St. Anne Catholic Church ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON 1111 S. Cherry St. • Tomball, Texas 77375 Tel: (281) 351-8106 Fax: (281) 351-8142 Office Hours / Horario de Oficina Monday through Friday / De Lunes a Viernes 8:30 am - 4:30 pm April 5, 2015 Rev. Thomas W. Hopper ~ Pastor MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday / Sabado 5:00 pm - English Sunday / Domingo 8:00 am - English 10:00 am - English 12:00 pm - Spanish 5:00 pm - English Holy Day Mass as Announced Misas en días de obligación se anunciaran Weekdays / Entre Semana Wednesday 8:30 am - English Thursday 8:30 am - English Friday at 8:30 am - English First Saturday Mass Misa del Primer Sabado Rosary 8:00 am – English Mass-8:30 am - English RECONCILIATION/CONFESIONES Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm - English Español se anunciara ADORATION/ADORACIÓN Monday & Tuesday ~ 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Wednesday ~ 10:00 am - 8:00 pm Thursday ~ 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Friday ~ 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Thomas Davis Jose Gutierrez Garry Janota Oscar Kellert Daisy O’Halloran Open Position Cynthia Simper Cheryl Wise Bridget Landin Mary Trenkle Loralee Culbert Deacon Deacon Deacon Liturgy Business Manager Parish Secretary Bookkeeper Strategic Planning Development/ Secretary to the Pastor Adult Faith Formation/R.C.I.A. Children’s R.C.I.A. (English) Adultos R.I.C.A. (Spanish) JH-HS Youth Ministry CCE PreK-5th Music Director School Margaret Morgan Mary Ellen Avritt Yolanda Alsup Edith Dugas Tel: (281) 351-0093 Principal Admissions Receptionist Development Director St. Vincent de Paul Social Ministry Tel: (281) 255-2894 Email: [email protected] Gloria Ybarra NEW PARISHIONERS Información General New Parishioners or Visitors to Our Parish; please pick up a “Registration Form” in our Holy Family entrance, or stop by the Parish Office during office hours. Bienvenidos Nuevos Feligreses: les pedimos que por favor llenen una forma de “Nuevo Feligrés” . Puede venir a la oficina a llenarla o puede tomar el formulario de registro en la entrada de la Iglesia.. ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH TOMBALL, TEXAS Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 Stewardship of Treasure Total Registered Families SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: 2,314 Offertory Maintenance SVDP BNB $ 19,433.50 $ 195.00 $ 362.00 $ 50.00 Easter Flowers Black & Indian Mission $ 1,248.70 $ 4.00 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: All above reflects collection of week ending March 22, 2015 SUBMIT ARTICLES, CHANGES & DELETIONS BY DATE OF SUNDAY BULLETIN April 9, 2015 April 19, 2015 April 16, 2015 April 26, 2015 April 23, 2015 May 3, 2015 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord; Julian Calendar Palm Sunday Monday within the Octave of Easter Tuesday within the Octave of Easter Wednesday within the Octave of Easter Thursday within the Octave of Easter Friday in the Octave of Easter; Julian Calendar Good Friday Saturday in the Octave of Easter Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección del Señor; Domingo de Ramos en el calendario juliano Lunes de la Octava de Pascua Martes de la Octava de Pascua Miércoles de la Octava de Pascua Jueves de la Octava de Pascua Viernes de la Octava de Pascua; Viernes Santo en el calendario juliano Sábado de la Octava de Pascua SEEKING Easter Sunday is a day all about seeking. The early Christian communities gathered around the Apostles, seeking more about the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus. Saint Paul told the baptized Colossians to "seek what is above." Mary of Magdalena went to the tomb, seeking to find the Lord's body so that she could anoint it. We come to church on Easter Sunday seeking many things. For some of us, this is a once-a-year journey, when we seek connection with the foundations of the Christian faith. For others, this day is the culmination of a long journey of Lenten repentance. For the newly baptized, this is the first day of a new life filled with promise and expectation. Whatever it is that we seek, let us be inspired by the disciple whom Jesus loved who, when he saw the wrappings of cloth inside the empty tomb, "saw and believed." Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. General Parish Information READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 TODAY’S READINGS FIRST READING — Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord is risen (Acts 10:34a, 37-43). PSALM — This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118). (1) SECOND READING — All who are baptized, set your hearts in heaven (Colossians 3:1-4) or (2) SECOND READING — Christ our Passover is sacrificed; therefore let us celebrate (1 Corinthians 5:6b-8). GOSPEL — Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John; each responds to the empty tomb (John 20:1-9) or Mark 16:1-7 (or, at an afternoon or evening Mass, Luke 24:13-35). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE LA MISA 04/08 Wed.(Miércoles) 8:30 AM 04/09 Thurs. (Jueves) 8:30 AM Joe & Lena Mandola 04/10 Fri. (Viernes) 8:30 AM 04/11 Sat. (Sabado) 5:00 PM People of the Parish 04/12 Sun. (Domingo) 8:00 AM Milady Hollas 04/12 Sun. (Domingo) 10:00 AM Raul Lacayo 04/12 Sun. (Domingo) 12:00 PM Ortiz 04/12 Sun. (Domingo) People of the Parish In thanksgiving for Fr. Tom Maria Eugenia Vega Albert & Rosa 5:00 PM Romano ADORATION AWARENESS “Dਮ ਭਮਲ਼ ਡਤ ਠਬਠਹਤਣ! Yਮ ਲਤਤਪ Jਤਲਲ ਮਥ Nਠਹਠਤਲ਼ਧ, ਲ਼ਧਤ ਢਢਨਥਨਤਣ." – Mਠਪ 16: "HOLY EASTER!!! THE LAMB WHO WAS SLAIN, IS THE LAMB WHO IS RISEN! JESUS IN THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT IS THE LAMB OF GOD!!! WORTHY IS THE LAMB! O COME LET US BEHOLD HIM WHO HAS WON FOR US SALVATION! O COME LET US ADORE HIM, FOR THE BREAD OF LIFE - JESUS EUCHARISTIC - IS REALLY AND PERSONALLY HERE! MAY JESUS IN THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT, THE LAMB OF LOVE, BE WITH YOU AND BLESS YOU THIS EASTER AND ALWAYS! MAY OUR LADY OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT, MOTHER OF THE LAMB, LEAD YOU EVER CLOSER TO HIS EUCHARISTIC HEART!” - taken from the Exultet He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Happy Easter! Show the Risen Christ your love for Him by spending some quiet time with Him before the Blessed Sacrament. Come and adore Jesus in His True Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. LECTURAS DE HOY PRIMERA LECTURA — Pedro es un testigo: el Señor ha resucitado (Hechos 10:34a, 37-43). SALMO — Este es el día del triunfo del Señor. Aleluya (Salmo 118 (117)). (1) SEGUNDA LECTURA — Todos los bautizados, eleven su corazón al cielo (Colosenses 3:1-4). (2) SEGUNDA LECTURA — Cristo, nuestra Pascua, fue sacrificado; por tanto celebremos (1 Corintios 5:6b-8). EVANGELIO — Tres testigos, María, Pedro y Juan; cada uno responde a la tumba vacía (Juan 20:1-9) o Mc 16:1 New adorers are always welcome. If you would like to sign up for adoration please call Kathryn Dawson at 281-351-0571 or email Marty Lang at [email protected] . EVANGELIO — La versión de la Pasión y Muerte de Jesús que nos da Marcos (Marcos 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1-39]) Adoration Times: Mon. 9am-8pm Tues 9am-8pm Wed. 10am-8pm Thurs. 9am-7pm Fri. 9am-6pm Adoration Location: Corpus Christi Room (cry room). -7 o (en misas de la tarde o la noche) Lc 24:13-35. There will be no scheduled adoration Monday April 6th. Scheduled adoration will resume on Tuesday, April 7th. ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH TOMBALL, TEXAS Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 Altar Rosary Society Meets the 1st Tuesday of every month, Sept—May. Meetings start at 9:30 a.m. with the rosary. Meeting and lunch are in the Parish Hall Please join us. Catholic Daughters Meeting The Catholic Daughters of the Americas meet on First Saturday’s August– May. We begin with the rosary at 8:00 a.m. followed by mass. The meetings are held in the parish hall after mass with social time and a breakfast meeting. Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 7, 2015, please come and learn more about Catholic Daughters. Special thanks to all those who support our CD Ministry (which additionally includes written materials) located in the Holy Family Entrance, which serves to help inform, reinforce, and share our Catholic Faith. Requests and suggestions can be dropped in the kiosk or submitted to Susan Stawaisz who graciously administers this important ministry for St. Anne, at [email protected]. Please check out the wonderful resources available! 3rd Dimension Meetings Please mark your calendars with the following scheduled meetings at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall: April 8 April 22 May 13 May 27 Bereavement Ministry News—With grateful praise and thanksgiving to God! CATHOLIC RADIO QUEST sends you greetings and asks for your blessings. We are an organization that enthusiastically promotes the Catholic Faith through Catholic Radio. KSHJ AM 1430 Houston follows our Holy Father’s wishes of taking care of our least in YOUR Parish and all others in the Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston by offering broadcasts of the Holy Mass EVERY day at 7 AM. This is a readily available, particularly to many people who are ill, the elderly, the poor, fallen-away Catholics or Protestants., ANYONE who cannot personally attend Holy Mass. Almost everyone has a radio which can be used to hear the DAILY Holy Mass free of charge at 7AM. KSHJ AM 1430 ( offers many programs 24/7, but the list is topped by the broadcast of the Holy Mass, which can enhance everyone’s knowledge of the Catholic Faith and bring waryward Catholics and converts back to YOUR Parish. My compassion for the Bereavement Ministry came while a parishioner for St. Andrews Catholic Church in Eagle River, Alaska. As a wife and working mother of two children, I wanted to give back to our church community but found that my time was limited. Where could I give back and be a part of our church? I found that I was able to give and provide a service to those in need during a most difficult time through the Bereavement Ministry. It started as providing food for the repast. A small act but something that meant a lot to the family of the deceased. A small gesture with a big meaning. We implemented many programs through the Bereavement Ministry to help bring together our community, such as a Blue Christmas program and End of Life wishes. The Collins family has been a part of the St. Anne Catholic School for five years now, and we recently joined the St. Anne Church community as well. We look forward to serving our Catholic community in a larger capacity in the coming years. I hope that with the wonderful people of the church we can develop a full Bereavement Ministry. I look forward to working with all of the beautiful people that hold this ministry near and dear to their hearts much like I do. I can be reached via email at [email protected] God Bless, Guinness This Week & Upcoming Events ST. ANNE CATHOLIC SCHOOL SPRING OPEN HOUSE Pre-K thru 8th Grade Tours and Information Wednesday, April 15, 2015 PreK & Kinder 10:00 — Noon All Grades 1:00—6:00PM Celebrating 30 years of educating children in the surrounding communities, offering challenging academics, a competitive boys and girls athletic program, a hands-on robotics program, computer and science labs, and foreign language, music and fine arts programs. For more information about the school, please contact us or visit our website at 1111 S. Cherry Street 281.351.0093 Tomball, TX 77375 ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH TOMBALL, TEXAS Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 “Adult Faith Formation” FAITH FORMATION Contact Information __________ Dear St. Anne Parishioners, Hope you all had a blessed week! ALLELUIA HE IS RISEN!!! Today is Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the LORD~ CCE-Pre K—5th Grade 1st Communion 1st Reconciliation Mary Pat Trenkle (281) 351-8106 Ext. 192 [email protected] ___________ YOUTH MINISTRY Edge & Lifeteen Grades 6th—12th Youth Confirmation Bridget Landin (281) 351-8106 Ext. 137 [email protected] _________ ADULT FAITH FORMATION ADULT CONFIRMATION