West L. A. Connections Where Nurturing Empowerment Welcoming Service A Monthly Publication of the West Los Angeles United Methodist Church West Los Angeles United Methodist Church 1913 Purdue Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025 Phone: 310-479-1379 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wlaumc.com Sunday Worship Services 9:30 AM English Language Worship Nursery and Sunday School 10:30 AM Fellowship Time for both congregations 11:00 AM Japanese Language Worship Church Office Hours Monday–Friday, 9 AM to 2 PM Pastors' Office Hours Rev. Gary: Tues-Fri, 9 AM to 2 PM Rev. Janet: Tues-Fri, 9 AM to 2 PM Rev. Becky: Sat, 10 AM to 12 PM Staff Rev. Gary Oba, Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Janet Cromwell, Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. Rebecca Hirata, Local Pastor Japanese Language Ministry [email protected] Midori Tashiro, Administrative Assistant and Newsletter Coordinator [email protected] Our Mission Statement Our Mission is to promote spiritual growth - Building a community of faith and making disciples of Christ by reaching out with compassion, forgiveness and love. At West LA UMC, building a community of faith is what we are about. West L.A. Connections Happens! November 2016 November is Stewardship Month When my daughter was in elementary school, she was fascinated by the offering ritual -- passing the plate, congregation members filling it with money, and then the ushers leaving it on the altar. She loved putting her dollar into the plate and often hunted for loose coins around the house to give. One Sunday she asked if we could stay after worship to make sure that her beloved senior pastor, Rev. Gail, got lots of money because she thought she did a really good job with communion that day. I was a bit perplexed until my daughter explained that she wanted to watch Rev. Gail put the offering money into her purse, like a street musician collecting donations tossed into her guitar case as pay. I had some explaining to do! While our pastors don't exactly fill their purses or pockets directly from the offering plate, the concept of Stewardship isn't much more complicated than a child's pure desire to give as an expression of her love for God, her church, and her spiritual teachers. However, the "ritual" took on more meaning as her relationship with God matured and she gained a greater understanding of how the offering and other donations come through the church to enable it to function, including supporting our pastors, paying the electric bill, hosting Vacation Bible School, and many other ministries. She also learned that she could make a difference, even as a child, by donating her coins, by volunteering her time, and by treating herself, her family, friends, and neighbors with love and respect every day of the week. These are lessons for all of us as we reflect upon God's abundance and how we may share it as stewards of our church. During our Stewardship Campaign, instead of operating on auto-pilot, may we strive for a deeper relationship with God with the awe and curiosity of an eager child. As a result, may we discern a newfound engagement of our hearts, minds, and souls as we mindfully and prayerfully contemplate our giving within the context of our busy lives. May God guide us in gracious living and gracious giving. "Just as you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us - see that you also excel in the grace of giving." 2 Corinthians 8:7 Ms. Jeri Okamoto Assistant Lay Leader Page 1 November 2016 Prayers Connecting and Nurturing through Prayer As a community of faith, we support one another through prayer. Please include the following persons in your prayers. Junko Kubo (healing and strength), Ryan Lau (Bart Maeda’s cousin’s son–undergoing cancer treatments), Wendy Kobayashi Lowery (health), Lyle Matsushita, (Phyllis and Galen Murakawa’s nephew–battling disease), Fusae Mayeda (Kenji Mayeda’s mother– health), Rev. Gail Messner (health), Virginia Minami (Kenji Mayeda’s cousin–health), Yoko Mori (Frances Uchida’s friend–health), Steve Nagata (health), Kathy Naylor (Janice Mayeda’s friend–health), Yuri & James Ogawa (Phyllis Murakawa’s friends-health), Herb Okamoto (Jeri Okamoto’s father–health), Janice Okinaga (health), Jack Ong (health), Sachiko Ota (health), Ferdinand Range (Patricia Range Setoguchi’s brother–health), John Sheridan (Jack Ong’s friend– health), Mits Shimotsu (health), Janet Soares-Bean (Janet Hifumi Gunter’s friend–health), Dorothy Stroh (Stan Shimotsu’s friend–health), Nancy Takeda (health), Lily Tanabe (health), George Tashiro (Naoto Tashiro’s father–health), Larry Toy (health & strength), Adam Vargas (missionary in Japan), Hunter Wong recovery from