REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODY REPRESENTATIVES AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS 2013 - 2014 Age Concern Thatcham The Age Concern Committee meets approximately every eight weeks at the Laburnum Centre in Lancaster Close, Thatcham. The Chairman is Mrs V. Burge and the Treasurer is Mrs A. Isaacs. Bingo is played twice weekly and lunches are held combined with raffles. The mini bus is used on a regular basis for the local residents. The name of the bus is Doris, after the person who donated funds. Councillor Brian Barnes Cleaner Kennet Campaign (CKC) There are two groups in CKC, one centred in Newbury/Thatcham, the other in Reading. The Reading group met once, in November last year. The “West Berks” branch of CKC did not meet during the year, perhaps because the branch of lost its chairman, a West Berks Council employee, when he and his role were transferred to BBOWT. I believe there is doubt at present about whether the “West Berks” branch will continue to exist. There is an active voluntary group, Action for the River Kennet (ARK) which monitors river quality. They were instrumental in detecting a pollution incident on 1st July 2013 when the River Kennet near Marlborough became polluted with a substance subsequently found to be Chlorpyrifos. Chlorpyrifos had the effect of killing invertebrates in the affected part of the river. Subsequently, in order to remedy the damage, ARK, together with the volunteers from University College London and Savernake Flyfishers moved invertebrates from donor sites to the damaged reaches. Following this winter's storms and flooding I believe there is a remit for a local watching group over the River Kennet, but the brief should cover not just cleanliness but also flood monitoring. Richard Foster Thatcham Allotment Gardening Club Ten allotment holders form the Thatcham Allotment Gardening Club Committee which meets the first Friday of the month. The Chairman for the coming year is Keith Jardine and the Treasurer is Jo Nobbs. The Club has been given permission by the Recreation and Amenities Committee to erect a community shed on the centre car park. For the past three years coffee mornings have been held during the summer months. The site is maintained to a very high standard and continues to have improvements. Councillor Brian Barnes Fairtrade Steering Group The Fairtrade Steering Group has taken part in a number of events in Thatcham over the past year, mostly in partnership with other groups and sponsors in the Town. We have engaged with youth organisations and plan to expand this line of contact in the coming months. We have also recently reinvigorated the group with an additional Council appointee, a new volunteer, and a new Chair of the Steering Group – David Conquest - who took over the additional role in February this year. David has been instrumental in maintaining the Group’s focus throughout the past year and will no doubt bring his considerable skills to ensuring that the town’s Fairtrade status is retained and the awareness of the global benefits of buying Fairtrade grows. More volunteers for the group are still being sought to enhance the group’s capabilities for awareness-raising events in the future. Councillor Janette Miranda Thatcham Parish Hall The year under review has, once again, been very successful for the Parish Hall, with our booking calendar, both in the day and evening, remaining full. Apple Tree Pre- School continues to be one of the main hirers, and the Thatcham Community Church continues to meet in the hall on Sunday mornings. Other examples of hirers are: Kumon Maths who run Maths and English classes, Newbury and District Table Tennis Association, Helen Morris Dancing and Thatcham Senior Citizens together with a very high number of private birthday party bookings. The Management Committee were pleased to support Thatcham’s Festival of Arts and Leisure again, in October 2013, by providing the use of the Hall at no cost to the Festival. The Management Committee carried out a continuous review of maintenance and improvement over the year, and following a Fire Risk Assessment have installed improved emergency lighting and connected smoke alarms, which cover the whole building. In addition several window sills and window frames have been repaired and there have been further improvements to the ladies toilet. The Management Committee has a full number of active volunteer members and all meetings are well attended. For the period 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014, turnover has been: income £17,848 against £21,570 expenditure with the excess of expenditure being covered by reserves. The excess is due to the significant amount of improvements and maintenance undertaken during the year. The accounts were independently verified by Baronial (John Baron) who is our auditor, and as with the last financial year we received a reduction in the fee due to