Gloria Ybarra (281) 351-8106 Ext. 142 [email protected] In today’s readings we begin with Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Peter proceeds to speak about what had happened all over Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John had preached: the fact that John had anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and how Jesus went about doing all sorts of good things, by healing all those that had been oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. Peter goes on to say how they were witnesses to all that Jesus did all over Judea and Jerusalem… that he was put to death and hung on a tree. They speak about the Jesus being raised up on the third day. Peter continues on by saying that Jesus had commissioned them to be witnesses and that they were commissioned to preach to the people and to testify on Jesus’ behalf. When we are Baptized, Confirmed and receive the Eucharist, (Sacraments of Initiation) we too are being commissioned to testify on Jesus’ behalf. When was the last time you spoke to someone about Jesus? What was your approach? Today’s Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 (24) The responsorial speaks volumes. ”This is the Day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad”. Let us be glad not only today but all the time! For the Lord is with us always; all we have to do is invite Him in! When was the last time you invited Jesus into your heart, your mind, your soul? When was the last time you spoke freely with Him? Although the 2nd reading (Col. 3:1-4 from Paul to the Colossians is short, it speaks volumes. In this reading, Paul reminds us that we should put our focus on things from above not those here on earth. How often do we put other things before God…technology, TV, buying that new trinket that we have thought we just had to have? All of these at the end of our journey here on earth won’t mean a thing. Let us put our focus and ourselves in the light of Christ. Today’s Gospel is from John 20:1-9 Mary of Magdalena has gone early that morning and found that the stone had been removed. Immediately she ran to tell Simon Peter and the disciple that Jesus loved. As they went to see about it themselves, John runs and arrives first. As Peter arrives he immediately enters the tomb only to discover that Jesus was not there. Only the burial cloths were left. Today we begin the great liturgical season celebrating our Resurrection faith. Easter Time which lasts fifty days, was restored to our tradition through the reforms of the Second Vatican Council and is called the time of Mystagogia (Unveiling the Mysteries). During this time, the newly baptized reflect on the Easter mysteries, recall the Easter symbols, spiritually reflect on the Easter mysteries, recall the Easter symbols and spiritually “unpack” all the joy of the Easter Vigil. Let us all unpack these beautiful mysteries too!! Happy Easter Sunday of the Resurrection! Gloria Ybarra Adult Faith Formation Coordinator RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FORMATION YOUTH MINISTRY Volunteers Wanted!!!! Continuing Christian Education CCE Coordinator: Mary Trenkle, 281-351-8106, ext. 192 Office Hours 10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. Monday—Thursday Faith Formation Pre-K through 5th grade Sundays from 8:30 am to 9:45 am in English at the School. Domingos desde las 10:30 am hasta las 11:45 am en Español en la escuela Junior High (6-8) & High School (9-12) Events April 5, 2015 April 8, 2015 April 12, 2015 April 19, 2015 April 26, 2015 – NO EDGE OR LIFE TEEN – EASTER SUNDAY ADORE - Prince of Peace— 7-9pm EDGE & Life Teen – 6:15-8:15pm EDGE & Life Teen – 6:15-8:15pm EDGE & Life Teen – 6:15-8:15pm LAST CLASS ——————————————— Theology of the Body Dates / Fechas de Teologia del Cuerpo Faith Formation Classes Las Clases de Formación de Fe Please Note April 5, 2015– no FF Classes El 5 de Abril— no hay clases de FF April 12— Classes Resume El 12 de Abril hay classes All classes are on Wednesdays in the Life Teen Room from 7-8:30 pm. Program is FREE and for teens in grades 9-12th. Lessons are