West L. A. Connections Where Nurturing Empowerment Welcoming Service A Monthly Publication of the West Los Angeles United Methodist Church West Los Angeles United Methodist Church 1913 Purdue Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025 Phone: 310-479-1379 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wlaumc.com Sunday Worship Services 9:30 AM English Language Worship Nursery and Sunday School 10:30 AM Fellowship Time for both congregations 11:00 AM Japanese Language Worship Church Office Hours Monday–Friday, 9 AM to 2 PM Pastors' Office Hours Rev. Gary: Tues-Fri, 9 AM to 2 PM Rev. Janet: Tues-Fri, 9 AM to 2 PM Rev. Becky: Sat, 10 AM to 12 PM Staff Rev. Gary Oba, Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Janet Cromwell, Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. Rebecca Hirata, Local Pastor Japanese Language Ministry [email protected] Midori Tashiro, Administrative Assistant and Newsletter Coordinator [email protected] Our Mission Statement Our Mission is to promote spiritual growth - Building a community of faith and making disciples of Christ by reaching out with compassion, forgiveness and love. At West LA UMC, building a community of faith is what we are about. West L.A. Connections Happens! February 2017 Going Deep These are not easy times in which we live. Various forces can squeeze us like a vise. Pressures at home, work, or in our personal selves can heat up and come to a boil and demand our attention. And far too often, we find that when we try to turn down the heat, the handle is broken. A young person graduates and has difficulty finding the right job. Soon the bills start piling up, including student loans. Pride prevents him/her from moving back home. Frustration and even despair begin to creep in. The Bible tells a story about a young person who was having difficulty with his business. His name was Simon and his business was fishing. In those days, fishing meant long days, hard labor, and fierce competition. It also meant being dependent on things beyond your control, like the weather. Simon and his partners weren’t catching any fish, and they were beginning to get frustrated. One day, at the lakeside, Simon encounters Jesus. Jesus said to him, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” (Luke 5:4) We can imagine Simon thinking to himself, “The nerve of this guy, telling me how to run my business.” But Simon does as Jesus says, and when he pulls up his nets, there are so many fish that the nets begin to break. Abundance is there for our taking, but we have to go deep to get it! There is nothing deeper than God. We go deep when we are on a journey to find God. The steps on that journey include such spiritual disciplines as worship, prayer, study, community, and service. When we go deep, we will discover the resources that will help us overcome any trial. As the psalmist wrote: Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God whom again I shall praise, my help and my God. (Psalm 42:11) Peace be with you, Rev. Gary Page 1 February 2017 Prayers Connecting and Nurturing through Prayer As a community of faith, we support one another through prayer. Please include the following persons in your prayers. (Kathy Orebaugh's father–health), Nancy Ichinaga (health), Rose Ikuta (health), Eiko Iwata (health), Judy Kajikawa (Marlene Sakamoto’s sister–health), Helen Kitamura (Fred Hifumi’s sister and Shirley Fujisaki’s mother–health), Junko Kubo (healing and strength), Ryan Lau (Bart Maeda’s cousin’s son–health), Jackie Lovell (Jo-Ann Ayres’s niece—continued improvement from stroke and kidney transplant), Cheyne Lowery (serving in the military), Wendy Kobayashi Lowery (health), Lyle Matsushita (Galen & Phyllis Murakawa’s nephew–health), Fusae Mayeda (Kenji Mayeda’s mother–health), Rev. Gail Messner (health), We give thanks to God and rejoice for: The generosity of our congregation. New members Susumu Kawakita and Manami Kawakita. Virginia Lavallee and Thrinicko Beaboa who became engaged the week before Christmas. The engagement of Eric Setoguchi and Kana Moriwaki. Deaconess Jeanne Roe Smith being honored as an Impact Maker to Watch at City Hall on January 19. Guests and friends worshipping with us. We pray for those seeking healing and comfort: Kenji Mayeda as he begins cancer treatment. Helen Chang and Mark Homes’ friend Lorraine Wong as she undergoes cancer