106/ 2074 l.'lJdy (^) (q 2, lloll :,4. Memoir of Faith, I)worion P.Ihm€ll Gail Tr€dw.ll (B) JLtuirer Lawlcnc€ {D) Ldddo Di c"Fio la'nLs Who nrs b&n nrmrd PR,ple for th€ ri$i.,I lrcatment.f ninak rhdoor (c) (:h!l.m Nnbi Azd (A) 3. () a. sh.shi Src Nabt.na Cu (c) Hery Pijronirimampi.nia (l)) Ban (c) 'e24 Ot€abon whi€ r'oint opoation tu.rc€s Night 5, Who 5. Whjch lndian leader was Ki- Mmn (D) 1026 1923 {B) opudion ztre rldr (D) oPerdtion herged.hamlior of the A$tralian ()p.n Wom6 (B) Li Ni (A) Dohin*a Cibnlkova disni$.d by (A) lcj Banadui sapru (c) surcndFnath Bancii Irfefd Iho Naga StM 3 Singles 2014 titlc ? the Bm*h aom rhe Indian Civjl Sefri.e ? (B) slbhash Clhandm Bose (D) Daddbhai Nlorcji ]h€ *are6hed b.twen Indn rnd Myanffi ir romed by (A) 3, (R) BeroF 'Qrit lrdia' mov.nen!, rh. Briris! govmncnt nade r plan lo impiison Gandhiji and other Con8ps leadcB. nt llan {as known as : (A) t. (PET ) Peren of rhc dnrj in dr year: (B) r922 ad Put MadM' k t tmk wnft n by : hilk (B) Kin.hanjrfSr (C) The I evalis (D) shivalk Hills NdN the I R wotu" hr'.d .f the gLrc Ih.\ rf InJia . (B) B€6um PnNen sultana (A) Kanika thutmi Andd (c) (irti Ca.8 (D) rundhari Lh.ttacharya lP.r.o.l 9. rf€6 t the .iv€r 'Ouhi' be lound ldhtily the iver. Kautily/s Arthaestra could (B) PdiF. (A) Nmada as on€ oI (C) Ka!@ 10. who rep.*e.t€d lndia at rhe 22nd Conho.weahh 11- Natu tlF liEt !@r tollowi.e th€ 12, addar Seri B€Eaw.n (A) Krbdrl 13, Nry lum Ner is rhe.apftd of (B) cuiM {D) 3rurei ffi{lmisr : R.public oI con8o : (B) K.niyapunn (C) venganur (D) Neyyd$inlara Name the Prime Minkher of India ll\e only head of the govdnn€nt, wlo took firsl lnterturiotul environment coteretue o.gdiFrl by the UN : Jamhanal N€hfl rndna candht (B) rrl sanadur sa3hi (D) RaJcev Gan<[ ThE UNISCO has declared India's Nicobar Re.de (A) A world Biospnure (c) world E.vnonncnt Fri€ndly 106/2014 m;$ion Mi,ron6D (D) Dewdc The binb place ot Ayyankali (c) m@t in : ounby whth deide.l to wnndraw trcm lh€ Commonw€alrh €Iing it (A) south Arrica (B) canbia (A) 15. covelmcnt Tne (A) Amb@i t5, Bhahrapuzha (B) 5h6zho, - 10 (D) r,!s March,2 - F (c) sudah 11. Heads of tuver nlsion ot ChiE, whid is the wuldt rhitd fomcr Soviel Uni6 dfades aEo : (c) Tianeong,l Papua (D) whft F.rl3 US and the (A) chdge - 3 {c) thc placs in India sil6 hlan& (B) (D) as : world Hd ag. siie world Histdcal sites pa in the rz dEEim AFkan yma it the Name tlR author of thd b@k titlPd 1233 (A) 19. sania la.Ld m: (c) Bhuran (3) India (A) Nepnl 13, oI rh€ Hitulayat FJ) Mvinmai : (C) Mirza (R) Pcle Raiiol Nadal (D) Mdradona During thc Indian trtcdom stugglt wno amon8 lhe rollowi'g sra{ed 'The lf,di.n Sociologrsl' ? (B) Aurcbind' Chosh (A) Subhsh Cn.ndta !6e (c) (l)) scn surta t mrgazin' shvahji Krishna vama ihis nrstan.c wc coLd not Plav ofi lne Mohdmmdlns agaiGr tlt Hindut lo which rlat€ ? evdtsdid lhis ldmarkof ^ithson (B) Non - Co{pdation Movenmt (A) Revolr of 1857 20, -ln (C) civil Dhob€dimcc Moveme (D) (B) 22. hav€ b&n brildinS tlBt vou are not the You ap very am8ant. It is high rimc vou PeNn in lhe world. havc ben He is on€ of the dp Aua&ls imPo lnt b€t acloc lh.t (c) -dqlived (B) ha b€en (A) nas 2r. 