on our Youth Ministry web page at under Theology of the Body section. Todos clases son en Miercoles desde 7-8:30pm en el cuarto de los jovenes. Puedes encontrar las lecciones en nuestro pagina del web en el pagina del Teologia del Cuerpo. Wed. April 22, 2015 /Miercoles, 22 de Abril 2015 MOVIE NIGHT -Wed. April 22, 2015 /Miercoles, 22 de Abril 2015 PELICULA ——————————————— CONFIRMATION CLASSES / Clases de Confirmación Classes are in rooms above gym—(Clases en sobre gymnasio) Wed. (Miercoles)7-8:30pm Sunday (Domingos) 3:15-4:45pm ———————————————————Sun. April 12, 2015/ Wed. April 15, 2015 Confirmation Rehearsal is Monday, May 4, 2015 at 7pm in the church. Confirmation Mass with Cardinal DiNardo is Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 7pm. ---------------------------------------------------------------El ensayo(practica) de Confirmación es Lunes, el 4 de Mayo 2015 a las 7pm en la iglesia. Misa de Confirmación con Cardenal DiNardo es Miércoles, el 13 de Mayo 2015 a las 7 de la noche. ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH TOMBALL, TEXAS Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 Knights Corner He is risen! He is risen indeed! As we respond to the risen Savior, may joy fill our hearts and inspire us to achieve great deeds in His name. Upcoming Events: • K of C monthly meeting will be held Monday, Apr il 6, 2015 in the Par ish Hall. A light meal will be provided at 6:30. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm. • Our next pancake breakfast will be on Sunday, April 19th. Serving times are 8:30 to 11:30 am. Cost is $5 for adults and $4 for children. Breakfast tacos are $1. Bring the whole family! A Pathway to Peace of Mind A free Senior Care Conference Saturday, April 18 Prince of Peace Catholic Community, 19222 Tomball Parkway, Houston, TX. 77070 (Community Center) 8:30 a.m.—2:20 p.m. SIGN UP TODAY! Don’t miss out on this FREE Senior Care Conference, April 18! A Pathway to Peace of Mind. . . A Senior Care Conference is offered to you free and will be in POP’s Community Center, Saturday, April 18, 8:30 a.m. – 2:20 p.m. This effort is being coordinated by POP parishioners who are experienced in the health care ϐield and understand that most families are ill prepared to deal with the economic, emotional and physical burden that caring for a loved one can cause. Having information and knowing what credible and reliable resources are available to us can help lighten the load. You will have the opportunity to choose from 15 workshops and visit with over 20 exhibitors from a variety of Home Care Services, Assisted Living & Memory Care Communities, End of Life & Estate Planning and more. This year we will be adding a “Virtual Dementia Tour” designed to build sensitivity and awareness in individuals caring for those with Dementia. Each registrant will pick three workshops to attend and enjoy a hot lunch. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED SO YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR THE SPEAKER SESSIONS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING. To pre-register, go or go to the POP ofϐice for a brochure you can ϐill out and return. For question, please contact [email protected] or call at (713) 410-1172! Información en Español Ujieres Sergio Araujo 832-229-8264 Ministros de Eucaristía Maria Rocha 832-588-1566 Monaguillos Oscar Kellert 281-351-8106 ext. 145 Proclamadores Feliciano Maldonado 832-450-0843 Virgen Peregrina Elodia Méndez 713-382-9364 713-382-9364 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Alfonso y Blanca Hernández Tels. 832-714-1895/ 713-480-2656 Radio Maria Para ordenar su Radio Maria, comuníquese con Maria Lilia García 832-326-4283 Grupo de Oración Refugio Trejo 713-446-2595 Rigoberto Juárez 281-960-3995 Matrimonios Oscar Kellert 281-351-8106 ext. 145 Grupo de Jóvenes Los invitamos a que se unan al Grupo de Jóvenes Los viernes de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm en el segundo piso del gimnasio. Para mayores informes favor de contactar a Manuel Campos al 713-474-6309 O a Ramón Ratiño al 281-923-1389 La