having well documented and presented accounts I have chaired the Management Committee over the last year and wish to thank my fellow Committee Members for their continuing business-like support. Ms Stephanie Steevenson Thatcham Volunteer Bureau Thatcham Volunteer Bureau is a charity which provides a community transport service in Thatcham and surrounding areas for people who find it difficult to get around or use public transport. They operate a handy bus which can hold 9 passengers and they have a chairman car which is specially adapted to accommodate a wheelchair or electric scooter. The charity relies wholly on volunteers for its drivers and office staff and is funded by grants, fundraising, donations, and contributions from their passengers. This year I have attended three Bureau, details of which are below: meetings of the Thatcham Volunteer Management committee – 22nd May 2013 At this meeting it was reported that the Bureau had received 6 expressions of interest from the March recruitment fair, 1 person had started with them and 2 had joined other volunteer bureaus. At that moment in time they had 37 drivers and 12 office ‘staff’. Passenger journeys were up 12% from previous the year. It was also announced that one volunteer, Brenda Pallister, had been awarded a partnership badge by Thatcham Town Council for her services to the community. Management committee – 22nd January 2014 At this meeting it was reported that the Bureau had held a stall at the 2013 Festival of Arts & Leisure and 15 people had expressed interest, one of whom had since joined as a driver. The bureau sold burgers and hotdogs at the 2013 Christmas Lights switch on and raised over £200, and at that time had 28 drivers and 12 office ‘staff’, one of whom had been referred to them by the Newbury Volunteer Bureau. This municipal year I have also attended the annual general meeting of the Thatcham Volunteer Bureau on the 13th June 2013 but have nothing extra to report from it. The next management committee meeting is to be held on the 14th May 2014. Councillor Phoenix Dewdney Thatcham Parochial Charities There are two principal charities – Thatcham Parochial Almshouse Charity and Thatcham Relief in Need. The Board of Trustees comprises representatives from the Councils of Thatcham, Cold Ash, Midgham and Greenham, with the Rector and three churchwardens from Thatcham as ex-officio members. People - 2013 saw significant changes amongst the Trustees. Christine Leake resigned due to relocation and all three Church wardens retired. The new churchwardens now play a full part in the activities of the Charities. Chris Druce, following his retirement as a previous churchwarden, was appointed to serve alongside Mike Cole as representatives for Thatcham Council. After many years in her position, Viv Druce retired as Clerk to the Trustees and Jackie Davis was appointed as the new clerk. It was with great sadness this year that Trustees and residents heard that the previous longstanding Chairman of the Charities, David Wootton, passed away in the summer. Thatcham Parochial Almshouse Charity The Trustees held four meetings during the year. Two new Trustee sub-committees were formed- the first to scutinize and assess the financial aspect of the charity including reviewing the investment portfolio, and the second to consider the refurbishment and repairs of the buildings. The weekly maintenance contributions were increased in May 2013 as had been previously planned. The financial position at the end of the year looks strong. Alongside regular and routine maintenance and some redecoration, major attention has been focussed on updating the fire safety of all buildings to meet regulations and also fixed wiring checks. The quinquennial inspection was also carried out this year and is currently being studied by the trustees. In the longer term the Trustees would like to consider improved car parking at Chapel Street Almshouses and lift access to the first floor where a stairlift cannot be fitted. In addition Trustees are intending to review the insulation and energy efficiency of the Almshouses in order to reduce running costs. Thatcham Relief in Need The principal activity continues to be the provision of relief, either generally or individually, to persons resident in the Ancient Parish of Thatcham, who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress, by making grants of money or providing items or services to reduce that need. The Trustees have a very wide discretion. Applications for grants are received throughout the year and during the year to the end of 2013, eleven grants were given for a variety of requests including specialist school and other fees, safety equipment for babies and toddlers and kitchen equipment. Also included in the grants were the support of a children’s summer activity scheme, assisting with transportation and the creation of a small basketball practice area for a disabled child who plays for a local team. Parsons Down Partnership of Schools Our Partnership is one year old and we thought you would like to read what has been achieved across the two Parsons Down Schools! Our exciting, skills-focussed, enquiry-based curriculum has been developed further, as a series of Learning Challenges, so that children across PDP are fired with enthusiasm to explore themes as different as ‘Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious?’, ‘Why can’t a meerkat live at the North Pole?’ or ‘Where would you choose to build a city?’ From Foundation Stage cooking outdoors with their new fire-pit to the five Year 6 children that are working towards Level 6 in Mathematics, there is a wide-spread thirst for learning. We Governors are greatly encouraged to witness children across the Partnership showing how keen they are to find out more about the world in which they live. We have seen a significant gains in attainment this year in all Year Groups and are heartened by the high degree of parental support for the many steps that the staff are taking in both schools to enable each child to make the most of their potential. We appreciate the outstanding way in which teachers and other staff are working with the children and parents Meanwhile, we are pleased to note the support for Reading throughout the Partnership - and also for the ‘Get Caught Counting!’ competition. The impact of the ‘Learning Gems’ and ‘Learning Superheroes’ has been considerable. Children tell us too how much they value the ‘Good to be Green’ work that has been so powerful in encouraging respect, courtesy and good behaviour at every level. We are still analysing the tremendous feedback from the parents’ survey that we ran last term: initial indications are that over 40% of families responded – and were overwhelmingly supportive of the Schools: in fact, 99% would recommend the Schools to another parent! Throughout our two Schools, we - the Partnership - are moving forwards. We hold the Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark for English and Maths, the Activemark for PE and sports, the Primary Quality Mark for Geography, the national Healthy Schools award, the Business Ambassador award - and we are working towards award of the new Schools’ Financial Value Standard! Beyond lessons, we have children learning topics as diverse as violins to judo, saxophones to Wildlife Club, to Arts Academy, guitars to bicycle safety – and we aim that every child can swim. Our teams have played successfully in the Thatcham Tag-Rugby Festival and in the Basketball and Netball competitions – and we are all proud of the Girls’ Football team, who are the Berkshire champions! The children clearly enjoyed taking part in the Schools’ Productions – and we are grateful to the parents and staff who do so much to stage these shows. We really appreciate too the generous contribution that the Parsons Down Schools Association makes to the quality of life for everyone – running successful events and raising much-needed funds to help support all that we do. The well-trained staff at our before- and after-school Twilight Club offer valued wrap-around care to c28 children at each session, with a healthy range of activities - sports to gardening, arts and crafts to cooking! In our community, Parsons Down Junior Choir were awarded the honour of singing at the Christmas Lighting Ceremony in Thatcham. Children have enjoyed raising money for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal and for other good causes, taking part in the Thatcham Arts Festival and Royal Berkshire Show, and the Save the Children concerts at St Nicolas Church in Newbury - and singing carols for the elderly too. Increasing numbers of parents are now using the Discovery Centre carpark and walking across the road to both schools, helping to reduce the number of cars parked in the access roads leading to our schools. Children are eager to welcome new faces to join them at the Parsons Down Partnership to explore together our exciting curriculum and to set free ever more enthusiasm for learning: finding out what fun it is in school, making a difference together, inspiring excellence! Parsons Down Partnership of Schools Greenham Common Trust Distribution Committee This committee meets quarterly and distributes money to a diverse number of applicants from the communities of west Berkshire and northern Hampshire. It is usually oversubscribed by more than 10%. Our remit is wide, large and small. For example, this year we have given money to several different musical applicants, for choirs, drama, and musicians, as well as sports clubs, school sport activities. This may be for the hire of venues, uniforms, instruments, or the hire of an orchestra for the Newbury Festival. Thatcham Cricket Club and Scout groups have benefited during the last year and a major beneficiary has been the Old Bluecoat School Trust which received a significant sum towards refurbishment