Welcome to our Parish Community ¡ Bienvenidos a nuestra Comunidad! St. Hugh of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church 21 East Ninth Street Huntington Station, New York 11746 _______________________ PASTORAL MINISTRY Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Granata, Pastor Rev. Gonzalo Oajaca Lopez, Associate Rev. Khoa T. Le, In Residence Rev. Francis Gasparik, OFM. Cap, Sunday Assistant Rev. Paul Dolan, Sunday Assistant Dr. Edward Billia, Deacon Mr. Thomas Reilly, Deacon Mr. Vito Taranto, Deacon Mr. Luis Giraldo, Deacon Mr. Richard Bilella, Deacon Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of of Easter the Universe November Second Sunday April 12, 2015 23, 2014 LITURGY AND MUSIC (Rectory) 427-0638; [email protected] Mrs. Gene-Louise Poller, Director YOUTH MINISTRY (Rectory) 427-0638; [email protected] Mr. Daniel Diviney, Director OUTREACH (SOCIAL MINISTRY) (Center) 271-8986; [email protected] Mrs. Fran Leek, Director BUSINESS MANAGER (Rectory) 427-0638; [email protected] Mr. Pete Shepherd, Manager RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (Center) 271-6081; [email protected] Mrs. Helen Schramm, Director TRINITY REGIONAL SCHOOL 1025 Fifth Avenue, E. Northport, NY 11731 261-5130; [email protected] Miss Jeanne Morcone, Principal Rectory 631-427-0638 Fax: 631-427-1319 [email protected] WORSHIP THIS COMING WEEK Monday, 4/13 Easter Weekday Acts 4: 23-31 / Jn 3: 1-8 (267) 8:00 am Martha Castro Tuesday, 4/14 Easter Weekday Acts 4: 32-37 / Jn 3: 7b-15 (268) 8:00 am Katherine & Frank O’Hagan Wednesday, 4/15 Easter Weekday Acts 5: 17-26 / Jn 3: 16-21 (269) 8:00 am Edith Quitoni Thursday, 4/16 Easter Weekday Acts 5: 27-33 / Jn 3: 31-36 (270) 8:00 am Elmer Whitcomb Friday, 4/17 Easter Weekday Acts 5: 34-42 / Jn 6: 1-15 (271) 8:00 am Collette Spadaro Saturday Memorial Mass, 8:30 am 4/18 Easter Weekday Acts 6: 1-7 / Jn 6: 16-21 (272) Veronica Velazquez, Matthew Giacopelli, Gloria Durr, Helen Giacopelli, James Picozzi, John Malone, Francisca Evanglista ___________________________________________________________________________ Bulletin Reflection: The Christian community described in Acts understood and practiced total stewardship. St. Paul reports that the believers did not claim anything as their own, but held everything in common and distributed to each whatever was needed. Living Stewardship: We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who look beyond their own wants to help satisfy the needs of others . Ministry of Prayer: Intentions for April ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ WORSHIP NEXT WEEKEND April 18th & April 19th Third Sunday of Easter Acts 3: 13-15, 17-19 / 1 Jn 2: 1-5a / Lk 24: 35-48 (47) ∗ 5:00 pm: Celebrant: Intention: John Mason 7:00 am: Celebrant: Intention: Mary Mediavilla 8:15am-Spanish: Celebrant: Intention: 10:00 am: Celebrant: Intention: People of Parish 11:30 am: Celebrant: Intention: Leonard Totoro ∗ ∗ Let us pray that people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Let us pray that persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. Let us pray about the choice of our new pastor and that the Lord will shower blessings upon our Father Joe as he transitions to retirement. Let us pray in thanksgiving for the Lord’s Paschal Mystery and His blessings of Easter joy for all the people of God. Let us pray with Our Lady of Medjugorje “that all those who left my Son because of their pain and misunderstanding may return to Him and that all those who have never known Him may come to know Him.” Let us pray for the health and safety of the homeless, the poor, and the marginalized people within our parish boundary. Let us pray St. Catherine of Siena’s prayer: Holy Spirit, come into my heart; draw it to Thee by Thy power, O my God, and grant me charity with filial fear. Preserve me, O ineffable Love, from every evil thought; warm me, inflame me with Thy dear love, and every pain will seem light to me. My Father, my sweet Lord, help me in all my actions. Jesus, love, Jesus, love. Amen. FROM THE PASTOR PASTOR’S DESK: I don’t know about