West L. A. Connections Where Nurturing Empowerment Welcoming Service Happens! A Monthly Publication of the West Los Angeles United Methodist Church West Los Angeles United Methodist Church 1913 Purdue Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025 Phone: 310-479-1379 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wlaumc.com Sunday Worship Services 9:30 AM English Language Worship Nursery and Sunday School 10:30 AM Fellowship Time for both congregations 11:00 AM Japanese Language Worship Church Office Hours Monday–Friday, 9 AM to 2 PM Pastors' Office Hours Rev. Gary: Tues-Fri, 9 AM to 2 PM Rev. Janet: Tues-Fri, 9 AM to 2 PM Rev. Becky: Sat, 10 AM to 12 PM Staff Rev. Gary Oba, Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Janet Cromwell, Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. Rebecca Hirata, Local Pastor Japanese Language Ministry [email protected] Midori Tashiro, Administrative Assistant and Newsletter Coordinator [email protected] Our Mission Statement Our Mission is to promote spiritual growth - Building a community of faith and making disciples of Christ by reaching out with compassion, forgiveness and love. At West LA UMC, building a community of faith is what we are about. West L.A. Connections January 2017 Everyone a Minister Have you ever thought of yourself as a minister? Has anyone ever called you a minister? Do you see yourself as a minister, this very instant, here and now? Most people would say, “Well, no.” When they think of ministers, they think of persons called by God who enroll in seminaries, become ordained, serve a church, etc. However, if you really study the word “minister,” it means something quite different from one who is called to serve a church. The word “minister” comes from the Greek diakonos, which means, “one who serves.” The word “deacon” comes from this word. The literal meaning of diakonos is “to kick up dust,” as one who is running an errand might “kick up dust.” Some other words for “minister” are waiter, servant, and administrator. In the Bible, Joshua is called a minister to Moses (Exodus 24:13). Samuel is a minister to Eli (1 Samuel 2:11). Paul is a minister to the Gentiles (Romans 15:16). Even Jesus himself is called a minister to the Jews (Romans 15:8). Anyone can be a minister because anyone can serve. The mother who takes her children to the doctor is ministering to her family. The father who coaches his son’s basketball team is ministering to young people. The person who calls a sick co-worker is ministering to the ill. Everyone can be a minister because everyone can serve. This year our theme as a church will be, “Monday through Sunday Disciples of Christ.” We want everyone in the church to think of themselves as a minister of Jesus Christ. When we leave the church on Sunday, we are sent to minister in our homes, workplaces, community, and church, following the example of our Lord. As it is written, “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9) Serving with you, Rev. Gary Page 1 January 2017 Prayers Connecting and Nurturing through Prayer As a community of faith, we support one another through prayer. Please include the following persons in your prayers. (Please contact church office for Prayer List) Narrative Lectionary Readings for January The following readings serve as the foundation for the Sunday morning 9:30 Worship Service. By reading these scripture lessons during the week, you can prepare your heart and mind for Sunday worship. January 1 Luke 2: 21-38 January 8 Luke 3: 1-22/ Matthew 11:2-6 January 15 Luke 4: 14-30 January 22 Luke 5: 1-11 January 29 Luke 6: 1-11 West L.A. Connections Page 2 January 2017 Worship & Studies Growing in Faith through Worship and Study January 9:30AM Worship Services Sunday School and Bible Studies January 1 – Epiphany Sunday Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Luke 2: 21-38 Theme: Jesus is a sign revealing the inner thoughts of many. Children and Youth Sunday School God calls us to grow in faith and knowledge. Children and youth are encouraged to come each Sunday to learn about God’s love and Jesus’ ministry, and to have fun and make new friends. Birth to 3 Nursery (Next to sanctuary) 3 & 4 Year Olds Cool Kids Room 1 K to Grade 3 Explorer Room 3 Grades 4-8 Trekker Room 2 Grades 9-12 Youth Room 8 (Second floor) January 8 – 1st Sunday after the Epiphany; Baptism of the Lord Joint Worship at 10:30AM, Potluck Lunch 11:30 AM Rev. Becky Hirata preaching. Text: Matthew 11:2-6 January 15 – 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Luke 