recent prayer list - Fellowship Bible Church

PRAISE & PRAYER REQUESTS, Wednesday, January 14, 2015
 God is graciously providing for our Church!!!
 Brandon has been released and is staying at ICCS on Kendall St.
 We have donations that should cover the cost of a new projector!!
►OUR MISSIONARIES: Pray for God’s protection and provision for all.
→Casie/Gracie Hansen, Edgewater Youth: pray for the youth group; Chris
has a court appearance next week!
→Larry/Lily Baird, Zacatecas, Mexico: visited their children in FL over
the holidays!; took the bus to El Paso this afternoon to pick up their
→Keith/Wendy Hock, Montevideo, Uruguay: Elizabeth, Matthew &
David got back to college okay; the Bible College in Montevideo is
planning for its 2nd year.
→Ron/Jennifer Neptune, Brazil: planning summer deputation visit to the US;
gearing up for 2016 Olympics; Stephan is planning for college
→Thomas/Dawn Constantini, Melle, France: trying some “house church”
meetings...growth for the church; planning to offer “English As A 2nd
Language” to build relationships.
→Nathan/April Kummer, Görlitz/Groshönau, Germany: Nathan will be
preaching both tomorrow and Sunday; church unity!; adoption!
→Dr. Stephen Lewis, Rocky Mountain Bible College & Seminary: classes
resume next week!
→IFCA International : Executive Director, Les Lofquist ; Regional
meetings in Colorado Springs, Monday & Tuesday!
→Free Grace Alliance: defending the “free grace gospel.”
→Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je: Director, Mike DeBoer!: Mountain Lab Schools.
→Rockies Southwest Bible Church Extension: Mission Board Meeting,
Tuesday; General Fund needs more support and most of the mission
pastors need more support;
 Director Paul/Helen Williamson: Paul is now in a cast, after surgery
on his shattered ankle; he cannot put any weight on it for 4 weeks.
 Jerry/Bobby Adams, Kingman Bible Church, AZ:
 Stephen/Amanda Chapman, Grace Bible Fellowship of Silt:
 Phil/Carol Coleman, South Routt Bible Church, Oak Creek:
 Kevin/Miranda Deitrich, Severance Community Church:
 Kirk/Paula Dunham, Green River Bible Church: work on building.
 Les/Nancy Gwin: consulting and mentoring at Severance.
 Daryl/Jeanne Jessup, AZ Representative for RSBCE!
 James/Megan Spann: still in CO Springs; praying about Phoenix, AZ!
→Matthew/Sarah Bates, Denmark: continuing language learning.
→Brad/Hannah Ketterling, Longview Deaf Church: praying about starting
Sunday Bible studies or services...pray for wisdom for this decision!
→Melanie (Melody) May, Uganda: She made it back to Uganda safely!!!
→Lisa Newland, Tanzania: training and encouraging children’s workers!
 Pray for God’s blessing and growth for FBC in every area in 2015, and for
faithfulness for our people; pray for more visitors, and that those who
come will return and stay! Pray for more helpers for the nursery!
 Pray for all of the services, Sunday and the Minor Prophets messages!
Jessica and Rudy are alternating teaching Children’s Church; Dave, Linda,
and Casie are teaching classes.
 Men’s Breakfast/Study, Saturday; Fellowship Dinner and Annual
Business Meeting, Sunday, after church.
 Robyn Halvorsen plans to move here next month with her son, Ethan.
 Pray for our students in school...that God would guard their hearts!
 EXPECTANT PARENTS: Casie/Gracie Hansen.
 Gary & Kathie Brom are ‘wintering’ in Southern CA; they were “rearended” on their trip yesterday!
 Bob/Bernice need motivation & strength to change; Brenda.
 HEALTH ISSUES: • Tom Hoy is recovering from a broken hip!
• Kathie Brom has still been having A-Fib, even after the surgery!
• Annette Tallon fell and sprained her ankle very badly!
• Continue to pray for Larry Overholt!
 Pray for the family of Ron Burch who died Saturday morning.
 Pray for righteous wisdom for our country’s leaders!
 Pray for our world: widespread persecution of Christians; Operation
“Inherent Resolve,” against ISIS/ISIL; Pastor Saeed Abedini in Iran;
Asia Bibi in Pakistan; turmoil all over the world disrupts lives and
witnessing (I Tim. 2:1-4!). Pray for peace in Israel!
 Pray for those affected by the Ebola epidemic in Africa.
 Pray for Al & Donnita vandenBos and Community Baptist Church!
Pray for another church, too, in some turmoil and division.
HEALTH ISSUES: • Cheri Burrer: undergoing a new treatment.
• Former FBC member, Steve Miles, has been diagnosed with inoperable
brain tumors & given approx. 1-2 years to live.
• Kathie’s & Konnie’s brother-in-law, Howard (Julie) is in hospice.
• Gracie’s friend & bridesmaid, Pria, is on a mission trip!