2014.E.S.C.S.C.181 THE FIFE COUNCIL - EDUCATION, SOCIAL AND COMMUNITIES SCRUTINY COMMITTEE - KIRKCALDY 2nd December, 2014 9.35 a.m. – 2.20 p.m. PRESENT: Councillors Susan Leslie (Chair), William Campbell, Douglas Chapman, Willie Clarke, David Graham, Gary Guichan, Andy Heer, Peter Lockhart, Donald Lothian, Keith McCartney, Alice McGarry, Mike Shirkie, Ian Sloan and Kate Stewart, Mr. Alistair Crockett and Mr. George Haggarty. ATTENDING: Derek Muir, Head of Housing Services, Alan Russell, Senior Manager, Housing Asset Management, Louise Sutherland, Service Manager, Area Housing Operations, Housing Services; Donna Manson, Head of Education (West), Shelagh McLean, Directorate Resources Manager, Sarah Else, Education Officer, Jackie Funnell, Headteacher, Kelty Primary School, Elspeth Gow, Headteacher, Blairhall, Carnock and Tulliallan Primary Schools, Education and Children’s Services; Andy MacLellan, Sports Partnership Manager, Area Services; Julie Paterson, Head of Adult Services, Martin Thom, Head of Older People Services, Fiona McKay, Service Manager - Quality Assurance, Social Work Services; Alison Binnie, Robert Gibson, Elaine Muir and Lesley Kenworthy, Accounting Team Leaders, Support to Services, David Henderson, Team Manager/Adviser (Committee Services) and Beth Flynn, Committee Administrator, Finance & Corporate Services. ALSO ATTENDING: APOLOGY FOR ABSENCE: 255. Alistair MacGregor, Chief Executive, Fife Golf Trust, (for para 261), and Mary Batchelor, Janice Cameron, Rachel Duff, Adrian Hendry, Graeme Hendry, and Pauline Kilgour, representatives from Scottish Care and Private Sector care providers (for para 271). Councillor Alice Callaghan. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Keith McCartney declared a non-material interest in paragraph 260 - Fife Golf Trust, as he had been appointed by Fife Council as a Director of Fife Golf Trust. 256. MINUTES The Committee considered the minutes of meetings of the Education, Social and Communities Scrutiny Committee of:(a) 11th November, 2014 (regular meeting); and (b) 11th November, 2014 (special meeting). Decision/ 2014.E.S.C.S.C.182 Decision The Committee approved the minutes. Councillor Kate Stewart entered the meeting at the conclusion of the above item. 257. RAISING ATTAINMENT IN FIFE: SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT PATHFINDER PROJECT The Committee considered a report by the Head of Education (West) providing information on targeted strategies undertaken by schools to address the challenge of Raising Attainment For All (RAFA). The Head Teachers from Kelty Primary and Blairhall, Carnock and Tulliallan Primary Schools made presentations and answered members’ queries on specific issues relating to the Plan Do Study Act strategy which formed part of the Raising Attainment for All Collaborative Programme 2014/2015. Decision The Committee noted the report and presentations, and agreed:(a) to commend the schools and staff involved in the Pathfinder project on the implementation of strategies to close the attainment gap; (b) to encourage the Education Service to work with partners to develop more effective engagement with families, in connection with which the Head of Education (West) would explore the possibility of Fife Cultural Trust participating in the RAFA Programme; and (c) that a further report on the impact of RAFA across the full range of schools be submitted to Committee before the end of the academic year 2014/15. Alastair Crockett entered the meeting during consideration of the above item. 258. EDUCATION AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES DIRECTORATE INVESTMENT PLAN 2014-2015 PROGRESS REPORT - CAPITAL The Committee considered a joint report by the Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services) and Executive Director (Finance & Corporate Services) providing members with information on the overall progress of the Education & Children’s Services capital programme for the current financial year. The report also provided members with details of progress to date with the major projects in the Plan. Decision The Committee agreed to note:(a)/ 2014.E.S.C.S.C.183 259. (a) the progress of the major capital projects and smaller projects from the investment themes in the capital investment plan; (b) the current projected outturn for 2014-2015; and (c) that budget variances would be managed through the Investment Strategy Group. EDUCATION AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES BUDGET 2014-15 PROJECTED OUTTURN DIRECTORATE - REVENUE The Committee considered a joint report by the Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services) and Executive Director (Finance & Corporate Services) providing details on the financial position of the Education and Children’s Services Directorate Revenue Budget 2014-2015 and outlining the management actions in place to reduce the level of the projected