Parroquia de St. Anne Tiene el agrado de informarles el inicio del nuevo Ministerio para nuestra comunidad hispana Quienes tienen la misión de profesar, proclamar, promover y difundir el mensaje y la devoción a la Divina Misericordia. ¡Venga, conozca, participe y comparta con nosotros el mensaje y las revelaciones concedidas a la iglesia por medio de Santa Faustina! Información: 281-857-6376 / 832-588-1566 BAUTIZOS Las Próximas clases de Preparación Bautismal: Serán el Sabado 11 de Abril 2015 en el cuarto Juan Diego de 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Para asistir la clase favor de registrarse con anticipación en la oficina con Gloria Ybarra y traer una copia del Certificado de Nacimiento del Niño si va bautizar aquí en Santa Ana. Bautizos seran el Sabado 18 de Abril 2015 en la Iglesia a las 10:30 a.m. Si ya tomaron las clases y gustan bautizar a su hijo (a) el mes de Abril favor de llamar a la oficina con Gloria Ybarra no menos de siete dias de anti pación Para más información, llame al 281-351-8106 Servidores del Altar/ Monaguillos El llamado a la juventud también es para que los jóvenes participen como monaguillos ( servidores del altar). Para ser monaguillos, debe por lo menos estar en 4 grado escolar hasta grado 12 de Preparatoria y haber celebrado su Primera Comunión. Para mas informes, comuníquese con Oscar Kellert— 281-351-8106 Sagrada Comunión Para los Enfermos Deseamos informarles que nuestra parroquia ofrece a la comunidad hispana, el servicio de llevar la Sagrada Comunión a quienes no pueden asistir a misa. Si UD., un familiar o alguien que conoce desea recibir la Eucaristía en su casa, hospital o hospicio, por favor no dude en contactarse con Susy Kellert, tel.: 281-857-6376 o escribir ~ [email protected]. ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH TOMBALL, TEXAS Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 Ministers of Care MILITARY CORNER We are looking for those of you who are ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth. We go to nursing homes, hospitals and the homebound to take the Holy Eucharist to those unable to attend Mass. If you want to know more about the Ministry e-mail or call Pat Caron @ 281-255-0588 [email protected] Holy Communion for the Infirm If you or someone you know is unable to attend Mass and would like a Minister of Care to pray with you or bring Holy Communion to your home, hospital or nursing home, please contact Pat Caron at 281-728-1861 or 281-255-0588 or email her at [email protected] Please pray for our men and women in the military and their families. Sgt. Jose Molina was born in El Salvador and has spent 9 years in the Army. Currently he is working in the Houston area with the 450th chemical Battalion based in San Antonio, TX. He and his wife, Yasmin, have a beautiful five-year old daughter. He is currently in the RCIA program here at ST. Anne’s Catholic Church which will conclude at Easter. Please keep Jose and his family in your prayers this week. His picture will be in the Holy Family entrance Saturday and Sunday and in the Corpus Christi Room (Cry Room) during the week. If you are a relative of someone in the military please send us your updated status on military personnel. Contact person is Linda Nazimuddin 832-563-5862 [email protected] Share your talents We are looking for the following: The Parish is in need of a Bilingual Full time Parish Secretary. Please call the Par ish office at 281-351-8106 and ask for Daisy if you are interested or know of someone that would be interested. We are looking for a full time Bilingual CCE COORDINATOR - Grades K—5 to assist the Pastor in Faith Formation of children, youth and parents via Program Administration, Catechist Development and Community Outreach to further build up the Kingdom of God. Send resumes to [email protected] Looking for a Bi-lingual Office Angel to assist me in the Faith Formation area. Help make calls to prospective parents preparing for Baptism classes both English and Spanish, assisting with filling out Sacramental certificates for Baptisms, First Communion, Confirmation and Marriage. Making copies of various materials needed for RCIA classes, and Sacramental preparation. 