fflgr \ THE ELH AM SlfN of a proven excellence in one of t h e fruitful sections of residential Westchester County. A N e w s p a p e r for the Pelhams v v TWELVE PAGES PELHAM, N. Y., FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1934. Price Six Cents VOLUME 25 An advertising medium NUMBER 19 Class of ted at Sch ogi^Tomo r\ t M. Pettee Defaults To CHAMPIONSHIP TO 8 9 - ^ I e New Bank claims Baer. Dempsey and Other Notables 44 GRIEVANCES Will Be Honored BE DECIDED AT 1 Q q d fn ARE FILED WITH Will Attend Dinner In Honor Of CLUB J y o w ON SUNDAY * TOWNASSESSORS Many Taxpayers Discuss Valuations With Assessors and Leave Without Filing Complaints. More than one hundred taxpayers discussed their assessments with t h e Board of Assessors at the Grievance Day sessions on Tuesday, but only 44 applications for review were filed, according to the report of John E. VHter, chairman of t h e Be*rd. Adjustments will be made during the next few weeks. There w a s no evidence of the disorder which has marked previous Grievance sessions when taxpayers jammed the town board room and raised stern opposition against valuations placed on property by t h e assessors. The board was busy during the afternoon and evening. MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOOKS AVAILABLE FOR CLUB MEMBERS Literature Section Establishes Library in Memory of Late Mrs. Robert A. Holmes. New books in the fields of fiction, biography, poetry and travel, a s well a s standard works a r e now available every Tuesday morning to Manor Club members from the Susan B. Holmes Memorial l i b r a r y > Although t h e time for filing claims againsffthe defunct Pelham National Bank ham officially expired Receiver Warner Pyne ia still accepting proofs of claim. According to Mr. Pyne i t has been the custom of the Comptroller of t h e Currency to accept claims a t any time during the life of t h e trust, although the legal notice published recerttty, set June 9th as t h e closing date. Mr, Pyne reports t h a t several claims have been received since June" 9th. T h e outstanding claims are' all small amounts. RALPH H. MARKS FIRST CHIEF OF MANOR IS DEAD Established Grocery Business in North Pel ham in 1894. Was Chief From 1904 Until 1919. Ralph H. Marks, who for many years was in business in North Pel ham and was t h e first chief of police of Pelham Manor, died a t the Hotel Alexandria in New York City on Saturday morning after a short illness. He was 70 years old. Mr. Marks came to Pelham in 1894 and conducted a grocery store here. He was appointed head of the Pelham Manor police department in 1904 and remained in command until 1919 when he resigned to enter the insurance investigation field. Chief Marks was in command of the Pelham Manor force when Philip Gargan and James Butler were appointed in 1909. Gargan succeeded Marks a s chief. Butler Chief Michael J. Grady Of Manor Geo. 1933 Title Holder in SemiFinal. Boxers, Theatrical and Radio Stars, Judges and County Leaders To Attend Function at Travers Island Tuesday Eve. Members of (^lass to Conduct Commence! gram; Prizes and Honors to Be Award* E. K. Ludington, Jr., will defend his title in t h e first round of the Pelham Country Club golf championship tournament on Sunday in a thirty-six hole match. Either H. W. Comfort or Village Trustee John C. Duncan, Jr., will be his opponent. Comfort and Duncan will play a semi-final match tomorrow. George M. Pettee, who was to meet the club champion in the semi-final has defaulted because he will be out of town over the week-end. The first eighteen holes of the final match will be2 : n a t 9 a. m. on Sunday. The second round will be played on Sunday afternoon. Five hundred friends of Police Chief Grady of Pelham Manor will storm the New York Athletic Clubj at Travers Island on Tuesday nighi when a dinner-dance will be given in his honor. Max Baer, heavyweight chara» pion of the world, will be there; Jack Dempsey, former heavyweight champion, will be with Baer. Both of these stare of the fistic world have postponed vacation trfjft'for a few days in order to be present. This news was conveyed to Joseph