Divine Mercy April 12, 2015 " The Shrine " St. Odilo Parish National Shrine of the Poor Souls St. Odilo Church is the only parish in the United States dedicated to the Souls in Purgatory. It was founded and sanctioned as the Shrine of the Poor Souls by His Eminence, George Cardinal Mundelein, in 1928, with a special indulgence of 200 days granted upon each visit to the shrine. Rectory: 2244 East Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402 School: 2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 Convent: 2319 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 CCD Office: 2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 Web Address: www.saintodilo.org Fax: Pastor: Rev. Anthony Brankin Priests: Rev. Msgr. Richard Saudis Deacon: Mr. Alfonso Salgado School Principal: Mr. William Donegan School Secretary: Mrs. Virginia Uphues CCD Coordinator: Mrs. Idalia Gonzalez Mass Schedule: Monday thru Friday: 6:30 and 8:10AM (Sat. 8AM) Saturday: 8:00AM, 4PM Sunday: 7AM (Sp.), 8:00 (Eng.), 9:30 (Latin) & 11AM (Eng.) & 12:30PM (Sp.) Holy Days: 6:30PM (Eng.) the previous evening; 6:30, 8:10AM, 12:00 Noon and 6:30PM (Sp.) Church is open: Weekdays from 6AM - 4PM Confessions: Saturday 11:15AM - 12Noon & by appointment. Rectory Office hours: Monday thru Friday: 9AM -9PM Saturday 9AM-9PM Sunday 9AM-9PM (708) 484-2161 (708) 484-0755 (708) 680-0909 (708) 484-5321 (708) 788-0565 Music Director: Mr. Paul Rau Parish Bookkeeper: Mrs. Beth Ritzenthaler Secretary: Mrs. Gail Kunce All Sacraments and ceremonies are available in Italian, Latin, Spanish & of course English. Baptisms: Every Saturday at 10:30AM & Sunday at 1:30PM. Parents are required to register for baptism with a priest. Parents should be registered parishioners. Please call to make an appointment. Marriages: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance with a parish priest. Please call the rectory to make an appointment. Visits to the Sick: Please inform the rectory for hospital or homebound visits. Quinceaneras: Cotillion Masses are available for our girls who have been confirmed-please call. Ramblings - Fr. Brankin Holy Saturday - 2015 On behalf of Monsignor Saudis, all the sisters in the convent, our parish staff, school and CCD, may I take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy and Holy Easter. How beautiful is Easter. One reason it is so beautiful is that the harlots and the hucksters have not been able to change Easter into a scheme to make money for themselves. Of course, they do not stop trying. Every year they make every effort to steal Easter from us—in the same way they have stolen Christmas. But it just doesn’t work with Easter. They ply us with Easter egg hunts. They pelt us with Pastel bunnies and choke us with Marshmallow chickens. But the just cannot do Easter without the Risen Jesus. Every one knows why—because without Jesus, Easter means nothing. Actually—without Jesus—this world means nothing. Our lives mean nothing. All our activities mean nothing. If there is no Jesus—if He did not rise from the dead—if He is not God who offers a similar resurrection to us, then every effort we make in our lives is foolish. And why? Because without the hope of a future life of happiness, there is no point to this life. Think about it—if there were no resurrection from the dead, then what really is the point of this life? Where does it go? Nowhere but to the hole in the ground at the end of the joke we call life. Are we supposed to be satisfied that we have seventy or eighty silly years of meaningless activity that ends in a grave? Are we supposed to be content with a life that is a confused stew of joy and sorrow that is burned up in the crematory? Annihilation is some sort of goal? If there is no heaven after this earth, then—quite literally—our lives are pointless—because they point to nothing. That is why this celebration of Easter is so important. We need to affirm and reaffirm daily our belief in eternal life because that is what will help us live this life. It was Satan who brought death into the world—and he wants nothing more than for us to despair of