'1>-VU--,V'.'".'' ' • • - • • • '•'''/ , •• 'V •>.'!>?- -., - ninmimai«pnH giwyp? aass $ NIAGARA FALLS TKars'day, GAZETTE 'June PARTY IS SUCCESS Entertain British Guests Loretto Academy Graduates « » • • « « » » • » » 8, 193, Springs. N . Y.. July ,, ,. elected as follows: i\r', > Many Attend Count di Carom- Junior Mrs. Lillian Baits- T ! L * * gate, Mrs. Ethel G u m t K Lodge Affair a t Institute, ternate, Mrs. Thertsa RUVJ^ T h e Count di Cavour Junior lodge ond alternate, Mrs. £ £ ^ a Sir Ronald Lindsay, British a m *a held a most successful "open house" baum. bassador t o the United 8 t a t e s . and party. About 20 guests were present Other* from the ^ &uxlllar Mrs. Edward Wicker delightfully members of his staff were guests a t t h e International Institute t o rung t o attend the corned r entertained several friends a t t e ayesterday of Mr. and Mrs. Alanson partake i n the festivities. the president, Mrs. c 2 ? ' Tuesday afternoon a t her home In C. Deuel a t their home, "ChaseT h e attraction <of the evening was honey; past president. MjfV the Ridge road, Lewlston, In c o m - wood," i n Lewlston Heights. M e m a delightful musical comedy, written rine Lemay. Mrs. Bessie s t u L pliment t o Mrs. William Paxton bers of t h e ambassador's staff were and directed by Dominic Spacone, Mrs. Catherine Koch, and i T Roberts, of Sheridan, Wyoming, Captain L. C. A. S t . J . Curzonwho also played t h e leading role. partment Assistant C o n d u c t ' who is t h e guest of her mother, Howe, M.V.O., R.N.. naval attache; T h e audience was thrilled by gay Mable Henning. "°f Mrs. H. A. Wicker, of Chilton a v e - Colonel R. V. Read, DJS.O., M.O., Italian f o l k s o n g s and dances, which y o u s r e th« sturdy elm o n which military attache, and Group C a p Delegates to the national«. nue. included, the famous "Tarantula." I lean. tain G. O. Plrie, M.C., D J . C , air tion to be held v A t f f i X Other members of t h e cast i n You are the starry eky that give* attache. cluded Elaine Mayflower. Mario J.. September 10-14. are Mm v' Miss Pansy Fursier. of Bristol, me peace. Entertained also, w i t h the British Centafonte, Patsy Centafontl, Car- Henning and Mrs. Cathenif! mt England, w a s ' the guest of honor You are the winter wind that makes honey. ' gTOup. was Sidney G. Osborne, of mine Juna, Anne Juna. Clara SylTuesday evening a t a party given St. David's Ont. Captain George T , me laugh. Plans were made for a m . vester a n d Dominic Longo. T h e by Mrs. Donald Stuart Stone a t 8ummerlln, chief of protocol of the You are m y life, till life shall proceeds to go to the c<wLi lighting effects were capably conher home i n Chilton avenue. Miss cease. United States 8tat« Department, trolled by Florence GuarnerL fund to be held on Friday ff Fursier Is the guest of Miss Blanche joined t h e party in the afternoon, Judy. Angelo Longo, president of t h e* t J t o ^ h o a g of Mrs. B e « l e ^ Olllett and W. H. Gillett, of J a m e s __ * —» lodge, welcomed t h e guests and pre- mer, 1128 Pierce avenue Iromj avenue. sented to, them t h e purposes and until 7:30 In the evening aims of the Count di Cavour Junior ments will be served, cardT*4 Miss Dora Elizabeth Ransom, a lodge. He also introduced represent- by any who care to play an/ Mrs. H.