you, but I was deeply moved by the experience of Holy Week this year. Each of the services from Palm Sunday until the last Mass on Easter Sunday was an expression of our faith for all to share in and be proud of. Several things made this a holy and inspirational time in the parish. First, of course were the sheer numbers that came together to celebrate on Palm Sunday and Easter. We filled up the Church several times on both days. It was like the “old days” with standing room only at some Masses. I think that our warm welcome to those who were there after a lengthy absence might help them to return sooner. Let’s hope so anyway. The second thing that made this a special time for me was the quality of our celebrations. That was no accident. Many people made it happen – The music ministers under the direction of Gene Poller and Pepe D’Amico and several others, the ushers who kept order, the lectors who made God’s Word come to life for us, the sisters from our Convent who led us in Morning Prayer, servers, the Environment Committee and the Rosary Altar Society who help focus in on each of the days and, of course, our deacons and priests. Thank you to all who worked so very hard last week. You deserve a big pat on the back (actually, you deserve a lot more than that, but that is all I have right now!) There was another reason why this Easter was such a special celebration for me. This one is personal. On Easter Sunday, I celebrated the 40th Anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. Imagine that! Forty years ago, Bishop Kellenberg (Remember him?) laid his hands on my head and called down the Holy Spirit upon me. When he was finished I was a priest! I can’t believe how much has happened over the forty years! When I look back on it, my heart is filled with gratitude because of what God has allowed me to do. I thank him for those years, and I thank you because in all of the parishes where I have served, I was made welcome and invited into your lives without question or conditions. I cannot imagine a richer or fuller life. Thank you. I would like to invite you to celebrate these 40 years with me. Since we could not do it on Easter, I have chosen April 26 as a special day. I would like you to join me at the 11:30 Mass that day to thank God and you for the gift of priesthood that you have given me. After Mass there will be some refreshments in the cafeteria. Please mark your calendars and plan to be there, I would be so honored to have you as a guest. Remember April 26th at the 11:30 Mass. I hope you will come….. Fr. Joe SOCIAL SOCIAL MINISTRY MINISTRY & NOTICES OUTREACH 631-271-8986 Open: 10 am-11:50am and 1-3:00pm Hope you and your family had a very blessed Easter! Our Pantry is in need of: JUICE, FRUIT, TOMATO & PASTA SAUCE, PEANUT BUTTER, JELLY, TUNA. Toiletries & diaper size 1, 3, 4 & 5 ∗ ∗ On Thursdays from 2-4PM we have a group of ladies knitting and crocheting pre-natal blankets and hats for the hospital. Come join us in the First Avenue wing of the Parish Center. We can always use donations of BABY YARN!!! Catholic Charities Immigration Counselor is here on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 10-12, on Tuesday’s we have a representative for the SNAP program (food Stamps) from 10-12 & on Thursdays we have Fidelis Care representatives from 1-3PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 631-271-6081 Registration for Religious Education for year 2015-16 will begin on Monday, April 13th. Children should enroll in formal Religious Education instruction and begin preparing for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion at age 6 or when they enter the first grade. If you would like to register a child for the first time, please stop in the office and bring with you a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate. Our office will be open for registration as follows: Beginning April 13th: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm and 1:00 – 5:00 pm. Beginning April 19th: Sundays: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (Please note that on Sunday, April 