treatment. Jack Ong who has moved to an Assisted Living Apartment in Colorado to be closer to his sister and her husband. Gisele Narisawa’s father, Hidemi Narisawa, who is recuperating after suffering a stroke on December 22. Giselle Narisawa’s aunt, Helen Mieko Ito, who is recuperating after being hit by a car. Robert Gonzalez’s mother-in-law, Elvira DeBernardis, who is recuperating from a spine fracture. Roy Izumi’s family upon his passing on December 24 (George Izumi’s brother and Grayson Izumi’s uncle). George Douglas Christie’s family upon his passing on December 27 (Doug Christie’s father). Akio Nomi for health and strength. Frances Uchida for strength and good health. Dave Cook for healing from severe back pain. President Obama’s past leadership and President Trump’s future leadership. Peaceful resolution to conflicts within our country and around the globe. Prayers for church members and friends: Please keep these persons in your prayers and contact them with your well wishes: Jo-Ann Ayres (health), Carla Bailey (health), Doris Berlan (Jane & Stan Shimotsu’s friend–health), Michael Byrd (Kathy Orebaugh’s nephew–health), Claudine Cababa (Phyllis and Galen Murakawa’s cousin’s daughter–health), Dave Cook (health), Mildred Cromwell (Rev. Janet’s mother–health), Patricia Hirata (health), Ellen Ho (Ken Ho’s mother–health), Sandra and Steve Hirose (Stacey Hirose’s parents–health), Albert Hopkins West L.A. Connections Page 2 Yae Miyahata (health), Yoko Mori (Frances Uchida’s friend–health), Steve Nagata (health), Kathy Naylor (Janice Mayeda’s friend–health), Akio Nomi (health), Mike Noriega (Phyllis and Galen Murakawa’s friend– health), Herb Okamoto (Jeri Okamoto’s father–health), Janice Okinaga (health), Yuri and James Ogawa (Phyllis Murakawa’s friends–health), Jack Ong (health), Sachiko Ota (health), Ferdinand Range (Patricia Range Setoguchi’s brother–health), John Sheridan (Jack Ong’s friend–health), Mits Shimotsu (health), Dorothy Stroh (Stan Shimotsu’s friend–health), Nancy Takeda (health), Lily Tanabe (health), George Tashiro (Naoto Tashiro’s father–health), Larry Toy (health & strength), Frances Uchida (health), Adam Vargas (missionary in Japan), Hunter Wong (Phyllis & Galen Murakawa’s grandson– health), Vicki and Mel Wong (Jane & Ken Harada’s friends–Mel’s health), Philomine Yeo (Geoff Yeo’s mother–hospice care), Massie Yotsukura (strength). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Narrative Lectionary Readings for February The following readings serve as the foundation for the Sunday morning 9:30 Worship Service. By reading these scripture lessons during the week, you can prepare your heart and mind for Sunday worship. February 5 Luke 7: 1-17 February 12 Luke 7: 18-35 February 19 Luke7: 36-50 February 26 Luke 59: 28-45 February 2017 Worship & Studies Growing in Faith through Worship and Study February 9:30AM Worship Services Sunday School Friendships February 5 – 5th Sunday after the Epiphany Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Luke 7: 1-17 Theme: Mercy has no boundaries. February 12 – 6th Sunday after the Epiphany; Scouting Ministries Sunday Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Luke 7:18-35 Theme: healing is the only proof necessary of God’s approval. February 19 – 7th Sunday after the Epiphany Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Luke 7: 36-50 Theme: God turns away no one. Over the years, Sunday School and Youth Group activities builds long-lasting friendships. Jessica Kim, Natalie Brush, Olivia Brush, Lily Sloan, Justin Yamaguchi, Rachel Floyd, and Samantha Kim enjoying their winter break together at the Santa Monica Promenade. February 26 – 8th Sunday after the Epiphany Praise Band Sunday Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Luke 9: 28-45 Theme: We listen to Jesus because he is God’s chosen one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday School and Bible Studies Children and Youth Sunday School God calls us to grow in faith and knowledge. Children and youth are encouraged to come each Sunday to learn about God’s love and Jesus’ ministry, and to have fun and make new friends. Birth to 3 Nursery (Next to sanctuary) 3 & 4 Year Olds Cool Kids Room 1 K to Grade 3 Explorer Room 3 Grades 4-8 Trekker Room 2 Grades 9-12 Youth Room 8 (Second floor) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lenten Studies beginning