26th October 2014 20th Sunday after Pentecost

Meditation day coming up in November. Anyone interested, please see
Gluten free wafers are now available and we have to find an effective way to indicate your preference. This Sunday if you can hold just your left hand up – we’ll see if
that works.
26th October 2014
20th Sunday after Pentecost
“Simply Sacred” - The Whangarei Choral Society is presenting “Simply
Sacred” on Saturday 22nd November at 2 p.m. Venue - St John’s Church (Golden) Kamo Road. This programme covers different forms of sacred music all
sung in beautiful harmonies with a range of soloists including Joan Kennaway.
Afternoon tea (tea/coffee and a piece of home baking for $2) will be available if you
would like.
We welcome you to our worship service today.
Please stay after the service and enjoy fellowship and refreshments with us.
People to keep in your prayers: Roger Allely, David Jeffreys, Paula Jakeman,
Anne Smith, Marise, Katy Wells, Bruce and Sheelagh Moodie, Victoria.
Prayer requests to Nancy Bollen 4338579—confidentiality assured
Pew sheet items to office by Thursday 9a.m. please—e-mail preferred.
Christ Church
Vicar: the Revd Denise Kelsall
Regular Holy Communion Services
437 6765
[email protected]
Vicar’s Warden: Sheila Swarbrick 438 8374
People’s Warden: Rosemary Roberts
437 6906
Church Secretary: Corry Beentjes
[email protected]
Christ Church Office :
437 6087
2B Kamo Road, Regent, Whangarei
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.whangareianglican.org.nz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/
[email protected]
Southern Rural Districts
Contact: Janet &Jerry Litt
432 3765
E-mail [email protected]
At Christ Church:
Wednesday, 7.30 a.m.
Wednesday, 12.15 p.m.
(followed by lunch)
Friday, 10.30 a.m. (B.C.P)
(preceded at 10.15 by
Litany of Intercessions)
Sunday, 7.30 a.m.
Sunday, 9.30 a.m.
Taizé, 6.00 p.m. 1st Sunday
Evensong 5pm 3rd Sunday
Messy Church 4 p.m. 1st Sunday
At Holy Cross, Portland
first and fourth Sundays, 9.30 a.m.
At All Saints, Maungakaramea
second Sunday, 9.30 a.m.
At Mangapai
first and third Sundays,
Inter-denominational service
But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the message
of the gospel, even so we speak, not to please mortals, but to please God who
tests our hearts. Thessalonians 2:4
Gracious God, within and beyond all creation
In Jesus you have shown us how to love one another.
May our love for you
overflow into generous service
and our words comfort and restore,
that we may be a healing witness to our neighbours
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Today’s Readings
Deuteronomy 34:1-12
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Matthew 22:34-46
Next Week’s Readings
Revelations 7: 9-17
1 John 3: 1-3
Matthew 5: 1-12
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church.
7 p.m. Today - 26th October
Cnr. Kamo Road and Park Ave.
From The Vicar
Last weekend was a full on time for church. With the blustery refreshing 4 hour ferry trip up the
Kaipara waterways for about 11 children and the same of adults, to the glorious voices of the
Graduate Choir Sunday afternoon and then Evensong, plus the usual services a busy and
rewarding time was had. It was great to have Marshall's family from Maungakaramea with us on
our ferry trip and for all the church youth to meet. A real big thank you to everyone last weekend
who made things run so smoothy, organised bookings, drove cars, made tea for our guests in
church and generally hung about doing those things that get overlooked. It was such a good effort!
Our good fortune in being in this part of the world and our mandate as Christians is why Mission is
important. Hannah Wright has just spent 10 days in Fiji and has come back with photos and tales
of life in a landless community in Nandau (close to Suva). People live on very little and fishing is a
mainstay for food and earning a few more dollars on the roadside. This community have one boat
and another would help enormously. We aim to have a fab Potluck with a Nautical theme on
November 8th. It will be a fundraiser for a boat for this community who have so very little. Come
along, have fun, eat luscious food - and Hannah will show you pictures and speak about what she
found there and tell us of this communities needs. We can consider adopting this village as our
mission focus for this year.