19th, the office will be closed from 10 am to 11 am) Registration will run until Thursday, May 7th. Any forms received after this date will be considered late and a $25 fee will be applied. ADULT SPIRITUAL FORMATION presents… This is the film Pierce Brosnan promised his fans would be: heartwarming, touching and full of hope. Also starring Aiden Quinn, Juliana Margulies and Alan Bates. A true story…of a parent committed to his children in a remarkable way… Wonderfully acted and beautifully written… Come & See--Enjoy light refreshments-Stay for discussion Tuesday, April 14th 7:00 (promptly) 9:20pm St. John Fisher Room Tugs at your heart and have a Kleenex handy… LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA & NOTICES OFICINA DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA 631-271-6081 Registración para las clases de Educación Religiosa para el año 2015-16 comenzará el lunes 13 de abril. Los niños deben matricularse en clases formal de Educación Religiosa, y comenzar a prepararse para el Sacramento de la Primera Comunión a los 6 años o cuando entran al primer grado. Si desea registrara un niño por primera vez, por favor pase por la oficina y traiga con usted una copia del Certificado de Bautismo del niño. Nuestra oficina estará abierta para registración como sigue: Comenzando el 13 de abril: Lunes, Martes, Miércoles y Jueves: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm and 1:00 – 5:00 pm. Comenzando el 19 de abril: Domingo: 9:00 am– 1:00 pm (Tenga en cuenta que el domingo 19 de Abril, la oficina estará cerrada desde 10 am - 11 am) Registración será hasta el Jueves, 07 de mayo. Cualquier registración recibida después de esta fecha será considerada tarde y se aplicará un cargo de $25. OFICINA DE OUTREACH Horas: 10 am-11:50am y 1-3:00pm Espero que usted y su familia hayan tenido un bendecido Domingo de Pascuas. La oficina de Enlace necesita los siguientes artículos para la despensa de comida: JUGOS, FRUTA ENLATADA, SALSA DE TOMATE, MANTEQUILLA DE MANI, JALEA Y ATUN. También necesitamos pañales talla 1, 3, 4 & 5 y artículos personales y de primera necesidad. ∗ ∗ Todos los Jueves desde las 2PM hasta las 4PM tenemos un grupo de Señoras que tejen y bordan sabanitas y gorritos para los bebes del Hospital. La consultora de Inmigraciónde Caridades Católicas está aquí el 4to martes del mes de 10-12, todos los martes tenemos una representante del programa de Cupones de Alimentos (SNAP) de 10-12, y los Jueves de 1-3PM tenemos representantes del Plan de Salud Fidelis. SPIRITUAL ADOPTION SEVENTH MONTH RIGHT TO LIFE Your spiritually adopted baby is growing every day. He/she is between 14 and 17 inches long and weighs about 4 1/2 pounds. He/she is growing every day. He/she can see, hear and recognize mother's voice, taste, cough, yawn and hiccup. Amazing! Dear Jesus, child of Mary, I love you and thank you for your unconditional love. I plead with you to save the life of the unborn child whom I have spiritually adopted and whose life is threatened by abortion. May this child be allowed to grow in wisdom, age and strength in Your presence and in the sight of all. Amen. OUR PRAYER CORNER Please remember the sick & suffering in your prayers, so they may receive healing & comfort: Dom Ciccone Caroline Chapman Lisa Stovall Noah Matsumoto Marshal May Georgeann Green Christopher Sorensen Fred Brynes Gerard F. Saggese Anita Meza Fernando Palacio John Mulrooney Isidro Orona Robert Leonardi Frank Polcer Theresa Kelsch William Herold Joseph Pires Carol O’Brien Mary Lusardi Carolyn Lukralle Andrew Harvey Jason Rendel Josephine Caiozzo Gerry Staiman John Constantino Joseph Labarbera Mark Dineen Lorraine Bachman Lucy Zgrablic Doris Dawson Jacqueline Drexel Helen Ketcham Yuriko Duggan Mary Lou Lasala Bob Bohner Gerry Brannigan Gaile Cassar Kathleen Fitzgerald Joseph Sansotta Russell Hayward Thomas Guido Kathy Agiesta Francyn Caiozzo Steve McVetty Erin O’Donnell Dennis Wilk Guillermo Zelaya Bill Mathews Charles Naidi Kathy Sorensen Charles Parento III Laura Grzan Josephine Jeannette Barbara Bento Baby Gianna Pantina and those in the military, and