illness (Phyllis & Galen Murakawa’s grandson), Vicki and Mel Wong (Jane & Ken Harada’s friends–Mel’s health), Sid Yamazaki (health), Philomine Yeo (Geoff Yeo’s mother–hospice care), Massie Yotsukura (strength and healing). We give thanks to God and rejoice for: The Youth and Youth Leaders for another fun and successful Halloween Party. Cheyne Lowery upon his graduation from Basic Training at Fort Benning, Georgia. Those who were baptized and joined the church on October 23. Our church’s faithful leaders and volunteers. The creativity of our women as they prepare for the Holiday Boutique. Guests and friends worshipping with us. We pray for those seeking healing and comfort: Mateo Bravo as he undergoes cancer treatment (childhood friend of Cheyne Lowery). The family of 15-year old Joseph Tachiki who died of a brain aneurism on September 29 (friend of Joshua Park, Brandon Yamaguchi, and Kai Kishi). Yuri and James Ogawa for health (Phyllis Murakawa’s friends). Walter Taiji Isono’s family upon his passing on August 4. The family and co-workers of Lito Reyes who died in September (Mike Ellis’s co-worker and friend). Lilyan Nitta for health and strength. Lorraine Wong whose cancer has returned (Mark Holmes and Helen Chang’s friend). Frances Uchida for strength and good health. Dave Cook for healing from severe back pain. Police officers who work hard for our community’s safety. The people of Haiti following the devastating hurricane. The well-being of our neighborhood. Peaceful resolution to conflicts around the globe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Narrative Lectionary Readings for November The following readings serve as the foundation for the Sunday morning 9:30 Worship Service. By reading these scripture lessons during the week, you can prepare your heart and mind for Sunday worship. November 6 Jonah 1:1-17; 3:1-10 (4:1-11) November 13 Isaiah 6:1-8 November 20 Guest Preacher, Rev. Jeanne Roe Smith will select scripture. November 27 Daniel 6:6-27 Prayers for church members and friends: Please keep these persons in your prayers and contact them with your well wishes: Carla Bailey (health), Doris Berlan (Jane & Stan Shimotsu’s friend–health), Michael Byrd (Kathy Orebaugh’s nephew–health and recovery from surgery), Mildred Cromwell (Rev. Janet’s mother– health), Patricia Hirata (health), Ellen Ho (Ken Ho’s mother–health), Sandra and Steve Hirose (Stacey Hirose’s parents–health), Albert Hopkins (Kathy Orebaugh's father–health), Nancy Ichinaga (health), Rose Ikuta (health), Judy Kajikawa (Marlene Sakamoto’s sister–health), Helen Kitamura (Fred Hifumi’s sister and Shirley Fujisaki’s mother–health), West L.A. Connections Page 2 Poinsettias for the Sanctuary Orders begin November 27 Poinsettia orders will be received between November 27 and December 18. Order forms will be available at the church in mid-November. The plants will be arranged in the Sanctuary for the two Christmas Eve Services on December 24, and Christmas morning. Join us as we prepare our sanctuary for glorious Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship services. November 2016 Worship & Studies Growing in Faith through Worship and Study November 9:30AM Worship Services Sunday School and Bible Studies November 6 – 25 Sunday after Pentecost All Saints Sunday Family Worship and Holy Communion Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Jonah 1:1-17; 3: 1-10 (4:1-11) Theme: God’s forgiveness and love exceeds anything we can possibly imagine. Children and Youth Sunday School th God calls us to grow in faith and knowledge. Children and youth are encouraged to come each Sunday to learn about God’s love and Jesus’ ministry, and to have fun and make new friends. Birth to 3 Nursery (Next to sanctuary) 3 & 4 Year Olds Cool Kids Room 1 K to Grade 3 Explorer Room 3 Grades 4-8 Trekker Room 2 Grades 9-12 Youth Room 8 (Second floor) November 13 – 26th Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Isaiah 6:1-8 Theme: God chooses, forgives, and consecrates us to serve God. Will we answer the call? Tuesday Night Bible Study Tuesdays, 7:30 PM, Learning Center. Following the theme, "Finding God in the World," participants take turns selecting and leading discussions on topics they have come across in newspapers, magazines, Facebook posts, blogs, etc. New members are always welcome. Please contact Rev. Gary for more information. No meeting will be held on November 15. November 20– Last Sunday after Pentecost; Christ the King Sunday, Wesley Foundation Serving UCLA Sunday Deaconess Jeanne Roe Smith preaching. November 27 – 1st Sunday of Advent Rev. Gary Oba preaching. Text: Daniel 6:6-27 Theme: God will foil the plans of those who set themselves against the Lord’s anointed ones. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Alive Now” Study Group Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30 AM in Room 2. The Wednesday morning study group uses the Narrative Lectionary Readings (on page 2) as the basis of their weekly discussion. Please see Rev. Gary for more information. No meeting will be held on November 16. Men’s Bible Study Group Trusts, Estate Planning, and Planned Giving Seminar Periodic Thursdays, 7:15-8:15 PM in Room 2. The Men’s Study Group meets on periodic Thursday evenings. Contact Fred Hifumi for dates. Sunday, November 13, Noon, Learning Center Everyone should have a trust! During this informative seminar, Rich Yang, attorney and Administrative Council Chair, will cover topics such as avoiding probate and title problems, health-care directives, power of attorney, grandchildren trusts and new tax laws. In addition, Rev. Greg Batson, President/CEO of the California-Pacific United Methodist Foundation, will speak on the topic of Planned Giving. The church has witnessed the problems that can arise when members become incapacitated or die without having a trust or health-care directive. This seminar will help persons of all ages to prepare for end of life decisions. Please let Rev. Gary or Jane Harada know if you plan to attend so we can prepare for a light lunch at Noon. We hope to see all of you at the lunch and seminar on November 13 in the Learning Center. West L.A. Connections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday Morning Parking Parking for Sunday worship is available at the Buddhist Temple on most weeks, however you must stop and get a parking pass each Sunday from Parking Coordinator, Daryl Hata. You can find Daryl at the church’s front gate. Street parking is also available on the 1900 blocks of Purdue, Butler, and Corinth, as is parking on the second floor of the Trident Center garage. Please reserve spaces in the church parking lot for visitors, seniors 80 years-old and older, and families with young children. Page 3 November 2016 Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Supporting Families in Spiritual Growth and Discipleship Ohana 2.0 Gathering Saturday, November 19, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM We look forward to the Ohana Gathering on Saturday, November 19, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. The Topic/Theme is “An Opportunity for Parents to Learn About Ways to Make Their Children Shine.” A panel of Early Childhood professionals, all colleagues of Rose Honda, will lead the discussion. This is another golden opportunity for parents to help their children shine! In December, please plan to participate in the church’s Christmas programs. Annual Youth Thanksgiving Eve Meal Preparation and Family Food Collection Looking ahead, 2017 is going to be a very exciting year! We look forward to our gathering on January 14 with Sam Pryor, who will be discussing "Meditation & Mindfulness." Then, on February 11, Bobby Kim will share on the topic of "Technology." These two presentations will prove to be a rich and rewarding beginning for Ohana 2.0 in the New Year! Wednesday, November 23, 7:30 PM WLA UMC Church Kitchen Please support our Youth as they prepare delicious, homemade turkey dinners on Thanksgiving Eve for three deserving families. If you are interested in supporting our Thanksgiving food deliveries to families who would greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity, please bring your canned goods and turkey donations On/BEFORE November 20. For more information or if you would like to know how you can help, please contact Emily Cook, Dave Cook or Valerie Harada. Jane Shimotsu, Ohana Coordinator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Children’s Holiday Activities Thanksgiving Card Making Christmas Ornament Making Family Christmas Program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark your calendars! There are three upcoming activities for children and families to participate in. The first is Thanksgiving Card Making on November 13. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to participate in a mission project by making cards to reach out to people on our church’s prayer list. Next, we have Ornament Making on November 27, during which everyone will enjoy creating the ornaments that decorate the tree in the sanctuary. Last but not least, the first practice for Family Christmas Program will be held during Sunday School on November 20. The program will be presented during worship on Sunday, December 11. We hope to see you all there! Furniture Assembly Crew Christian Education Committee Many thanks to Shirley, Sharon, Lenny, Jared, Geoff, Barry and Alex (not pictured) for assembling the new kitchen for Room 1 and a new Lego table for Room 3! We hope our children have a great time playing with these new items in our Sunday School Rooms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Children and Youth Release Forms Parents are asked to complete the Church Program Registration Form for each child and youth. Forms are available in the classrooms and from the Church Office. Thank you! West L.A. Connections Page 4 November 2016 Upcoming Events Learning, Fellowship, Serving, and Fun Library Open for Borrowing & Browsing Sunday, November 6, 11:00 AM Learning Center 2nd Floor The Church Library is open for reading and borrowing books from 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. New books and resources are continually being added to the collection. For more information about the Library collection, contact Jean Dote, Haru Nakano, or Midori Tashiro. Stop by and take a look. Jean Dote, Library Committee Tanoshimi-kai On December 3, Tanoshimi-kai members will experience the Christmas spirit as we venture to Walt Disney Concert Hall and listen to the famed Master Chorale accompanied by the piano and the impressive Disney Hall organ in their annual "Festival of Carols" concert. Prior to the concert, we shall enjoy lunch at the Ebisu Japanese Restaurant in Little Tokyo. We will leave the church at 10:30 am and return about 5 pm. The "Festival of Carols" will be the final Tanoshimikai outing planned by the Leadership Team of Sadie Hifumi, Grace Seto, Lois Tateishi, and Eleanor Nakano. As Richard Carlson, author of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff says in his book, "life is just one thing after another…. Everything has a beginning and an ending and that’s the way it’s supposed to be." We began planning "educational fun" outings six years ago and our first trip was the visit to Our Lady of Angeles Cathedral. We feel it's now the right time for us to end with this Christmas program at Walt Disney Hall. We're grateful and delighted with the camaraderie all of us have enjoyed with the Nichigo congregation ladies, English congregation members and friends, and community friends. We rejoice with thanks for six years of support and joyful participation, knowledge of new places, conversations, laughter, and delicious meals together. Eleanor Nakano ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Change – November 6 Get me to the church on time! Before you go to bed on Saturday, November 5, be sure to turn your clock 1 hour backward; for example, from 11:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Beginning November 6, sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier than the day before, providing more light in the morning. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanksgiving Dinner Party 2016 Everybody is welcome When: Nov. 24 (Thursday) 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM Where: W.L.A. United Methodist Church Social Hall 1913 Purdue Avenue, L.A., CA 90025 Start cooking from 9:00 AM at the Church Kitchen R.S.V.P. Please call before Nov. 22 (Tuesday) 310-479-1379 (Church office) or 310-818-6129 (Keiko) Let's enjoy together our Turkey dinner, games, crafts and have a time to praise and thank God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ God’s Gracious Welcome Each week, new guests and friends come to worship. What a blessing! We pray that, through worship, they will feel God’s presence and love in their lives. We also pray that they receive a warm welcome and that they leave feeling like they have made a new friend in the congregation. Throughout this holiday season, let us extend God’s gracious welcome to everyone we meet. Greet newcomers to our church. Ask your friends to come to worship. Invite them to be in mission alongside of you. Most of all, enable them to feel the joy of being in God’s glorious community of faith, hope, love, support, and service to others. Rev. Janet Cromwell West Los Angeles United Methodist Church Nichigo-bu 感謝祭ディナーパーティ 2016 のお知らせ 11 月 24 日(木) 午後 5 時から 8 時まで教会の社交室にて どなたでも参加できます。差し入れも大歓迎。 11 月 22 日(火)までにご予約をお願いします。 ご予約 310-479-1379 教会 または、310-818-6129 高橋まで ターキーを焼いてみたい方は、朝 9 時においで下さい。 伝統的なターキー料理、ゲーム、クラフトそして主に賛美と 感謝する時を持ちます。 