^A. Wicker, Mrs. Donald Mrs. James F . F i n n , member of bride-elect, was the guest of honor snflplal attraction, att.n»/>Hr>n a<. fish #i.v J"* ' atives o f t h e Ashland Debs a n d special Stuart Stone and daughter, Carol, POCi, Wednesday evening w h e n her m o t h - the Regional Conference committee Comwalel club, w h o were present. prizes for both adults and of Chilton avenue, and Mrs. Wickof t h e northeastern states, invites er, Mrs. H. B . R a n s o m , of Third A committee headed b y Stella Mrs. S t u n n e r Is chairman of~HT er's daughter. Mrs. William Paxton street, entertained at. a pantry all the Democratic w o m e n of*Niag"* Photo at Jsr.g Hardcattll Mayflower and Celia Quaglia served fair. Roberts, and her children. Caroline i shower. Dark red peonies and yel- ara county to attend t h e conference delicious refreshments, w h i c h was and William P. Roberts Jr.. of '• JANE FINDLAY BARBARA TEMPLETON low iris were used effectively a s June 15 and 16 a t Hotel Roosevelt, followed by dancing. Sheridan. Wyoming, leave today by New York City. Correction Made Miss Templeton a n d Miss Findlay are members of the class which decorations for the lovely luncheon T h e Count di Cayour's next regumotor for the Wicker summer home will be graduated from Loretto academy, Niagara Falls. Ont~, a t t h e served t h e 20 guests. Miss R a n lar meeting will be held on June 15 at Lake George. T h e Jolly Euchre club held i t s The list of awards made br school's annual c o m m e n c e m e n t exercises Friday evening. MJss T e m when election of officers for the folsom's marriage t o Ralph AusterAssociation of Professional w„ Miss Judith Mary Toole, who re- hout will take place Wednesday, regular meeting at the h o m e of Mrs. pleton, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Porter Templeton, of lowing year will take place. Lt, Col. Roger B. Harrison, o f ceived t h e degree of Bachelor of 4feUe Hunt, of Thirty-eighth street, Writers in last evening s issued College avenue, will have a s her flower girl Jane Manley, daughter Maple avenue, leaves Sunday for Science a t thirty-second annual June 21. Gazette, should have said: the] orr Tuesday night. Prizes were of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manley, Jr., of the River road, Lewiston. WOMEN WRITERS MEET orable mention was given t0 1 the R.O.T.C. camp a t Plattsburg. commencement exercises Monday at awarded t o Mrs. Ellen Morss and «,.!t. Gretchen Hamke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hamke, of Wyoming r ; ; ; f , ?» N. Y. Mrs. Harrison will join him the College of New Rochelle. New Macmahon, for "White Rain- j Ulster M , ^ " a ^ £ ™ 7 J * J Mrs. Evelyn Kelly. A delicious avenue, will be flower girl for Miss Findlay, who is the daughter of Phoebe Pendleton I s Host to Local Furry, for "An Evening bv the in July and Miss Virginia Harrison Rochelle, N. Y . The daughter of I Euthalta. of Helena Montana; who l u n c n e o n w a s s e r v e d b ^ e h o s t W s . Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Findlay, of Lewiston road. Miss Templeton will leave at that time for Lake Mrs. L 'L Toole, of 300 Jefferson are in Buffalo to attend the ordinaplace," to Marjone BarretSociety a t "Wharfedale." The next meeting will be a t the and Miss Findlay entertained the members of the graduating class Placid. "The Likes of Me." ar.d toV avenue. Miss Toole majored in sec- tion and first mass of their nephew, home of Mrs. Evelyn Kelly, of Thirat a tea a t the home of the former with Miss Joan Braden and A garden party preceded t h e Coyle, for "To a Chipmunk." 