3 days a week, Monday’s Wednesday’s and Thursday’s from 9am-1pm. Contact the Parish office at 281-351-8106 and ask for Gloria at ext. 142. Faith Filled News ILL FAMILY & FRIENDS FAMILIARES Y AMIGOS ENFERMOS For assistance with prayers, please call: Rosalie Caronna 281-356-4937 or Kathryn Dawson 281-351-0571 or Joy Fontenot 281-351-4253 BAPTISM CLASSES The sick and hospitalized are to be held in thought and prayer. For their family, friends, and faith community, it is often times the only way we can help and support them. Please remember names for the sick list in the bulletin have to be called in to the Parish Office by the person who is ill or by a member of their family. At the time they call in the name, they will be asked whether they are the sick person him/herself, or a member of their family and if they give permission for the name to be placed on the list. They will be asked for the correct spelling of the sick person’s name. If a family member, they will be required to give their name for our records. The name will be in the bulletin for four weeks. Next Baptism is April 19, 2015 English Baptism Classes will be held Friday, May 1st at 7:00 PM & May 8th at 7:00 PM . Baptism will be June 21,2015 at 2:30 PM. Please come by the Church Office at least ten days before to fill out a registration form. We will need a copy of the Child’s birth certificate. You will not be able to schedule the date of Baptism, until you have completed Baptism classes. These two classes are mandatory for both parents and godparents. Catherine Burton Pam Rowe Genevieve Kuta PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Let Them Know You Appreciate Them in Support of the Parish Bulletin That’s the Best Way to Thank Them for Your Bulletin 281-381-1366 Helping Brother Knights Secure a Life of Dignity and Creating a Guaranteed Legacy of Love • Life Insurance • Long Term Care • Disability • Annuities • Retirement Products • Estate Preservation Rated A++, Superior by A.M. 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For further information, please call the Parish Office. 281-580-9955 TOMBALL VISION CLINIC Dr. Earl F. Martin, MD, PA 710 Lawrence Parishioner 351-7155 SLEEP-BREATHING SOLUTIONS CENTER MELISSA CHIAPPE-PRATT D.D.S. SLEEP APNEA AND SNORING SPECIALIST • Do you or your love one snores? • Tired when waking up? • Alternative to, CPAP Machine • Covered By Most Medical Ins. • Home Sleep Test DR. STEPHEN A. DITTA, O.D. 832-808-9099 13455 Cutten Rd., Suite 2G Houston, Texas 77069 1231 ALMA, STE. O 281-351-7378 MARTY HAMMOND Licensed Broker TOMBALL PRINT & COPY 444-SALE (7253) Office Printing • Copies • Signs • Banners 713-253-6840 Cell 281-351-1111 List, Sell and Lease Parishioner Member HAR, TAR, MLS Parishioner of St. Anne 10% OFF Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 with Bulletin an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Banquets Available for All Occasions *SAT. APPTS. * EMERGENCIES WELCOME *RELAXING GAS * CHILDREN & ADULTS 22545 SH249 @ Spring Cypress 281-379-1919 701 E. Open: Monday-Thursday 11am-9pm Parishioner Friday 11am-10pm Saturday 10am-10pm - Sunday 10am-3pm Quick Online Quotes at DENNIS R. MUNDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 357-LAWS (357-5297) Main #140 311 HOLDERRIETH TOMBALL, TX 77375 T.D. Cox Homes, LLC Your ad “Custom Homebuilding” Tom Cox, President “Serving Montgomery and Harris Counties for over 30 years” Parishioner / St. Simon-Jude could Air Conditioning, Heating, and be in Home Comfort Specialist this Free Estimates on $59 A/C • New Equipment space! tune-up 281-364-1800 [email protected] DEDUCTIBLE REWARDS ACCIDENT FORGIVENESS NEW CAR REPLACEMENT 43% OFF FOR GOOD DRIVERS SOUND GOOD? IT’S TIME TO GIVE ME A CALL. 281-255-2526 SABINA FALKIN, D.D.S. FREE NEW PATIENT EXAM OR $50 OFF DENTAL WORK Sal Ortiz Ortiz Insurance Agency 1434 FM 1960 Rd West [email protected] 281-587-0000 24 Customer Service 214 Nursery Rd. 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