'Irt n6l (B) rcdliad (D) Rilizc Ealized (c) r€.lizins (A) 23, Qutt lldia Movenent k ardcd , r€ ordeFd (A) (B) I (c) Ilesuggestod that lcl rhe glards (D) I Ie slEEcsted nEs!,rdsordered hin (Cn@ h'rc beo {D) hdvc dE nost lPPrcPriate indiRL iPGh ) to be armed le ordcrcd thrt the snards should b( :med wcr ornod the 8ua.ds rhat ih€y are amed 106/2014 lP-T.O,| 25. Clrc the orqt mr€m arom tlle folt@ing: (A) Arciem tndia w4 la,gely indebred ro rEnim i<r€as and ptulns. (B) Aftienl rndia ms rarEety jndebd by lrdi,n dej,nd pdcric (c) nci€nr rndia (D) Afienr 26- wd tdgety ind.brtd rndia was largety indabred tuanine of ft€ jdion "to c@k somebody's 8sse" is n1e (A) €nA8€Ere the good qualtie (B) 6suF rnat srcbdty *.i8. (c) PretBr. (D) emp 27. Cnoo* the ot a wh.r lhat $mb01y 6ll a grotp (A) . herd 29. Wiit ls faits. lh. femi^in€ goder of ,mm, (B) jen.y 32. adourtjng srsrem rvhich () (c) Dotrble Dolbte Voyagc (A) Noninal 33. p'MG mht arcnniina ccount js _ (c) abhoftnt (D) Nm orth@ (c) a pod (D) (c) mae (uj ee (c) stupid (D) a swam ? 30, choce the besr sFmyn ro, DOCILE : (A) genrle (B) puzlng ' I ot dolphiN ? (B) a p,idc (^) doc 31, 4! peen besr anronym for OBLI I ERATE do w€ : delicious di.h. (A) cx.urpat€ (B) fors€ ,3. Ldian id.as and F&tiq. in lEnid ides,nd pr.dies. wfth stubbdm ttE rral,ne 3hdt in two parrs is ol|€d : (B) sinal€ qu, {D) sralehsr or afiais account. (B) Real (c) pesonal (D) Nore otrh* *lf b.l.ftin8 Bouahr rldAer Adjurmenr Aeour 4 oFned jn __ 1A) Doushr t dsE (B) cqer,t hdgs (q so|d tr.tse! (D) Nm ofdE* In 34. Manlfacturif,BA(ouhL is prop.frd to fhrd oll (A) cctorSoodssold (lJ) (i"t dr g&nl ptuduel (l )) work i| ptuBrt\s 35. the amonnt paid to (A) M,nnmn rcnr r€fd to the frshwar$ u*d for ahornl sArnt ((:) r,rina8. charges (B) Brnk"t 0) dre pu.pose r,ssase nonet 37. wheE ihe loss of an asspr has b(rn idcntitni by thc bank, 6ut rhe amourr h,s nd b€fl wnttd off wholly tr padly ir khown as (B) srb sla.thnr ac*k (l)) r)ouhrul asrrs 33. Und€r a9. (A) L|FO ((] AveFse Non. or lhsc fr &. 30,000 tor tue m.th' ldeals e Rs. 1s.000 l2t to bc slEdi pcr.nnum ind rcmits thc tcquircd prceds to (D) (B) equarr'. 'B' Ihe Rs l{,610 Duing die trar 2013 a busin$6.on.. ernPd . nPl troril ol Its 4Zolxr The mnager N dridcd to a .ommission or 5'il, ot tt,e n.l ftu{il. [ifd lhe am.unl of the conmi$ion so () 41. n.