^^^™ «•*> -r-7"^ " 5 g £ '>•- or BKX » « 4,. _ ,—,.,,-•.„„.* ;, DI800L0MD SPOTS (Ml PACK -'-*»— ; I ,-ri>-.."."" VOLUME 77 I T '«• » "B? , • • y- - '•;••"• •"""••" ' ' ! ; • > & MEADE COUNTY MESSENGER •? BRANDENBURG, KENTUCKY 'A LONG LETTER FROM HOME TO THOSE AWAY" OBITUARIES •jjpfoj'j es For Seven (SECTION 2) THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 1969 Benock Announces For Magistrate Of Fifth District NUMBER 8 Calendar Of Coming Events • Day Of Prayer The World Day of Prayer will be observed at the Brandenburg Church of the Nazarene on Friday, February 21st, starting at 11 a.m. Everyone is welcome. William (Bill) Benock has authorized Saddle Club To Meet The Messenger to announce his candidacy Missouri; one brother, Mr. Joe Jarboe, MR. EVERETT C. GLEASON, SR. The Meade County Saddle Club will Stanley, Kentucky; also survived by 10 for the Democratic nomination for Magishold its monthly meeting, Saturday, FebMr. Everett Carlisle (Jack) Gleason, grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. trate in the Fifth District, composed of ruary 22nd at 8 p.m. at the Meade County Battletown and Payneville precincts. Sr,, 50 years old, of Wolf Creek, Ky., died Funeral services were held Saturday, Library. A movie will be shown, and all suddenly Friday, February 14, 1969 at his February 15, 1969 at 10:00 a.m. from St. His statement to the voters follows: persons interested are invited to attend. "I believe that the fiscal court is the residence. He was a retired mechanic for Mary Magdalen Church, Payneville, Ky., most directly important governing body Riverside Stone Company. Bridge At Hillcrost with Father Philip Bronk officiating. InHe was born in Meade County, Ky., terment was in the church cemetery, di- to the people of Meade County. The decisThere will be bridge at the Hillcrest December 15, 1918, a son of William Par- rected by Jenkins-Sturgeon Funeral Home. ions it makes affect the people directly Country Club this Friday night, Februaryson Gleason and Grace Chism Gleason. Pallbearers: Andy Barger, Charles Red- and individually. For this reason, I feel 21, at 8 p.m. Members and guests are inthat we must elect the best possible fiscal vited. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jenny mon, Jim Redmon, Martin Redmon, Alcourt. J Curt Gleason; two daughters, Mrs. Char- phonsus Mattingly, Francis Mattingly. "If I am elected to this body, I will Women* Clubs To Rosary was recited Friday, February les (Yvonne) Logsdon, Route 1, Brandentreat everyone in my district fairly and Sponsor Music Contest burg; Mrs. Bill (Patricia Marie) Bennett, 14, 1969 at 4:00 p.m. in the Chapel of equally. I will put the needs of the district The Brandenburg Woman's Club and Battletown; one son, Everett Carlisle Jenkins-Sturgeon Funeral Home. first. I will consider bom individual needs the Brandenburg Woman's Civic Club will Gleason, Jr., of Brandenburg; his father, and needs of the whole county. sponsor a music competition for piano and Mr. William Parson Gleason, Wolf Creek; MR. JAMES W. WILKINSON, SR. "I have lived in Battletown five years, other musical instruments on Monday, one sister, Mrs. Richard F. (Alberta) February 24th, at 8 p.m., in the band room Crawford, Battletown; two brothers, Mr. /Mr. James W. Wilkinson, Sr. of 2948 and have a successful farm in that neighborhood. I feel that this experience will at Meade County High School. All Meade Avron LaVaughn Gleason, Louisville, and Harriet St., Port Orchard, Washington, County students in grades 8 through 12 Mr. Willis Oral Gleason, Baltimore, Mary- died February 6, 1969 in Tacoma General help me in seeing the fiscal needs of the county. are eligible to compete. For further inland. He is also survived by 12 grandchil- Hospital "Your vote and influence will be appreformation, contact Mrs E. B. Ashcraft, dren. Mr. Wilkinson was born March 10, 1905, ciated."—Respectfully, William (Bill) 422-2235 or Mrs. Hunter Nicholson, 422-2871. Funeral services were held Monday, in Cherryville, Kansas. He had been a Benock. February 17. 