NMI Prayer Mobilization Line November 19, 2014 “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11 NIV PLEASE MAKE NOTE: With the Thanksgiving Holiday next week, we will not publish an email edition of the Prayer Mobilization Line (PML). The next edition will be published on December 3, 2014. New and urgent requests will be posted on PML’s Facebook page throughout the Thanksgiving break – www.facebook.com/NMIPrayer. PRAISE Street Kids Camp MADIO, meaning to be clean inside and out, was the theme of a camp held in Madagascar last month for street kids. One of those kids was Dona, an orphan. During the camp, Dona showed great improvement as she was given individual attention, fed three meals a day, bathed, and just loved. When Dona arrived at the camp, her hair was orange, a sign of malnutrition. After her few short days of receiving regular food and care, the orange in her hair had started to change back to its natural, dark color. Praise God for this year’s Madagascar Street Kids Center*camp, for Dona’s physical improvement, and for the 379 other children who attended. We believe that God is working in the hearts and lives of the children. Please pray for Dona, the children who participate in programs at the Street Kids Center, and the work of the Church of the Nazarene in Madagascar *Madagascar Street Kids Center is officially called “AMI-4.” AMI-4 represents four characteristics the center encourages children to develop. The “A” stands for ankizy, the Malagasy word for child, and the four characteristics all begin with “MI”: mino (believe), minantra (learn), mitombo (grow), and mikajy ny sony (respect his or her rights). Kidnapped Pastor On Friday, November 14, we received word that a Nazarene pastor serving in a “sensitive area” had been kidnapped and that a heavy ransom was being demanded. The church went to prayer. On Saturday, November 15, we received this word from a field leader, “Give thanks to the Lord. Because of your prayers God opened the doors, God is always faithful. Pastor that was kidnapped is back home. Details of the nature of his release are not available.” Thank you Lord Jesus for your protection and faithfulness. Please pray for security in sensitive areas of our world, we don’t want issues like this to make the believers and leaders leave the places where they live. Fuente de Vida Church’s Plant Praise God for what is taking place at a church plant in Quito, Ecuador. The Fuente de Vida (Fountain of Life) Church planted the new church which is about 45-minutes away from the mother church. The plant has six families attending and they worship under a tent. Last weekend they showed the JESUS Film and thirty people came to the front to receive prayer. Pray for the six-families of the church plant as they minister to the people who attended the film showing. Pray for the members of the Fuente de Vida church as they support the people at this new church. PRAY FOR Sierra Leone – Hope in Seeming Hopelessness Nazarene JESUS Film leaders in Sierra Leone continue to invite people to see the JESUS film, and they lead many to the Lord in the midst of the Ebola outbreak. The leaders are seizing the opportunity to offer hope in what some call a hopeless situation. Rev. Vidal Cole says, “I am moved to tears at their steadfastness in sharing the Gospel message where illness and even death could strike. Their dedication is an example for us all and a fulfillment of what we are called to do, to lay down our lives for our brothers for the cause of Christ.” Well done good and faithful servants, may the Lord keep you in His embrace! Malawi Storm Please join us as we pray for those affected by a sudden storm that blew over Malawi Lowershire District in Africa on the afternoon of the 11th of November 2014. The storm damaged half of the district house, destroyed 3 Nazarene church buildings, and many homes in the area. Pray for the provision of material for repairs and for peace as they process the loss. Orality Training in Senegal Leaders in Senegal engaged in three days of training on narrative storytelling in October in order to reach people in their communities. Each zone leader was given the task to develop three new preaching points this year utilizing the same method Jesus used—storytelling. Storytelling effectively transcends the barriers of culture and religion when sharing the Gospel. Pray for the leaders of Senegal, that they will not give up, but continue the call of God to reach those who don’t yet know Christ in a country where so many people have yet to hear the Good News. December Missionary Prayer Focus During the month of December, Verne E. Ward, director of Global Mission will be praying specifically for the following missionaries. Please join Dr. Ward and pray for: Peni and Talisua Fakaua, Papua New Guinea Clarance “Dale” and Emmalyn German, Swaziland Peter and Jenny Isaac, Vanuatu Pierre and Emmauise Jacques, Haiti Nathaneal Picavea, Costa Rica David and Betsy Scott, Croatia Carol Skinner, Hungary Arthur and Antje Maria “Annemarie” Snijders, Eurasia Region Please remember to pray for missionaries who serve in creative access or secured areas. District Superintendents Please join NMI in praying for these individuals who God has called to shepherd pastors and churches around the world in the role of District Superintendent. Today’s district superintendents are from countries on the South America Region: Edilberto Solano Castro, Peru Sur Jose David Acosta, Peru Sur Central José Rivera, Peru Utcubamba Jesus Bernat Pintos, Uruguay Norte and Uruguay Sur Serafin Camargo, Venezuela Andino Julio Rivera, Venezuela Centro Occidental Carlos Cordero, Venezuela Lago Rafael Trejo, Venezuela Llano Occidentales Eudo Prado, Venezuela Primero May the Lord add His blessing to the work of these district superintendents. Thanksgiving Offering for the World Evangelism Fund Across the globe we use funds from the Thanksgiving Offering to preach the Gospel, to offer a drink of water in Jesus' name, and to alleviate human suffering. Please pray that the funds received in this year’s offering will be effectively used to make Christ known in the nations. Thank you, Lord, for your continued provision for the ministries of the Church of the Nazarene. General Superintendents Please pray for the ministry and safety of the general superintendents who are traveling this month: Jerry D. Porter J. K. Warrick Eugénio Duarte David W. Graves David A. Busic Gustavo A. Crocker Thank you for your praying! “God’s seasons are not at your beck. If the first stroke of the flint doth not bring forth the fire, you must strike again. God will hear prayer, but He may not answer it at the time which we in our minds have appointed; He will reveal Himself to our seeking heart, but not just when and where we have settled in our expectations. Hence the need of perseverance and importunity in supplication.” —C.H. Spurgeon
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