PRAISE & PRAYER REQUESTS, Wednesday, January 14, 2015 PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING: God is graciously providing for our Church!!! Brandon has been released and is staying at ICCS on Kendall St. We have donations that should cover the cost of a new projector!! REQUESTS: ►OUR MISSIONARIES: Pray for God’s protection and provision for all. →Casie/Gracie Hansen, Edgewater Youth: pray for the youth group; Chris has a court appearance next week! →Larry/Lily Baird, Zacatecas, Mexico: visited their children in FL over the holidays!; took the bus to El Paso this afternoon to pick up their van. →Keith/Wendy Hock, Montevideo, Uruguay: Elizabeth, Matthew & David got back to college okay; the Bible College in Montevideo is planning for its 2nd year. →Ron/Jennifer Neptune, Brazil: planning summer deputation visit to the US; gearing up for 2016 Olympics; Stephan is planning for college →Thomas/Dawn Constantini, Melle, France: trying some “house church” meetings...growth for the church; planning to offer “English As A 2nd Language” to build relationships. →Nathan/April Kummer, Görlitz/Groshönau, Germany: Nathan will be preaching both tomorrow and Sunday; church unity!; adoption! →Dr. Stephen Lewis, Rocky Mountain Bible College & Seminary: classes resume next week! →IFCA International : Executive Director, Les Lofquist ; Regional meetings in Colorado Springs, Monday & Tuesday! →Free Grace Alliance: defending the “free grace gospel.” →Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je: Director, Mike DeBoer!: Mountain Lab Schools. →Rockies Southwest Bible Church Extension: Mission Board Meeting, Tuesday; General Fund needs more support and most of the mission pastors need more support; Director Paul/Helen Williamson: Paul is now in a cast, after surgery on his shattered ankle; he cannot put any weight on it for 4 weeks. Jerry/Bobby Adams, Kingman Bible Church, AZ: Stephen/Amanda Chapman, Grace Bible Fellowship of Silt: Phil/Carol Coleman, South Routt Bible Church, Oak Creek: AWANA Kevin/Miranda Deitrich, Severance Community Church: Kirk/Paula Dunham, Green River Bible Church: work on building. Les/Nancy Gwin: consulting and mentoring at Severance. Daryl/Jeanne Jessup, AZ Representative for RSBCE! James/Megan Spann: still in CO Springs; praying about Phoenix, AZ! OTHER MISSIONARIES: →Matthew/Sarah Bates, Denmark: continuing language learning. →Brad/Hannah Ketterling, Longview Deaf Church: praying about starting Sunday Bible studies or services...pray for wisdom for this decision! →Melanie (Melody) May, Uganda: She made it back to Uganda safely!!! →Lisa Newland, Tanzania: training and encouraging children’s workers! OUR CHURCH: Pray for God’s blessing and growth for FBC in every area in 2015, and for faithfulness for our people; pray for more visitors, and that those who come will return and stay! Pray for more helpers for the nursery! Pray for all of the services, Sunday and the Minor Prophets messages! Jessica and Rudy are alternating teaching Children’s Church; Dave, Linda, and Casie are teaching classes. Men’s Breakfast/Study, Saturday; Fellowship Dinner and Annual Business Meeting, Sunday, after church. Robyn Halvorsen plans to move here next month with her son, Ethan. Pray for our students in school...that God would guard their hearts! EXPECTANT PARENTS: Casie/Gracie Hansen. Gary & Kathie Brom are ‘wintering’ in Southern CA; they were “rearended” on their trip yesterday! Bob/Bernice need motivation & strength to change; Brenda. HEALTH ISSUES: • Tom Hoy is recovering from a broken hip! • Kathie Brom has still been having A-Fib, even after the surgery! • Annette Tallon fell and sprained her ankle very badly! • Continue to pray for Larry Overholt! OTHER PRAYER NEEDS: Pray for the family of Ron Burch who died Saturday morning. Pray for righteous wisdom for our country’s leaders! Pray for our world: widespread persecution of Christians; Operation “Inherent Resolve,” against ISIS/ISIL; Pastor Saeed Abedini in Iran; Asia Bibi in Pakistan; turmoil all over the world disrupts lives and witnessing (I Tim. 2:1-4!). Pray for peace in Israel! Pray for those affected by the Ebola epidemic in Africa. Pray for Al & Donnita vandenBos and Community Baptist Church! Pray for another church, too, in some turmoil and division. HEALTH ISSUES: • Cheri Burrer: undergoing a new treatment. • Former FBC member, Steve Miles, has been diagnosed with inoperable brain tumors & given approx. 1-2 years to live. • Kathie’s & Konnie’s brother-in-law, Howard (Julie) is in hospice. • Gracie’s friend & bridesmaid, Pria, is on a mission trip!
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