{rglqrdtdfrdenerqr, \3 S-*d - [email protected] Letter No. -q-g{rgu - ah d.bih. nic.in (Tra i n i n g) furr dJarlq /B-{J{ - o6tz-z2tsg62 / tZ / 201.4..?!l: Dated :2:q-la'dqr- From : Alok Ranjan Ghosh tRs Director, Animal Husbandry To, Pw Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta Director, ICAR - National lnstitute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology Adugodi, Bangalore - 560 030 Sub : Ref: Regarding deputing officers for the Model Training Course on "Recent Development in Animal Feeding Practices" scheduled to be held from January 1-6-23, at NIANP, Bengaluru F.No. NIANP/MTC/2014-I5/L0557 dated Sir, With reference to ycur letter cn the sub.lect menticned abcve ! ha.;e been directed to say that the department has nominated its three Officers namely I. Dr Anil Kumar Pandey - Farm Veterinary Officer, Exotic Cattle Breeding Farm, Patna Dr Satish Kumar (M.V.Sc.,Animal Nutrition) - Junior Assistant Research Officer, lnstitute of Animal Health & Production, Bihar, Patna Dr Anup Kumar Anupam (M.V.Sc.,Animal Nutrition) Touring Veterinary Officer, Sampatchak, Patna for taking training in your lnstitute during the period January, t6-23,201,5. The filled in Application Forms of the nominated Officers are enclosed herewith for your perusal and further action. You are, therefore, requested to do the needful in this regard. 2. 3. Encl.- - As stated above Sincerely^Yours Director, nnirffiv . Model training course RECENT DEVELOPMENT IN ANIMAL FEEDING PRACTICES (JANUARY 16 - 23,2015) ]. Name: DR ANUP KUMAR ANUPAM 2. Designation: TOURING VETERINARY OFFICER 3. Present Employer and Address: A].{IMAL AND FISHERIES RESOURCES 4. DEPARTMENT, BIHAR, PATNA. Correspondence address: TOURING VETERINARY OFFICE& SAMPATCHAK, PATNA Fax: e-mail : DR.ANUPANUPAM@REDIFFIV{AIL.COM Mobile: 09431039271 5. Date of Birth:07.09.1964 6. Sex: Male 7. Work experience: (26) years approx. 8. Educational qualifications: M.V.Sc. (ANIMAL NUTRITION) Date:22.10.2014 Place: PATNA W{\"6 \o"\ V Signature of the applicant Recommendation of forwarding Authority Signature Designation Address \rr \\ ,/ iliREC N u{BN)ibp"nv frIHAR, PAT*E At{ rltrtA L n a Model training course RECENT DEVELOPMENT IN ANIMAL FEEDING PRACTICES (JANUARY t6 -23,20t5) 1. Name: DR SATISH KUMAR 2. Designation: JIINIOR AS SISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER 3. Present Employer and Address: ANIMAL AND FISHERIES RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, 4. BIHAR, PATNA Correspondence address: J.A.R.O., INSTITUTE OF ANIMAL HEALTH AND PRODUCTION, P.O. - B.V.COLLEGE, PATNA, BIHAR, PIN- 8OOOI4 Fax: E-mail : DRSATISH95 @REDIFFMAIL.COM Mobile: 09431085852 5. Date of Birth: 19.1T.1969 6. Sex: Male 7. Work experience: (20) years approx. 8. Educational qualifi cations: M.V. Sc. (ANIMAL NUTRITION) ,*ffi Date:22.10.2014 Place: PATNA Recommendation of forwarding Authority N,/ Signature Designation Address DIRE&K€,YI frT{I MAL Fi f $H A ['{ TlA RY gtHAR, PATNA, RECENTDEVELop#if ili"lKtJitT""or*.pRACrrcES (JANUARY 16 - 23,2015) 1. Name: DR ANIL KUMAR PANDEY 2. Designation: FARM VETERINARY OFFICER, EXOTIC CATTLE BREEDTNG FARM, PATNA 3. Present Employer and Address: ANIMAL AND FISI{ERIES 4. RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, BIHAR, PATNA. Correspondence address: F.V.O., EXOTIC CATTLE BREEDING FARM, PATNA Fax: e-mail: Mobile: 09934040046 5. Date of Birth:03.10.1968 6. Sex: Male 7. Work experience: (20) years approx. 8. Educational qualifications: B.V.Sc. & A.H. ,A-" )("?i.,F+,* Date:22.10.2014 Place: PATNA Signature of the applicant Recommendation of forwarding Authority \r \\\ ,/$\ XN Signature Designation Address D i;i H':T'0 R Af{tMAt t"r u $ Bti EiHAR, }J r},qRY PATT,JA ".5::l I Letter No. L2 Ni P.G. (Tra'ining)/12/201,4 Dated : Copy to : Dr Anil Kumar Pandey - Farm Veterinary Officer, Exotic Cattle Farm, Patna/Dr Satish Kumar, Junior Assistant Research Officer, lnstitute of Animal Health & Production, Bihar, PatnafDr Anup Kumar Anupam, Touring Veterinary Officer, Sampatchak, Patna for information. You are directed to proceed for the training only when the training lnstitute confirms your nomination and intimate you on or before 10.12.2014 either by Fax/Speed Post/E-mail/Mobile. Your boarciing and lodging will l;e pi'ovided free of cost b'y the training lnstitute and your to and fro travel charges restricted to AC ll tier train fare as per your entitlement will also be paid to you by the training institute. You are instructed to give the presentation you learn in the training before the undersigned after the training is over. You will also have to submit filled in Feedback forms (Feedback form attached) hand to hand to Senior Training ln-charge of the AH Directorate. You may also contact Dr Diwakar Prasad (Mob. No.- 9431049920) Senior Training ln-charge Directorate of Animal Husbandry, Bihar, Patna for any other queries. Letter No. 12 Ni P.G. (Training)l12/201,4 Dated : to Project Officer, Exotic Cattle Breeding Farm, Patna/Director lnstitute of Animal Health & Production, Bihar, PatnafDistrict Animal Husbandry Officer, Patna for information and necessary action. Copy Letter No. 12 Ni P.G. (Training)/12/2014 Dated : to Private Secretary to the Secretary Department of Animal & Fisheries Resources, Bihar, Patna for information. Copy
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