1 retarial work and plans to enter the Rev. T h o m a s P . Carey, were ty-eighth street, o n Tuesday, June Miss Elinore Andrioli, of New York City, asissting. Miss Templeton's regular monthly meeting of t h elist . was incorrect in last evca Mrs. B. S. Lacy, of Lewlston the teaching profession. While i n guests of honor at a small luncheon 13. aunt. Miss Rhoda Templeton, of Long B e a c h , Calif., presided a t the Association of Professional Women" report. Heights, will spend the weekend college, she was a member of thegiven by their niece, Mrs. Emmett tea table. Writers held last evening a t t h e * ^ of McKoon avenue. with friend.* In Stony Lake. Ont. staff of the Annales, college year P, Greene, The Independent Order of Friendh o m e of Phoebe Pendleton, Burritt S. Lacy, Jr.. a student at book, and was vice-president of the They were accompanied to the Falls ship will hold i t s regular meeting Piano Recital "Wharfedale," Hyde Park bouleHarvard college, will arrive home Music club. She was a member of by Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph Mescall in A. O. H. hall. 2010H Main street, vard and Lewiston road. for his vacation June 14. His bro- the "Math club for one year and i n and Miss Catherine Mescall. of tomorrow evening a t 6 o'clock, with Mrs. Howard R. Smith wm Winning manuscripts in the high ther John, also a student a t Har- addition she was elected to Alpha Lackawanna, Mrs. Michael Fennell President Mary Knoedler presiding. school contest i n creative writing, sent a group of piano pupUj vard, will stop a t the Lacy's sum- Alpha, h o n o r a r y philosophical soci- and Father T h o m a s Carey, of Buf- After t h e meeting, games will be sponsored by the association, were recital o n Friday evening falo. mer home in Keene, N. Y., before ety. Walck-Retzlort Grawe-Proefrock read and discussed. Plans for next o'clock a t her home. 1309 Ro played. returning to this city. The marriage of Miss Lillian MarA very pretty wedding took place year's contest, which will probably avenue. T h e following pupm Miss .Dora Ransom, bride-to-be, The members of Dorothy Bell tha Retzloff, daughter of Mr. and at the Proefrock residence Satur- take a different form, were tenta- present the program: Donald 1 Mr. and Mrs. Oliver D. Dales and Jean and Victor Hamke, prt was guest of honor at a variety Rebekah Lodge, No. 462, a r e r e -Mrs. Rudolph Retzloff, of Sanborn, to day afternoon at 5 o'clock, when tively made. their daughter, Miss Ruth Dales, Elsie M. Frye was elected to m e m - Hinckley. Marlon Jack, Batb Bernlce quested to attend the Joint memor- Howard Edward Walck, son of Mr. Miss Laura E. Proefrock, daughter Mr. and Mrs. N. 8t. Onge, of 425 shower given by Miss Writing under the name Mack, Joan Qulnn, Kenneth B have returned to their home in Eighth street, announce t h e e n -Dawson a t Kremers' cottage, in the ial services to be held with the and Mrs. Felix Walck, of this city, of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Proe- bership. frock. of Niagara Falls boulevard "Roberta Francis," she i s a » ? U mond, Emy Lou Rockvood Vanderbllt avenue from Manhattan. gagement of their daughter, Leota Lake road. was solemnized last Sunday afterRlverdale Rebekah Lodge N o . 81, and Edwin H. Grawe. son of Mr. known poet of St. Catharines, Ont. Richard Zehr. Kansas. j Helen, to Daniel J. Meehan. son After a delicious supper, games tomorrow in t h e I.O.O.H. hall, noon at St. Peter's Lutheran church, and Mrs. George W. Grawe, were A party will be given on June 28 !of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Meehan, were played. T h e guest of honor Walmore. The Rev. Edward Grabau South avenue, a t 9 p.m. united in marriage by Rev. J. WalIn honor of Rosalia Chiplis, who is Miss Ruth Marsh, of Lafayette j 0 