$od w'll rh.rv hr8hAl vJlu..f .lc'n8 {dt (l)) Pie Anil dl€w a bI on ainil A got rn€ bill di(oun'ed a amnnt of such remitlno (^) 40. _ irftilionrry rendiridn Rs. 2"000 (B) Rs. 2,100 Valu.tion and prese ation of lnv€nlorlca (A) rAS 3 42. A.couthg (Lr) frincjples (^) objdtivity rAS 4 (c) Rs. () IAS 2,200 (D) Rs. 2,010 k: | , ar€ (B) 106/2074 lP.r_o.) {3. Fi.d th€ odd one l Pui.hase aoot (c) I,mhac Retuh (A) Book (B) Sales Book (o) Csh Book 44. a lrpdrr s,le ot Rs. 5'000 ro Suglnan has btm wnEty passAt thrcugh fie purchd.p boor ro Rnry he er or. slglnans ai@unt is dcbikd vi (A) 45 Rs. 10000 (!) wlur L ' hc loral c.nDgs Rs. s,000 (c) R!. 15ooo (D) R3. 2O,OOO wort€' rrcm thc totjowrns Jard 1 Sbnddrd rim. tor comptetie 50hos Actu l r'h. t.rn tor compt€l[g nE job a5 houb rftBrestu.20pc; hour lmium bonus k 60S ol time,.ved. of a rhp iob (A) Rr. e00 (B) Rs. 960 (C) R!.980 ,16. h'hat {D) R _ e50 is UE Economic Ods euntty if am@t ie R5, 1,6m dits, ccr of tu@i;il per.u"rrts js Rs. il{, ret ol ptacing and rejvinE ordtr Rr. 50. Amual c.rrJnnA ccr oj int mror' equitftnr c l0* of inr€nbry value (A) 22O Unir! ? (B) 200 U.its (c) 280 units (D) 3oo un , !7. j FEenr ot t:G Fof on et.! 20%, purhe Rs. 1,?5,0m, dcing lf sa16 i!-Rs. -ZlO,0m {(k Ps 30.0fi). Then op.ning stak witt bc -_ (^) IG.42000 (B) Re. 60,000 (c) R!.50,000 (o) Rs.57,rm 43, Find th€ odd @ our : (D) Mmd.ndlm Bo* 49. lf .Gt ot an a*t (A) 20% (B) 30'6 50. lvhd tumiture is pulchlsil (A) capital is d€aea*d (c) ys. The ralt of depEiatid ir (g 2596 (D) 331 is Rs. 60,m0 and If€ peiod i! 4 ior R!, Captal is in@lsed t8nores lh€ outltandinS 1O,Om {3) (D) inore {D) 106/2014 : 8 No.hang. in.ap .l lbtal amoht oI a*t is.hanged while pr€parinS tlPn incom sratetrmr. 5in8l. Enrry trad€E () (B) Repais:ndMainhnan.! (D) rlllabtj:lnPnr lix?6s6 r,relinimrY Ext{n*s trh'n8€ B€foE d.ePtan@ by tne daw@ a bilL or (B) A8@ent (A) conract is known (c) Dnn is aSmst th€ Prhcipla of conventim ot 51. on*Natrm Ptovislonfo|Bad_debrs (B) Piovision for dEount on debtos 1c) Prcvlsion (D) PtNbion fo. dePtkjauon fd di*lnt on cfrr6 b wrilc oft 0€ valuo (D) {A) Amoni?arid (B) trepr.ciation (C) obsolKeN Th2 t€m-- is usoi DePlebon marditl consum€d b Rs 60 0m Dn<t hbou .ost h tu. 20,000, l€.iory ov€rheads '13,0m cxp6* Ls Rs. 10,000, oPhina ..d clGing wqk - in - ptu8tuss arc Rs r5.0(|) dd l's. r.slEctively, thd work cosl will b..- 56. If dlet (A) (B) Rs. 80,000 fd F5. 87.000 to Rahim ccling Rs. 3OO pd labl. f.n, to b. sold ar 20% 'bove cost (c) tu 2o,0oo des nol.dtain dieolnt.olumt dis.ount allowcd and reccived will b' (B) (D) it consJeEl for (A) rh€ Salary ourstdding (C) s{h€djption PePajd or l$l dlrultrion or Ca?rt'l Fund (B) SubFiPlifioutsland!'8 Year 10612014 lP,T,O,l 6t. 62. (A) Dcrdrs L tl, 5, 8, __ (q cdiage (D) Expo.r dury lD') 2e (D) 1OO01l 81 (D) e0 (g 30ro (D) 31003 17. (B) 31 (c) 34 (B) 200 (c) 161 0. 5, 22, 57, 116, (A) 63. 77, o.r.oi (B) 205 Which is tlk 3dult6t nunber (A) 100121 64. mEt i. 90X ot $t (A) 63 ot sir dt8 s which is divieibte by (B) 111111 of 1@ (C) 100111 ul ? ? @) (c) 72 65..13t3$3+r.1= (a) 3130 56. F@ a giq (A) 0 67. 