J,ltJlt,ilt ,* \ ( \\\ il>\ :.t.r-r.tl l_ro1.:Jlllt, i;G$.r 0)el +qjl c,yrFlr/r i r! !..j Y, r t/1/l c a--l r rV FJ--ll c-*J6.,r.! 4+631 lJiM rl-3 oLiJi ..& &-.-.j1 !,.J---, Jllll &6r-lr , --...i!l Jlr C- ourr rAJL*l lsJiJl ;,+Lh! ;,+1-J-,!1c.t*t ll O- 4+kjll , i++llJ i-illll ;r-i$l 4-+l!. i.E-#'ll df+lJ o:J-il '}--el 6JiM C- eJ-;-r.ll r+ 4:-lJil 4:'JLr li qJ ;.!31 e .,. #Enl {,hl-r+l dL.s:-l ;iJilr 4{+l 6!.Er)L.ll ,_6,-:.1ll tJl{Jl dJlr-ls ,ltl olJdsl 4JlL.ll 6JljJ g.i:]1 aFj]l i+ rp laLa #)l drlr4lA a /J:n "+Lr 4JLJI ;JI! , irrr. cJi-. r-.EjYlA-!a/J:n ,+Lr I at".l- a+.,sll l?9 CD+ , ',all .,!:r 6 ,ri. OL"j clrp !c .J{A Fle dJ9L*l OL4r- JYI .s:jllj fla 1J4.i:I oEyilJ ', tt"t, rP J+s.r c,r.lr..ll;;il.tJ ptrJl ;9r4ll AJl& r.'\ t/A/11_ :sll 1j" aj.j rD.u-ri ij+l / drrrrl e.rl: 6!-lJ!l + E bassJ of the Repvblic of C Lltaral.{ftael1A 191.r- !1 ;-,JJ-d;.!. ;)' ;.. ;djLl! -;;rilull :}jlJ Br.]..bare st I !jl! r 3! :y_5r.,'j ' !'{ln ! :::_J I, J!:J I ia*l^iij I ;r r, 2*ij.!. iaptesentdlire .! tle lloqlMinirt / oi lliEher rdlcdlion ond s.ienfin. Resedch {MOflFSi)in Rohon:o No: Date - Ircq <<v \.\r : $l33Jl crt!)rlt3 . : l]lll ;- ,$t ;jlr / si!1l esJlJ sll,lt f+lrjlt ;Jl..r$ dljll 6Jj, d,,l-,|_JJl e,.,i otSjl t+LrJ / 2015;2014 s4UJl .r,,l.l l+$.!.tkjll &|!ll /a ...1+.L !.1 ,'.-rll: Jlll a:ljll 6Jljr 4je cJcl crllt at-tJJl crt ill e-lj]l Cl+jll ,:t"F _r+-f: gJ^,Jt L3ar s!,1 eJsl u. a+-ljJl sljLr)l !ll.: allJJt cJiJl i+J!t artUl c)" + t a+ di.i r. ,,t Lu.J *Jl 16886 : 20141619 ,t 18077 dr"lJJl is!-ts Jr -'Julr 4iil-rJll .L-Bl er. d o,."11 cjF cJL-..:*l sY.jp! JLJIJ JrJ.Jl a* uc )L;i irulL a-i!t 4.:.1€jll ctyr+l! #+Jj o+ba3a\ 2o\2l7l31 e i.ll.Lll;l-dll i^r d.;,,ilt u.;r.rr3:- pS.)tcl ri .i--iJl +.1" L::ll rJtc+t a. 1-€-j. Slll l! ijul ell]l .Ar.lLJl nl-,31 6!r i]l-1!l :jt-jl cjli;-!;-t rjll +y;SJt c,U.t.l1 q/ 4-tJ$ 2015/2014 !:-lJJl ljjJtr .1.e 4itntl 4*1.int i-ils 6^ ou.rl A;lnI elji rir.-t 'Jl:s!l ...d eill iln-l q/,-.jr"\1 G-lJJl tul c!;LclJ. e. ed).I,- jtjt d+{-,j &1 rr t)U.)! d;jil Ot+lJ .. jriillj JS,:ll 201t2014 eaUJl lr,L!i+aJil ltr..,.,jJt ri,rl5ll J. jlj C. erqjl,!,3 ule &r-trJ l,$I.!l.A t-j_l l i;lill # iCl g- ji, /jri31 i.t!t ii, qjli Jlntt r,lUill JJL,J . JL-_itr..ll c -'\\- /lv'\\ ' Jr,l,Jr .J,,ilrc- ' L)! L.JJVeJlli Gi ;N-rlili ir.r,ji e"i/:i_ lill :Jl rlr ei*i .1j)Jlr .:,Lilll lJjlr . <rE.lll Ll! jtiL . i:ILllJrc rrl€ . Add.ess:Str. George Valentin Bibescu, nr.20, sectorl, cadier Baneasa, Bucurestj Tet: +4 0212 324 032 Fa\: +4 0212 324 O33 websiter www.iraqiculturaloffce.o€.ro Emaitr [email protected] / [email protected] MINISTERUL DIR€CJIA GENERALA EDUCATiEI RELATII INTERNATIONAIE 5I EUROPENE NATIONALE Nr. Letter of Acceptan l hjs is 10 ceftify rhar rhe.srudy documents of Mr /*/-(.i . /.4 9 S,',2 rrr<, /1/1 V/ / A-12 bon rl e I iu r- maY 2014 ce ,/1 ]Mr. 111988//'/CMJ/ r,",, C €r,J z' Zz/r< <nrirle hirnher ro.Ludr in Romar Ph.D ih Analiticdl thc accouDt of the tbat you nccd to prove at the eDtn in Romania that you have at least 2500 tJSD. This approval is valid only on condition that, at arrival, the