V. Connolly, resident of Pelharawood and head of King Features WILLIAM E. RUSSELL, J r . Syndicate, the great Hearst g e * s j a p e r s organization. Mr.i Connoll.v who generously offered to provide entertainment for the dinner-dance will have "Bugs" Baer, the great humorist, as toastmaster. During the evening the following will contribute to the program: Vincent Lopez, Eddie Dowling, Harry RwhI man, Olive Jones of the Stork Club, \« •_* • J m L o i. I 4 . Rubber-face Gallagher, the facial REILLY'S APPEAL OF ZONING WILL BE HEARD MONDAY W. E. RUSSELL, JR. HONOR GRADUATE AT LAW SCHOOL Chester Park and Pelhamwood Taxpayers Will Oppose Maintained High Scholastic c o n t o r t i o n i s t i M U t ^ g r e a t car. Average Since Early School toonist Believe I t or Not Ripley, Granting of Permit for TwoDays; is Graduated Cum and Jack Lait famous short story- Family House. writer. Bradley Kelly will direct Laude. the show and Clark Kinnaird, radio In t h e quarter-final matches, played over t h e last week-end, Comfort defeated C. L. Williams, 4 and 2; Duncan defeated A. BBaker, 2 and 1; Ludington defeated R. C. Ingalls 4 and 3. Pettee had previously defeated A. R. Moore 3 and 1. The semi-finals of the Governor's Cup tournament will also be played en Saturday and t h e final on Sunday A. F . Maxwell will meet Fire Commissioner Shirley R. Guard and Paul Gulick will meet C. H. Ficke. In the quarter finals Maxwell defeated F . H. Farnham 2 and 1. Guard defeated H. D. Shattuck 4 and 3 ; Gulick defeated H . E. Henneman 2 up and Ficke defeated A. L. Bieber 6 and 5. The C l a s s ^ A l 9 3 4 , largest in the history of Pelham Memorial HighTscljool will be graduated tomorrow night. Commencement exercises will be conducted by members of the class in the a u d i ^ f c m of the school. Supt. of Schools Joseph Clifton BrownMIl make a short address to the graduates. W. W. Fairclougn, principal of the school will present prize awards. School Trustee William L. Chenery will p r e - ^ . Awards and Arj^uf*^. /Lve^T sent t h e Men's Club ducation' will praplrt diujemaa. president of the Boa* $75,000 Towrlftnd School Tax Litks Sold on Wednesmay Town and school t a x _liens amounting to $75,000 were sold a t public sale by Supervisor William M. McBride on Wednesday. Pelham Manor village t a x liens amounting t o $25,000 were purchased and $20,000 worth of North Pelham liens. The bidding was spirited. In many instances, liens were sold a s low a s seven per cent. The unsold town and school t a x liens amount to $9,973.84. Supervisor McBride reports that last year t h e town had to take over approximately $16,000 in liens. The unsold Pelham Manor liens amount to $2,832.29. The unsold North Pelham liens amount to $2,150.59. Diplomas will be presented to" 89 pupils. • , «• • The invocation will be offered by IcVickar Haight, RecKs Church. William B . pnt of the Class ofj the address of leniors will offer pnt topics. They boras Smith. can L Kaiid- er, " i w ( p a f a w f Leisure of t h e Workin| A musical program will be presented b y the high school orchest r a under the direction of A. J . Fregans, . head of the music department. There will be five awards made to members of the Senior Class Scholarship and outstanding accomplishment The names of the boy and girl who have attained the highest mental, moral and physical development will be inscribed on the Memorial Tablet in t h e corridor of t h e school. Loyal Senb^yjardedj_to the P r o t e s t against t h e demand of announcer of the WINS station will former Mayor James Reilly for a variance in ilic Nuith Pelham zonA i ^ u i a a s uecii esliiun&iicu 04 I a t police hcaUl^ua, ing ordinance to permit t h e conCHARGED REDUCED Literature Section in honor of the ters a t the present time. The for- struction of a two-family house on late Mrs. Robert A. Holmes. Mrs. mer chief was a frequent visitor a t MALLIN ENTERS Linden avenue in Chester P a r k will (Continued On Page 8) Holmes, who was president of the Pelham Manor police headquarters PLEA 0££U1LTY be raised by the Chester Park AsManor Club from 1925 to 1926, was Funeral services were held