NURSERY RESPONSE ELDER Bob Waters Infant Brenda Williams Jeanette Bledsoe DISMISSAL PRAYER David Pursch Toddler Alva Smith Beth Bonds GREETERS 8:40 & 9:40 Main Door Boyd & Shirley Smith ANNOUNCEMENTS Elders & Wives Chuck & Denise McCallister Bob & Kathy Graham Aaron Jacques SONG LEADER ELDERS WEDNESDAY (11/12) 8:40 & 9:40 Side Door Delores Mitchell Tyler Cornell 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. DISMISSAL PRAYER NURSERY Daniel Shipley Infant Frances Sloan Belle Shirley Knoxville, TN 37950 Permit No. 523 Our Mission Fax: 865.693.7655 Office: 865.693.0801 Kevin Bridges Email: [email protected] SECURITY Ken Carter Greg Morton LIGHTS/SOUND Curtis & Jeanette Bledsoe Sunday Worship Thursday Bible Study SUNDAY & WEDNESDAY WELCOME CENTER HISPANIC SERVICES Side Door Juan & Katrina Aponte Sunday Bible Study Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship Wednesday Bible Study Main Door Tyler Cornell Toddler Janell Strong Janet Hyman SCHEDULE OF SERVICES GREETERS Return Service Requested SERMON Brian Johnson Wayne Miller Side Door Nathaniel & Rose Davis Kevin Giles Chuck McCallister David Rollings Stanley Strong Jim Worley Main Door John & Ozell Giles Mark Burroughs Bob Graham Mark Newby Paul Shirley Robert Waters GREETERS PULPIT MINISTER DISMISSAL PRAYER Andrew Rivenbark November 9, 2014 Sack the Pulpit 6 p.m. 7 p.m. COMMUNION SERVERS Mitch Naylor Nathan Graham Kevin Rankin Josh Harrison Rudy Furman Austin Gentry Wes Chamblee Jim Bailey Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Phil. 4:4 To go and make disciples of all people, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded. Matthew 28:19-20 (paraphrased) COMMUNION Fred Lawson Eric Lawson COMMUNION PRESIDER Greg Boling A WEEKLY PUBLICATION OF WEST END CHURCH OF CHRIST 8301 E. Walker Springs Ln Knoxville, TN 37923 SERMON Don Brown PRAYER Norm Goucher PAID PRAYER E. J. Bourgeois Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage SONG LEADER Danny Winningham TLC: Blake Graham Weekly Mail-out Bulletin: Monday by noon Wednesday Update: Wednesday by noon Sunday Update: Friday by noon SONG LEADER James Bellamy Chairman (Nov-Dec) Kevin Giles BIBLE READING Grant Burroughs Deadlines for article submissions to West End publications: ANNOUNCEMENTS Gary Bickford SECRETARIES ANNOUNCEMENTS Mike McKee Debby Hughes Betty Thompson SUNDAY EVENING (11/9) OUTREACH & EDUCATION MINISTER Stanley Strong SUNDAY MORNING (11/9) YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTER Rhett Priode Privileged to Serve Fill Sacks to Fill Stomachs On Sunday, November 9, sacks with grocery lists will be passed out. Please take a sack and fill it with items on the list and return it Sunday, November 23. You may put as much or as little in the sack as you want. The goal is to “sack” the pulpit area with groceries for the needy in our area. If you prefer giving money see Lynn or Elsie Freeman. The groceries will be bought and added to the sacks on the pulpit. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” Matthew 25:35 West End News Prayer Concerns Patricia Lewis is home following breast cancer surgery October 30. Georgia (Penny) Hogan is home following rehab for knee replacement surgery. Gary Bickford’s daughter, Lauren Gannon, had surgery last week. It went better than anticipated. Sarah Wayman’s mother, Trudy Jones, is at Physician’s Regional Medical Center. No visitors are requested at this time. Dan Thompson’s mother, Jean Thompson, is receiving hospice care. She lives in Atlanta, GA. Jan Watt’s sister-in-law, Sue Watt, is home following hospitalization. She lives in Bowling