following documents are submitted: - Original ofthe final certificate ofstudies. Those $lir apply lor ph. D. studies or lor recognitioD partial studies have to anner authodsed copies ol the con€spondent curricula ancl slllabuses. well. - Authoriz€d translation ofthe final certificate ofstudies certilied by a Romanian Embassy. Ceftificate ofbifih (authorized rranslation). Medical ceftificate Ifyou w;ll not realise thc enrolment to study latest in te'* ol30 days since your ar.ival in Romania, the amount of fecs paid in advance r!,ill be used Direcrgf-l /M General Paraqchira l,CrBRf 1() cover tlte expenscs for yout return in the home couDtn. Counselor Marie-Jeanne CIOFII St.. (icrr.r.rlBertlr.L,)l !r.21i 10, -!1t,r l, 0l0I {_r, B!ctrresri 'lcl: +,10 (l)2 t +0:62 t2 f.r\r r 10 (01:21 lt2 6a, t.1 VVrd.r'!r ro DIRECTIA GENERALA MINISTERUL REIATII INTERNATIONALE EDUCATIEI SI EUROPENE NATIONALE Letter of Acceptan Thi. illr \>/7 bom ar cenib rhar rhe nudl docu /< €4tS t/ /nu /,/OP1L /'^ 'o ' o"*,nn,ffiiJlJ[. The fee is lEL L - ot Mr. \4-. ce ,/z * Ztrp, + -,1 ) Jl,fr{ from enlirle hinr/ier to srudy in Romsnia in the field ro,u,ror. rn" Euro/ leM - af pttejl_epU4lEt_Sglglge. *"0"; ;J,;;. .,-".*;,; and must be paid, in iree cunency, in advance in the accounl ofthe univexsi\ na RO llRNCB 0723000506250052 /Euro at BCA Sector 6. It might be subject to eventtnl changcs. Any other expenses (board, kdging, ctc.) are to be covercd personally. please note tl,ut you necd to prove at the ent'] in Romalia that you have at least 2500 USD. This approval is valid only on condition that. at arrival, the followilrg documents arc submitted: - Original ofthe final ceftificate of studies. Those who apply fbr ph. D. studies or for recognition of paftial studies have to aDnex authorised copies of the correspondent cunicula ancl syllabuses. as rvell. Authodzed translaiion ofthc final certificate ofstudies certifi€d by a Romanian Embassy. - Ceftifi cate of birth (authorized translation). - Medical certificate Passport having the specific visa forstudies in Romania, The enrolment is possiblc atrhe qOLITEHNICA LTNIVERSITy OF BUCHAREST. If you will not realise the enrolnent to studv amount off-ees paid in advance General will l0 days since your anivar in Romania. the be used to cover rhe expenses for your return in the home countn.. Direcror-----) larascli"a DO{nf ratest iD term of r,/ffi Counselor Marie-Jeame CIOFII 5tr (icncril Blrrh.lot f..28 30,sc.nn l. {}i1)iti8, Bu.!r,sti Tct: -r0 (lr)2140a 62 l2 Fj\: -10 (!)21 :i2116 l v,^cw edu ro DJRICTIA GENFRALA MiNISTERUL RELATI] INTERNATIONALE EDUCAT]EI 5I EUROPENE NATIONALE l/ Nr. I u988/a1 p tCNIJI ma\ 2011 Letter of Acceptance Ihis isto cefiily JlniO tA'" Dur']r rlt sp' lanlaage section , rhal the study docunrents /azcz'4 //i;,2 /4 J --r:.r^ r.:__ 'ULJcrrrrrc nrn/her to studv in Romania beginn ilrg $,itlt tb e acaden ic ]ea r 20 14/2015. TheIie is 2430 Eurc/year It might ofMr./Ms. +1 - altd must be paid. i, jD rhe fhc field of Mastet degree - Ehplish academ ic year starts October I ,, free