Worship Service.
On-line Giving
The church’s website has been updated to make
on-line giving even easier. A new tab has been added
to the top of the Home Page, entitled “Donate”. By
clicking that tab, you may give a one-time gift or set up
a reoccurring pledge.
West L.A. Connections
Page 7
October 2016
Japanese Ministry
Praising and Serving God Together
「シニアランチの 8 周年お祝い」
On October 22, we will celebrate eight years of Café
Aloha Senior lunch ministry. We will enjoy a special
guest and Matsutake mushroom rice, a very special
10 月 22 日 11 時より、Café アロハ・シニアランチを
する。8 年間、無事祝福されて続いたこのシニアミニ
Nichigo and Eigo-bu work together to carry this
ministry. We especially would like to thank Frances
Uchida for her leadership for 8 years. Eight years ago,
even I was involved in the cooking team. And we made
mistakes….and disappointed and laughed together!
9 年目になる今回は、特別ゲストを準備して、松茸ご
We sing the old Japanese songs and hymns. The
Bible story time has been always a blessing.
“Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am he who will
sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will
sustain you and I will rescue you.” (Isaiah 46:4)
は本当に感謝したい。ちょうど 8 年前のスタートの時、
In God’s eye, ji-chan & ba-chan are important, and
senior ministry is very very important. We must be
proud to have senior ministries. It is for God’s glory and
a privilege to honor ji-chan & ba-chan in our church.
May the Lord bless Café Aloha senior ministry.
Pastor Becky Hirata 平田
10 月 2 日 10 時半
12 時
10 月 9 日 11 時
12 時
わたしは背負って、救い出そう。」(イザヤ書 46:4)
10 月 16 日 11 時
12 時
West L.A. Connections
10 月 22 日 11 時
10 月 23 日 11 時
10 月 30 日 11 時
12 時
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12 時
Asian Cultural
October 2016
October 2016
2 World
10:30am Joint Worship,
Holy Communion, Family
11:30am All Church Potluck
6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA
9 9:30am English Worship
9:45am Sunday School &
11:00am Japanese Worship
11:00am Library Open
11:15 UMW M&M Mtg
11:15 am Handbells
11:15am Membership
9:30am English Worship
9:45am Sunday School &
11:00am Japanese Worship
11:15 Membership
4:00pm Yonezawa
Engagement Service
9:45am Sunday School &
11:00am Japanese Worship
1:00pm Ad Council Mtg
30 9:30am English
9:45am Sunday School &
11:00am Japanese Worship
2:30 pm All Church
6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA
11:30 am 80+ Women’s
Luncheon, Aki Restaurant
7:30pm Bible Study
7:30pm Bible Study
9:30am “Alive Now” Study
10:30am Tai-Chi Class
9:30am Prayer Meeting
10:30am Tai-Chi Class
7:30 pm Altar Guild Mtg
7:00pm Choir Practice
9:30am “Alive Now” Study
10:30am Tai-Chi Class
9:30am Prayer Meeting
10:30am Tai-Chi Class
11:00am Staff Mtg
7:30pm Trustees Mtg
9:30am “Alive Now” Study
10:30am Tai-Chi Class
9:30am Prayer Meeting
10:30am Tai-Chi Class
No Bible Study
7:00pm Sawtelle
Japantown Mtg
7:30 pm Finance Mtg
6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA
31 Halloween
9:00 am UMW Takuan
9:30 am UMW Workshop
11:00 am Café Aloha
9:30 Newsletter Folding
9:30am Prayer Meeting
10:30am Tai-Chi Class
6:00pm Halloween Party
7:30pm Bible Study
1 All Saints Day
7:00pm Choir Practice
7:30 pm Japanese Film
Holiday Boutique
Change your
clocks tonight!
6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA Mtg
West L.A. Connections
7:00pm Choir Practice
9:30am “Alive Now” Study
10:30am Tai-Chi Class
9:00 am Tanoshimi-kai Trip
7:00pm Choir Practice
6:30-9:00pm Kelton AA
Page 9
October 2016
All Church Conference
Sunday, October 30
2:30 PM in the Sanctuary
District Superintendent Rev. Mark Nakagawa will preside over the
WLAUMC All Church Conference on Sunday, October 30, 2:30 pm,
in the Sanctuary.
The All Church (or Charge) Conference is the church's annual
meeting. Through the Charge Conference, the local church reports
its ministries to the larger Annual Conference of which it is a part.
Important reports are made concerning the church's leadership,
vision, building, and finances. New officers and leaders are elected.
The budget for the new year is presented and voted upon.
All the church's members are asked to attend this annual meeting. Come also to welcome
our new district superintendent and friend, the Rev. Mark Nakagawa!
West LA United Methodist Church
1913 Purdue Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025