Year 5 Curriculum Outline - stgeorges

Year 5
Curriculum Outline
Read a range of persuasive texts and evaluate
Analyse features of newspaper reports
Develop an active approach to reading, seeking answers and empathising with characters through
comprehension work
Compare writing which informs and persuades
Write adverts, leaflets and letters to persuade
Write a newspaper report using features of journalistic writing
Produce a written report on a given subject
Review direct and indirect speech apostrophes to show contractions and possession
Review different types of nouns including proper, common, collective, compound
Revise function of pronouns
Use punctuation effectively in longer, more complex sentences
Continue practising punctuation within conversation
Identify, discuss and learn spellings with common letter pattern for weekly test
Learn spelling rules featured in each weekly unit
Use learned rules and spellings in context of written work
Kindness, Reconciliation and Inspirational People
Year 5 Easter 2014
 Through cross-curricular links with RE, explore the themes of Kindness and Reconciliation through
improvisation and text; creating still images, devised scenes and peer review
 Explore character development and narrative through role-playing events in the lives of inspirational
 Discuss the impact of inspirational people on our thinking.
 Explore the poem ‘Please Sir!’ by Peter Dixon and present it as a piece of choral speaking
 Consider the poem from each characters’ point of view
 Devise a scene about facing up to and dealing with the consequences of our actions
Year 5
Curriculum Outline
 Understand units of measurement of capacity
 Make estimates involving capacity
 Know the relationship between ml and l
 Understand the total of angles within a right angle is always 90 degrees
 Understand that the total of angles making up a straight line is always 180 degrees
 Estimate angles within a right angle
 Measure angles in right angles and on straight lines using a protractor
 Use knowledge of right angles to work out other angles
 Recognise and name different triangles and angles
 Know different types of angles within triangles
 Measure angles within quadrilaterals
Area and Perimeter
 Measure the area of an object / space in square units (km2, m2, cm2, mm2)
 Know the formula ( A = l x b) for working out the area of a rectangle
 Measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectangle
 Work out the perimeter of a regular polygon
Standard Written Form
 Add two or more whole numbers using the standard written method
 Add two decimal numbers using the standard written method
 Subtract one whole number from another using the standard written method
 Subtract one decimal number from another using the standard written method
 Make sensible estimates
 Check answers with the inverse operation
 Use, read and write units of time (including decade, millennium and leap year)
 Change from one unit of time to another
 Know the number of days in each month
 Read and use 24-hour clock notation
 Use timetables
 Multiply TU x U by splitting into T and U (using a grid or brackets)
 Multiply HTU x U using standard written form
 Multiply TU x TU using standard written form
 Use division to find fractions of numbers and quantities
 Know and use the divisibility tests for 2, 4, 5, 10 and 100
Negative Numbers
 Order a set of positive and negative numbers
 Work out a temperature rise or fall across 0°
 Recognise a negative number on a calculator
 Multiply using closely related facts
 Multiply by 19, 21 etc by multiplying by 20 and adjusting
 Multiply Units and tenths by Units using standard written form
 Check using an inverse operation on the calculator
Year 5 Easter 2014
Year 5
Curriculum Outline
What is Sound?
Modelling sound waves
What can sound pass through?
Measuring the speed of sound
Investigating what changes the quality and pitch of sounds
How does speed of vibration affect the pitch of sounds?
Investigating reflection and absorption of sounds
Problem solving: make your own instrument
Muffling sound
Does the pitch of the sound affect how far the sound travels?
Human Biology
Learn about the structure of the heart and its position in the body
How the heart works
The children will investigate lung capacity
The effect of exercise on the heart and lungs, including pulse rates and breathing rates
The vessels which blood travels through , purpose of blood and blood types
The benefits of eating a healthy balanced diet and getting plenty of rest
The effects of tobacco and caffeine on the body
We are photographers
Take and upload digital photographs on a specific theme
Provide peer feedback and select photographs to enhance using editing software
Choose a number of photographs to print or upload to a web-based gallery
Develop a sensitivity to the qualities of effective and evocative photographs
Develop technical skills in taking and uploading photographs
Develop skills in evaluating, tagging and rating photographs, providing feedback to their peers
Edit digital photographs to enhance original images
Present their work to the best effect
We are bloggers
Year 5 Easter 2014
Become familiar with blogs as a medium of communication and their key features
Create a blog with images, audio, videos and hyperlinks
Comment on other blogs and respond to comments on their blog
Create a sequence of blog posts on a particular theme or topic
Develop a critical, reflective view of a range of media, including text
Year 5
Curriculum Outline
Talk and write about yourself
Understand and use phrases for saying which hobbies you and someone else likes doing
Read and understand a text about a French-speaking boy
Write a self-portrait to send to partner school in France
Recap numbers 1-100+
Understand and use some key shopping language in a role play
Practise a short presentation of St George’s Junior School for the trip
Key pronunciation sounds & rules
Cultural awareness
The Francophone world
 Residential trip to France experiencing food and aspects of French tradition and history
 Visiting a French school and interacting with French children
What was it Like for Children Living in Victorian Britain?
Investigate Victorian artefacts
Undertake research on Family History – ‘Tracing your Victorian Ancestors’
Learn about famous Victorians
Experience Victorian toys
Research sport, entertainment and holidays
Learn about Victorian travel and transport
Understand the impact of the railways
Record the changes for children during Victorian times
Local History – What was it Like to Live in Victorian Thames Street?
