“For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich;” -Matthew 25:29 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION 16 NOVEMBER Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Matthew 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 17 Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious Revelation 1:1-4, 2:1-5 Luke 18:35-43 18 Revelation 3:1-6, 14-22 Luke 19:1-10 19 Revelation 4:1-11 Luke 19:11-28 20 Revelation 5:1-10 Luke 19:41-44 21 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Revelation 10:8-11 Luke 19:45-48 22 Saint Cecilia, Virgin & Martyr Revelation 11:4-12 Luke 20:27-40 Next Sunday’s Reading: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 23, 2014 Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28 Matthew 25:31-46 Joy is love, the normal result of a heart burning with love. Joy is a need and a physical power. Our lamp will be burning with sacrifices made out of love if we have joy. Bulletin Notices: Anointing of the Sick: Requests for notices must be submitted to the church office by close of business on Monday. Submissions must include contact person, phone number and dates for publication. All notices are subject to approval by the Pastor. Please call the parish office to schedule anointing of the sick. Hospital patients may contact the hospital staff for a Chaplain on board. Communion for the Homebound: A priest is available to bring Communion to the Homebound on every first Friday of the Welcome! New parishioners are month. Please notify the parish office. encouraged to register at the parish office, Funerals: Please notify the parish office as well as participate in parish activities before making funeral arrangements with and ministries. Please check the last page the mortuary. Funeral arrangements must of this bulletin for more information on our be cleared and confirmed with the parish parish ministries. office before dates are set. New Parishioners: Sacrament of Baptism: House Blessing: Baptism is celebrated on scheduled Saturdays of the month at 4:30 pm. Please pre-register at the parish office with your baby’s Birth Certificate at least 2 months before anticipated date of baptism. Both parents must attend a scheduled interview with a Priest/Deacon/Director on Thursday or Saturday between 8—10 am. A twohour pre-baptism class for parents and godparents is held on select Thursdays at 6:30 pm before the baptism date. Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am; and 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Please schedule appointments with the parish office. Car Blessing / Religious Article Blessing: Call the Parish Office during office hours to schedule . RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Adult (25 yrs. and older) Faith Formation program for Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Please call Guideline requirements are provided to Deacon Keith Galang @ 677-4276 Anna the couple prior to the 1st interview. Parks @ 352-3251 or Roger/Anna Acebo Contact the parish office at least 6-12 @1 888 584-8446 Sacrament of Matrimony: months in advance for an interview with a priest/deacon. The official marriage preparation program is the Hawaii Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend.www.hawaiicee.org RCIC-Religious Education for Children to Young Adults Grades Pre-K, Elem., Middle and High school students. Also includes young adults 18 yrs. to 24 years old. Inquire with Confessions: Saturday at 4:00 pm to 5:00 the Director of Religious Education Office pm or by appointment. at 676-3493 or Fax 671-4677. Email: [email protected] Year for Consecrated Life (YCL) Opening Mass with Bishop Silva Sunday, November 30, 2014 @ 12:00 pm-1:30 pm @Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, Honolulu Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life be celebrated throughout the world. YCL will begin on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014. It will close on the World Day of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2016. Pope Francis offers the following tips to GROW in your consecration: ◊REMEMBER-when Jesus first lovingly gazed at you. ◊PRAY-make time to listen and learn from the Lord, to adore and worship. ◊SERVE-united