9-PBC515-2008-CHA - Regional Office Chandigarh

Government of India
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Northern Regional Office
Bays No.24-25,
Dakshin Marg Sector-31A,
F.No.: 9-PBC515j2008-CHA
The Nodal Officer, FCA & CCF(FC),
Government of Punjab,
Forest Complex,
Sector-68, Ajitgarh, Mohali,
Dated: Monday, June 09,2014
Sub: DiversiOr1 of 7.27 hectares of forest land, closed under PLPA-1900 in
fav~:mr of Mj s Metro Eco Green Resorts (P) Ltd. for the construction of
Resort to promote Eco-Tourism in Punjab State at village Palanpur under
Forest Division and District Roopnagar, Punjab State
Ref: State Government's letter No.FCAj1980jl1477 dated 28th January,
Please refer to the above cited subject and letter seeking prior approval of
the Central Government for diversion of forest land for non-forestry purpose in
accordance-with section-2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
. Afte~' careful fxamination of the proposal of the State Government, it is
foun-q. that as the proposal for re-diversion of 7.27 'hectares .forest land closed
under PLPA,1900 for construction of Resort was approved by Minister,
Environment and Forests,' the approval for change in Architectural Plan of
Metro-Ec9 Green Resorts is also required from the Ministry of Environment and
'Forests. The following informationj clarifications are required before sending
this prt>posal to Ministry:
Compliance of the conditions stipulated in Government of India's
approval letter' dated 2nd March, 2009;
(ii) . Status of dropping of 4.39 hectares (out of 7.27 hectares forest
diversion area) from notified PLPA area;
(iii) Status of CA site and progressj survival of CA plantations;
Compliance of the conditions stipulated in GOl's approval letter dated
11th January, 2012;
Why prior permission of Government of India was not taken before
effecting the change in User Agency from Mjs Taj Travels Private
Limited to Mjs Metro Eco Green Resorts;
(vi) Status of other approvals related to this project under FCA, 1980;
(vii) Inspection report of DFO concerned on actual position of
implementation of works (non forestry) at all sites related to proposals
already approved.
The compliance to the above may be submitted within 60 days from the
date of issue of this letter failing which the proposal shall be liable to be
rejected for want of information.
II c Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Central)
Copy to:­
1. The Divisional Forest Officer, Forest Division and District Ludhiana,
2. Mis Taj Travels Private Limited, Ropar, Punjab.
. J