ウエストロサンゼルス合同メソジスト教会日語部 1913 Purdue Avenue, L.A., CA 90025 West L.A. Connections Page 5 November 2016 United Methodist Women Learning, Fellowship, and Service United Methodist Women present the Holiday Boutique Sawtelle Japantown Community News November 5, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM The United Methodist Women of WLAUMC hold a Christmas Holiday Boutique of handcrafted items every other year. It takes two years for the women to plan and prepare all the handcrafted items for the Boutique. All of the proceeds from the sale of the Boutique crafts and food items are donated to charitable organizations outside of our local church. This is to fulfill our UMW mission of providing service to women and children. We hope that you will bring friends and shop at the Boutique and participate in giving to others. Country Store. A popular feature of our Boutique has always been our Country Store. If you have any new, or almost new, treasures smaller than a breadbox you wish to donate, please bring them to church no later than October 30. If you have any questions, contact the Country Store coordinator, Rose Honda. Rose will begin pricing the treasures the week before the Boutique so she would appreciate any help you can give her. Opportunity Quilt "Scrappy CreAsians." Please invite your friends to purchase tickets to participate in the drawing for the opportunity quilt. The drawing will be held at 2:00 PM at the close of our Holiday Boutique on November 5 (winner need not be present). The unique quilt, created by Grace Seto with Japanese print fabrics, is on display on Sundays after worship. Donations are $1.00 for one ticket and $5.00 for six tickets. Don't miss this opportunity to own a beautiful quilt! Holiday Boutique Set-Up. On Friday, November 4, at 9:00 AM, all hands are needed to set up tables, display goods, put up signs, etc. If you are able to help, please notify Work-Scheduling Coordinator, Pam Ryder, as soon as possible. In addition, she will be making a work schedule for the day of our Boutique and would appreciate the times of your availability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sawtelle Japantown historical walking tour. Last May, Little Tokyo Historical Society (LTHS) requested and the writer volunteered to develop and lead a tour of Sawtelle Japantown. The 3-hours walking tour started at the Japanese Institute of Sawtelle; the 20002100 blocks of Sawtelle Blvd; and, to Hashimoto Nursery and the former Kobayakawa boarding houses on the 1900 block. LTHS was so appreciative of our efforts, they sent an unexpected orei to Sawtelle Japantown Association (a part of JIS). At each of 13 planned stops, one of the sons or daughters who actually grew up there with their proprietor-parents explained what it was like - only one burger-taco stand, plus about 30 shops provided groceries, a wide variety of services and a pharmacist, all who spoke Nihongo for the issei. Amazing this has become 82 stores, including 52 restaurants. And, still expanding - Nihon's largest chain Udon-ya has announced opening soon, Sawtelle is their first location in mainland USA. Our entire tour was videographed by the Japanese-American National Museum. Wall murals to commemorate "100-years of Sawtelle Japantown." A community committee, chaired by the writer, has started to plan large, public wall murals covering the sides of two buildings in the 2000 block of Sawtelle Blvd. These murals will showcase the cultural legacy of our pioneering issei and nisei. We hope to invite the public to help paint. We have received preliminary interest to telecast this creation by our local KNBC-TV, and in Nihon, by one of the major domestic TV networks. Ted Tanaka ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Japanese Film Night Thank you very much to all, for five years of generosity and support for our monthly “Friday Night at the Movies” program, featuring classic and contemporary Japanese films. I have received so many kind words, cards, letters and gestures of appreciation from those who look forward to the movies. My hope is that our Japanese movie screenings in 2017 will continue to help support and promote the Mission Statement of this Church, our very active and generous faith membership, and our neighborhood community as well. On behalf of Jean, David and myself, thank you for allowing us, in some small measure to serve this long-standing Church and serve God with a grateful heart. Greg Shikata 80+! A Group Tuesday, November 2, 11:00 AM, Aki Restaurant 80+! A group of WLA United Methodist Women regularly meets at Aki Restaurant on the first Tuesday of each month. Originally started to give former Circle II women a chance to "stay connected," the fellowship has expanded and all women who are 80 and older are welcome to the luncheons. The participants enjoy great fellowship, much laughter, hearty lunches, fine service, and updates on current and upcoming UMW activities. For more information, please contact Aya Sase or Sets Yamashita, 80+ Coordinators. West L.A. Connections Page 6 November 2016 Special Offerings Giving to God through our Tithes and Offerings Thank you for your generosity Special Offerings Memorial Offerings Flower Donations If you or your