with Christ, following this daily generosity, witness to his mercy. ◊STUDY-The Good News, lives of the saints, spiritual writings. ◊CONSIDER-becoming a priest, sister, brother or deacon, encourage others. ◊JOY-be joyful. St. Joseph Parish, Waipahu—News Page 2 SPIRITUAL REFLECTION Use It or Lose It! Who is the “master” in the story? Is he the “Lord”—the heavenly father or the Lord Jesus? The third servant describes him as a demanding master: arrogant, opportunistic, greedy, harvesting where he did not plant and gathering where he did not scatter. And so we think again: Jesus may just be plucking out of life a greedy character who seeks to enrich himself further. What about the servants? In the story, the master praises the first two servants for doubting the talents entrusted to them. Are they worthy of imitation? They may have been just as ruthless and unconscionable as their master who may be approving them for imitating him. Like master, like servants! And the third servant ? He may be seen as the one who does the honorable thing. Jesus’ audience probably realizes that what the third servant does with the talent is both legal and safe. In the parable, the focus is on the third servant who is condemned as “wicked and lazy” and whose talent is taken away from him. The opportunistic and hard-nosed master expected him to take risks and obtain results, not to play it safe by hiding the talent in the ground. This may be the view of the greedy master, but there is a grain of truth to it. In life, if one does not take risks, one eventually becomes a loser. “Use it or love it!” goes a saying. And this may be true of eternal life, too. Jesus himself can be regarded as a model of “reckless living”—he is careless about his life and reputation by associating with sinners and outcasts, by healing on the Sabbath, by criticizing the religious leaders. Is he not telling us by word and example that one cannot save anything without risking it? -365 Days with the Lord /Liturgical Biblical Diary2014/St PaulsPhilippines Reflections In your own experience, what were the things that sometimes prevented you from seeing God’s actions in your life? “How lovely your dwelling, O Lord of hosts” -Ps 84:2. How do we treasure God’s gift of salvation? To wage peace is an option. How do you in your own little ways promote peace? “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him” -Jn 14:23. Jesus’ resurrection ushers in a new age. When do you envision this resurrection event taking effect in your life— while you are living or after you die? -365 Days with the Lord /Liturgical Biblical Diary2014/St PaulsPhilippines “Civilization, in the real sense of the term, consists not in multiplication, but in the deliberate and voluntary reduction of wants. This alone promotes real happiness and contentment.” -Mahatma Gandhi St. Joseph Parish, Waipahu—News Page 3 CHURCH/SCHOOL EVENTS LAST SUNDAY’S STEWARDSHIP Last Sunday Masses Collection 2nd Collection for Development & Building Fund Adult Faith Formation Deposit All Saints All Souls Baptism Blessings Candles Development & Building Fund Donation (Our Lady of Fatima) 1st Friday Collection for D & B Fund Funeral Healing Mass Mass Intentions Offering Box Donation (Church) OLPH Wednesday Collection Outreach Religious Articles World Mission Sunday 30.00 325.00 242.65 500.00 276.72 906.00 93.49 302.25 20.00 16.00 35.00 TOTAL Mass Donations to St. Joseph School: $156.42 Mahalo for supporting our parish school! Sunday, November 16 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Outreach Food Pantry Sunday 8:00 am SJS School Sponsored Mass 9:00 am Ladies Altar Society Meeting-Parish Hall 3:00 pm Tagalog Mass 6:00 pm AGAPE Retreat Meeting-Parish Hall Monday, November 17 6:00 pm Religious Education Thanksgiving Mass Tuesday, November 18 6:00 pm AFF Workshop (The Mass Explained) in Church Wednesday, November 19 8:15 am SJS School Wide Worship 6:30 pm OLPH Novena/Mass Thursday, November 20 6:30 pm Baptismal Class in Church Saturday, November 22 4:00 pm Confessions 4:30 pm Baptismal Service 6:00 pm Vigil Mass Sunday, November 23 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 2nd Collection: Catholic Campaign for Human Development 9:00 am Knights of