Comparing Thames Street today with that of 1837, using maps and photos
What can local buildings or sites tell us about the past?
France Trip
Preparation for visit to Ambleteuse Museum and follow up work
Our Junior School Weather Station – how does it work?
Understanding weather
Research types of weather
Recording, collection and interpretation of data from Junior School Weather Station
Understand the impact of floods
The Water Cycle
Where we can find water locally
Water around the school.
How we use water in the home
Global Location
Preparation for trip to France (location, map work etc.)
Bay Pond Project
Prepare and present Project to class
 Understand key map features and learn to use grid references to locate a certain point or area
Year 5 Easter 2014
Year 5
Curriculum Outline
Oil pastel and Ink-mixed media work
 Escher’s Weird Creature – to be completed oil pastel and ink
Art & Design
 Use Picasso’s painting of Guernica as a starting point for a piece of large scale mixed media work
 felt tip/inks/oil pastels and tissue paper
 Enlargement of Picasso’s Guernica - select an area and enlarge using only hot or cold colours – using
paint, fabric or torn paper
 Planning for the summer art exhibition
Design Technology
 Complete ceramic Lights/plaque
Introduction to hydraulics
Design and make an animal/bird or reptile out of a shoe box
Introduce an hydraulic system using syringes so the box can open and close automatically
Safely use, set out and put away gym equipment and work safely as individuals or in groups
Work towards British Gymnastics Proficient Award Badges level 8 to 1
Create, practise and refine complex sequences including changes in level, direction and speed
Understand the need for warming up and working on body strength, tone and flexibility
Adapt their performance to the demands of a task, using their knowledge of composition
Explore shapes and balances using asymmetry & symmetry
Use apparatus to link symmetrical movement with asymmetrical balances
Combine with another group to change partners during the sequence
Include mounting and dismounting apparatus and learn unassisted flight
Perform cannon and unison movement with balance
Display ability to discuss - quiet, smooth, starts & finishes
Comment on the quality of others’ movements, and the way apparatus is used
Identify which aspects were performed consistently, accurately, fluently and clearly
Health Related Fitness
How training can improve fitness- circuits, sprints, continuous training
Introduce different types of fitness – ‘5 S’s’, speed, strength, stamina, suppleness, and somatotype
Specific fitness - which sports - power, coordination, reaction time, agility, balance, speed
Introduce tests for each component of fitness
Test and record scores for fitness; use of stop watches and recording sheets
Introduce carbohydrates (for energy) and proteins (for growth) and fats (brain and nerves)
Girls – Netball
Year 5 Easter 2014
Boys – Hockey
Respond quickly; accept rules; wear appropriate protective equipment
Send, receive and travel with a ball with increasing control and accuracy
Refine and apply dodging and marking techniques. Deny the space to others
Develop habitual use of pass and follow, give and go and move to receive a pass
Collect a ball on the run with confidence and control with hands or stick
Work co-operatively with team mates
Revise common skills and principles of attack and defence
Be able to observe a team’s defence or attack, and comment on its effectiveness
Apply the basic principles of invasion games in forming tactical decisions
Year 5
Curriculum Outline
Internet Safety
Understand potential danger of internet use
Know guidelines for safe use of the internet
Encourage kindness and promote only kind use of e-mails, etc.
Know what to do if they receive any inappropriate e-mails
Relationships - Bullying
Social and
Education and
Be able to define bullying – differentiate between isolated incidents and repeatedbehaviours
Gain awareness of their own attitudes and values about bullying
Be aware of the roles people play in bullying situations
Know what to do if being bullied
Know what to do if observing bullying
Being Healthy
Girls - Changes in Puberty
 Understand what changes happen during puberty
 Why these changes happen
 How to manage these changes
Boys – Personal Hygiene
 Understand what changes happen during puberty
 Why bacteria can be harmful
 How to keep clean and healthy
Positive Contribution – Problem Solving
 What is problem-solving , techniques problem solvers use and the qualities they demonstrate
 What contribution does it make to society
 How it helps yourself and others
Year 5 Easter 2014
Year 5
Curriculum Outline
Inspirational People
Reflect on inspiring qualities of people
Know what it means to be a follower of Jesus
Know about a person who showed great love for others
Know how Jesus described a true disciple
Reflect on life of a person who showed great love for those rejected by society
Reflect on our own commitment to following Jesus
Reflect on how we serve others at home, at school, in our community and around the world
Know Lent is a time when we can make small sacrifices to show our love for God and others
Reflect on consequences of making wrong choices
Know that sin hurts us, others and our relationship with God
Know God loves and forgives us when we are truly sorry
Understand the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and what happens in this Sacrament
Reflect on what strengthens our friendship with God and with others and what can damage it
Reflect on the times when we have shown or been shown forgiveness
 Make the Stations of the Cross
Music Theory
 Written theory work in text books and on worksheets
 Composing music illustrated by a graphic score
 Learning rhythmic pieces and performing with tuned and untuned percussion
 Recording class song and ensemble performances
 Inter-House music preparations including House songs
 Record a track composing using keyboards/graphic scores
Year 5 Easter 2014