a t the so:iation and the Pelhamwood Asalso honorary chairman of the Lit- Riverside Memorial Chapel, 76th County Judge sociation a t the hearing to take erature Section a t the time of her street and Amsterdam avenue in yesterday permitfe place at the Town Hall on Monday passing, and was especially inter- New York City on Monday mornnight. Both taxpayers' associa- Will Appoint Committee to against James J. ested in its activities. Her mem- ing. Interment was a t Mount Zion tions have gone on record in oppoAssist in Studying Real Es- ' * " • ' ! ; U ' . . i\.h,if**~rn~>tii Zf't ory is also honored by the Susan B. cemetery. Gargan, Butler and Sersition to any change'm zoning re3rd degrfce assaWt and rewivW-mV: school. A Senior Scholarship Meu*l Holmos Garden Trophy awarded geant James Burnett and others tate and Building Conditions r strictions, fearing t h a t niodifkaplea of guilty in County Court a t will be awarded t o the member of arrmmll;^*: -QUgJitjJ^.GariJ*'" * ••—- f-! i ha<. ' ..At I" "* h i m tion for Reilly wi'l weaken the en- Here. i White Plains yesterday. Mallin is the graduating class* who has at> " fcixhe MamH^puh to (.";• «ar-. aii*ndea tr.E .. . :.;. » tire structure of the zoning ordinawaiting sentence. ' cjen ' -hich seen from the street contained the highest '"average in Surviving a r e t h e «•*•*" Mrs. Mallin was arrested in North Regents marks. tributes most t o t h e beauty of the Rachel Marks and a son, M, rtin H . 115 in New York City he was the; Town Leader Ward V. Tol- ances. John T. Brook, president of the «cqmnWMy « bases his contention that Pelham Builders Supply Co., has Pelham on May 25th on the comranking student and Valedictorian Mfcrks of New York City." Junior, Sophomore and Freshbert is Elected A State Com- he Reilly i should be permitted to erect the been appointed chairman of the plaint of his wife, Kathryn, who man Scholarship Awards will be of his class. He was awarded the CTlb members pay a nominal mitteeman at White Plains twe-family house within t h e re- Pelham branch of a county commit- charged t h a t he broke into her made to the members of these E. F . Eilert medal for scholastic rental for the use of the books in stricted zone on the ground that tee which under NRA auspices will apartment a t No. 105 Fifth avenue classes who have attained t h e excellence. This award was esthe Hbrary, most of which have Session. there were other such dwellings in conduct a survey of real estate and and assaulted her with a rolling highest scholastic averages dur(Continued on Page 4) been gifts of members. Mrs. HenChester Park prior t o t h e enact- building conditions throughout the pin. ing the school year. ry B. Heylman has been a most The Pelham delegation to the ment of the restriction in 1931. His county. He will during the coming generous donor. county Republican committee con- application has been rejected once. week announce the names of five Mrs. Hilliard C. Birney, forme* vention at White Plains on Tuesmen who will be associated with head of the Literature Section, and day w a s : Ward V. Tolbert, Pelham him a s the Pelham committee. The a member of the club board of dileader; Ben L. Fairchild, Ernest F . eet-up calls for a banker, a mortTentative plans for a campaign rectors, is chairman of the commitEilert, Mrs. Ward V. Tolbert, Miss gage man, a builder, an architect to raise sufficient funds to purtee in charge of the library. A. Seed, Mrs. Selleck, Mrs. J . E\ and a publicity man. chase "Pelhamdale," the famous ——_—*_ Ackland, Mrs. M . Godfrey, Oden, Revolutionary W a r home of Col. Sail for Europe. The committee will do in Pelham Mrs. A. T. Bolton, Mrs. James L. E a r l y hours a r e prescribed for "I think we're right," said what will be done in other parts of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Connolly David Pell on Iden avenue, were Gerry, Robert Molitor, Anthony discussed a t a meeting held a t t h e Departing from the usual custhe county—make a survey of con- the good burghers of Pelham Mayor Sprague after Simonelli of Benedict Place, Pelhamwood, Smith, Domonic Amato, M. J . ditions and