overspend. Decision The Committee agreed:- 260. (a) to note the contents of the report; (b) to note that officers would continue to manage the budget whilst ensuring that the risks associated with Looked After Children were appropriately managed; (c) to note that the Education & Children’s Services Directorate would submit a report to the Executive Committee on 13th January, 2015 which would provide updated information including: an analysis of the of requirements to align the budget to demographic pressure; destinations of children discharged from care; correlation between the number of social workers/family workers and the ability to address issues leading to high cost purchase placement and that information subsequently would be made available to the Scrutiny Committee; and (d) that the Spokesperson for Education, Children, Young People and Families would be invited to attend the meeting of the Education, Social and Communities Scrutiny Committee when the information referred to at (c) above was considered. ROBERT GIBSON, ACCOUNTING TEAM LEADER The Chair intimated that this would be the last meeting of the Scrutiny Committee that Robert Gibson would attend as he was retiring from Fife Council. On behalf of the Education, Social and Communities Scrutiny Committee, the Chair thanked Robert for his patience in steering the Scrutiny Committee through financial matters for the Education and Children’s Services Directorate. Decision/ 2014.E.S.C.S.C.184 Decision The Committee agreed to extend Robert all best wishes for the future. Councillor Donald Lothian, Mr. Alistair Crockett and Mr. George Haggarty left the meeting following consideration of the above item. 261. FIFE GOLF TRUST - ANNUAL REVIEW 2013-2014 The Committee considered a report by the Head of Area Services providing a review of the performance of the Fife Golf Trust (FGT) during 2013-2014, the third year of operation. Decision The Committee:- 262. (a) noted the report, and that FGT was currently on target to eliminate operational losses by the end of 2014-2015; (b) commended the Trust on an improving situation and the benefits of recent investment; and (c) welcomed assurances that:(i) further reports would include information on measures to encourage youth and female participation and marketing of the FGT golf courses, where possible, and (ii) a members’ briefing would be provided on the condition of the golf courses. SCOTTISH SOCIAL HOUSING CHARTER: CHARTER (ARC) REPORT - 2013/2014. ANNUAL RETURN ON THE The Committee considered a report by the Head of Housing Services providing a copy of the first Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) submitted to the Scottish Housing Regulator for 2013-2014. The report also contained statistical comparative information and a copy of the Fife Council Housing Charter Performance Report 2014. Decision The Committee agreed to note:(a) the content of the ARC (and the related report agreed with Council tenants); (b) the requirement to publish the ARC on an annual basis after consultation with Fife Council tenants; (c)/ 2014.E.S.C.S.C.185 (c) the intention to submit the ARC return to the Scrutiny Committee annually as part of a service performance report (which would include reference to further development work on comparative performance, using the Tenant Scrutiny Group); and (d) the range of work to be done in relation to tenant satisfaction with the Council as a landlord. 263. HOUSING, COMMUNITY AND LOCAL SERVICES CAPITAL EXPENDITURE MONITORING REPORT 2014-2015 The Committee considered a joint report by Executive Director (Finance & Corporate Services) and Executive Director (Communities) providing an update on progress with the Housing and Leisure & Cultural Services Capital Programme 2014-2015. Decision The Committee agreed – (a) to note the progress of the Capital programme to date and the projected outturn for 2014-2015; and (b) that the Accounting Team Leader would circulate – (i) details of the expenditure and funding sources for work being carried out in Pittencrieff Park; and (ii) details of numbers of affordable housing units delivered by Fife Council. 264. HOUSING, COMMUNITY MONITORING AND LOCAL SERVICES 2014-2015 REVENUE The Committee considered a joint report by the Executive Director (Finance Corporate Services) and Executive Director (Communities) providing a summary the forecast outturn position for the Revenue programme 2014/15 for Leisure Cultural Services, Area Management & Local Community Planning, Housing Neighbourhood (General Fund) and Housing & Neighbourhood (HRA). & of & & Decision The Committee agreed to:– (a) (b)/ note the contents of the report and that officers would continue to manage the budget and report back; and 2014.E.S.C.S.C.186 (b) request a full follow-up report for the Scrutiny Committee as soon as possible on the reduction in support for Fife Cultural Trust, specifically the proposed move to a ‘hub and spoke’ model for the Libraries Network. 