4: 14-30 Theme: No prophet is approved by all the people. Tuesday Night Bible Study Tuesdays, 7:30 PM, Learning Center. Beginning on January 10, Pamela Ryder will lead a six-session study on the book, Slow Kingdom Coming: Practices for Doing Justice, Loving Mercy, and Walking Humbly in the World by Kent Annan. To order the book for $15, please contact the church office, or you may order your book on-line. January 22 – 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Luke 5: 1-11 Theme: Jesus calls us to fish for people. “Alive Now” Study Group January 29 – 4th Sunday after the Epiphany Praise Band Sunday Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Luke 6: 1-11 Theme: Showing mercy is the greatest commandment. Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30 AM in Room 2. The Wednesday morning study group uses the Narrative Lectionary Readings (on page 2) as the basis of their weekly discussion. Please see Rev. Gary for more information. New members are always welcome. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joint New Year Worship Service and Potluck Luncheon 2017 Administrative Council Officers Sunday, January 8, 10:30 AM Celebrate the new year at the combined English and Japanese language worship service on January 8, at 10:30 AM. Together we will sing, pray, and listen for God’s guidance as we begin the new year. This is a family worship for people of all ages. Activity bags will be provided for young children and communion with mochi will be served. Following worship, we will continue the celebration with an All Church Potluck Lunch in the Social Hall. Sign up to bring your favorite dish to share with others! Please bring your own serving dish and utensils. In order to reduce clean-up time for our kitchen volunteers, please take your dish to wash at home. Start the new year in worship and fellowship with your church family! Everyone is welcome! West L.A. Connections Please join us in welcoming the following individuals as our new Ad Council officers: Jeri Okamoto – Lay Leader Stanley Shimotsu -- Ad Council Chair Carole Nakano – Ad Council Secretary Sonia Dixon – Staff Parish Relations Com. Chair Gregg Omori – Finance Chair Elaine Sunoo – Membership Secretary Rocky Iwamoto – Japanese Lay Leader Thank you to all of our outgoing officers, especially Grace Seto, who has been our Membership Secretary for over thirty years, Rich Yang who has been our Ad Council Chair for fourteen years, and Elaine Sunoo who was our Secretary for over fourteen years! A complete list of officers and committee members is available by request from the church office. Page 3 January 2017 Children, Youth, and Intergenerational Ministries Inspiring the next generation of passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Sam Pryor and Mindfulness Meditation Ohana on Saturday, January 14, 2017 Please come if you are interested in de-stressing and enriching your life! We are honored to have Sam Pryor come and speak on Saturday, January 14, 2017 [10:00 am - 1:00 pm], to welcome in the New Year. Although our leader, Sam Pyor, refers to himself as a “nice Jewish boy from New York,” he is delighted to be visiting our church to speak about mindfulness meditation. Sam is connected to the church through his tai chi classes with George Kikuta, his many friends at the church, and his wife Amy who, for many years, was one of our choral accompanists. Sam is a graduate of Yale Law School and happily retired entertainment litigator (trial lawyer). He founded the Los Angeles group of lawyers who practice meditation. He leads a meditation group at the PLATO Society (a program of continuing adult education) and has taught many people and groups about the benefits of mindfulness meditation. He has practiced mindfulness meditation for nearly 15 years, participating in several multiple-day silent retreats and numerous classes. Sam emphasizes that there are misconceptions about mindfulness meditation: It is effective for everyone, even for those who, like him, have very active, restless minds; it is not in any way inconsistent with our religious beliefs; and it is not a strange, mystical practice. Rather, mindfulness meditation is a practical technique of using our minds in a way that gives us greater focus, equanimity and freedom, allowing us to act with wisdom and compassion rather than out of our old habits or automatic reactions. Please RSVP by December 30. Jane Shimotsu, Ohana Coordinator 2016 Christmas Program What a joy to see the Christmas Story come to life through spoken word and music! Thanks to all of our Christmas Program participants, including actors, liturgists, and musicians. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our 4th-8th Graders are invited to the Trekker Overnight Retreat, beginning Sunday, January 15 at 3:00 PM, and concluding on Monday morning at 11:00 AM. Our theme this year is “Kids Helping Kids” with a focus on how youth can make a difference in this world. This fun overnight event includes activities, cooking and eating dinner, Bible study and discussion, a mission project and (maybe) some sleep. Retreat leaders include Mike Dote, Lenny Gill, Sharon Kinoshita Gill, and Rev. Janet Cromwell. Registration forms are due on January 6. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Next Generation A few years ago, our Stewardship Campaign theme was “For the Sake of the Children”, and it focused on how our congregation embraces and encourages the children and youth of our church to become faith followers of Jesus Christ. This is so important! Adults – whether we are parents or not – have a vital role to play in raising the next generation of Christian disciples. We demonstrate Christ’s love and care by talking with children and youth, learning their names, and sharing an encouraging word. Through our actions, we impart Christian values and support them in their spiritual growth. Rev. Janet Cromwell Christian Education Meeting Sunday, January 22, 11:15, Learning Center The Christian Education Team provides learning opportunities for every age group in the church, including Sunday School, VBS, Bible Studies for adults, guest speakers, and more. Your ideas and suggestions are welcome! Please join us on January 22 at 11:15 in the Learning Center as we plan for the new year. West L.A. Connections Page 4 January 2017 Upcoming Events Learning, Fellowship, Serving, and Fun Café Aloha – Lunch for Seniors Keiro Class: Introduction to iPad Saturday, January 7, 11:00 AM, Social Hall Believe it or not, Café Aloha is now entering it’s 9th year! Please join us at this first senior lunch of the new year, on Saturday, January 7, 11:00 AM at the West LA United Methodist Church Social Hall. We will eat Japanese food, sing, and enjoy fellowship time together. Please use the sign-up sheet in the Social Hall to RSVP. Because we don’t want the kitchen ladies cooking their own lunches again, young folks especially, please consider helping out for a few hours. Tuesdays, January 17 - February 21 10:00 AM-12:00 PM, Learning Center Attention seniors and luddites of all ages. Here is the perfect opportunity to learn how to use that iPad that you may have been given for your birthday or Christmas but don’t quite know how to use. If you have an iPad, or have been thinking about purchasing one, and are interested in learning how to use it, please attend this free six-week Keirosponsored course, held every Tuesday from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, January 17- February 21, in the Learning Center. All the basics will be covered, including how to connect to the internet, use email and Facetime, upload, edit and share photos, and much more. If you don’t own an iPad, one may be borrowed for the duration of the class. The class is limited to a maximum of ten participants, and requires reservation. Please RSVP to Heather Harada at (213) 873-5711 or by email at [email protected]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Library Open for Borrowing & Browsing Sunday, January 15, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Learning Center 2nd Floor For more information about the Church Library collection, contact Jean Dote, Haru Nakano, Midori Tashiro, or Kathy Orebaugh. Jean Dote, Library Committee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Habitat for Humanity Tree of Life Fundraiser Sunday, January 15, Following Worship Churches on LA’s Westside are working together to build a home in Culver City this year. It is an exciting opportunity to make a difference in a family’s life by providing them a new home. To succeed, area churches must raise $150,000 and provide volunteers when the actual build begins. West LA UMC has already contributed to the effort, but more funds are needed to reach our goal. On Sunday, January 15, our church will host the Habitat for Humanity Tree of Life Fundraiser after worship. Churches will present a gift of a 3' x 4' tile installation to the family living in the Culver City Habitat for Humanity House! Each tile is 