of the building. Another major donation which could benefit Thatcham residents was to a new cancer centre at Basingstoke Hospital. Applicants are encouraged to first place their appeal on the Find Me A Grant web site which is administered by the Greenham Common Trust (GCT) and often results in money being sourced from other donors. Councillor Sheila Ellison Greenham and Crookham Commons Commission This year West Berkshire Council contracted out the management of the countryside to the wildlife charity Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust. For Crookham Common, which is within the Town boundary, this means that the day to day administration is now the responsibility of the charity but the overall management remains with the Commission. We meet quarterly: last year we purchased a machine to cut down the encroaching gorse (paid for with a grant from GCT as the Commission has no income stream) and obtained money from Councils to pay a secretary which up to now has been voluntary. The area continues to be used by diverse people to enjoy the fresh air and countryside: many families walk or cycle, picnic, play with dogs. The cattle had to stay throughout the winter as they were/are quarantined because of TB amongst the herds. They are usually removed for the three winter months to allow the grazing to rest. Fortunately the weather was mild and we allowed them to be fed hay daily. Councillor Sheila Ellison Thatcham Nursing Society We meet annually to distribute small amounts of money to applicants in the wider Thatcham area. This year we paid for two shower cubicles, transport to hospital clinics for treatment, equipment for the Bath Road Medical Centre, care at home for a specific period and some spectacles, amongst other things. Our problem is lack of applicants rather than over subscription! Councillor Sheila Ellison Councillor Roger Croft West Berkshire District & Thatcham Town Councillor Report For the last 12 months, I have been the Executive Councillor responsible at West Berks Council for Council Strategy & Performance, Housing & Welfare Reform, ICT, Legal and Strategic Support. This has given me a wide ranging involvement in matters affecting West Berkshire, and particularly, Thatcham residents. I attended meetings of The Kennet Leisure Centre Joint Advisory Committee and also meetings of the Thornford Park Hospital Residents Liaison group. I have also recently joined the Advisory Board for North and South Thatcham Children’s Centres. The Council adoption of the Kennet Heath Estate took place during the year. The highways are completely adopted. There are two small public open spaces where Redrow’s solicitors have not yet completed. I will keep progressing this in my role as Executive Member for Legal. The right turn improvement took place at the Level Crossing last summer and is regularly used. I was involved in the decisions to hand the management of Crookham Common and the Nature Discovery Centre to the Berks, Bucks & Oxford Wildlife Trust. This has proved to be very successful. As Executive Member for Housing, I have responsibility for the future of Taceham House. I am awaiting planning approval and the legal transfer of the property to Sovereign Housing. I anticipate building work starting in the autumn. West Berks Executive agreed to sell the former Veolia site on Pound Lane for housing – 39 properties (13 affordable properties) are expected to go onto the site. Contracts are still being negotiated and I anticipate a planning application over the summer. I am Trustee of Thatcham Pre-School, a charity which provides pre-school for 48 children using the Moorside Centre. I am pleased to report that under the capable chairmanship of Ann Cooper the financial difficulties that presented themselves are behind us and the Pre-School prospers. Spurcroft School Street Lamp – my co-Councillor and I Dominic Boeck submitted a Members Bid at West Berks Council for a new street lamp on the school path. Thatcham Town Council financially supported this bid and it was approved. It will be installed during the summer. I was on the Project Board of the Kennet School Hearing Impaired and Physical Disability Resource Building, a £2 million West Berks project to provide services to all the children of West Berks. I attended the opening last summer and it has been used to great effect since last September. As Executive Member for ICT, I am responsible for the Superfast Berkshire Project which will bring improved Broadband capabilities to Thatcham. Most of Thatcham is covered under the commercial programme but two BT Cabinets are due for upgrade later this year. The programme was recently extended to cover a cabinet in Brimpton which will bring improvements to Crookham residents. Councillor Roger Croft Councillor Richard Crumly West Berkshire District & Thatcham Town Councillor Report I agree with what has been said by Cllr Roger Croft. I am only, however, a humble