Green, KY. Sympathy Elsie Freeman’s sister, Hazel Mallard, passed away November 3. She lived in Garden City, MI. New Members Peggy Forbis Rebecca Henderson 9237 Countryway Dr Knoxville TN 37922 (615) 476-7526 7540 Kilbridge Dr Knoxville TN 37924 Nathan (256) 810-5796 Kate (731) 336-4380 Trysten & Leah Sherwood Reese, Owen, Daycey 205 Howard Rd Loudon TN 37774 Trysten (931) 314-0936 Leah 696-2130 Miscellaneous Alpha Omega Adult Planning Meeting - Sunday, November 9, 4:45 p.m. in Room 217. The goal of the meeting is to formulate a calendar of events for 2015. Please come share your ideas and volunteer (pick what works for you) your service. Hispanic Dinner - Sunday, November 9, 7 p.m. in the Rowlett Room. Ladies Bible Class (Lesson 7) - Tuesday, November 11, 10:30 a.m. in Room 217. Childcare is provided. Pillowcase Sewing - Tuesday, November 11, 6:30 p.m. in the Rowlett Room. The pillowcases are for the youth group to fill with items and take to the Volunteer Ministry Center for Christmas. All seamstress abilities are welcome. Donations of 1.25 yards of prewashed cotton Christmas or winter fabric are still needed. Fabric and pillowcases can be put in the box at the Info Center. See Melanie Priode for details. 60’s Plus Potluck Dinner & Fellowship - Thursday, November 13, 6 p.m. in the Rowlett Room. Baby Shower for Maite Aponte King - Sunday, November 16, 1-2:30 p.m. in Room 208. Registry: buybuyBaby, Babies R Us and Target. Elders, Deacons, Ministry Leaders, & Ministers Meeting Sunday, November 16, 4 p.m. in Room 221. 209 Commander Way Knoxville TN 37934 288-3576 Nathan & Kate West Upcoming Events CUC Service Night & Fellowship - Friday, November 7, 6-8:30 p.m. in the Rowlett Room. Meet and pick up at West End. Dinner will be served. Cost: $3 per person. Bring a board game. Area-Wide Hayride/Bonfire - Saturday, November 8, at Rockwood. We will be leaving West End at 4 p.m. Let Rhett know if you are going. The Journey...Fall Retreat - November 14-16 at Pickett State Park. Information is on the WEYG board and in the Lighthouse. Don’t wait until the last minute to sign up. You don’t want to miss one of the best weekends of the year. We also need lots of volunteers to help! 2015 Budget Preparation Packages are ready. Completed forms are due to Dan Thompson by November 19. Wednesday Night Service Time Change - The elders are polling the congregation about changing the time of Wednesday night service to 6:30 p.m. There is a box in the foyer with slips of paper to voice your opinion about this possible change. New Address Wes, Tia, Micah and Sloane Griffitt’s new address is 10318 Harrison Springs Ln., Knoxville, TN 37932. Thank You Please check the bulletin board for notes from Marge Gainer, Amanda Seale and Christina and Tig Eder. Thanks so much to David and Kristi Simcox for coordinating our Trunk & Treat Event this past Friday where we had over 200 in attendance. We had many visitors and enjoyed an awesome fellowship meal together after some treating by our young people. We appreciate so much everyone who came out to do a trunk, especially our college-age group who had several from their group helping us Friday night. Thanks also to everyone who made contributions to our fellowship meal and helped put it together and cleaned it up. Most of all thanks to everyone who invited their friends to experience the fellowship of the West End family. Mike & Evelyn Sain FAMILY RECORDS Vol. LVIX No. 44 November 2, 2014 2014 WEEKLY BUDGET $19,977.00 CONTRIBUTION $22,712.38 ATTENDANCE 9:00 328 10:00 554 6:00 349 Wed 269
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