this life—by making us doubt the next life. He wants us to doubt heaven—He wants us to doubt hell. And that way we make a wreck of earth. He has done everything a brilliant angel can do to get us to embrace death, to celebrate death to accept death as our friend—and abandon the God of Life. Where do you think the campaign for abortion has come from—or the drive for mercy-killing—or even contraception and gay marriage—it is the campaign against life—against life—old or young. And so if he can get us to doubt the next life—by worshipping this life—and all its lies and propaganda and promises and seductions he will have won. Why do you think our baptismal promises begin with “Do you renounce Satan and all his empty promises? Do you renounce all his pomps and seductions?” What do you think that means? It means that we are renouncing the presence of Satan in the media—in the internet—in the politicians. It means that we better be aware that Every button we push—every screen we look at is a lie told by the father of Lies It means that the glamour of this life is an illusion created by the Prince of this World. If he can get us to ignore heaven—If he can get us to doubt heaven—he will have paved our path to hell. We must believe in the afterlife. We must believe in the resurrection—we must believe in Easter—for we will live our lives best on earth if we live them in the hope of heaven—and that is what Easter is all about! Divine Mercy Holy Hour at St. Odilo Church April 12, 2015 at 3PM Blessing of the Sacred Image of Divine Mercy Stations of the Cross and Rosary Chaplet of Divine Mercy and other Mercy prayers Benediction Following Benediction - Veneration of First Class Relic of Saint Faustina Kowalska BABY BOTTLE DISTRIBUTION TODAY Today baby bottles will be distributed after all the Masses for Women’s Care Center of La Grange, a local crisis pregnancy center dedicated to helping women facing unexpected pregnancies so they know they have alternatives to abortion. Please bring home a bottle and fill it with change and dollars over the next two weeks. Bottles will be collected the weekend of April 25 and 26, as you come to Mass. Thank you for caring! Catholic Charities West Suburban Services Needs Your Help! As the year progresses to Spring and Summer, we still reach out for help for our friends in need. We look to all of our regional Parishes to help us out. In this stressed economy, the homeless, those who have lost their jobs, and families who continue to try to function, and keep food on their tables for their families, look for assistance from Catholic Charities. Last year we came to St. Odilo and the response was overwhelming. We will never be able to thank you for your generosity. We are back again this year, asking for help. This food drive will take place the weekend of April 18 and 19. Please know whatever you are able to donate, will be making some family very happy. The number of people in need continues to grow daily. May God Bless you for all that you do. Dear Friends Thank you so much for the Easter goodie bags you prepared for our needy children here at St. Agatha. They were delighted with them as were their parents who aren’t able to afford them May the Risen Savior bless you all abundantly this Easter for your thoughtfulness and generosity. Gratefully, Father Larry Dowling Sister Patricia Kerz St. Agatha Church Group Contact Information Armory of Christ-708-681-6879 Guadalupanos-708-484-2161 Legion of Mary -708-623-9280 Knights of Columbus-708-204-3761 Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima -708-484-1204 Little Flowers-469-487-9506 or [email protected] Market Day-708-484-0755 ESL-708-287-7347 Spred-708-714-2885 Ushers-708-788-8136 Vacation Bible School is collecting plastic milk bottles and egg cartons. Please rinse the milk bottles out before placing them in the box in the vestibule. Thank You! Beginning Thursday, April16th at 7PM with an introductory session and continuing for 10 weeks in the Pine Room at the Rectory. Cost is $25.00 to cover the materials. Sign up before and after all Masses at St. Odilo Church on April 