in March Tuesday mornings at 9:30 AM or Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM in Learning Center. This six-week Lenten Study will use Rob Fuquay’s book, The GOD We Can Know: Exploring the “I AM” Sayings of Jesus as a source for understanding Jesus’ message in a new and refreshing way. Led by Rev. Janet Cromwell, the group will read and discuss the author’s reflections on Jesus’ “I am…” sayings in scripture. The Lenten Study begins on March 7/8 and the book may be purchased through the church for $8.00. Tuesday Night Bible Study Tuesdays, 7:30 PM, Learning Center. Pamela Ryder will complete a six-session study on the book, Slow Kingdom Coming: Practices for Doing Justice, Loving Mercy, and Walking Humbly in the World by Kent Annan. Beginning on March 7, Lenny gill will lead a Bible study. New participants are always welcome. “Alive Now” Study Group Nichigo Lenten Study Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30 AM in Room 2. The Wednesday morning study group uses the Narrative Lectionary Readings as the basis of their weekly discussion. Currently there are about seven members in the group. They enjoy fellowship as well as delicious snacks. Please see Rev. Gary for more information. New members are always welcome. Thursdays, 7:30 PM in Rev. Becky’s Office. Why is the Bible important to us? Does God really care about us? Who is Jesus and why did he come? As we study and discuss together, may the Lord deepen our faith. Rev. Becky will lead this study in Japanese on March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 13. West L.A. Connections Page 3 February 2017 Upcoming Events Learning, Fellowship, Serving, and Fun Valentine Making & Souper Bowl Sunday Ohana 2.0 – "Children & Technology" Sunday, February 5, 10:30 AM On February 5, children, youth and adults are invited to enjoy a warm bowl of soup after worship. Your Souper Bowl Sunday donations will support hot meal programs for persons in need. After enjoying your soup, please move to the Valentine Card Making tables to create Valentines for persons on our church’s Prayer List. Supplies will be provided. Please plan to join us and share your creative talents on this important outreach project. Take the time to share some love with those in need. Your cards are truly appreciated! Saturday, February 11, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Sanctuary As a writer, photographer, director, and designer, Bobby Kim founded The Hundreds, a worldwide menswear brand. Celebrating 13 years of business, The Hundreds holds two flagship stores in LA and San Francisco, and a dynamic online magazine read by millions. In the summer of 2016, Kim opened his first restaurant, TikiFish in West LA. For the past four years, he has been working on his directorial debut, a documentary on streetwear entitled “Built to Fail: A Streetwear Story” set to release in 2017. Bobby will speak on the research and discussion around children and technology. With the AAP’s new guidelines that children 2 to 5 years of age should be limited to one hour of screen time per day - and babies and infants being exposed to none whatsoever - he breaks down the pros and cons of the screen on child development. He will also cover possible alternatives to tablets and phones for kids’ play, solutions and family media plans, as well as knowing the difference between screen time and screen use. We can’t fight the Internet, so it’s important to draw rules around it. Jane Shimotsu, Ohana Coordinator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Library Open for Borrowing & Browsing Sunday, February 5, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Learning Center 2nd Floor Did you know reading can reduce stress, make you smarter and improve memory? Start the New Year off with a visit to our library, where you can borrow books and DVDs (in both English and Japanese) on Japanese American history, Christianity, United Methodism, parenting, counseling, Japanese arts and crafts, cooking, language, fiction, and more. Our children’s area has books and over 100 DVDs for children of all ages. Please come by after refreshments and have a look! For more information about the Church Library collection, contact Jean Dote, Haru Nakano, Midori Tashiro, or Kathy Orebaugh. Jean Dote, Library Committee Friday, February 24, 7:30 PM, Sanctuary The award-winning “Trail of the Panda” is a very special and beautiful film about one of China’s rare enduring National Treasures – the Giant Panda Bear of Sichuan province. Filmed in the mountains of Jiuzhaiguo National Park, a mute ten-year old boy rescues a lost panda cub separated from its mother. The boy struggles to survive and protect the cub in a dedicated effort to return it to its mother. The both boy and panda form a unique connection, discovering the true meaning of courage and friendship. A worthy film for all ages. Lessons about life. Five Stars! All are welcome to this free event presented by the Shikata family. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 80+! A Group Tuesday, February 7, 11:00 AM, Aki Restaurant 80+! is a group of WLA United Methodist Women that regularly meets at Aki Restaurant on the first Tuesday of each month. Originally started to give former Circle II women a chance to "stay connected," the fellowship has expanded and welcomes all women who are 80 and older to the luncheons. The participants enjoy great fellowship, much laughter, hearty lunches, fine service, and updates on UMW activities. For more information, please contact Aya Sase or Sets Yamashita, 80+ Coordinators. West L.A. Connections Japanese Film Night “Trail of the Panda” Page 4 February 2017 Summer Opportunities Kizuna Summer Camp June 26-30 at West LA UMC Kizuna's Summer Camp is a local program for kids ages 7-12 (entering 2nd grade to entering 8th grade), centered on building a foundation of Japanese American culture & heritage. Find more information, registration materials and pictures of last year’s camp at kizuna-la.org/programs/summer-camp. Vacation Bible School – Hero Central! Women’s Retreat – “Sweet Life Café” Saturday-Sunday, March 25 -26 We are looking forward to our annual Women’s Retreat on March 25-26 at Aldersgate Retreat Center in Pacific Palisades. Together we will enjoy a “Sweet Life Café: Where Women Savor Time With God.” The Retreat begins Saturday morning at 10:00 AM and concludes Sunday at Noon. The program includes singing and small group conversations about scripture, friendships, and helping others. Everyone enjoys talking over three delicious meals, taking walks into town during free time, and making s’mores after the evening program. The Retreat concludes with a halfhour worship service with communion on Sunday morning. Registration Forms are available at the church and on the church’s website under “Get Involved.” You can register before February 19 at the low price of only $99! After February 19, the cost is $125. Registration ends on March 5. The Retreat is open to women of all ages and is the perfect place to make new friends and deepen faith. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ralph’s Community Rewards Update On December 26, our church received $196.68 from Ralph’s Community Rewards Program. Thank you to Ralph’s and friends and members of our church whose enrollment in this program raised these funds which are used by the Social Action Commission to host guest speakers, support missionaries, and other special programs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Congratulations to Deaconess Jeanne Roe Smith for being selected as an Impact Maker to Watch for her work on homeless and food insecurity issues. She was honored at a ceremony at City Hall on January 19. West L.A. Connections July 10-14 at West LA UMC Mark your calendar for this year’s VBS program! Hero Central will take kids on awesome adventures alongside some of their favorite Bible heroes and discover the qualities that make us truly heroic in God. Hero Central uses music, science, crafts, recreation, and fantastic Bible stories to help kids (and leaders) discover their strength in God! Director Jeri Okamoto is excited about this year’s program and looks forward to welcoming lots of children and volunteers this summer! Plan now to be a part of this fun and inspiring summer event! Asian American Summer Camp July 23-28, Camp Lodestar Asian Camp changes lives! It leads young adults into a deeper relationship with God, and helps them discern God’s direction for their lives. Asian Camp will be held July 23-July 28 at Camp Lodestar, Wilseyville, CA, and is open to students entering 10th Grade thru entering second year in college in fall 2017. Registration materials are available online at njaumc.org and must be completed by the