+* M I N U T E S - Unapproved of the MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION held in Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, City Hall Wednesday, April 9, 2014 commenced at 9:03 a.m. PRESENT: Members: Mayor Tara Veer Peter Holloway, Citizen Representative Rob Kelham, Citizen Representative Carol Mah, Citizen Representative Councillor Ken Johnston Councillor Lawrence Lee (arrived at 9:07 a.m.) Administrative Liaisons: Kim Fowler, Director of Planning Services Howard Thompson, Inspections & Licensing Manager Support Staff: Erin Stuart, Development & Licensing Supervisor Frank Colosimo, Engineering Services Manager Vicki Swainson, Development Officer Bev Glass, Development Officer Orlando Toews, Senior Planner Lynn Iviney, Committees Coordinator Resources: Michelle Baer, City Solicitor ABSENT: Members: Councillor Dianne Wyntjes 2 1. Municipal Planning Commission April 9, 2014 Minutes APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 19, 2014 MINUTES Moved by Councillor Ken Johnston, seconded by Carol Mah “Resolved that the Municipal Planning Commission meeting minutes of Wednesday, March 5, 2014 be adopted as transcribed.” IN FAVOUR: Mayor Tara Veer, Peter Holloway, Rob Kelham, Carol Mah, Councillor Ken Johnston ABSENT: Councillor Lawrence Lee MOTION CARRIED 2. SUBDIVISION 2.1 Planning Department Proposed Subdivision 5854 71 Street (Lot 7, Block G, Plan 4646 MC, within the NW1/4 Sec 29; 38-27-W4) A development permit application has been received to create two R1 residential lots from one R1 residential lot. Orlando Toews, senior planner, presented the report. After discussion, the following resolution was put forward: Moved by Rob Kelham, seconded by Councillor Ken Johnston “Whereas, in the opinion of the subdivision authority, being The City of Red Deer Municipal Planning Commission, the proposed application satisfies the requirements of Section 654 of the Municipal Government Act, and the relevant matters listed in Section 7 of the Subdivision and Development Regulations; and Whereas, submissions from referral agencies were presented to and considered by the subdivision authority as outlined in the subdivision report dated April 3, 2014; Therefore, the subdivision authority, being The City of Red Deer Municipal Planning Commission approves the subdivision application, subject to the following conditions: 1. Subdivision by Plan of Survey; 3 Municipal Planning Commission April 9, 2014 Minutes 2. All outstanding taxes to be paid, or satisfactory arrangement for payment thereof, to The City of Red Deer; 3. Prior or concurrent registration of easements and right-of-ways as required by The City of Red Deer (on-site power easements – Electric Light & Power) and ATCO Gas (front lot right(s)-of-way); 4. The owner/applicant signing an Electric Light & Power work order to place power service to the existing home underground within the required easement (condition #3), and if necessary, relocate or remove the existing aerial power service (contact department: Electric, Light & Power); 5. The owner/applicant to confirm that the spatial separations will be met along the west side of the existing house (contact department: Inspections & Licensing); and 6. Removal or arrangements for the removal of the garage and breezeway, to the satisfaction of the City of Red Deer (contact department: Inspections & Licensing).” IN FAVOUR: Mayor Tara Veer, Peter Holloway, Rob Kelham, Carol Mah, Councillor Ken Johnston, Councillor Lawrence Lee MOTION CARRIED 3. DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Dillon Consulting Ltd. 200, 334 11 Avenue S.E. Calgary, AB T2G 0Y2 A development permit application has been received for the discretionary use of a restaurant, to be located at 108, 2325 50 Avenue (Lot 22, Block 2, Plan 802-2947), zoned C2B. Lec Mroczek and Les Humphrey, on behalf of the applicant, were present to answer questions and concerns posed by the Municipal Planning Commission. The Municipal Planning Commission recessed at 10:10 a.m. and reconvened at 10:30 a.m. Following further discussion, the Municipal Planning Commission recessed at 10:57 a.m. and reconvened at 11:03 a.m. 4 Municipal Planning Commission April 9, 2014 Minutes After discussion, the following resolution was put forward: Moved by Councillor Lawrence Lee, seconded by Carol Mah “Resolved that the Municipal Planning Commission tables for two weeks the request for the discretionary use of a restaurant, to be located at 108, 2325-50 Avenue (Lot 22, Block 2, Plan 802-2947), zoned C2B, to allow administration time to revise the resolution to reflect the options outlined at the meeting for consideration by the Municipal Planning Commission.” IN FAVOUR: Mayor Tara Veer, Peter Holloway, Rob Kelham, Carol Mah, Councillor Ken Johnston, Councillor Lawrence Lee MOTION TO TABLE CARRIED 4. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Lawrence Lee, seconded by Peter Holloway “Resolved that the Wednesday, April 9, 2014 meeting of the Municipal Planning Commission be adjourned at 11:05 a.m.” IN FAVOUR: Mayor Tara Veer, Peter Holloway, Rob Kelham, Carol Mah, Councillor Ken Johnston, Councillor Lawrence Lee MOTION CARRIED Chair Committees Coordinator
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