currcncy, in advance i0 rhe account oi thc be subject to eventual changcs. An)' orher expenses (boarci, lorlging. etc.) are to be co\,ered personalrv. prease notc that vou provc at the entry ilr Romaniathat you have at letst 2500 This approval is valid only on condition tha1. at ' ncecr ro L_ISD. al'lival. the lollo$,iDg docunrenls ai. subrnjtted: O.iginal ofthe Unel cedilicate ofstudies. .Ihose \il1o appll for ph. D. studlcs or lor lccogniiion ol paftial studies have to arnc\ authoriscd copies of the correspondent curricula and svllabuses. as urlt - Arthorized translation ofrbe linal ce(ificate ofsrudies certified by a Romarian Embass1.. Cefi ificare of birrh (authorized translation). N{edical cctiificate Passpoft ha!.ing the specific visa Ior studies in Romania. If),ou will no1 realise the cDrolmeni to stud)i latest in tenn arDount offees paid in advance Gener a1 \rili 7 days since ),our an.ival in Romania. the be used to cover the expenses lor vour Directorz-'--) DO*rr- r4t, paraschiva of30 __ returr in thc home counrrv. Corurseior Maie JcaDne CIOFII st,..nr\crJl6r,il,.iLrr fr.:S t0, !ftlL! L illl]lr!. !l: l.\: BLi.!r.r1l lir {lll2l I 1162 ri .1(l tntlt tlt li6 l: !wv? edu r. M]NISTERUL DJRECTIA CENERATA RTTATII ]NTERNATIONALi EDUCATIEI S: EUNOPENE NATIONALE l. t rr.qsvll)cm.ll,nar :or,{ Letter of Acceptan ce r'/7{f: Ihls isro.ceti1] lhal the \rud) docLrnlents ofMj.i\4s. l,+aa l/lrv..t!// -i 7 crlitle him/her lo stud) in Ro tania in thc 1tel.j *Ilster desrce in Teclrnb!. begi rirls $ilh rhc:rcxdenllc lear 20l.l/2015. T|e Preoonlory veor for acade ic \car stfits Ocober I' '|he 2:gL lcc is Eurc/ I,ear afd mu\t nlontlrs irr rhe account no. RO I pro!e ol I RNCB 07X0A0SA6X!!E / Eu Ii mighl be sub.jecr ro e\,cnrHal claxgcs. An) oiher elper)ses (bosrd, Iodging, a{ the entl}.ir1 Ronranie thar lorL h0\e ar ij valirj only origna,orrhenna I his approvat . be paid. in tree curency. t iI rLtlance lor a period (nine) ar BCR S.ctot 6. erc) are ro he covcrcd personelll. plcase norc rhal leasL 2j00 LSD. vo ,v.'0ll leed on condifion lhar "",1n"","or,1,,d,",:;i:jJil,jil;nTi:;_:::,::,1:"::;,,,",, prrlinl \lirdies ha\e to arrne\ arihorised copiei ol rhc corrcspondenl curi!rLla and ' ol9 Aurhorized rranslarion oi.lhe final cc4idc fstudics cerrificare ofbifth (artho.ir"a L,rn.rurionll cedficd b) s.-1labu(eq. a Romanisn Embassr'. Mcd;cal certifilare Passporr having thc sFecilie visa forstlIdies in Romania. The enrol ent is possibte at \he qOLITEHNICA UNIT?jRSIT1 OF B(jCHAREST. * lhe €n,ornenr to si,dy- rarcsr in renn ori0 da\s ii,rce y.-or,r ani,.ar i,, ron,anra. :l:.::::i].',:. ahount ofJbes paid jr ad\ance rrjll be oscd l(r corcr the experses lor CeneralI)irectopzParschi\,a ) t.14J.___ DOBhF \.- .,- _, rolll rclLrm in 1h€ hori,i counrl! (-ounselor x loy,$,'n.,c tort I ',- ('-4-. / :r: l.:.,!,r r!.ritjjtrjiri- ?ti li i..,,: :. lrjhi liiif! rrri lrl .lar rLrt:j rir: a,2 il r.:rr -lrLriti :rtjra il qr:rJ elu . tl MINISTERUL DJRECTIA GENERALA RELAT]] INTERNATlONALE EDUCATIEI S] EUROPENE NATIONALE V. l1lq88td P / CM.I/ mrv 20t4 Letter of Acceptance This is ,w;B b celtil,'rhar ,tzlt,z . " b.n , 06 rhe srudy docum errr! of /r' r, ' / Ui ^ ! ry.et,i ..T . ",r1" knguage sectio .beginnirg with the The f'ee llr./M\ c.