backbencher and do not hold a portfolio.. My principal interest is in planning where I regularly attend Eastern Area Planning, which includes Thatcham. I am trying to restrain the constant requests for infill development. Siege Cross – If any application is lodged and, of course, one may not be, this should be resisted. There has been too much building in Thatcham and even the offer of a community centre and a school would not outweigh the damage to be done by further building and the pressure upon local roads and local services. The Priory – The Town Council having spent £400,000 upon the purchase of the property now propose to spend another £746,000 in developing it. I have expressed grave concern that the financial burden to be placed upon the Town Council and the charge payers in the funding of the repayment of the loan and the interest charges is too much. This scheme, besides allowing for the refurbishment of The Priory, involves the proposed letting of the existing Town Council offices to a suitable tenant when such a tenant may not be forthcoming. The Black Horse pub in St Johns Road. I am concerned at this proposed development. Firstly the loss of the community facility and secondly the development of flats and properties with no off-street parking at all. I have asked that this be referred to the Eastern Area Committee if it is to be recommended for approval. There is a proposed meeting with the police on 2nd May. They are proposing a Dispersal Order for the centre of Thatcham. Such an order gives police and PCSOs the power to tell anyone of any age that they have to leave the dispersal area and cannot return for 24 hours. This a proposed consultation with the police on 2nd May about this issue and I will attend. I submitted a Member’s Bid to get rid of the build-out by Bradley Moore Square and substitute it with a pedestrian crossing. I was successful in securing the removal of a build out further south on Harts Hill Road a few years ago with the substitution of a zebra crossing. This has proved a much used success, as I regularly drive past it on my way to work each day. However, all that was recommended this time around was that there be a traffic survey and the matter progressed no further – a pity. Councillor Richard Crumly Councillor Dominic Boeck West Berkshire District & Thatcham Town Councillor Report Since the last Annual Town Meeting I have continued to play an active role in Thatcham Town Council, representing the residents of Thatcham South and Crookham Ward. My attendance at Council meetings is good and on behalf of Council I am a member of the boards of Old Bluecoats School Charity and Lady Frances Winchcombe’s Thatcham Foundation (an ancient charity that gives grants to young people for educational purposes). I attend meetings of the Thornford Park Liaison Committee and I am a member of the Greenham and Crookham Commons Commission. I work closely with my fellow ward member, Roger Croft, and I am leader of the Conservative Group of Thatcham Town Council members. Among our recent achievements are: • The introduction of a turning lane into the Post Office depot in Station Road that allows queuing traffic to clear much quicker • Funding for the installation of additional lighting at Spurcroft Primary (this will be followed by improvements to footways) • Completion of the Kennet School Hearing Impaired and Physical Disability Resource Building As an Executive Member of West Berkshire Council representing the same ward, I have been closely involved in setting and implementing strategy aimed at making sure that West Berkshire is a great place to live and work. My Executive responsibilities are Waste, Environmental Health, Licensing, Trading Standards and Cleaner Greener, which are important service areas that affect every household and family in Thatcham. The Waste service has performed very well in the past year and recycling targets were exceeded consistently. Trading Standards are leading a multi-agency initiative to target rogue traders who prey on our most vulnerable resident. I also represent West Berkshire Council on the Steering Committee of Thatcham Vision, which is currently refreshing our parish plan. The Conservative Group members of Thatcham Town Council want to see the revival of the Broadway and we will support the Vision to deliver much needed improvement. Council recently consulted with Thatcham residents on their plans to refurbish The Priory for use as council offices. The Conservative Group sup- ports the use of The Priory as a community asset, which for too long has been allowed to fall further and further into disrepair. We will monitor closely the development plans and make sure that this valuable asset is used to the best advantage of our residents, without saddling them with debts of over £1million. Councillor Dominic Boeck These reports have been collated by Thatcham Town Council
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