Next year is the year of Mark in our liturgical calendar and it begins in Advent. We have read
Matthew and Luke right through on previous years. Carrying on this tradition we will spend the first
three Sunday's of November reading Mark through and getting to grips with this distinctive voice the first gospel to be written and from which the others draw. We will continue with the time of
11.30 - 1pm. This seems to be a good time for many people but if there are some who would like
a weekday evening please see me.
It has been a busy Diocese time. With Synod in recent memory plus a Diocesan ministry retreat
and the week gone a ministry conference plus boards and meetings. Coming up at Holy Trinity
Cathedral on 23rd 1pm is a 3 Tikanga service celebrating Womens Ministry in NZ, 1814-2014.
This is being organised by the AAW, Mothers Union and the Hostel of the Holy Name. It
celebrates the weaving togther of the three strands of the Tikanga in our church. We are ric h
together and it is good to celebrate this.
A beautiful poem by Gerard Manly Hopkins.
Nothing is so beautiful as Spring –
When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;
Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens, and thrush
Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring
The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing;
The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush
The descending blue; that blue is all in a rush
With richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.
What is all this juice and all this joy?
A strain of the earth’s sweet being in the beginning
In Eden garden. – Have, get, before it cloy,
Before it cloud, Christ, lord, and sour with sinning,
Innocent mind and Mayday in girl and boy,
Most, O maid’s child, thy choice and worthy the winning.
November 8th POTLUCK DINNER.
This will have a Pacific Nautical theme and be
a fundraiser for our mission to the Landless
people of Nandau in Fiji.
Tomorrow Monday 27th October, 9.30am
There will be NO Selwyn Fellowship today being Labour Day. Sessions will resume next
Monday November 3rd. (Contact
person Pauline Farr 4371444).
8:30 am Saturday 1st November followed by
Led by the Companions of St
Francis. All Welcome
Our Auckland visit on 7 October was a happy
adventure for 10 of us! The Cathedral visit,
lunch at Marie Taylors, and being part of the
large fellowship at St. Aiden's, Remuera, made
our visit interesting and worthwhile For November – please note – we’ll meet on 2nd Thursday, 13th, not 6th (Arthur and I are visiting our
daughter in Queenstown – lucky us! )
So mark the date – 13 November. Noon –
1.30pm, in the Church; speaker to be confirmed. Come, share, learn, enjoy. All welcome! G. Needham 4377183
A long but lively and enjoyable meeting,
dealing principally with routine financial
and housekeeping matters. Some projects are taking shape - look out for a
spruce-up in the quiet room toilet, new
sandwichboard signs at the Twice Round
Shop, seats on the lawn (courtesy Whangarei District Council), and, but not until
January, a new roof on the hall: on the
social side, a pot-luck dinner on 8th November and, following the success of the
Kaipara Harbour trip, a picnic in Mair Park
and/or a visit to the Matakohe Museum.
And how about dropping a few coins into
that neglected box in the narthex to help
with the purchase of votive candles - we
get through an awful lot.
For the first 3 Sundays in November we
will be reading the Gospel of Mark and
exploring all therein as next year is the
year of Mark. Upstairs in the Organ Loft
from 11.30am – 1pm after church.
Do you follow our website and facebook
pages? (See back page for details) And
ACOM? Compliments flood in. We are
fortunate to have such a competent and
creative webmaster. For those of us who
are not computer savvy, it is truly worthwhile making the effort. Our site is now
linked with the much respected liturgy
site of the The Rev’d Bosco Peters,
Chaplain at Christ’s College Canterbury
NZ (try googling him). As from the
beginning of Advent our Webmaster will
become “vicar” of The Daily Office East
site. This will mean a NZ flavour will set
the tone for all the countries in the
Eastern Hemisphere time zone.
This thought-provoking study resumes
this week and continues every 2nd and
4th Wednesday evenings 7:00pm in the
NSQ Room.
Regular Events
The Thursday Study Group meets each
week at 2 p.m. at Gwyn Crawford’s
home, 16 Kiwi Ave, Maunu. Contact
person during Richard’s illness - Gwyn
Crawford 4386043
The Order of St Luke meets every 3rd
Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. All
welcome. Contact person Norma Ardern
430 8606.
“mainly music” is held every Thursday
in school term time in the hall—10.00am
start. Contact: Ruth Wright 4383808