family would like to provide flowers for Sunday Morning Worship, please contact the church office or sign up on the Flower Calendar in the Social Hall. Persons who donate flowers may take them home at 12:00 Noon, following the Japanese Language Worship Service. On-line Giving Altar Flowers for October West L.A. Connections The church’s website has been updated to make on-line giving even easier. A new tab has been added to the top of the Home Page, entitled “Donate”. By clicking that tab, you may give a one-time gift or set up a reoccurring pledge. Page 7 November 2016 Japanese Ministry Praising and Serving God Together 「感謝祭ディナー」 Every year, Nichigo holds Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving Day at 5pm. Since we do not really eat turkey in Japan, it will be a special dinner for many. We are very grateful for Takahashi family who has been organizing this special dinner gathering. 今年も感謝祭のシーズンがやってきました。 日本より来られて間もない方は、七面鳥を食 べる機会など、一度もなかったかもしれませ ん。食べたいけど、ターキーを丸焼きするの は、量が多すぎると思う方もおられます。毎 年、私達の教会では、高橋ファミリーが中心 になり、感謝祭の夜はターキーディナーをし ています。もし、一度食べてみたい方、料理 するのが難しいと思うかたは、教会のターキ ーディナーに参加してみてください。 一年に一度は恒例の七面鳥を丸焼きして、マ ッシュトポテト、ヤム、コーン、クランベリ ー、パンプキンパイなど、アメリカ伝統料理 をエンジョイしたいと思います。 11 月 24 日(木)5 時からディナーが始まり ます。七面鳥の料理を見たい方は、朝 10 時 から準備に入るので、参加して下さい。そし て、食後は、賛美歌を歌ったり、一年の感謝 を忘れない時を持ちたいと思います。お友達 も誘って一緒に来て下さい。 Also, on Sunday after Thanksgiving Day, we eat Turkey Zosui after worship service. Zosui will be very good for our stomach after eating too much oishii food for 3 days! As Issei immigrants, we are very thankful for God’s provision. He has sustained our life and provided enough for us in America. And just like the first church, we pray that God will bless our time together. “They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:46-47) As we enter into a special holiday season, our God is to be praised for who He is. Pastor Becky Hirata 平田 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 次の日曜日、11 月 27 日には、ターキー雑炊 を礼拝後に食べます。感謝祭のホリデーに食 べすぎたお腹を癒してくれます。 日本語部カレンダー 11/6 11 時 礼拝 12 時 協議会 11/13 11 時 礼拝 12 時 聖書勉強 11/20 11 時 感謝祭礼拝 12 時 聖書勉強 11/24 10 時 感謝祭料理 5 時 感謝祭ディナー 11/27 11 時 礼拝 12 時 祈り会、雑炊ランチ 「心を一つにして宮に集まり、家でパンを裂 き、喜びと真心をもって食事をともにし、神 を賛美し、全ての民に好意を持たれた。主も 毎日救われる人々を仲間に加えてくださっ た。」(使徒 2:46-47)初代教会を思わせる 時が持てることを祈ります。 神様を賛美して、人々に好意を持たれる教会 であり、救われる人を主が起こしてくださる ように。アーメン。 West L.A. Connections Page 8 November 2016 November 2016 Sunday Monday Let us come into God’s presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to God with songs of praise! Psalm 95.2 Tuesday Wednesday 7 2 3 4 5 9:30 Alive Now Study 10:30 Tai Chi 9:30 Prayer ministry 10:30 Tai Chi 9:00 Holiday Boutique set-up 10:00-2:00 Holiday Boutique 8 Election Day 6:30 Kelton AA 7:30 Bible Study 13 14 15 20 WF Sunday 9:30 English Service 11:00 Japanese Service 11:15 Martha Mary Circle 1:00 Ad Council Meeting 27 First Sunday in Advent 9:30 English Service 10:30 Ornament Making 11:00 Japanese Service Poinsettia Orders Begin. 9 10 9:30 Alive Now Study 10:30 Tai Chi 9:30 Prayer ministry 10:30 Tai Chi 11:00 Staff Meeting 11 12 9:30 UCLA Dance Grp 10:00 Memorial Service for Kikue Shikami 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 16 17 (No Alive Now Study) 10:30 Tai Chi 9:30 Prayer ministry 10:30 Tai Chi (No Bible Study) 7:00 Sawtelle Japantown Meeting 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 21 22 23 24 Thanksgiving 6:30 Kelton AA 7:30 Bible Study 7:30 Youth Thanksgiving Prep 5:00 Nichigo hosts Thanksgiving Dinner 28 29 30 6:30 Kelton AA 7:30 Bible Study West L.A. Connections Daylight Savings Time ends 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 6:30 Kelton AA 9:00 Altar Guild Set-up Saturday 11:00 80+ Women’s Luncheon, Aki Restaurant 9:30 Family Worship and Communion 10:30 Holiday Boutique After-Sale 11:00 Japanese Service 9:30 English Service 10:30 Card Making 11:00 Japanese Service 12:00 Light Lunch 12:30 Estate Planning Presentation Friday 1 7:30 Bible Study 6 All Saint’s Day Thursday 9:30 Newsletter folding 9:30 Alive Now Study 10:30 Tai Chi 9:30 Alive Now Study 10:00 Tai chi Page 9 9:00 Dinner Preparations begin in church kitchen 18 19 9:00 Gal Friday Circle 25 Office Closed 9:30 UCLA Dance Grp 10:00 Ohana Gathering 26 Note: December Newsletter Articles are due on November 13. November 2016 Holiday Boutique Saturday, November 5 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Handmade Quilts, Table Runners, and Gift Tags Strawberry Freezer Jam and Takuan, Baked Goods and Chirashi, Hand-dyed Silk Scarves, Holiday Decorations, Candles and Soaps, Unique Gift Items Country Store, and much more! . West LA United Methodist Church 1913 Purdue Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025 wlaumc.com 310-479-1379
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