11th & 12th Call the Rectory at 708-484-2161 SICK RELATIVES & FRIENDS MASSES FOR THE WEEK Please remember the sick - Regina Szatkowski, Josephine Sprovieri, Michael Termini, Ernest Karamas, Charlie Turek, Dolores Termini, Alice Kowalski, Henry Kereluk, Marlyn Misek, Barbara Andrews, Bertha Martinez, Joseph Cairo, Rosario Garcia, Sharon Voelz, Lynne Manning, Fernando Davalos, Sr. Johanna Trisoliere, Rosa Gonzalez, Joan Janda, Rev. Jim Clavey, Senorina Castillo, Robert Williams, Marco Tulio Camacho, Patricia Stalzer, Kimberly Lightford, Louise Kuzin, Milly Kosinar, Shirley Klein, Danny Gale, Carmel Tahir, Frank Horsky, Steve Gutierrez, Ruth Petkiewiz, Linda Lancaster, Ernie Kin, Amelia Juliano, Cardinal George, Arlene Sparti, Jim Kinpel, Gussie Ellis, Iris Scurlock, Martin Oborski, Kyle Mochl, Arthur Mantucca, Clelia Reato, Dorothy Honek, Karen Halter, Greg Florek, Eric Manning, Sylvia Levine, George Kasper, Rudy Herrera, Andre Nickerson, Dick Burns, Norma Kmet, Marge Shatas, Mary Ann O’Malley, Ramon Marentes, Frank Stepnowski, Jody Stepnowski, Jim Reilly, Diane Reilly, Richard Wenc, Carolyn Johnson, William Stepanek, Karen Lewis, Mark Alexander, Paul Rosko, Joseph Kirchoff, our Veterans, Patricia Mars, Barbara Defina, Louis Russo, Ralph Cannataro, Mike Kadrowicz, George Fuoco, Eddie Shishkoff, Mark Hruska, Mike Morales, Baby Carmody, Frances Rapacz. MONDAY, APRIL 13-SAINT MARTIN I, POPE AND MARTYR 6:30AM-John Dedowicz (Grandson) 8:10AM-Julia Adamczyk (Andy & Ljubica Karkowsk) TUESDAY, APRIL 14-EASTER WEEKDAY 6:30AM-Ana Silvana Juarez (Silvana Perilla) 8:10AM-Anna Migala (Kunce Family) -Susan Miles (Hansas Family) -Anne DiBattista (Joseph & Darlene Wodarczyk) -Steve Balazic (Steve Cigan) -Adrian Martinez (Alicia Martinez) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15-EASTER WEEKDAY 6:30AM-Tony Vaikus (Daughters) 8:10AM-John Sullivan (Family) 3PM-Divine Mercy (CH) THURSDAY, APRIL16-EASTER WEEKDAY 6:30-Birthday Blessings for Alex Andrejek (Linda Andrejek) 8:10-Bultas & Tufo Families (Len Tufo) -Eduardo Vergara (Family) -Helen Chovan (Jackie Kirsch) -Felix Biver (Bernadette Ouska) -Adrian Martinez (Alicia Martinez) FRIDAY, APRIL 17-EASTER WEEKDAY 6:30-Edward & Marie Petrigilano (Family) 8:10-Sal Termini & Rose Ann Seminara (Wife & Mother) SATURDAY-APRIL 18-EASTER WEEKDAY 8AM-Blessings for Benjamin Fasana & Barbara Prohaska Fasana 12PM-Memorial Mass 4PM-Raymond & Augustine Stalmasek (Son) SUNDAY, APRIL 19-THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 7AM-Michael Senese (Madeline Senese) 8AM-Rosalie & Benjamin Kvasnicka & Joe Rogoz (Kvasnicka -Novak Family) 9:30AM-Joseph & Helen Chovan (Jackie Kirsch) 11AM-Charles & Lillie Riedl (Gail Kunce) 12:30PM-Enrique Delgado (Eusevia Delgado) REST IN PEACE Please remember all those God has called to Himself from our parish family, especially Pedro Ruiz ,Theodora Zavala & Dorothy Gutschick. WEDDING BANNS I-Christopher Mounts & Erika Rios OUR WEEKLY OFFERING March 29, 2015 Last Year $13,078.47 $10,068.62 SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK Thank you! Fr. Brankin SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MONDAY… 4PM-CCD 6:30-Legion of Mary (PR) TUESDAY… 3PM-Jr. High Choir (SCH) 7PM-Little Flowers (PH) WEDNESDAY... 3PM-Hanbells (CH) 4PM-CCD 7PM-School Board (LB) 7PM-Festival Choir (PR) THURSDAY… 3PM-Children’s Choir (SCH) 6-8:30-ESL (PH) 7PM-Bible Study (PR) 7PM-Armory of Christ (CB) FRIDAY… 6PM- Family Fun Night (PH) SATURDAY... 2:30-Arts & Crafts (PR) April 18 & 19 Eucharistic Minister Lector Altar Servers 4PM A. Bonadonna J. Garcia B. Ouska K. Gleeson C. Gleeson P. Gleeson L. Banet 7AM (Esp.) J. Carlos M. Marin R. Marin C. Diaz C. Ramirez A. Cruz R. Navarette 8AM E. Cerino D. Oborski S. Sandoval M. Saavedra A. Rivera A. Gamboa E. Lopez S. Rollins 9:30AM Suter A. Cisneros P. Cisneros 11AM E. Hron F. Miller D. Wodarczyk M. Kasper B. Banda C. Cano Jose Garcia 12:30PM (Esp.) E. Coronado M. Garcia L. Gonzalez E. Marquez L. Reyes L. Centero J. Diaz John Garcia Servers for week of April 13: A. Gamboa, Jose Garcia, E. Lopez
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