the abused. Mary Wilson Phil Paul Joan Racis John Michta Luis Cruz James Biggin Rachel Metz Mark Wahl Steven Mueller Robert Zimardo NOTICES The Rosary Altar Society Pray the Rosary Daily CHRIST IS RISEN; INDEED HE IS RISEN!! ALLEUIA!! “With the Rosary, the Christian people sits at the school of Mary and is led to contemplate the beauty on the face of Christ and to experience the depths of his love.” St. John Paul II Next Meeting: 7pm, St. John Fisher Room Tues, May 5– Rosary; meeting with election of officers (All members need to attend to vote) May 2– Marian Procession @ 3pm; Crowning of Our Lady ————————————————————— DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY--Sunday, April 12th -In the Chapel at 2:30 pm Top News from the Seminary Annabelle Moseley book signing She will be reading from her new double volume of biblical poetry, A Ship to Hold the World, and The Marionette’s Ascent. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. No registration is required and refreshments will be served. Sunday April 19th @ 2pm 440 West Neck Rd Huntington, NY 11743 Call: 631) 243-0483 ext:141 Library at the Seminary(on the 4th floor) Email: [email protected] Saint Anthony’s High School Franciscan Brothers Spring Concert Of Instrumental And Choral Music Friday, April 24 & Saturday April 25 In the Auditorium @ 7:30PM Donation $10.00 —————————————————-Thank you for the donation in memory of Gloria Durr. Requested by William Durr & Cynthia Scudieri. Rectory Office Hours Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to Noon, and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Closed Sundays. Sunday and Weekday Eucharist Schedules appear on page 2 of this Bulletin. Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:00 - 4:45 Saturday afternoon, or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the 3rd Sunday at 1:00 pm. Please call the rectory for information on Baptism preparation. Sacrament of Marriage Couples should meet (by appointment) with a priest or deacon on our staff before making social arrangements. Preparation requires at least six month’s time. Pre-Cana instruction is required. Music is provided by parish liturgical ministers. World Wide Marriage Encounter Skip & Fran DeBlasio 631-367-4224 Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Anointing is celebrated each Sunday at the end of the 11:30 AM Mass. Call the rectory in an emergency or for visitation of the home-bound. Parish Membership We welcome new members! Please register at the rectory as soon as possible. Also, please give changes of address and phone number to the rectory when you move. Parroco: Padre Jose Granata: 427-0638 Padre Gonzalo Oajaca Lopez: 427-0638 Diacono Luis Giraldo: 516-724-0756 Lectores/Conselo Pastoral: Rossie Louzara - 428-2253 PRE-Cana: Carlos y Rosa Zegar - 427-4677 Grupo Juvenil: Carlos Perez 631.387-2761 Carlos Rivas 631.830-2567 Min. de Eucaristia y Ujieres: Marta Smith: 549-3966 Coro: Jose D’Amico—516-497-1344 Grupo de Oración Renovación Carismatica: Elvia Lopez 631-920-2890 Jose Ramirez 631-897-1154 RICA: Jose Ramirez 631-897-1154 Sacramentos & Ceremonias Bautismos Requisitos: •EI niño no debe tener mas de 6 años de edad. •Traer el certificado de nacimiento del nino y una fotocopia. •Deben recibir las dos charlas prebautismales para padres y padrinos, las cuales se realizan; el Segundo y tercer domingo de cada mes, a las 9:30 de la mañana, en el salon St. Clare. Los padrinos deben tomar la 2da charla el 3er domingo. Para mas información pueden llamar a Padre Gonzalo Oajaca Lopez: 427-0638 Ministerio del Rosario: Felix Gonzalez 516-658-7854 Apostolado de la Divina Misericordia: Necesita Oracion: llame 631.745-5762 escriba email: [email protected] Bodas: Por favor hacer una cita con el sacerdote O diacono 6 meses antes de la fecha. Quinceañeras: Por favor de llamar a la Rectoria 427-0638. Misas: Martes 7:30pm en La capilla y Domingo 8:15 am. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.STHUGH.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION
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