-. ,// _ ?fL i.6 .u,, he, to ,. studv .,,,.r\y in a ,-""i. in ,,. the field of i,,, Romania rM ,lllostetdestee Etplirh academic year 201,r/2015. Thc academic year stafis October is ?y'J0 E ro,4tear 1,, nust be paid, in lree currcncv, in advance in fte account of ]lnivetsit t1o. RO IiRNCB 0723000506250052 / Euto at BCR Sector 6. and the h l11ight be subjcct to evenlxal chantsus. prove a1 Any other expenses (board, lodging. e1c-) are thc entry in Romania that you ha\,e least 2500 IJSD. a1 t his approval is valid only on condition - to be covered personauy. please iote rhat vou Dec.{ ro tha1. at anival. the follo.ning documerts aie subniile.lj Oiiginal ofrhe finat ce(ificate ofstudies. Ihose who appl). lorph. l). snrdies or fbr recogDirion padial studies lave to annex authoriscd copies ofthe ol conespondenl cun_icula and slllabuses. ,s ,r cll - Aurhorized rranslation olthe linal cedificatc of.stucties certified bv a Romani:rn Embassy. Ccrrifi catc olbiI1h (xutborized translation). - Medical ccrlificate Passporl having thc spccific visa lor studies in Romania. Sr Clrrr.,i6!r rl,.i.r r,.2S :!, i(lf: L Ll] at68. S!.in,iil l!l: +lf (lr:l .lil- 6: rl f_r\ +til iil12l .r1l i-r6 t.l wviw ed! .. MINISTERUL DIRECTIA GENERALA EDUCATIEI RELATII INTERNATIONALE NATIONALE SI EUROPENE Nr.ttzttst /l t cuut mav zOtt Letter of Acceptance . D 6. lU</ Q "n irle him/her 1tl study ECONOMICS Ehtllish lansuase section beginning with The academic ycar starts October The monthly lee is Dronths in the account n a. flL Euro in Romania in rhe fietd of Mntter Desree in the acadenic year 201,1/2015. l'' and must be paid. in free cunency. in advance fir a period of9(nine) RO I5 RNCB 0072001607860023 aL BCR Sedor I. k might be sub.ject to eventual ohnDges. Any other expenses (board, Iodging, etc.) are to be co.,ered personally- Please note that you need to prove at the cntry in Romania ihnt you have at least 2500 USD. This approval is valid only on condition that, at arival, thc following doclLments arc subntitted: Original oi the final certificate of studies. Those \,rho appl)r for Ph. D. studies or for rccognirron of parlial studies have to annex authodzed copies of the corespondent curricula and sl,llabuses. n ell. AnthoriTed translalion ofthe final cedificate of studics certified bv a Romanirn F.mhnss!. Ccrtifi cate of birth (authorized translation). - Medical cefiificate Pnssport having th€ specitic visa for studics in Rornania, The enrolment is possible ntlhe ACADEMy OF ECONOMIC STUDIES OF BUCHAREST . lfyou \\'ill not realizc amount offees paid in advance General Director Pamschiva DOBRE /' ]hru"'. the enrolmenl to study latest in term wili ofi0 days since your arival in Romania, the be used to cover the expenscs for your return in the home country. Counselor Marie-.leanne CIOFII !' Srr. Ce.er.lB.rllrtt)t.r 2ti 1)lli 1), l6! Sr.t,! l. lirr.,,fr'rll T.l: -.10 i0)2i .10a 62 ll Fi\: -ltl l{llzl Ii2(rb l1 www edu ro MIN]STERUL DIRECTIA GEN ERAIA RETATII ]NTERNATIONALE EDUCATIEI 5I EUROPENF NATIONALE Nt. t12n4/ ft tCM:l/i'lllc2Ot4 Letter of Acceptance .. . rU tUce ce l:t l5 J , .tt:.