Columbus Meeting-Parish Hall 6:00 pm AGAPE Meeting-Parish Hall Missa Pro Populo - Mass for the People-2014 Rotation Schedule *Individual Mass Intentions are not read at these masses: Nov: 16/6 am, 23/8 am, 30/10 am Dec: 7/12 pm, 14/5 pm, 21/7 pm, 28/6 pm *Month/Day/Time Prayer Offerings for Healing: William Domingo, Marylin Lobiano, Gloria Balidio, Rosario OUTREACH FOR THE FOOD PANTRY Bayaca, Juliana Amboy, Diane Dano Enos, Helen & Jesus Please kokua! W e need your Santos, Timotea Batangan, Pearlyn Lawas Daguman, donations for our hungry brothers and Francisco Alcantara, Florida Felipe, Ron & Priscilla sisters! Please bring your donations Davin, Ralph Aranita, Rosalia Oamil, Teresa Grace, to Mass or to the church office. Thank Eufemia Melendez, Lucy Aguilar, Soane Uiagalelei, Joe you for your kindness and generosity! Espinosa, Hermie Cabuhat, Leonida Yagin, Nenita God bless you all! Catangui, Eleanore Yamane, Anna Parks, Pol Empleo, Eleanore, Teresita Colobong, Dionisio & Celerina De Funeral Services Guzman, Kalama Tampos, Lee Lagman, Ko Chan Malia, Agapito Mendoza, Jr, 59 years old Elena Butuyan, Atanacio Tino Tolentino, Violet Mendoza, Theresa Robles, Bayleigh Kaslausky, Wednesday, Nov. 19 6:30 pm Wake Service at Mililani Mauka Chapel Sammy Domingo, Flores Salud, PaulAndrew Rhoden, Karen Canada, Thursday, Nov. 20 8:30 am Church Visitation; 9:30 am Funeral Mass Emma Peralta, Robert Solon, Josephine 11:00 am Burial at Mililani Memorial Park Galapia, Eloise Williams, Romeo Felipe, Feliza Zampaga, 94 years old Ricky Sandry, Frances Yoza, Toby Sunday, Nov 23 6:30 pm Wake Service at Mililani Makai Chapel Lee, Joan Lewin, Judith & Lauren Monday, Nov 24 8:30 am Church Visitation; 9:30 am Funeral Mass Revilla, Sally Julian and 11:00 am Burial at Mililani Memorial Park Patricia Bartolome. St. Joseph Parish, Waipahu—News Page 4 A Christmas Wish, A Concert of Choirs Presented by the Choirs of St. Joseph Church, Waipahu and.…..Surprise La Salette Singers! Friday, December 19, 2014, 7:00 pm Tickets on Sale at the Church Office! Limited Seating! Buy your tickets now! Entertainment Producer: Al Simbahon Proceeds to defray costs for the Ordination in January. The Mass Explained Tuesdays, 6:00 pm in Church November 18 & 25, 2014 You are all invited to attend a workshop/ discussion to deepen your knowledge on the Mass. There are three sessions: 1) The Liturgical Year (Completed) 2) The Liturgy of the Word 3) The Liturgy of the Eucharist. Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors/ Commentators and Knights of the Altar are especially encouraged to attend. Open to all! Sponsored by the Adult Faith Formation and Worship Ministries. Prayer for Priestly Vocations Father, In every generation you provide ministers of Christ and the Church. We come before you now, asking that you call forth more priests to serve our Church. Give us priests who will lead and guide your holy people gathered by Word and Sacrament. Bless us with priestly vocations so that we can continue to be a truly Eucharistic Church, strengthened in our discipleship of Jesus Christ, your only Son. Raise up, we pray, men who are generous in their service, willing to offer their lives and all their gifts for your greater glory and the good of your people. We make our prayer in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen. Save the Date! Rev. Edwin Damien Conselva MS Ordination Saturday, January 3, 2015 9:00 am St. Joseph Church Please continue to pray for Rev. Edwin as he journeys on his Religious vocation. I shall raise up for myself a faithful priest who will act in accord with my heart and my mind, says the Lord. 1Samuel 2:35 A Prayer Where should I begin, Jesus, to unclutter my life? I have yielded to temptation and filled my days with more commitments than I can comfortably manage. Help me to make myself a little less busy. Free my time. I have crowded my space with too much baggage: With gadgets and conveniences and possessions. Help me to let go of whatever I cling to. Free my hands. I have filled my head with trivial distractions: News and weather, gossip and prejudices. Help me to focus on more important concerns. Free my mind. Jesus, my life is cluttered with more idols than I realized. I have given