63. (B) 303030 point how n6y r.ng66.d (B) 1 be d.aM (c) 2 to a ciEle ? (D)3 (A) 23 in..las of forty srudenrr. ta/hrt i, hjs rank noh rt€ t rt ? (B) 20 (c) 19 (D) 24 It lhe ti@ in . clat R.vi Fnls 18ft is 9 hdE 20 mjnut , wnar dm de il 3ho% on a mitu ? (A) 2houa,Ohir (B) 4hous20dft (c) 6hdE20ftjn. {D) a hos,to 6e. 5n(25f (A) 70, I * (5*'(25f")=... 0 (B) .... . ? (c) 20 Findth€ angle berwM the mhure hrnd and thc (A) t06/2014 90. @) d!n. 9s" htu h.nd (c) l0o. t0 (D) 25 ot 5 a.lGt whfr (D) 1Os. rhe time is and 63, 4,5, 67, . tn$ arcequal, drPn rhc valueotn is ? (g 63 (B) 13 (^t t? 7r. If ns 72, 73, How mlny tiree diEil nmbea (A) 641J (B) s{8 The lun of numea,lo' rnd d€nominalor ol a (A) ; (r) : The spced of a .ar is tai.. tlrit tu.k {.o! (A) thouB 25 kg The sum ol $o (A) 1200 79, nunbet lDl i5 divided by 7 cef.in lriction I t, rh.,n.lion (c) is 1l ll onc ie idd€d to lhc is ; it lru(k rroth st.rlPd lron Palakkarl! tnd r.2.hed 3 hou'a horc than th. cai, whdl wds the timc laker by the hu.k ld oI a (c) 5 houF (B) 6lErG (D) 4 hous A fJncr hrs 50 ka qherr n , dn4 pdn ol wh'-n he *lls ar 8\ Prof,r dJ lhe prorit. Hc ad'ns l{\ allaStthe; rvhrt i\ the qurnr'rv ol rvh.ar sold (A) 73, 508 l0 Whal is the viht'of dE hrgest an8l. ? (D) 30" (c) 70" ($) e0' salenr Ii tle 77. enr ? Iieangl.s ofa trianglcar.in Ih. rdtio of4:6: num'Jto', rle vJIu. nf 6r'iinn uYorc 76, Whcnthe 20 dntimt (lr) (c) e (R) 13 {A) 60" ?5. ar (c:) 603 rmaind{47 arc su.h th.t theh (D) ate thore in whi.h all thc diSirs A numb.r wh€n d ividcd by 342 Sivcsa 19, what shodd tF lhc remind.r ? (A) 12 74, .. the frcEreslion 3, 10, 17, (3) ]s (c) 10kg kg nunrb€rs is 24!0. lf 6 5% of one Jr 30 kg nrmbc is equal lo 35% ot oth.r, r}E on€ (C) 1411 (R) 1301 (D) dl 181 'et bt h'm lD) 20?0 lveiehi ofa.ow and a bufialo ar. i.lh..rlio of4I5 Cods weighr inft.*s by 10t and ihc iolal weisht offos and butldlo togcther bNomcs 82.8 k& wilh.n inacase or 15t, lry rvhar p.rent dcs lhe reiaht af the buttllo inctuse ? (A) 20i (R) (c) 27 r9x l1 0) 29r 106/2014 lP.T,O.l 30. Tne bst numb.r-of square riles required to pave the lloor of a,oom h.ving len8rh tl m 47o dnd 10 m 16.n bFdtn s _ (A) 863 81. (B) e30 6dia oi a cylituld i9 d.nbted nd ns rcll@ani ppim eolutu 2 If the (A) 1i2 32. How Mny daF ri[ Afta of 5qure field (A) 100 34. tron Ianurry (B) 121 is one 22 h(raE. wnar i6 the lmSrh FeN (B) 37. IrE (At 105/2014 11; 20 (B) 14; lDl 122 (D) of €a.h 3que 30 yeaE h€ wil a circutar r.ble in a (c] by r0*. be 6ty 80 y6E (cl 10: @2. Fhd rhe 14.6 reting (D) 26 d hjs rwi.e ar old w}lar wiu b€ $e ? 50./t is 2_56 (D) (c) 24 i|lftrsd 'me.rca am sicd ahnd __. (B) 60ycc len8rh of a 4ran8je is e s to hav€ rhe b@dth Nore of r,\€* of rhe dtrgonat ? (C) 13.! be sd, h (D) 1992 ? (g so (B) 10.2 Fathtr i, 4 ti@ as old as hig P6.nr age of the t thd is (A) 50IaB p.it 1992 ro s36 halve4 khai is th€ Erio beeen rhe {C) 119 (B) 100,t In how mny *ays @. 