f 1405 Ferry avenue. T h e wed- was t h e recipient of many lovely officiated at the double ring cereter Thiemecke, of St. John's L u - leaving Niagara Falls. avenue. and Miss Jessie Fleming, j d t n g w n j t a fc e p i a c e i n the near mony. and useful gifts. The Busy Twelve club will meet theran church. St. Johnsburg, N. Y. T h e next regular meeting will be of Lewiston road, students at the 1 x u ture. The church was beautifully decMrs. J . Walter Thiemecke played held on September 6 at the home of The guests were Mesdames R a n - 1 this evening at 8 at the home of orated with ferns and cut flowers. the wedding march and rendered University of Rochester, will arrive! ' Dorothy Fedderson Thompson, in som, Borneman. Rheo. Crawford.; Mrs. Mae Payne, of Eightieth The bride entered on the arm of her Monday to spend their summer va-1 p f t r k N y h f t v e ftrrlved n o m e f o r several vocal selections. Weston avenue. Mountain, Miller, Dawson and j street. father to the strains of the wedding cation with their parents their summer vacations: Miss Ruth Shordon; Misses Cockburn, Farley T h e bride was lovely In a princess march from Lohengrin. She wore Clivers, Macklem avenue. Miss Julia The members of the Coterie club a gown of white slipper satin cut style gown of white silk lace and ELECT DELEGATES Miss Violet Barber, of Thirty- Adams, Haeberle avenue. Miss Y o - Maghey and Shordon. will meet this evening a t 8:30 on princess lines. Her veil was of net. full skirt and puffed sleeves eighth street, will leave Friday for lando D'Arcangelo, Eleventh street. Miss Betty Rooker. of Lewiston o'clock a t t h e h o m e of Mrs. E. tulle.trimmed with lace falling from and about her neck was a strand of U.S.W.V. Auxiliary Selects ConvenRoyal Oak, Mich.,- where she will Miss Dorothy Jeanne Osborn. road, and Miss Jane Blngenheimer, Samulshi, of 234 Seventy-first a crown of seeded orange blossoms. pearls, a gift of the groom. Her tion Representatives. be the guest of her sister. Mrs. J. Fourth street, and Miss Marion fingertip veil had a cluster of white of Fourth street, were hostesses S a t street. Herbert Devins, and. Mr. Devins, of Goetz, Spruce avenue. She carried a n a r m bouquet of gardenias in halo effect and s h e At a meeting of the Isabella Alexurday at a delightful bridge lunch- j Orchard View drive. sweetheart roses, baby's breath and carried a shower bouquet of white eon given at t h e Niagara Falls) LaSalle W. C. T. U. will hold a delphinium, from which fell white tea roses and baby's breath tied with ander Auxiliary, No. 11, U. S. W. V., delegates to t h e department c o n Mrs. E. C. Humphreys, of Seventy Country club in compliment to M t e s | m e e t l n g Tuesday. June 13. at 2 ^ m " r l b o n s Oed" w^thTiUes-of-the tulle and lilies-of-the-valley. Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Terryberry vention to be held a t Saratoga have returned to their home, in eighth street, has returned from a ' M a r t h a Kremers, of Lewlston 0 . c j o c k . a t the h o m e of Mrs. Albert valley. Miss Doris Proefrock who was her Heights, a bride-elect. weekend visit with Mrs. C. U. StillBllnco, 307 Seventy-second s t r e e t Haeberle avenue, after an extended Mrs. Irwin Walck, of Sanborn, sls- sister's maid of honor, wore a gown son, of Youngstown. Ohio. Other Prizes were won by Miss Juanlta A flower mission program will be | t e r o f t n e bride, was matron of hon trip to Texas and Florida. of blue lace and net with long, full Grawe and Mrs. J. DeVantier, a t a guests were Miss Laura Woeller and