Creekwood Church of Christ “Conservative in Theology • Liberal in Love • Progressive in Ministry” “I’m Not Good Enough” Lain Ehmann is a professional scrapbooker. Recently, in an e-mail advertising an online, live scrapbooking seminar called “Truth Scrap,” she encouraged those who might be interested-but-hesitant in trying the craft with these words: As a professional scrapbooker and business owner for the past decade, I've heard just about every reason for not crafting, not sharing our creations, for not letting ourselves be vulnerable. But the one that breaks my heart is this... “I'm scared I'm not good enough.” When a woman looks at me with longing in her eyes and shares her fears of inadequacy with regard to her artwork or creativity, I just want to climb right into her brain and remove the thoughts that have somehow gotten distorted to the point where she thinks creativity is some kind of contest or race. Minister David A. Sargent It's this false belief that we are going to be measured and found lacking that keeps so many of us from sharing our heart. We worry we'll choose the wrong colors. We worry our page will get messed up. We worry that our creation won't be as good as someone else's -- particularly the "professionals." We worry that people will judge us. We worry we'll do it "wrong." We worry that WE are wrong. Youth Minister Eric Gray Family Enrichment Minister Ricky Butts Missionary (India) Jaya Paul • ELDERS • Ricky Butts Michael Eddlemon Glenn Sargent • DEACONS • Joey Adams Jonathan Brooks Bruce Englund Lyndell Farmer Mike Hankins Scott Hardy Ross Gallaher Wayne Haney Terry Livingston Kevin Markham Bud McDonald Greg Moorer Sammie Morris Rick Naylor Chris Presley John Sims • SERVICES • UGH. Once we get on that escalator of self-doubt, it only goes in one direction - down. And let me tell you right now that down is NOT the direction for which God intended for you! God intends for you to take your love for Him and your love for creating and to use them to glorify Him and to inspire others. Sunday Wednesday Morning Worship Morning Bible Study 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Morning Bible Class Evening Bible Study 10:15 AM 7:00 PM Evening Worship 6:00 PM Are you ready to take up scrapbooking? Note this application: God calls us through the Gospel (2 Thessalonians 2:14) to follow Jesus. And far too often, many respond: January 18, 2015 WELCOME TO CREEKWOOD CHURCH OF CHRIST “I'm scared I'm not good enough.” And the TRUTH is: “You’ve got that right!” We aren’t good enough to be saved by our own merits; none of us are! The scrapbook of our lives is filled with scraps! “For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). And that is exactly why Jesus had to come to this earth! Our sins separate us from God and destine us for eternal destruction (Isaiah 59:1-2; Matthew 7:13-14). But God loves us so much that He gave His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins so that we can be saved from sin and receive the gift of eternal life (John 3:16; Ephesians 1:7). God will save those who will place their faith and trust in Jesus (Acts 16:30-31), turn from their sins in repentance (Acts 17:30-31), confess Jesus before men (Romans 10:9-10), and be baptized (immersed) into Christ for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38). He will continue to cleanse from sin those who continue to walk in the light of His Word (1 John 1:7). It’s true: I’m not good enough. Neither are you. But God loves us anyway, and He wants to save us. Through Christ, we can be cleansed from sin and be empowered to DO GOOD, demonstrating our gratitude for the cleansing and the life that are found in Christ. Please read Ephesians 2:8-10. Won’t YOU accept His offer on His terms and dedicate your life to following Him faithfully? – David A. Sargent * Many thanks to Carrie Hankins, who received the aforementioned e-mail from Lain Ehmann, and passed it along to us! We would like to welcome all our visitors to Creekwood! Please sign the guest register in the foyer. We also invite you to stay for our Bible classes immediately following morning worship services. TODAY’S MESSAGES: AM – “Snarfblats and Dinglehoppers” PM – “Strength for the Day” CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS CLASS available on Sunday nights, 6 – 7pm, for all children grades K4 – 3rd 1901 Schillinger Road S, Mobile, AL 36695 • (251) 633-2931 • (251) 633-3037 • Fax (251) 633-2936 