them a reverence they do not deserve. Teach me to renounce their claim on me, and end my divided allegiance. Guide me to a simpler life and more generous service. Amen. -Bishop Kenneth E. Untener (1937-2004) St. Joseph Parish, Waipahu—News J Sacred Hearts Academy Open House Sunday, November 23, 2014 3253 Waialae Avenue, Honolulu 2:30 pm Information Session For Pre-School (Age 3) to Grade 12. For more information, please call the Admissions Office: @ 734-5048, ext. 224 Saint Louis School Open House Sunday, November 16, 2014 3142 Waialae Avenue, Honolulu, HI 1:00 pm at the Dr. Richard T. Mamiya Theater Available for students in Grades 6 through 12. For more information, call the Admissions Office at 739-4832 or visit their website at: SaintLouisHawaii.org Mass Count for St. Joseph Church in October 2014 Much Mahalo for your understanding and support during the yearly count of parishioners at weekly Masses for October. The results are: Adults: 3575 Children: 502 October Overall Average: 4077 Please continue to support our parish as we worship and fellowship in our wonderful church! God bless you all! Multiplying Talents in Our Family Life Most of us already understand today’s Gospel. Especially when it comes to our families, we know we must give our all, all our talents, our skills, our flexibility, our love. Whatever God has given us, we know we need to use it (often to the max!) for the good of our ohana. But, what about the, uhm, “unevenness” of the talents? Today’s Gospel begins with some people having more and some having less. That's a given. It’s presumed. Take that analogy to our families and we can also assume some of our family members will have more patience, while others will have less. More or less intelligence. More or less drive. More or less faith. Family life becomes really difficult when we forget the start of this parable! Often, when our keiki act up, we want our spouse to have as much patience as we do, forgetting he/she has only “two talents” to our five. In all cases, the Holy spirit wants to act in our lives to “multiple” the talent/skill/virtue/love we have. Can we help the Holy Spirit by not asking our loved ones to multiple talents they do not possess? -By Kristina M. DeNeve/Adult Faith Formation Coordinator /Diocese of Honolulu Page Page 5 Estate Planning Essentials November, 19, 2014, Wednesday Kamiano Center, 1159 fort St. Mall, Honolulu Validated parking at Century Square Prepare your estate plans with piece of mind and leave a legacy of your beliefs and values to your loved ones. Join and learn to approach estate planning from a biblical perspective. Expert facilitators include Scott Makuakane, Esq., Tom Rulon, Esq., and Mark Hunsaker, CPA. Register online at www.hawaiifamilyforum.org or call 808 429-4872 for more information. St. Anthony Retreat Center Presents… “Let Us Make Room In Our Hearts” An Advent Event for Families Sunday, November 30, 2014-2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (Mass celebrated at 4:00 pm) St. Anthony Retreat Center 3351 Kalihi Street, Honolulu $20/family Come celebrate the beginning of the liturgical ear with fun, informative, and family-friendly activities. Light refreshments will be served. For more information or to register, call 845-4353 or visit www.saintanthonyretreat.org. Space is limitedPlease register by Friday, November 28, 2014. CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 2ND COLLECTION—November 22 & 23, 2014 This campaign empowers communities to build a just society for the 46.2 million people in OUR country suffering from poverty. Funds generated by this collection demonstrate the charity of Christ to those in need. Elderly people will find affordable housing, small business owners will receive loans to become sustainable, and teens will gain leadership skills. Please give generously. Mahalo for your kindness. God bless you! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Thanksgiving Mass Schedule: Thursday, November 27, 2014 6:30 am , 10:00 am and 5:00 pm Have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving! No School Church Office closed: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. ( Nov. 27-29)
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