Whittaker and Mrs. Robert Gaylord. given and election of officers will or. She wore a gown of baby blue skirt, puffed sleeves a n d a sweet- bedroom and kitchen shower; h e r William 8 . Butler, a student a t M r s - Lorena Crlnnin, of Buffalo; The bride-elect was given a gener- be held. S h e wore a pink sisters and brothers entertained 125 lace with a Jacket trimmed with heart neckline. ous gift. Lehigh university, has arrived to M r s - R o » e r t Shepard. of Erie, Pa and blue rosebud necklace and a guests at the Johnsburg Fire Hall tulle and pink satin bows. Her bouspend hi* vacatton with h i s parents. M l s a E d i t h Whitcomb and Mrs. Those present included Miss B e s The Omega Sigma club meeting quet was of pink roses, delphinium cluster of pink flowers in her hair. at a variety shower. Mr. and Mrs. Earl E . Butler, a t ^ ^ Wicks, of Batavia. All were g i e j o r m s o r i i Miss Helene Werner was held last week at the home of and baby's breath, tied with a large Her arm bouquet consisted of deep pink roses, baby's breath and corntheir summer home, Lake road, schoolmates from first grade U P Miss Marjorle Martin, Miss Jane Miss Isabell and Louise Mario, of blue satin bow. S P R D f G AND In Batavia schools. flowers tied with pink tulle ribbon. Boardwell. Miss Jean MacDonald, LaSalle avenue. Card prizes were Youngstown, T h e maid of honor, Miss Jennies INNERSPRING Harold Sltzmann, of Tonawanda, Miss Dorothy Tabor. Miss Eleanor awarded to Mrs. Phyliss Forcuccl Walck, sister of t h e groom, wore MATTRESS Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lleberson. of! Leignton. Miss Juanlta Whittaker, and Miss Louise Mario, The host- a gown of pale pink Swiss silk or- was best man. John V. Hogan. Jr., who has been The bride's mother wore a gown ALL SIZES, ALL COLORS a student at- Holy Cross. Worcester, New York City, are the guests of j Miss Nancy Wright, Miss Martha esses served a delicious luncheon. gandie with white figures. It had a .00 2 0 7 Falls St. . Ph. 262 Mass.. will spend his summer vaca- Mr. and Mrs. J. Feinsteln, of "B" I Kremers. Miss Esther Creagh, and Hostesses for this evening will be jacket trimmed with tulle and blue of powder blue lace, with a double BOTH FOR EASY TERMS ATTEND THE NIAGARA FALLS KB a n d Mrs. corsage of pink roses and sweet peas. tion with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. street, and Mr. and Mrs. Simon ! Mrs. Robert Gaylord, of Rochester. Mrs. Phyliss Forcucci satin bows S h e carried a n arm bou- The groom's mother chose a gown SHOW, HYDE PARK STADIL't, Mary Mollnaro. CITY MATTRESS CO. John V. Hogan, of Portage road. Llndenbaum. of 6S14 Buffalo ave-1 |UNE 1STH quet similar to that of the maid of of raspberry chiffon print with a nue. Miss Mary Venute was the guest ' Phone 5060 honor, with a pink satin bow to double corsage of pink roses a n d 1618 Pine The Mil-Bel club gathered on Roderick Symmes, son of Mr. and of honor at a personal shower held match her gown. 1 sweet peas. ; l e Tuesday evening at t h e home of Mrs. H. Ormsby Symmes. of NorJohn Marsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. » ^ Armory grill. Main street. Miss Janis Jagow, cousin of t h e Following the ceremony a recep'\ci^£m\f\^\f\f\f^f\f\f\^SX\j\f*^^&\^^F^^^^S^^r^^^F>*^^Fh$\f'^f\£\f*^*^f*tf^^^\ wood avenue, a student at Lehigh W. Judson Marsh, of Lafayette ave- Tuesday. The hostess was Mrs. Rose | Kathryn Van Dusen, of Pine ave bride, was bridesmaid, she wore a tion was heid at the home of the university, will be a member of t h e ! n u e , a student at