participant and signed by one of the church’s pastors. Asian Camp is sponsored by the National United Methodist Japanese American Caucus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ West LA UMC Hikers Thanks to Bob Bailey for coordinating a beautiful hike. Page 5 February 2017 Special Offerings Giving to God through our Tithes and Offerings Thank you for your generosity Special Offerings Memorial Offerings In appreciation to George & Keiko Kikuta for Taichi Ministry Cooke & Elaine Sunoo In Memory of Mabel Kitsuse Mary Kumataka, Stan and Suzanne Kuwano In Memory of Takashi Sumi Rose Sumi In Celebration of 90th birthday of Rose Honda Keiko Kano, Arnold & Kim Maeda, Yosh & Toshie Setoguchi In Memory of George & Toy Kanegai Michael & Elaine Kanegai Lips In Celebration of 90th birthday of Nob Niwa Beverly Ariyasu In Memory of Shinichi Maesaki Ted & Wakako Maesaki Habitat for Humanity Kay & Rich Yang In Memory of Hideo Wachi Shizuko Wachi Imagine No Malaria Steve & Kim Sase In Memory of Suzuna Sekido Tomoyuki & Yauko Takata Tanoshimi-kai appreciation Sayeko Kubota In Memory of Yoshie Akiyama Arnold & Kimiko Maeda Youth Thanksgiving & Christmas Margaret Toy, Randall & Marlene Sakamoto In Memory of Jim Kitsuse Family Paulette Crawshaw Thank you Kubota Nikkei Mortuary In Memory of Abe Watanabe Family Paulette Crawshaw Addition to Shikata Scholarship Fund Gregory & Jean Shikata In Memory of Sidney Yamazaki Mark Fujioka, Robert & Mary Fujioka, Rose Honda, Rose Ikuta, Eiko Iwata, George & Keiko Kikuta, Stan & Suzanne Kuwano, Haru Nakata, Janice Nishida, Amy Niwa, Nob & Grace Niwa, Lucky & Fumi Sawamura, Joe & Grace Seto, Tomoyuki & Yasuko Takata, George & Frances Uchida, Harriet Woo, Diane Yamagata. Thanksgiving offerings– Pauline Nakagawa, George & Keiko Kikuta, Janice Okinaga & Elaine Okinaga ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christian Stewardship “Monday through Sunday Disciples of Christ” 2017 Stewardship Pledge Campaign Through spiritual engagement, we go forth into the world to live lovingly and justly as Monday through Sunday Disciples of Christ. As a church and individuals, we reach out.as Christ did to minister to the sick, feed the hungry, care for the stranger, and welcome all as our neighbors Your pledge to the church enables our ministry leaders to plan for worship, programs, special events, maintenance, and building improvements to fulfill our purpose and reach out to others. Please see contact Harriet Woo or the Church Office for a Stewardship Packet and Pledge Card. Thanks to those who have submitted their Pledge Card, and to those who plan to do so. Altar Flowers in January Celebration of New Year Yoshio & Toshie Setoguchi In Memory of Eileen Fukuhara Jimmy Fukuhara In Memory of Paul Terasaki Hisako Terasaki and family In Memory of Clarence & Helen Nishizu and Julie Ann Takamine Greg, Jean and David Shikata Thank you for beautifying our worship services with Altar Flowers on Sundays. West L.A. Connections Food Bank – Ken & Lisa Ho, Carole Nakano Page 6 February 2017 Christmas Offerings West L.A. Connections Page 7 February 2017 Japanese Ministry Praising and Serving God Together “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law.” (Proverbs 29:18) 「ビジョンを持つ」 2017 年がスタートしました。 「ビジョンがなければ、民はほしいままにふるまう。 しかし律法を守る者は幸いである。」(箴言 29:18) ビジョン、幻は預言者受ける神様の言葉です。ビジョ ンがない時は、何も夢も希望もないので、何を、目指 していきるのか、はっきりとしません。だから、人は 自分中心にふるまい、生きるのです。自分の欲しいこ とを中心に生きるから、心配も悩みも増えます。社会 に犯罪や悪が増え、コントロールできない位に悪が広 がります。なぜ、社会に罪が蔓延するのか。ビジョン がないからです。神様の言葉が臨んでいない時、場所 は、罪に悩むのです。 反対に御言葉が臨むと心は満たされ、主の業にわくわ くします。 イザヤ 2:1-5 を読むと、終わりの光景がイザヤに迫っ てきました。ビジョンはすばらしく、主の言葉を聞く ため、世界中から民が集まってくるのです。神殿が素 晴らしいからではありません。預言者が呼び集めたの でもありません。主の言葉が語られるから、押し寄せ てくるのです。そこに、救いがあります。 ビジョンがあれば、わくわくし、我慢をする力も与え られます。主の与えるビジョンは、人を生かし変える 力があるのです。 2017 年は常にビジョンを頂き、信仰の基盤である主の み言葉に素直に心を留め、歩みましょう。 2017 really has started! I would like to walk this year with Vision or Revelation (Words from God received by prophets). Why Vision so important? Where there is no Vision, there is no true hope. We live selfish lives, then worries and troubles always stay with us. In the society, we see crime and sin go wild. Blessed are the people who keep the Word. Vision makes us excited, because our God teaches us the purpose of our life. Vision keeps us in order and teaches us to Gaman even in troubles, because we see that God is going to help out in the midst of any troubles, to fulfill His Great Vision. When we read Issiah 2:1-5, we see Issiah having a vision of the end time. People are brought to the temple, not because the temple is great, not because the prophet is inviting them, but the Word is spoken. It gives life, salvation, peace that they never seen. Our faith is grounded in Scripture, the Word of God. Truly and honestly, we would like to receive the Vision in 2017 and walk humbly with God. 