5 lA) 36. be tl]ere {D) (q 2:r A Ch€$ bodd .onr.ins 64 equal sqllae .nd rhe ldgrh ot q€ dde ol rlp ch€s board ? (A) 12.8 t5. rhe heishr is (B) 2 3 (A) 120 83, (q 880 ? sor Then the (D) ro l@is FEatag. (D) d@ r63f in irr 33, -rheaveFaeotll nsrlts is 61 lind lhr sirrh r6dr is (B) 39. 60. If th. .vera8€ of iI€ itst (c:) 76 (A) 45 70 whi.h rmaiff 0)) lhe smc when the (Cl 65 (B) 5s O) 19 dtils i.tdh.ngr 74 A *nel has ooly thFc cl,r*a .Mpri*d of 40,50 and 60 stude.ts Mpativcly. In$* clases,l0%,201[ and t01' studpnts rslenvcly pa$ed in thc eramjnatioff. W]ti ir lhe pei.cntiSe oi studm(r P.sFd in or cximin.lion from the enljF shool ? (^r rrl.. (cr (B) lsi% The salary o(. worker was fi*t was dr. change in hjs salrry ? (A) 4.i% jnm.sd by lo1 l^) 27 i work fd t\lith hdp.f anoth.r alotu in 8 da!s. rh. adounl does th. nan gct ? (^) 30 (r]) 42 and lh*atter (C) Rs. (D) r3+% d{E*d by 7* !\hat (D) 3tc 4ll.h^r?amet{Fr17.r.r.n.lthel"'Error (B) 28 Sasi and Soman agl@d to do r1j% () 2.3% (3) s.696 9r. ftp".dcioi.trrs.8lpir!m'hc-notI1l1 94, (D) 56 (C) r1 (B) 17 90, lle av€.ge of thc rwo di8it nunbLn 92. result is 59 .nd thrt of th. lasl si1 six b€lk commence blling togcther at regll interlals of 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 13 s...onds riFcriv€ly. In 30 hinller how mny tin6, do rhey roll rog.th€r ? (A) 13 91. 6 ? 34 (D) 33 $si ilone c.n do it in 7 daF .nd Sonan the,'dn finisn the *'o'k in 3dayt tlm shnt 112. l:tr (c) 32 (D) ?2 lP,1,O,l ,s, A car ddin8 its jorn€y travels 30 minut s at the sp€d ol ,10 tm/hr. mothd 45 mifrtG .t ttE speed of 60 rm/hr and fo. tuo at a sFed oa 70 lo/hr. Iind the av€Ege .F€d or hm (A) 95, h,/hl (B) Everybody in a Mm Tne Mber of Fm {A) 97, 70 sl:it km/h, lEn& *ilh @ andner. in rtP (B) 1.2 63 tum The loial nuhber oI hrnd! 5h.1,€s i. t6- is (c) r1 14 (D) 16 qBti6, A mth€mtjs p.F @i3lr of tm whi.h is divided i.lo two parts I .nd It qoeshoG @cn. studsr is Equired !o atlmF sir qrdtim in .ll, r'}jn8 ?an mraift tive ar leasr two quesrions tom each part. In how many ways can the student !€lst the (A) (Bl 100 150 dh (c) 2oo (D) 243 involving lwo .ddidabs, 132 votes vere d.clared as inlalid. Th€ widiig y.l6 dd won by 192 !o[cs. Tnc b|al numbd ol vot6 polled was 54% of rhe {A) 99, 2400 v€sl 6nbns (B) 2532 (c] 2530 (D) 2525 trdt, FFl, 2 litr6 of tlF @nhent oe @ved and mlaed by 2 litr6 ot water. SrbFqlrntly, 4 lia$ of vescl's ontents ie rcmoved md replaced by 4 lihs of water FiMll, 6 lih€ oI v€*l" .dtenb G rn@ed and Edaftd by 6 lihea of water. wlut is tle ouanliw of nilk left in rhe vscl I A 10 litras ot r00. I. a clu! 7I)x mnhqs Md Englkh ns pap6, whik m% do not 4ad bolh papers. memb€B Ead Maliyrlam mws rad both rho news tEpeE, thcn lne tolal nrmb€r of lr1€nbrE in the chb is ' (3) {Oo 106/2014 (c) 450 (D) 500
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