the University of Nicora. The girls enjoyed dancing j nue A short business discussion was gown of canary yellow similar to summer engineering department o f j i u i n o i s Champaign 111 will arrive 8 n d o l d t l m e movies. At 10:30 a j held. The feature of the evening that of the matron of honor. Her bride's parents, where garden flowers were used throughout t h e the university, beginning their work! the latter part of the week to s D e n d d e l l c i 0 U s dinner w a s served. The was a teacup reader. She proved bouquet was tied with a yellow house as decorations. Covers were l very interesting to all t h e girls. tIn . » *the v - t - Pocono » * * _ „ ^ ^mountains, . ._» **__ » • • _ . . ' " " 1 : J . . 1 • . . . . _ i i . k ^ . . i . l * « t . / vara intofoetirto tr* fill t>*o en rl c the first! a few days with his parents before j bride-elect .ras t h e recipient of laid for ten at the bride's table, Games were' played later in t h esatin bow. part ' *• of -* the * summer vacation. ' ' many lovely and useful gifts. going to Newark. N. Y., where she Irvin Walck was best man. Melvin decorated in pink and white. A Miss Venute will become the bride evening. Pnze3 were awarded to Walck and Edward Jagow, Jr.. also tiered wedding cake, adorned with a will spend the summer. The following young women, stuof Bruno Banks on Saturday, June Isabel Holland. Mildred Camann w e f and Beatrice Holland. The guests j e Arthur DuBols and William miniature bride a n d groom c e n dents at Keuka college, Keuka Lake tered the table. Over fifty guests Miss Ruth Butler, who has been 17. S c h ul received a gift of appreciation from Out-of-town guests studying at Hiram college. Hiram. The bride's mother wore a black were present. the hostess. Miss Delta Landis. bride - elect, Ohio, arrives Saturday to spend her A most delicious spaghetti s u p - silk georgette dress with white fig- were: Mr. and Mrs. William F . summer vacation with her parents. was delightfully entertained by Mrs. D* THE ures and a corsage of pink roses | Rauch_ and Miss Edna Beiswanger, Who so dewy-fresh m the- girl in wUt» ^ r w a s s e n e d a t t h e c l o s e o ft h e Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Butler, of Har- Donald Hartwig and Mrs. OrVllle j e% Mr. and Mrs. Grawe and sweet peas. The groom's m o t h - of Buffalo, g accessories?To her summer charm we d«fr Landis a t a blue and white kitchen j £T rison avenue. will reside on the Niagara Falls The next meeting will be held at er wore a dress of blue figured silk shower held at Belmer's Sahara. cate oar smartest collection of white shocsTfiose who entertained the home of Bernice Johns, of georgette. She also wore a corsage Boulevard. The U-shaped table was beautifulf o r t h ebrlde were: Mrs oew styles for a0 occasions, for every foot Carllton Bennet and Veris PhilEighteenth street on June 13. of pink roses and sweetpeas. The - George Friday, 11:10 • . m. t» 1 p. n lips, of Parson*. W. Va.. are spend- ly decorated with white streamers, groom's grandmother w a s gowned MOST STYLES ing the next two weeks at the home falling from a blue umbrella which Fried Filer of Perch The regular meeting of Rlverdale in a dress of white and black flowwas suspended from t h e ceiling. of Mrs. W. F. Repair, 2S21 North With Tirtar S»ue«, $«up. Pof«Miniature umbrellas formed t h e Rebekah Lodge. Xo. 195. will be ered crepe. (»*«, Vrgtubl*, Its Crtira and avenue. Summer held in Odd Fellows hall. 924 South After the wedding a reception and Cofft. place cards avenue, at 8. Noble Grand Ada dinner was