report before July 10th Heights b y the village fathers and had gone. are sailing tomorrow a t noon on Manor Chib on Saturday. The tom of holding the annual com- Early, J r . , Gordon Miller, Thomas no extension of the midnight curvoluntary committee will meet mencement exercises in the School "Absolutely right," seconded the S. S. (hamplain for Europe. Thomod Thursby Injured on the probable sum of money few on restaurants that might tend M. Kennett. again on Monday a t 10 a. m. Hall on Second avenue, the graduawhich could be used by homeowners Trustee Passmore. After a stay in London whore Mr. Critically in Pelham Heights in improving their properties, or to disturb their righteous slum- A short time later, Thomas M. tion exercises of Saint Catherine's On the surface the meeting went Connolly will be engaged with Parochial School will be held this along smoothly, underneath there While Cranking Automobile. potential builders of homes, gar- bers will be granted. Mayor Tal- Kennett, publisher of The Pelham business transactions, they will j UIViVIVEiO KJEiLtlwitSEi, in t h e Church. were whispered conversations of --: ages, etc., if money was readily bert W. Sprague and his fellow Sun, who was attending the bachevisit in Scotland and Ireland. JoCAR RAMS GARAGE year The exercises will be held on Suna fight between t h e Old Guard a s Thomod Thursby, 36, of No. 19available on long-term mortgages board members handed down t h a t lor banquet in honor of George seph Connolly, Jr. # will accompany ruling on Monday night when J u - O'Sullivan a t f i e Tik-Tok Restday afternoon, June 24th a t three represented by Harry R. Barrett, Bonnefoy place, New Rochelle, was for that purpose. his parents, --W**'"' An automobile owned by William o'clock. Very Reverend Monsignor lius Simonelli, representing t h e secretary of the Republican County seriously injured in Pelham This plan is calculated by the Tik Tok Restaurant a t No. 115aurant, appeared and handed a Gillett of Prospect avenue, Pelham note, to Mayor Sprague. This note Entertain in Honor of Daughter. Manor, was slightly damaged Fri- Francis P. McNichol, pastor of t h e Committee, and right-hand man of Heights, late Friday afternoon, NRA to offset the timidity which Wolf's Lane, petitioned t h e t r u s - imparted the information t h a t a Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer C. Rey- day when it rolled down First church will preside and will pre- the late leader, William L, Ward wfeen he was r u n over b y a n auto- the bankers of the country are tees t o extend the curfew until number of prominent citizens, innolds of Peace street, Pelham street hill in North Pelham and sent diplomas t o the graduates and and the new county chairman mobile he was attempting to s t a r t showing in making loans for con1:30 a. m. will also present the prizes. cluding Town Leader Ward V. Charles Griffiths, allied with the by cranking. Thursby is a t New Manor, are entertaining a t a dinner crashed against the side of the Pelstruction purposes. I t is believed Simonelli pointed out that t h e Tolbert, Rev. Father Arthur A. Rev, Daniel J . Downing, Ph. D., State Leader Kingsland Macy, Rochelle Hospital with a broken that if ready money is available, a party a t their home this evening town Garage at Fourth avenue. The restaurant was being conducted in Campbell, Ernest F . Eilert, Fire large volume of work can be crefor 28 guests in honor of the grad- car had been parked on t h e street of Cathedral College, New York who were demanding the elimina- back. a quiet and orderly manner. He Commissioner City, formerly assistant to MonDominic Amato, tion of Walter W. Westall, a s a Thursby, a painter, had been ated and thus relieve the unemployuation of their daughter, Miss and the brake became released in said t h a t an extension of the cur- Town Counsel George Lambert, Florence Reynolds from Junior some manner. North Pelham po- signor McNichol a t Saint Cather- retributory act for his stand on the working a t t h e home of Village ment situation. few would permit the proprietors ine's, will deliver the address to public