1969 at 2:00 p.m. from the resident of Kttsan County ang^BorLQEeh ~-Brernsrii6W-3i«wr~^-^ —Pnlitirpl AHvprt,igflmP,nt Cfiapel of Jenkins-Sturgeon Funeral Home ard area for 29 years. He was a member The choir of Clair Memorial United with Rev. E. W. Godbey officiating. In- of Charleston Lodge 269, F&AM, BremerMethodist Church and their pastor, the terment was in Parr Cemetery, directed ton, and belonged to the International AsRev. Glenn Lyle will present a program by Jenkins-Sturgeon Funeral Home, with sociation of Machinists. He was a retired Sunday. February 23 at 7:00 p.m. at the military services at the cemetery. Pall- machinist from Puget Sound Naval ShipMr. and Mrs. Ronald Griffee of Bowllocal Methodist Church This was orginalbearers were military personnel of the yard. ing Green announce the arrival of a 9 lb., scheduled for last Sunday, but was United States Army. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Rose baby boy on Sunday, February 16, 1969, in postponed becau.se of snow The program Wilkinson, and a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Bowling Green Hospital. Grandparents in observance of Brotherhood Week Innes both of the family home; a son, are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adkisson and Mr. February 16-23 MR. HARVEY WILCOX James W. Wilkinson, Jr., Newport News, and Mrs. Ray Griffee, all of BrandenLois Hart Sunday School To Meet Mr. Harvey Wilcox, 74 years old, died Va.; five grandchildren; a brother of Gil- burg. The Lois Hart Sunday School Class will crest, Ore.; two sisters of Pueblo, Colo. suddenly Sunday, February 16, 1969 at his Mr. and Mrs. Tony Perez, of Mulberry, meet at 7:30 Friday, February 21st with Funeral services were held at the Lewis home in Brandenburg. Arkansas, announce the birth of an 11 lb. Mrs. Mary Foushee. Funeral Chapel on February 8, 1969 with Mr. Wilcox was a retired State Highway 7 oz. son, Anthony Brian, Feb. 5, 1969. Charleston Lodge No. 269 officiating. InDepartment worker. Note Burning At New terment was in Forest Lawn Cemetery. He is survived by sons, Selby Wilcox of Highland Baptist Church Mr. Wilkinson's son James W. WilkinWEATHER NO OBSTACLE—Miss Bertha Foote did not let the melting snow Kjlleen, Texas, Jack Wilcox, Brandenburg; A note burning ceremony signifying the son, Jr. is married to the former Hazel stop her from walking downtown Tuesday afternoon to attend to business. two daughters, Mrs. Louetta Greer, Kilremoval of church indebtedness on its Messenger Co-op student Guin Hicks took the picture on the garage steps next leen, Texas, and Mrs. Mattie Lawson, Givans of Brandenburg Station. parsonage will be held at New Highland door to The Messenger office. • • • Baptist Church this Sunday. February 23 Shepherdsville, Ky.; four sisters, Mrs. at t l arm. Mary Gerber, Avon Lake, Ohio; Mrs. CAPT. HOWARD IRVING BUDROW Fanny Wright, Fayettesville, Ark.; Mrs. Story Hour at Library Retired Army Captain, Howard Irving Mell Fortney, Central City, Ky.; Mrs. Story Hour for pre-schoolers at the Budrow, 57 years old, who had served 30 Louise Heavrin, New Albany, Ind.; stepMeade County Public Library will be held years in the United States Army, died mother, Mrs. Inez Wilcox, Valley Station, Sunday, February 23rd is Heart Sunday. Friday morning, February 21, 1969, at suddenly of a heart attack Sunday afterand several grandchildren; also survived If you have not already been contacted be 10:30. The film this month is "Jack and by one half-sister, Mrs. Myrtice Bryant, noon, February 16th, at his residence in Chief of Police, George Mattingly an- ready to give when a worker calls on you. the Beanstalk." The Look and Learn SerLouisville, Ky., half-brothers, Floyd Wil- the Milan Community, Star Route, Bran- nounced today that he is making available Leslie G. Jenkins, Jr. county chairman, I ies will be at 3:30 and will feature the cox, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Dan Wilcox, denburg. to the people of Brandenburg forms devis- slys the quota for Meade County this films. "Winter on the