Decision No. CIC/BS/A/2014/000287/6753 dated 13-01

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Old JNU Campus, New Delhi - 110067
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File No. CIC/BS/A/2014/000287/6753
13 January 2015
Relevant Facts emerging from the Appeal:
Mr. R. K. Varun
119, Sector – II A,
Ghaziabad – 201010
CPIO & Addl. GM (MIS)
Room no. 29, IR Hall,
Eastern Court Complex, Janpath Road,
New Delhi
RTI application filed on
PIO replied on
First appeal filed on
First Appellate Authority order
Second Appeal dated
No Reply
No Order
Information sought:The appellant has sought the following information:i)
Copies of the letter vide which VC (Vigilance Clearance) had been sought in respect
of the JAG Officers, who have been granted NFSG Scales from 01/01/2001 to
31/12/2008, while working in BSNL Corporate Office.
Copies of the letters vide which VC (Vigilance Clearance) had been granted in
respect of the aforesaid Officers.
Copies of the minutes of DPC held for granting NFSG scales to JAG officers from
01/01/2001 to 31/12/2008, working in BSNL Corporate Office.
Names of the JAG Officers, along with their Staff No. and year of ITS Batch, who
have been granted NFSG scales from 01/01/2001 to 31/12/2008 while working in
BSNL Corporate Office.
Grounds for the Second Appeal:
The CPIO has not provided the desired information.
Relevant Facts emerging during Hearing:
The following were present
Appellant: Absent
Respondent: Mr. H S Rawat ACPIO, Mr. J Srinivasan, Mr. Krishan Kumar & Mr. Ram Kishan
The appellant was given an opportunity to participate in the hearing but he is absent. The
ACPIO stated that he will provide the information sought by the appellant in his RTI application
dated 02/08/2013.
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Decision notice:
As stated by the ACPIO he should supply the information requested by the appellant in his
RTI application dated 02/08/2013 within 15 days from the date of receipt of this order.
The appeal is disposed of accordingly.
Information Commissioner
Authenticated true copy:
(R. L. Gupta)
Dy. Registrar/Designated Officer
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