平田 Pastor Becky Hirata 日本語部カレンダー 2 月 5 日 10 時半スープ 11 時日本語礼拝 12 時聖書 2 月 12 日 11 時日本語礼拝 12 時半リコンサイリング 2 月 19 日 11 時日本語礼拝 12 時聖書 2 月 26 日 11 時日本語礼拝 12 時聖書 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome New Members! We are happy to welcome new members Susumu Kawakita and Manami Kawakita, father and daughter, who were baptized on December 25, 2016. Susumu Kawakita was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. After graduating from Hokkaido National University, he served in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery. Currently, he is serving as an Executive Director at Japan Plywood Association. Manami Kawakita was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. She came to Los Angeles during Middle School and graduated from UCLA, majoring MCDB. She is attending College of Veterinary Medicine at Western University. Kyoko Kawakita, Satoru Kawakita, Manami Kawakita and Susumu Kawakita West L.A. Connections Page 8 February 2017 February 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 5 6 9:30 English Service 11:00 Japanese Service 10:30 Souper Bowl Sunday and Valentine Making 11:15 UMW M&M Mtg 6:30 Kelton AA 12 13 9:30 English Service 11:00 Japanese Service 12:30 Reconciling Ministry Program February Newsletter articles due 6:30 Kelton AA 19 9:30 English Service 11:00 Japanese Service 26 9:30 English Service 11:00 Japanese Service 11:15 Women’s Retreat Planning Meeting 20 President’s Day 9:30 Prayer ministry 10:30 Tai Chi 7:00 Reconciling Task Force meeting 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 8 9 10:00 iPad class 11:00 80+ Women’s luncheon at Aki 10:30 Tai Chi 9:30 Prayer ministry 10:30 Tai Chi 11:00 Staff Meeting 7:30 Bible Study 14 Valentine’s Day 10:00 iPad class 7:00 Ad Council Meeting 15 9:30 Alive Now Study 10:30 Tai Chi 21 10:00 iPad class 7:00 Sawtelle Japantown Future Planning Mtg 27 28 9:00 Fat Tuesday Breakfast 7:30 Bible Study Friday Saturday 3 4 8:00 Registration Begins 8:45 Morning Worship West District Conference Training at Holman UMC 10 11 10:00 Ohana: Families with Young Children 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 16 9:30 Prayer ministry 10:30 Tai Chi 17 18 24 25 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 7:30 Bible Study 6:30 Kelton AA West L.A. Connections 2 9:30 Alive Now Study 10:30 Tai Chi 7 (Office closed) 6:30 Kelton AA Thursday 22 9:30 Alive Now Study 10:30 Tai Chi 23 9:30 Prayer ministry 9:30 Newsletter assembly 10:30 Tai Chi 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 7:30 Japanese Film Night – “Trail of the Panda” WLAUMC Women’s Retreat Saturday-Sunday, March 25 -26 Registration forms are now available for our annual Women’s Retreat on March 25-26 at Aldersgate Retreat Center in Pacific Palisades. This year’s theme is “Sweet Life Café: Where Women Savor Time With God.” Page 9 February 2017 Reconciling Ministry Program Sunday, February 12, 12:30 PM The congregation is invited to attend the program "Time in My Shoes – LGBTQ Stories" on Sunday, February 12, at 12:30 pm, in the sanctuary. Three families with ties to WLAUMC will share their experiences of having gay or lesbian children in their families. This program is sponsored by the Ad Hoc Reconciling Ministry Committee, as part of the church's discernment to become a Reconciling Congregation, one that fully accepts LGBTQ persons into all aspects of the church's life. The program is designed to aid in the understanding of gay and lesbian persons’ experiences and those of their families. Through this program, we hope to create awareness and a community of support for each other and those who may have questions on this topic. All church members are encouraged to come to this special program as we seek to deepen our understanding and trust. West LA United Methodist Church 1913 Purdue Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025 wlaumc.com 310-479-1379
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