held at the bride's home. Miss Landis WAS presented with • , ,, ,, Howard Beemer. a student at the Louis S o l e d Bowl QrRW u] r s Af te the meet The table was centered with a fivecorsage of gardenias and a lovely | [ * V * ^*/ , ! _ : (far* jroar hair v»Trd University of Alabama, returned isrvtd with S»/dln»i, Ratli md ing there will be joint memorial tier wedding cake. Out-of-town bride's book and was the recipient , now . . . Look year EXN'A-JETTICKS •u»U» home Tuesday to spend his sumservices. The public is invited to guests included several from Cleve»trt t b f • t nnr.fr of many beautiful pifts. mer vacation with his parent*, Mr. t*j\. Tc-j'll rM fO*lCombinorion Sandwich land and Buffalo. Amonp those attending were the attend. and Mrs. Elmer Bremer. Hy «-ork for l»w h i r e : Crt*m CK««M *nd Icily Smrf. Mr. and Mrs. Walck left on a n Misses Delta Landis. Virginia Tay- | Rccultr } ] with itrv«d with rettteti tni O f t > j lor. Ruth Nassoly. Margaret N»s- 1 The Club Les Amis , «i!l hold, its extended wedding trip to the New PERMANENT WAVE C«f»*» t U P To Hold R u m m a g e Sale 1 sov Marian Saunders. M a r i a n weekly meeting at the home of Miss 1 York World's Fair SS SO P»rk A v t n c t Filet of Solo Dinner, 5 0 c PERMANENT WAVE j Strieker. MarRarer.p L-ee. Mary Esebell Screvino of Ashland a v e - ' Pre-nuptial affairs included a vaFilet el Je-li with Ttrttr t«uc« *nd * nue. The hostess at the last meetJA:.P Cummngs. Kathleen La Due. O Ftcltl * Finctr W i n O i .50 The Ladles' Aid Rnd the Missioncemptttt dinntf jcrvtd from ing was Miss Fiora Del Lorenzo, of riety shower given by Mr. and Mrs 9 ShamtkO* 0 Eyebrow Arch V I II ». n. until I p. r , Irwin Walck: a variety shower give an* society of the Church of Go<*.Pef.e StaggA. Agnes a n d Julia Seventeenth street. will hold a rummape sale tomorrow McKelvey. And Jcv-rph-.ne Moo<e: by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DuBois and BETTY R. OLIVER j at 2?fl,1 Pine avenue, beginninc R' Mrs. William Goodman. Mrs Albert a variety shower given by Miss J e n M M MAIN PHONE 247! The Niagara Falls Auxiliary ProHurst. Mrs Aiden LAndi.v Mrs Heri 10 a.m. Mrs Charles Gribben is nies Walck. tectant Home fo*r Unprotected Chilj the general chairman of the sale bert Evans. Mrs John Spllsbury. OPEN EVEXUMSj 18X5 PIKE AVE-, a t 19th dren will meet at 1 IS at 'he home j r.nd she Is assisted by Mrs. Mary Mrs Ross Dawson and Mrs. William OASLYCoHeeShopSpcoai of Miss Theresa Gaiser, 1404 Eighth „__—____ . ^ Forster. I White and Mrs. Marcel Dcstralicr. street, cards and social hour following. I Mrs Haro'd Perkins entertained ^^v-^-^ii Monday evening at a variety showThe BetA chapter of 7.etA Sigma "Tb» *V1t*T KJr>« er in honor of Miss Sylvia Cosby, Cpsilon sorority will meet at the whose marriage to Clifford Coram home of Mivs Prlsciila Stimson, a w * ^^^"^^^''•'Wtlioi^BO is an interesting coming event The Nlagnra-on-thc-Lake. this evening ^ r uiu t » » P-hrra lr% house wa.« decorated with lovely at 7.45. P*. Wfr-vl flowers and the roval ro!or« Ouests ; wete present from Buffalo NiMfwsiah Shrine. No \8. will hold agara Falls, N Y . Stamford and a stated meeting and cerrmonial t o St. Catharines. Ont morrow at ft p m !n trie Masonic Games were played during the Temple. Mam street and Walnut 1 Yoor opportunity f© bar rurevening, prires going to Miss Kthel avenue. Cosby. Mrs I>ovell and M:< MeBear nUhtnrt for the gund room For The June Bride and Graduate all of whom presented them to the Members of Ivy Auxiliary No 9, at a dUtlnrt u r i n e . . . and bride. F.lla Berwav and Helen IXir.r. I. A P.M.. are brine requested to atU'tvt selected stvtr*1 I gave vocal selections. " O. Promise tend the memorial «er\ices tomorit I- the nut*) K.lpcrt hlcb 1 Me." and 'Rose of Tralre." row e\en:nc which »'.'