4" x 4". An image is printed onto the tile and protected from UV. The tiles will be installed on the sidewalk at Patience House. Be a part of this amazing gift! You can support the building of the tile installation buy donating $50 for each tile. For more information, please speak to Bob Bailey or Ken Ho. West L.A. Connections Japanese Film Night is Back Friday, January 27, 7:30 PM, Sanctuary Happy New Year! Greg, Jean and David Shikata will kick off the 2017 Japanese Film Nights on Friday, January 27, 7:30 PM. January’s feature film, directed by Keiichi Hara, is “Miss Hokusai / Sarusuberi”, (2015). It was recently nominated as Best Independent Animated Feature category in the Annual Annie Awards and even received a 95% Rotten Tomatoes rating. Set in 1814 Edo (now known as Tokyo), the film depicts the untold story of O-Ei, daughter of ukiyo-e artist Hokusai Katsushika, a talented, free-spirited artist in her own right, who is credited with having assisted her father on many of his works later in his life. Page 5 January 2017 Thanksgiving Dinner Report Good food and fellowship Depression: How Can Faith Help? Sunday, January 29, 1:00 PM, Sanctuary How do I recognize depression in family, friends and myself? What are possible ways to manage Depression? How do Asian cultural values influence attitudes on Mental Health issues? How can faith in God help us to feel hopeful, even in times of despair? Rie Mizuki, PhD, from the Asian American Christian Counseling Center, will speak to us on how to recognize and manage depression and discuss the influences of our Asian cultural values on mental health. Please join us and bring your family and friends to this educational presentation and discussion. If you have questions, please see Pamela Ryder. Sponsored by the Adult Education Committee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keiko Takahashi, Marina Takahashi, Rick & Yumiko Suzuki, and Naoto Tashiro West District Training Conference Saturday, February 4, 2017, 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Holman United Methodist Church 3320 W Adams Blvd The West District Training Conference is for both current and emerging leaders within local UMC churches. This day of practical ministry training includes worship, numerous workshops led by leaders throughout the West District and Cal-Pac Annual Conference, and a catered lunch. This year’s workshops include intergenerational ministry, confronting violence, prayer and spiritual discernment, cultural competency, and reaching out to the LGBTQ community. West LA UMC will pay or reimburse the $10 Registration Fee of church members who attend. Please contact Midori in the Church Office for assistance. It is easy to register online at www.westdistricttraining.com. Childcare is available for those who pre-register online. As part of this year’s mission project, please bring canned goods for the Food Pantry of Saint Mark United Methodist Church, which serves families and individuals who live throughout the greater Los Angeles area. A beautiful buffet table. We had around 36 guests for our Thanksgiving dinner party this year. We enjoyed three big turkeys, special glazed ham, traditional meals, Spanish soup, dessert, and many side dishes. Rev. Gary and Rev. Janet greeted our guests. We had a devotion time led by Rev. Becky Hirata. We also sang Christmas songs together. Thank you for your kindly donation and prayers, especially: Turkey donation: Frances & George Uchida, Rocky & Keiko Iwamoto, Youth Group. Turkey cooking: Rick & Yumiko Suzuki, Naoto Tashiro, Marina, Keiko and Toshio Takahashi. Special glazed Ham: Ramon Aguilar. Kid’s crafts: Rev. Janet Cromwell. Table setting: Youth group. Table decoration: Toshio & Marina Takahashi Donation: Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bailey, Chimie Hashimoto, Mr. & Mrs. Iwamoto, Tom Ota (LA Men’s Glee Club ), Mr. & Mrs. Greg Shikata, Yasuko Takata. Music and Devotion: Rev. Becky Hirata. Dinner Coordinators: Keiko and Toshio Takahashi. Please contact Rev. Gary or Rev. Janet if you have questions or would like more information. West L.A. Connections Page 6 January 2017 United Methodist Women Learning, Fellowship, and Service UMW Membership Renewal Due Now UMW Holiday Luncheon Our UMW Treasurer, Lois Tateishi, is accepting membership pledges through the month of January. The sum of $10 does not remain with us, but is sent directly to the District UMW. Your pledge serves as a reminder of your commitment to the mission of the UMW. As such, we ask you to accept the responsibility thoughtfully, with a full understanding of your obligations as a member of the UMW. For our UMW fellowship to achieve its goals, we need your full participation by attending meetings, supporting our program, assuming responsibilities as leaders or assistants; in short, being an active, contributing member. With your help, we look forward to a dynamic New Year! Eleanor Nakano, President On December 10, the United Methodist Women enjoyed a delicious Bento lunch, singing, games and an informative presentation by Mike Uriquez on the David & Margaret Youth and Family Services Center in La Verne. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pam and Eleanor present Mike Uriquez with a handmade wreath and donation to David & Margaret. 80+! A Group Tuesday, January 10, 11:00 AM, Aki Restaurant 80+! Is a group of WLA United Methodist Women that regularly meets at Aki Restaurant on the first Tuesday of each month. Originally started to give former Circle II women a chance to "stay connected," the fellowship has expanded and welcomes all women who are 80 and older to the luncheons. The participants enjoy great fellowship, much laughter, hearty lunches, fine service, and updates on UMW activities. For more information, please contact Aya Sase or Sets Yamashita, 80+ Coordinators. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Janice, Aiko, and Kathi enjoy fellowship time. Women’s Retreat Saturday-Sunday, March 25 -26 We are looking forward to our annual Women’s Retreat on March 25-26 at Aldersgate Retreat Center in Pacific Palisades. Our theme is “Sweet Life Café” – doesn’t that sound great? The Planning Team will meet on Sunday, January 15 at 11:00 in Room 2. Eiko and Yasuko enjoy the many dessert choices. Registration materials will be available in January. Please mark your calendar and plan to come! West L.A. Connections Page 7 January 2017 Special Offerings Giving to God through our Tithes and Offerings Thank you for your generosity (Please contact church office for list of special offerings) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On-line Giving The church’s website has been updated to make on-line giving quick and easy. You'll find a new tab on the top of the Home Page, entitled “Donate”. By clicking that tab, you may give a one-time gift or set up a reoccurring pledge. If you have questions about making an on-line contribution or set-up a regular on-line pledge, please contact Harriet Woo, Pledge Coordinator. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Celebrating Rose Honda’s 90th Birthday On the fourth Sunday of Advent, we celebrated Rose Honda’s 90th birthday with cake, sandwiches, and rousing chorus of “Happy Birthday to you!” Rose’s birthday is December 23. NJAUMC 2nd Annual Leadership Retreat January 7-8, 2017 The Camping Board is sponsoring a Leadership for our Jr. High Camp and Asian Camp Leadership Teams and also extending the invitation to include one Youth Director or Leader representative from our middle school and high school local church ministry programs. Please pass on this information to anyone that you think would be interested. Invitation letter and registration form are available at the West LA UM Church Office. Please note the dates for the 2017 Camping Program: Jr. High Camp: July -7, 2017 Asian Camp: July 23-28, 2017 Both camps will be held at: Camp Lodestar 6135 Blue Mountain Road Wilseyville, CA 95257 NJAUMC Camping Board West L.A. Connections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday Coffee Fellowship TimeLooking to 2017 Do you enjoy the Sunday Coffee Fellowship and refreshments? Well, our guests and visitors certainly do. It is a wonderful way to extend extravagant hospitality to everyone after Sunday Worship Service and Sunday School. For many years, Frances Uchida and Stacey Hirose and Gregg Omori have cheerfully served at Sunday Coffee Fellowship time and we give thanks to God for their faithful service, as well as all the Church Committee members who have served and donated the food for Sunday refreshments. Starting January 1, a new plan is being developed so that everyone can participate in providing refreshment food, two or three times a year. Each week, four people will be asked to bring baked goods, chips, vegetables or fruit for the Coffee Fellowship table. We are developing a schedule and if a date is inconvenient, people can exchange dates with others on the list. Page 8 January 2017 As always, if you would like to provide refreshments for a special event, such as a birthday or anniversary, please contact Midori Tashiro at the Church office. Pamela Ryder and the Coffee Fellowship Team West L.A. Connections Page 9 January 2017 Japanese Ministry Praising and Serving God Together 「新年」 明けましておめでとうございます。 