265. ADULTS AND OLDER PEOPLE SOCIAL WORK SERVICE EXPENDITURE PROJECTED OUTTURN REPORT 2014-2015 CAPITAL The Committee considered a joint report by the Director of Health & Social Care and Executive Director (Finance & Corporate Services) advising of progress with the Adults and Older People Social Work Capital Programme 2014-2015. Decision The Committee agreed to note:– 266. (a) the progress of the Capital Plan 2014-2015 to date; and (b) the ongoing programme of works. ADULTS AND OLDER PEOPLE SOCIAL WORK SERVICE REVENUE BUDGET PROJECTED OUTTURN REPORT 2014-2015 The Committee considered a joint report by the Director of Health & Social Care and the Executive Director (Finance & Corporate Services) highlighting the 2014/15 projected outturn for the Adults and Older People Social Work Service Revenue Budget and the action being taken to reduce the anticipated overspend. Decision The Committee agreed to note: (a) the contents of the report; (b) that officers would continue to manage the budget whilst matching resources to those most in need; and (c) that an exception report would be submitted to the Executive Committee on 13 January 2014. Councillor Keith McCartney left the meeting during consideration of the above item. 267. GENERAL FUND REVENUE BUDGET 2015-18 - REFERRAL FROM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Previous minute reference: minute para. 500 of 2014. E.C. 382 refers) The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director (Finance & Corporate Services) on a referral from the Executive Committee relating to the General Fund Revenue Budget 2015-18. Decision/ 2014.E.S.C.S.C.187 Decision The Committee noted the report and agreed specifically to build into its work programme for early 2015 the opportunity to review and comment on budget proposals for 2015/16 relating to:- 268. (a) Education and Support for Children; and (b) Health and Social Care. COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME 2015 Decision The Committee noted the current version of the work programme for 2015, which would be updated to reflect matters addressed in the meeting and as future items arose. 269. DEREK MUIR, HEAD OF HOUSING SERVICES The Chair intimated that this would be the last meeting of the Scrutiny Committee that Derek Muir would attend as he was retiring from Fife Council. The Chair gave her personal thanks and that of the Education, Social and Communities Scrutiny Committee to Derek for his support, particularly in the role of lead officer for the Committee. Decision The Committee agreed to thank Derek for his outstanding contribution to the Scrutiny Committee and extended best wishes to him for the future. 270. CHAIR OF MEETING Decision As the Chair (Councillor Susan Leslie) required to leave the meeting at this stage, as did the Vice-Chair (Councillor Douglas Chapman), the Committee agreed that Councillor Mike Shirkie take the Chair for the remaining business. The meeting adjourned at 12.20pm and re-convened at 1.00pm when the following members were present: Councillors Shirkie (in the Chair), Campbell, Graham, Guichan, Heer, Lockhart, McGarry, Sloan and Stewart. 271./ 2014.E.S.C.S.C.188 271. COMMUNICATION AND ENGAGEMENT WITH CARE AGENCIES/PROVIDERS AND OTHER STAKEHOLDERS/PARTNERS The Committee considered a range of views and comments delivered by representatives of Scottish Care and private sector care providers covering the following: an overview of services provided by the care agencies including complexity of service; challenges for care providers, including delivery of service; staffing and continuity of care; channels of communication and engagement within the Health and Social Care Partnership and other stakeholders and partners. Decision The Committee noted the points raised and agreed that the following key issues be fed back as appropriate to Executive Committee, Portfolio holders and/or the Community Health and Wellbeing Policy Advisory Group (PAG) and care providers’ representatives. • Recruitment and retention of staff (particularly nurses) • Funding packages • Continuity of care • Comparative rates for private and local authority residents (including capping and viability aspects) • ‘Matching Unit’ work (including timescales, e.g. for Christmas/New Year, and geographic considerations) • Respite care (including lack of beds, in some places) • Self-directed support – challenges and opportunities (briefing paper requested, having regard to Executive Committee submission due on local Fife strategy). • More opportunities for ‘coal-face’ communications with providers’ representatives, to promote mutual understanding of problems and work towards shared solutions. Councillor Ian Sloan left the meeting during consideration of the above item. _________________________
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