.! he held at quality merrhandlie. styles from o«r «$&• 1*15 MAIN ST. PHONE S75-6 j At the close of the evening. Jack I O O F Temple South avenue. Full j Marshall favored the company with dress uniform »i'.; he worn. $5.00 and $6.50 U'hittW. a solo. "Until". f'io;i,-rs For litery Occasion — • • Poster or M I M Cosby w a i the reclpent of tandals for special <*<*]• HEALTH GROUP PARTY many lovely gifw. Entertainments Personals ••:•%-.•"; t i e ' Organizations 1' m WEDDINGS, 1 Engagements IiS m U-* . - ;, 0 Hrr ::^M££ The §(Q)^ 1 Sherwin Williams C& 19.75 BS FOR THAT GARDENIA LOOK Caterina- Whelan % \ , si, wtSi •..< • •1 i . ; . . • ; - ' • . vl''" Mtfiil Whites COFFEE SHOP 301 $3to$4 Permanents 251 $5 to «6 SI. 50 $3.75 » CATERINA-WHELAN mm : SHOES, INC. IM [mi Herman Elpert Inc. mtrfBiNo t^^HM. T rVl IL ^ - Presents A ROYAL VALUE FLOWERS • 4 • l^otma Chaclucm Harris and Lever, Florists Jenny Lind Bed Mr. • Innerspring Mattrett $29so Complete Outfit • Guaranteed for Coil Spring R*nUf U?«S Atttrtd th« N>«f«r* F»»» Mort« y ^ ^..-^ p , , * }UP» JStS »? 7 P. M. V«K»« stMi^s J & MAIN AT DIVISION PHONE 3366 Birth and M a I ranchcl to Open Home for Benefit Dance. YOUNG—To Mr arxi Mr* Lloyd One of the Important summer Young. ia.M> Llnwood avenue, at I parties scheduled for the social M L St. Mary's hospltAl, June 7, A calendar will bo held at the home daughter. of Mr. and Mr*. R F. Franchot, 335 Buffalo avenue. Saturday evening, McCABE—To Mr. and Mr*. Mc- June 34. the funds from which will Cab*. Lewiston. a t Mr mortal hos- be used for the benefit of the Maternal Health association. pital. June R. a daughter. Tlie committee* mnJcinc the a r TRACY—To Mr. and Mra. John ranjrrmenu is planntn? many u n Truer. Creek ro*d. Youncstown. lit urual features for the evening, many Memorial hospital. June 7. • daugh- lntrijnirns jrsme* ar<* dunrine t o ter. the music of Chff Fielding R e freshments will be inchxied In the •dmlssion ticket R A t C T I O W - T o Mr and M r . « Oe.->rr» Ralchow, 1117 X(»ln street. F i r m 9:.V* to 15 VI will be the at Memorial hospital, Jun« 7, A hours filled * l t h ke<n enjoyment dauthter. Saturday cveninff. June 34. O'H'l*. YOUR OWN YACHT for a DAY! at a cost of LESS than $1 a person N>»c»-j Pa»» "•:»• t"rt NoaM »->-! C f t f i - e ' t L'<e->te-^ p l c t i t o t-rval w r t * * for *>' T ' W <~\j vet <y <-t s '-.« V*ri*l 5*« t h * beMilifu! N.*g»--a Pmf. t*V» t ' - r O- «Se • V i v : I-* C»-v»l. Pt>-> y»J- C"*~i t " p for fvr\. t-.t»r»» «v«n»vt or Swim From The Boot 3 T a b l e t For C o r d t Comt Pl»-\ ry-» U, Como'cte Ar»d Root* R e f r e t h m t n t t 0 « Board » e < t r -~tt ln'orrpot:On Res«rvQtK>nt: . , , , S# *f«e-e^*. C"*.-KK rewvl'<r>! \V'» v.• >t tt\H\ >-ou Or fljrriithirrf *nt»f- NIAGARA BOAT RIDE THt iOOK COKNtK IN ' < . . ; ' * , s ..•.*•. ' ' , . $1.49 to $4.65 • Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com ' • ' : - - T I M ! TO* am • • • C TMt CtAH^ CHILDREN'S SH01 SHOP oTMtn t r r x t t O N CLEARANCE SALE Untitled Document ' & * : 3 $.169 tow o* MtoiuM Hint. most protcn «/» shoes she's rrer uom . . .'•©Mf slyJtd with every requirement of youth in mind. Horn* By M o o n l i g h t >y a r » ' r ^ »• » J>.»-,- - ^ 1*0© C - . T 1 . S t o p For a W i t n c r Prie« A«A f» • • . • MAIN st
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