今年も宜しくお願いします。 “Akemashite Omedetoo-gozaimasu!” Last year, we were blessed with two baptismal celebrations. God’s grace is abundant in our midst! This year, we begin with “Gantan reihai.” We will eat Mochi and celebrate “Shinnen” together. In Japanese culture, it is so special to worship God on the first day of the year. We earnestly pray for His blessings in 2017. 去年は、洗礼の恵みに 2 度も預かり、神様の 祝福を忘れられない 1 年でありました。今年 もますます主の恵みを受ける年でありたいと 祈ります。夏には青年のミッション・トリッ プを計画しています。生活の中で 100%神様 を感じる経験が出来るように祈り準備したい と思います。 This is the year of rooster. The characteristics are little “prideful” and sensitive, but “shinsetsu” (kind) and social. Well, I want to remember this year to stay humble, humble, humble, and let Jesus shine in my life. 今年は、元旦礼拝から始まります。礼拝後は、 食事をして新年の交わりの時を持ちたいと思 います。 そして、2 週目は新年礼拝を日英合同で行い ます。礼拝後のポットラックランチは、教会 をあげて楽しい交わりの時です。主が与える 時間をエンジョイして欲しいと思います。 さて、今年は酉年(とりどし)です。面白い 話しは、決断力、行動力、社交性があり、親 切で面倒見が良いらしいです。ちょっとマイ ナスな面は、本音を隠す。あきらめる。プラ イドが高い。神経質。内面的な部分の話しで しょうか。。。 信仰的に見る時、兄弟姉妹と仲良くして、親 切にするのはメチャいいですね。内面的な成 長には、大らかになり、忍耐と謙遜をもって、 主に近づくように教えられます。 May the Lord bless you abundantly! “Kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegai shimasu!” Rev. Becky Hirata ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 日本語部カレンダー 1/1 11 時元旦礼拝、祈り会 フェローシップ 1/7 11 時シニアランチ 1/8 10 時半 新年合同礼拝 11 時半 ポットラック 1/15 11 時 礼拝 12 時 協議会 1/22 11 時 礼拝 12 時 フェローシップ 1/29 11 時 礼拝 12 時 聖書勉強 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Young Adult Ishinomaki Mission Trip Monday, July 24 – Wednesday, August 2, 2017 This summer, our Nichigo group is sponsoring a mission trip to Ishinomaki for Young Adults. The participants will be visiting the Yamashiro-cho Kyokai and presenting a Vacation Bible School program for the children. If you are a young adult between the ages of 18-35 and interested in helping others, please consider applying for this wonderful opportunity. Rev. Becky Hirata 今年も主に期待して、喜びを持って新年を迎 えましょう。 West L.A. Connections Page 10 January 2017 January 2017 Sunday Monday 1 New Year’s Day 2 Tuesday 3 9:30 English Service 11:00 Japanese Service 12:00 Nichigo Potluck Wednesday 4 5 10:30 Tai Chi 9 10:30 Joint Worship, Communion 11:30 All-Church Potluck 6:30 Kelton AA 15 16 MLK Day 3:00 Trekker Retreat begins 6:30 Kelton AA 22 23 9:30 English Service 11:00 Japanese Service 11:00 Library open 9:30 English Service 11:00 Japanese Service 11:15 Christian Ed Mtg Office Closed February Newsletter articles due 11:00 Retreat Ends 6:30 Kelton AA 29 9:30 English Service 11:00 Japanese Service 11:15 SPRC Mtg 1:00 Mental Health & Depression program 30 6:30 Kelton AA West L.A. Connections Friday Saturday 6 7 9:30 Prayer ministry 10:30 Tai Chi 11:00 Café Aloha 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 6:30 Kelton AA 8 Thursday 10 11 12 11:00 80+ Women’s luncheon at Aki 9:30 Alive Now Study 10:30 Tai Chi 9:30 Prayer ministry 10:30 Tai Chi 11:00 Staff Meeting 7:30 Bible Study 17 10:00 iPad class 7:30 Bible Study 24 10:00 iPad class 7:30 Bible Study 7:30 Trustees Meeting 13 14 10:00 Ohana 20 21 28 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 18 19 7:00 West District Meeting 7:30 Finance Meeting 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 25 26 27 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 7:30 Japanese Film Night – “Miss Hokusai” 9:30 Alive Now Study 10:30 Tai Chi 9:30 Alive Now Study 10:30 Tai Chi 7:30 Altar Guild Meeting 9:30 Prayer ministry 10:30 Tai Chi 9:30 Prayer ministry 10:30 Tai Chi 9:00-4:00 USC Concert Choir Retreat 9:30 Worship Committee Meeting 31 10:00 iPad class 7:30 Bible Study Page 11 January 2017 Happy New Year! Sunday, January 8 Combined English and Japanese Worship Service 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary All Church Potluck Lunch 11:30 AM in the Social Hall Everyone is invited to rejoice in God’s gift of a new year on Sunday, January 8 at 10:30 AM. Rev. Becky Hirata will provide the morning message and we will celebrate a special communion with mochi. Following worship, we will enjoy an All Church Potluck Lunch in the Social Hall. Please see Keiko Takahashi to sign up to bring something to share. West LA United Methodist Church 1913 Purdue Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025 wlaumc.com 310-479-1379
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