• \ THE HEMPSTEAD, N. Y., SENTINEL tURSDAY, MARCH 4,1948 PAGE FIVE — — — Nominations of officers will take on March 19. place in Hempstead Lodge of Elks i 4H CLUB WEEK . ,. on Friday evenings, March 5th and iuu in til t utii i:rui I ttiif I Din f 1 t]f t'lltl llltiii ffiti i IIIII t | i:iii till t^irt I litrt^.iil^l :^iil tlilillliliif t:i:t I JJil 111^ 11 it 11 riT^ 12th. The election will take place National 4-H Club W.-k is b<- SOCIAL EVENTS J \ | >CAL HIGH SCHOOL GRADS WILL MARRY " Mrs. William Entwhistle of Attleboro, Mass., has announced the igagement of her daughter. Miss Lillian A. Smith of Elmwood aveme, Hempstead, to Charles M. Wilson, son of Mrs, Harold Wilson of wood avenue, Hempstead, and the late Mr. Wilson. Both are Lduates of Hempstead high school. Mr. Wilson served in Japan |with the army. No date has been set for their marriage. ' ing observed currently through Sunday, the theme being "Creating better homes today for a more responsible citizenship tomorrow/' > i '. i U n.p i i ^ • ' FRANKLIN SHOPS ' • • ' - . • • ' •dXr STORE HOURS: Da»y 8 to 5:30 Friday Noon to 9 . . -» % * s»- . 1 — -. • ,RIE COSENZA TO MARRY ON APRIL 4 Miss Marie Cosenza, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George. Cosenza >f Harvard road south, Garden City, will be married to John Pershig Fredericks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fredericks of Ozone Park, ipril 4 at 4:30 a t her parents' home. The reception will be a t Shadow iwn, Hempstead. Miss Margaret Cosenza will be her sister's only ittendant. Mr. Fredericks served in the army four years, with 32 Hiths in the European theatre. ., * . , .. • tr~ '»wi . . T •• , i t. r J ttdbhrM- • .... ••• . :• - • • . • . 7 Go To New Lengths • I *j • • ., ' : • ' • • ' • * • * . • • • . • • . - . . t • * . ' >R. JOHN THATCHER TO ADDRESS WOMEN L* - • jj *Dr. John Thatcher will be the speaker a t a meeting of the Women's :iety of Christian Service a t the Hempstead Methodist Church, Tuesday, March 9 at 1:30 P. M. His topic will be MAdult Education." tecause of his training and experience Dr. Thatcher ia able to speak rith authority on this subject, say the officers of the society. . •. Idith Ann Wall ed Last Month Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wall of ^airway, Hempstead, have antounced the marriage of their laughter, Miss Edith Ann Wall, Harold Lewis Rounds, son of ir. and Mrs. A. Lee Rounds of Rochester, N. Y. The ceremony took place at Saint Luke's Episco>al Church, Rochester, February 7 md was attended by the families id a few close friends. The bride is a granddaughter )f Mrs. Francis P. Hamlet of empstead, and the late Dr. Ham|et. She is a graduate of Hempjtead high school and was in her freshman year at Syracuse Unirersity at the time of her martage. 0 Mr. Rounds, a veteran of the ar« lyTBr^oreeTIs"attending Syracuse Tniversity and is majoring in chemical engineering. [ary Nichols lans to Marry Mr. and Mrs. T. Harvey Nichols ^f Berinett avenue, Hempstead, »ave announced the engagement of [heir daughter, Miss Mary Annette Tichols to Frank Warren Chinn, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. ,'hinn of Richmond Hill. The bride-elect is a graduate of [empstead high school and P r a t t Institute and is employed as a designer by the Spool Cotton Company. Mr. Chinn, an army air—force feteran, is a graduate of Brooktechnical high school and attended Brooklyn Polytechnic institute. He is associated with the Delydraire Corporation. The Rev. John S. Haight of St. pge's Church, and Mrs, Haight rill go to Bernardsville, N. J., Sunday afternoon, where later in (he day Mr. Haight will officiate It the christening of their grandlaughter, Ellen Alexandra Haight, ^t St. Bernard's Church in Berlardsville. A reception will follow the rectory. The baby is the faughter of the Rev. Malcolm taight and Mrs. Haight. Her fathjr is rector of St. Bernard's fturch. Dorothy Lalmant Becomes Fiancee Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lalmant of G«rden-€4ty-and Churchville, Pennsylvania, announce t h e engage^ ment of their daughter, Dorothy Lucille Lalmant, to Paul R. Deigendesch, Jr., of Southampton, Pennsylvania. Miss Lalmant is a graduate of Hempstead High School, Hempstead, New York and Rider College, Trenton, New Jersey. Mr. Deigendesch is a graduate of Bryn Athen High School and served three years in, the U. S. Coast Guard and Naval Air Force. He is now completing his education at the University of Pennsylvania. Eastern Star Announces Dates —Games-were played following a short business meeting of Morton Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Tuesday evening at Masonic Temple. Plans were completed for cooking and serving a dinner for the Masons' school of instruction at the Presbyterian Church House March 20. Mrs. Ruth Krist and Mrs. Honora Watjen will be in charge. The membership is reheasing a musical show to be" given a t the Hempstead Elks Club May 6 and 8, under the direction of Mrs. Hattie Gerdes with Mrs. Anna Semke as chairman. R t Worthy Helen E. Boyd and Rt~"Worthy Edward J. Conlan, district leaders, will make their official visit to the chapter on March 30. MILDRED GUIDA WED ON VALENTINE'S DAY Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Guida of Valcour avenue, East Hempstead, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mildred Guida, to Alfred O'Sunna of East Hempstead at Our Lady of Loretto Church on St. Valentine's day. After a trip the couple are living in East Hempstead. Attending the couple was Mrs. Bemice McGory and Daniel Nichols, both of Hempstead. Mr. O'Sunna is a navy veteran and served overseas more thai** one Mr. and Mrs. John L. Keegan of year. . ;11 street, Hempstead, announce Miss Judith D. Witt, daughter of le birth of a son, their first child, "ebruary 22 at Mercy Hospital. He Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Witt of las been named Kerry John Kee- South Spruce street, West Hempstead, a sophomore at Bates colfan. lege, Lewiston, Me., has been The dollar has shrunk but the named to the dean's list of the colleed for the Red Cross has not. lege for high grades for the first five more to your Nassau Red semester. She is majoring in this year. Spanish. - Beautiful red wool cutaway towarxLyour new longer skirt very graceful, very new look skipper blue and black. Sizes jacket with a dip . . . it captures the of spring. Also in 10-16 45.00 As feminine, as beguiling as a bouquet of violets, our little pure wool suede cloth topper comes in the prettiest colors you've ever seen. Sizes 10-16 45.00 • Apparel Shop—went building FRANKLIN SHOPS 250 Fulton Avenue • J~ Hempstead, N. Y. Greater Long Island's Department Store r. \ Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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