- rh"rlh. ctud\ rh"rJh. crud)- .lo. Llo. .r rnr..r ur \4r U" I (nr. la 6h/kt A tu6h/4v3 tz/ 11 42 /1 at-//,ct ,,,1;,'7""-- 1 1 (z-z/'/J i(tt-z /zt J(t1,,2 vJ v,/ / )e) ratn )t en rtc hi_ her ro.r,.d) irR,.ra1i1 in lane uage seclio n , beginn ing wilh the academic year The tle is rDiversit.\' na. RO !!{ Euro/lear rl Vz m+at tf,fz /-fYtez, % t"cic,lctt ll\asrer rtesrcf/_ Lngl^h 201 ,l/2 0l 5. The academic year srarts Octobcr I ,, and must bc paid. in rree curencl, in ad\,ance in thc acco.nl of the RNCB 0723000506250052 / Eurc ar BCR Sectot 6. It might be subject kr eventual changes. Anv other. expenses (boarcl, lodgin€:, elc.) are to be covered fer\onnll\. Plea\€ norc rfat )nu reed to prove al the entrv in Romania that you la\.e at leasl2500 IjSD This approval is valid only on conalition that. at arri!al, the fbllo$,ing docunlcnts are subnlitred: - - Original olthe fioal cenificate ofstudies. Tho(e who apply for ph. D. st dies or fbr recognirion of pa(ial studies ha\c ro aDnex aLtthor;red copies olthe corresponclent curricula and syllabuses, as \\ ell. Authorized rratslatior ofihe filral cert;ficate of studies certified bv a Romanian fmbassv. Ceftifi cate of birrlt (authoizcd tmrsiation). Medical cerlificaie Passporl ha|ing the specific visa for sturlies in Romania. I Ire enrolmcnr is possible ar rhe pOLITEHNICA UNIVERSITy OF BI|CEAREST. Slf (,cr.r,r1Blnhrl.t rlL t|, s.ct t, Jiu.frciii I fl: ..1t 1Lt)2t ]1_i 6l Jl .irr lt r.a[] i2 tr6 tl trr/v eC! io 2E 0lIlt-.11, روهانُا وزارة التربُت الىطنُت جاهعت العلىم السراعُت والطب البُطرٌ فٍ بخارست رقن 94فٍ 4189/6/81 الً الولحقُت الثقافُت فٍ سفارة جوهىرَت العراق لدي بخارست اشارة انً :يهف ترشُح انسُذة الخفاجٍ هدي ههدٌ سالن يٍ جًهىرَت انعراق ،نهذراست انجايعُت نهًاجستُر ( انًرحهت انثاَُت) َرسم انُكى بُسخت يستُسخت رسانت انمبىل فٍ انذراست انًرلًت 112007/CMJ/انصادرة فٍ شهر آَار 2014يٍ وزارة انتربُت انىطُُت انروياَُت – انذائرة انعايت نهعاللاث انذونُت واالوروبُت انتٍ تى اعاليُا عٍ طرَمها باَه بعذ تذلُك انًهف انخاص بانسُذة الخفاجٍ هدي ههدٌ سالن يٍ جًهىرَت انعراق تى تىزَعها انً انذراست انجايعُت نهًاجستُر ( انًرحهت انثاَُت) ويذة انذراست 2سُتاٌ ضًٍ انذواو انكهٍ فٍ يجال انسراعت. سىف تجرٌ انذراست عهً انُفمت انخاصت بعًهت اجُبُت وتعادل االجىر انذراسُت انشهرَت َ 300ىرو اعتبارا يٍ انسُت انجايعُت ، 2015-2014 بعذ اكًال انكىرساث انتحضُرَت نتعهى انهغت انروياَُت بًذة 6اشهر عهً االلم فٍ اطار احذي يؤسست انتعهُى انعانٍ انًعترف بها وانًخىنت بتُظُى كىرساث تحضُرَت نتعهى انهغت انروياَُت. َىد االشارة انً اٌ انسُت انجايعُت 2015-2014تبذأ بتارَخ 1تشرٍَ االول 2014ونغرض تسجُم انًرشحت فٍ انسُت انذراسُت االونً َشترط تسهًُها شهادة انتخرج يٍ انكىرساث انتحضُرَت نتعهى انهغت انروياَُت يع يحتىَاث يهف انترشُح انخاص بها بنسخ اصلُت. يع وافر االحتراو، رئُس انجايعت، االيٍُ انعاو نهجايعت، ترجًت :اَا يارَا دويُترَسكى 2014/6/11
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