Web site: • E-mail: [email protected] Please watch the local television program Know Your Bible on WHBR. It airs on Sundays at 6:00 PM CT. If you have DIRECTV, please watch the national Getting To Know Your Bible television program on Channel TCT 377. It airs M-F at 9:30 PM CT. Both of these broadcasts are co-sponsored by the Creekwood Church of Christ. Please Remember Those Listed Below In Your Prayers; And With Other Expressions Of Love (Cards, Phone Calls, Visits) OUR COUNTRY & THOSE SERVING: Chris Campbell (Sicily); Aaron Myers OUR MISSIONARY: Jaya Paul EXPECTING MOTHERS: Emilee Clark (April – Girl) Crystal Paulk (July - ?) PRAYER REQUEST for Doris Englund. Ms. Doris fell and fortunately does not have any broken bones. She is now at Mobile Infirmary but maybe going to rehab to help build up her strength. Please pray for Ms. Doris and her family. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY is extended to the family of our dear sister Annie Laurie Henderson. Ms. Annie Laurie passed away Thursday afternoon and the funeral was held yesterday. She was a wonderful jewel whose legacy of faithfulness will have a lasting influence on all who knew her. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY is extended to Linda Shaw and her family in the loss of Linda's mother, Shelby McInvale. Let's continue to pray for Linda and her family. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY is extended to the family of Rehofus Esters, brother in law to Joe Cothron. Please pray for this family. REJOICE - Beau Horn was baptized into Christ last Sunday morning in Montgomery. Beau is the son of Dale & Cassee Horn. Please pray for Beau as he begins his walk with Christ. PRAYER REQUEST for Stacie Johnson. She responded to the invitation at the Area-Wide devotional last Sunday night asking for prayers. Please pray for Stacie. Pat Smith is still suffering with pneumonia, and an intestinal infection. Let's pray that Mrs. Pat will be feeling better very soon. PRAYER REQUEST for Vic Shaw, Mike's father, who is in the hospital (in TX) with pneumonia. PRAYER REQUEST for Rick Hoskins, cousin of Donna Lyons, who is battling cancer. Please pray for him and send him a note of encouragement. nd PRAYER REQUEST for Rocky Wells who suffered a 2 heart attack on New Year’s Day. He had a follow-up with his cardiologist to check on his heart and stent replacement. They have adjusted his medications and will keep a regular check on him. Let's continue to pray for Rocky & Lisa! PRAYER REQUEST for Mark Klare, Amanda Naylor’s father. He is in Providence Hospital battling some difficult health issues. He is doing better at this time. Please pray for Mark and his family. PRAYER REQUEST - Please pray for Jacob, Angie, and Edna Guillory and the extended family. Jacob is having a difficult time right now. PRAYER REQUEST for Eunice Warsh. Mrs. Eunice will have th surgery on her neck on Jan. 27 . Please pray for a successful surgery and quick recovery! ELOISE CREWS under- went the "cement" procedure this past Monday to address one of the fractures. The procedure went well. Mrs. Eloise continues her chemotherapy treatments, too. Let's continue to pray for Mrs. Eloise and Bro. Hurley! Please no visitors. SUE CADE is residing at Mobile Nursing & Rehabilitation. She loves cards and visits. PLEASE PRAY for Quentin Addison, Shelby Allison’s father. He is having some health issues and also please keep W.T. in your prayers also. MEMBERS: Joy McDonald, Margaret Gill, Kathy Stacy, Margaret Montalban, Betty Cox, Sue Cade, Helen Parham, Cecil Wiggins, Bonnie Crabtree, Nora Cydrus, Thomas Capps, Anita Ryals, Ed McGaughy, , Vonnie Busby, Bob and Sonja Shelley FAMILY & FRIENDS OF MEMBERS: Barry Hill (Carrie Hankins’ cousin), Harold Clark (Brandon’s father); Paul Tomlin & Sally Kindell (siblings of Nancy Moorer); Michael Jury; James Smith (Ernie’s brother), Doris McClantoc (George Rohm’s sister), Betty Graham (James’ mother); Lisa Stogner (friend of Omer Oglesby), Linda Bell (Russell’s aunt); J.W. Bailey (Diana Collins’ father); Johnnie Nichols (grandmother of Christal Coker); Noel and Donald Webb (Vonnie Busby’s brothers); Ed Busby (Tom’s brother); Evelyn Marshall, Elizabeth Giddens, Irma Brown (Janet Oglesby’s mother); George Berry (Dawn Sims’ father); Barnett Jackson (Diane Eddlemon’s grandfather); Donna Bell (Russell Bell’s mother), Dawn Harden (Joey Adams’ mother) Bill Patton (Rob Hayes’ grandfather), Jack Lunsford (Chris Lunsford’s father) SYLVIA COMPTON,(Christal Coker’s mother) Irma Brown (Janet Oglesby’s mother) SHUT-INS – Geraldine Bernard, J.T. & Jean Montgomery, Tom & Retha Capps, Bonnie Crabtree, Helen Parham, Bob Shelley COMMUNION PREPARATION – Sign-up sheet for 2015 is located at the welcome center. Please sign up if you may assist. The duties also include preparing 2 trays for Sunday night, pick up cups in auditorium, throw away all juice and bread that is left in trays, and prepare all trays for the next Sunday. There are still a few slots available. LADS TO LEADERS AND LEADERETTS will be traveling to the Rocky Creek Church of Christ Feb. 8th and on March 1st will be at the Grand Bay Church of Christ. The young men will assist with the worship services and the young ladies will assist with the ladies class. LADS TO LEADERS AND LEADERETTS –The 5th and 6th grade puppet team will meet at 4:00 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 18th. We will go over the skit and we will continue meeting on each Sunday at 4:00 p.m. RETIREMENT RECEPTION FOR MARSHALL & SANDY UNDERWOOD. The University Church of Christ in Alpine Hills invites you to join a celebration for Marshall & Sandy’s 43 years of ministry. Saturday, January 24, 2015, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. There are memory cards on Dawn’s desk if you would like to write a note of encouragement or a memory you would like to share with Marshall & Sandy. You may mail it back or bring the day of the reception. SHOWER FUND – Ladies it is time to replenish the shower fund. If you can donate $5, to cover the cost of the various showers it will be greatly appreciated. Please drop your donation in the box on the welcome center. (It looks like a gift and a slot is in the top of the box to drop your money in.) Thank You! BIBLE BOWL will be meeting at 5:00 p.m. for the month of January. It is very important that your child be at these practices. We are looking at another date due to Spiritual Enrichment for the big test. Listen for updates. Please encourage your child to study at home. BRIGHT BEGINNINGS will be hosting their "1st Annual Chili and Cornbread Cook- Off" on Saturday, January 31st 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. There is a $25. entry fee for teams or individuals to enter the chili contest. (Chili is prepared at home and brought in a crock pot to fellowship hall.) Cornbread entry fee is $10. Tickets are $5. to taste and judge the chili & cornbread. Tickets can be purchased from BBA students, teachers, or For more information see Gina Englund, Traci Moorer, Holly Hall or Summer Ott WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL: 01/21 Red Rice & Beans Prices: adults $3. (12 Family cap) $2 Children ages 5-10. Senior citizens 60 & up $2. Children 3-4 $1, Children under 3 and guest eat free! *********************************************** I would like to thank each one of you for the phone calls, cards, and especially the prayers during the loss of my brother and my illness. Your encouragement meant so much to me. I am so thankful to have such a loving and caring church family. Love, Sue Hawkins Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who takes part in the MOW’s preparation. The food is very good and the people who deliver are very nice. Thank You, Cathy Turner LADS TO LEADERS AND LEADERETTES Adult registration fees are $40 and are due now for anyone going to convention. All student registration fees are paid by the church. Checks are to be made to Creekwood. Please turn them into Dawn Sims or Hilary Hardy. CREEKWOOD CARES is a team led by Carrie Hankins for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life 2015. The Relay is to be held on Friday, April 17, from 6:00pm until midnight. It's a great chance for Creekwood members to honor our friends and family members who have been touched by this horrible disease while helping raise money to find a cure for cancer. Anyone interested in participating needs to meet with Carrie in the classroom used for the Sunday morning ladies’ class immediately after class today. LADIES NIGHT OUT will be Thursday, January 22nd at Carrabas 6:00 p.m. Come and join us! The Comfort of Christ’s Coming 13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. 15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. -- 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
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