utilities legislation. U p to Truatee John C. Duncan, J r . , a t High School. lice notified the owner. The appointment of Mr. Brook to begin to realize some return on Councilman Henry H. Sirnmen and No 1 1 7 the graduates. others were present a t the dinner a few minutes before the opening Monterey avenue, Having The afternoon will be concluded of proceedings, it was believed that fi™»hed his work for t h e day, he was made by Col. John B. Rose the investment of several thous- and that a slight extension be chairman of the Code Authority for ands of dollars they had made in granted in this occasion. by Solemn Benediction with Rev. Westall would be nominated, but P r e p * r e d to go home in t h e autoAfter Vincent de Paul Mulry officiating. the name of Pliny W. Williamson, mobile, owned by his employer, the Builders Supply Industry. In equipping the place. He complain- reading the note, Mayor Sprague The following pupils will receive county supervisor from Scarsdale, , a m f s Sneddon, of No. 25 Beech- his communication to Mr. Brook, ed t h a t when the management had passed it over t o Trustee Passmore diplomas: Gorham Head, Cecilia was put before t h e convantion, fol- ™ o d » v « n u « . N * w Rochelle. Al- Col. Rose outlines the plan for pro- to p u t out its customers a t mid- with the comment: viding funds to build homes for night, they went into North Pelthere Murtha, Virginia Kennedy, Thomas lowed by Harry Barrett's declara- ]ru*\ "This seems to be a plea to you, , w a f n o ™ t n € g s t o those who have steady salaries and A new type of entertainment j Members of Pelham Country Lightbody, John Burke, Dorothy tion that Weatall's name would not « * »<*ual accident, police learned can shoulder the responsibility; and ham where there is a 1:30 a. m. Roy." curfew or t o other places. has been arranged for the mem- c l n b w h o h a v e m a < j e reservation* Dickson, Dorothy Kain, Cerey *'"" ."" . 7 7 " * " " mm* ™ that the c a r was in gear a t t h e as an aim of t h e survey to ascerHaving read the note, Trustee "We've watched your place," Passmore said: bers of Pelham Country C u b to^ ftnd M Wells, Patricia Miller, Lucy Reilly, *" p l a c e d b e f o r e t h e ™ « « n S d,nner jndude: time and when Thursby tried t o tain what volume of supplies in commented V i l l a g e Attorney Ben Koch was redesignated for crank it, it leaped forward and morrow night when the club will I George Kelly, John Carey, Alfred "And what difference does that building materia) can be expected George Hinckley, "and the reports go nautical for .the observance of> J - *• R u y ' . M r - » n d M r « - W - J - Chausse, Gerard Murtha, Mary County Clertc. Walter Ferris, for passed over his body. The car make?" as a result. I t is another attempt that have come to me have been "Showboat N i g h t " There will be I Donovan, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Barbara Huntenburg, Fred- 20 years assistant district attorney, then continued to roll down t h e "None so far aa I can see" said a dinner a t t h e clubhouse after j J. Dufismore, Judge and Mrs. Frank erick De Stolfe, Jennie Miller, was named for the post of District driveway, a t the rear of t h e Dun- to set the wheel of a stalled indus- good. According to them you a r e Mayor Sprague's rejoinder. try in motion again. running a quiet and orderly place which t h e party will adjourn to Roberson, Miss Lia Villari, Mr. and Helen Baker and Thomas Burpee. Attorney. Seabury C. Mastick for can property, passed over a lawn, "I'm in wrong with t h a t crowd —hut t h e l a w is the law and t h a t anyway but it doesn't worry me," the Showboat Periwinkle t o wit- Mrs, Archibald F . Maxwell, Mr. State Senator. 25th District. Her- and finally w a s wrecked against nee* the first performance of "Per-I' and Mrs. H. E, Henneman, Mr. and specifies midnight closing. The bert R. Smith for Assemblyman 1st the home of John H. Hinn.an of Depart for Quebec. said Trustee Passmore. District. Ralph A. Gamble, for No, 116 Loring avenue. Mrs. Charles A. Muessel of the people of this village stand back winWe Purities," Members of the Mrs. Harold W. Comfort, Mr. and Auxiliary Members The curfew was not enforced of t h i s . " Assemblyman, Second Assembly Periwinkle Players will entertain Mrs. K. R. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. W. Police removed Thursby to the Esplanade, left on Monday for her that night. Entertained By Post District. the club members during the din- A. McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. summer home on I^rire Memphre"We want to keep this village hospital. ner a t the club and this perform- Bowen, Mr. George Playle, Mr and Pelham delegation was honored Members of the Auxiliary of PelThursby underwent an operation magog, Quebec, Canada. She was quiet and believe that this law will ance will provide an insight as to Mrs. Henry H. Sirnmen, Mr. and ham Post No. 50, American Le- by one of their number, ex-Senator at t h e hospital on Wednesday. I t accompanied by her son, Charles, aid ua," said Trustee John C. Dun- RADIO & ELECTRIC what will follow on board the Peri- Mr*. M. J. Smith, Col. and Mrs. gion, were the guests of t h e Post Ward V. Tolbert being elected state is reported t h a t he is paralyzed. jr., and her daughter, Dorothy Jane can, J r . SERVICE CO, winkle. The evening's entertain- Frederick W. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. a t its meeting last night a t t h e committeeman. "I'm against any extension," Electricians ment has been arranged by Henry j Joseph C. Rovenaky, Mr. and Mrs. Masonic Temple. Commander Sid To Attend ( ommeficement. said Trustee Roy Passmore, Sopt. Pillsbury Engaged. H. Sirnmen, John G. Shattuck and Frank H. Gilchrist and Mr. and ney Smith presided. Mr. and Mrs. M. J . Smith of "So am I . " said Mayor Sprague. 130 Fifth Avenue The engagement of SuperintendJerome Beatty a t Mayo < link. Charles A. Muessel. Mrs. Maurice Colrette. Cliff avenue are leaving on Sunday Convinced of the futility of h i s Pelham 1306 Jerome Beatty of Lor1n| avenue, ent of 8chools W. Howard Pills'•*• Do You Ride ? 12 miles of excel- writer of popular Action is a t the bury of Schenectady and Miss to attend the graduation exercises mission, Simonelli left the room. lent bridle paths on Sound Shore, Mayo Bi%ther*-CHwte a t Roeheater, Welthie B Baker, supervisor of ele- a t Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. excellent mounts, Pelham Riding Minn., where he is undergoing mentary grades in the Schenectady on Monday. Frank E. Smith their •MtMiaii Academy. Pelham 1745. «<rr. treatment for arthritis. school system has been announced. son is member of the class. " H A L F A CENTURY O F ROME HEATING" Mr. Pillsbury wag superintendent of schools in Pelham before assuming h i i present position in SEE— Tel.: PaHta«2U4 Schenectady. To Meet Monday To Discuss Plans For Pell House William E. Russell. Jr.. son of .•!.. a n a .Ur» W iliam L . Russell of the Boulevard received the degree of L.L.B. cum laude from Yale Law School a t t h e annual commencement exercises held on Tuesday. Russell has been an outstanding student at Yale. He w a s marshal of his class and w a s elected to the Order of t h e Coif, national honorary legal fraternity. Russell has maintained an excellent scholastic record since Bis early school days. When h° w a s graduated from Public School No. JOHN T. BROOK TO LEAD SURVEY FOR NRA LOANS I PELHAM G. 0. P. DELEGATES AT COUNTY MEETING COMMENCEMENT AT ST. CATHERINE'S ON SUNDAY AT 3 P. M. Pelham 12 O'clock Village Curfew Will\Be Enforced OWN CAR RUNS DOWN PAINTER; BACK IS BROKEN Country Club Members To Go Nautical In Observance Of Night On Showboat ElmCoal&Oil Corp. ffifhett Quality Coal and Oil 16 East First 8tr**t Yard—?1» So. CofcM PHONE YOUR ORDER TODAY OAKWOOD 1700 AT*. HulHiiiisoii DREYER'S for DRUGS COAL COIP. FILL YOUR BINS NOW AND SAVE! PELHAM MANOR PHONB P8LHAM 1444-2WS Untitled Document P f c l M : Pelham Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com 1i7« or 1W1 QUATRONI E, OIL BURNER Imtallatton. Plumbing and Heating 332 Fifth A venae PELHAM, N. Y. Order Your <blue, Cod Now Pelham Coal & Oil Co. Phone: PELHAM OS0O A
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