Farm" and Paul Eight persons were fined in Meade He was born in Hartford, Connecticut on ed by the Kentucky Law Enforcement year is $1,800.00. Brooklyn, N. Y., James H. Wilcox, LouisBunyan and the Great Blue Ox together Quarterly Court the past week as follows: ville, Ky.; step-sisters, Mrs. Juanita Man- February 26, 1911, the son of the late Council for recording serial numbers of with beginning responsibility, books and ley, Sellersburg, Ind., Mrs. Dorothy Satter- Edward Budrow and Mable Lee Budrow. valuable property. Speeding: Dorothy Ann Scarbrough, their care. Mr. Budrow retired from service June ly, Louisville, Ky.; step-brother, Mr. StanJames Vernon Barnett, Roger A. Schmitt, Chief Mattingly said that throughout the 1, 1968. ley Ellis, Valley Station, Ky. Bruce Charles Nelson, each fined $10.00 Vets Representative Here nation millions of dollars worth of stolen Funeral services will be held today, and costs. He is survived by his widow, the for- property are never recovered because the Mr. H. W. Otis, a contact representative Thursday, February 20th at 11 a.m. in the mer Louise Beeler, of Brandenburg; two owner cannot identify the property stolen. Cold check: David Stinnett, fined $10.00 of the Kentucky Disabled Ex-Service Chapel of Hager-Wright Funeral Home, daughters, Miss Marsha Louise Budrow, In case of fire and other loss, insurance Men's Board will be at the Court House in and costs. conducted by the Rev. D. E. Jones. Burial of Brandenburg; and Miss Mabel Budrow companies often can not pay claims beBrandenburg, Tuesday, February 1, from Reckless driving: Michael Ray Dotson, will follow in New Brandenburg Baptist of Baudette, Minnesota; one son, Mr. cause the owners, can not identify their 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to assist veterans and fined $15.00 and costs; Frederick Bryan Church Cemetery, directed by Hager- David Budrow of International Falls, own property. A fire of unknown origin destroyed the Fowler, fined $10.00 and costs. their dependents with claims for benefits Wright Funeral Home. Minnesota; one sister, Mrs. Anita Warm- Robert Clark Stone, Executive Director residence of Mr. Marshall Farris about Improper start: Ronald Elbert Millsap due them as a result of their military ser* * » bier of Meriden, Connecticut; one brother, of the Kentucky Law Enforcement Coun- 9 a.m. Friday, February 14th. The house fined $10.00 and costs. vice. Mr. Delbert Budrow of Port Charlotte, cil, said that citizens should fill out these was partially covered by* insurance, acDrunk in a public place: William R MR. JAMES ALLEN BROWN Woman's Club To Meet Florida; one half brother, Mr. Earl Fleet forms immediately and keep them in a cording to Mr. Farris, but the contents, Bandy, fined $10.00 and costs. The February meeting of the Woman's Mr. James Allen Brown, 85 years old, of Texas. He is also survived by one safe, fire-proof place. They may be very which were also totally destroyed, were Waldo Alexander waived examining Club of Brandenburg will be held at Doe of Ekron, Kentucky, died February 13, grandson. grateful someday for having made the ef not insured. Mr. Farris says he can find trial in Meade Quarterly Court on charge Run Inn m Wednesdayr February 28th, at Funeral services were held at 1:00 p.m. fort to protect their own belongings. In no trace 6F five guns which he Had In the of larceny and was held to the grand jury 2:30 in the afternoon with Mrs. James R. Kentucky. Wednesday, February 19, 1969 from the mis way they will also assist their Police house. under $500 bond. Allen as hostess. The Meade County Volunteer Fire DeHe was born October 13,1883, the son of Brandenburg Methodist Church with the Department in combating crime. Carl Lewis Garrett and James Robert "A Responsibility I can Assume in My Mr. James H. Brown and Mrs. Sarah Rev. Samuel Clark officiating. Interment For further information or additional partment was called to the scene of the Lemons, both of Louisville, waived examTown" will be the answer to roll call. Wright Brown. was in Cap Anderson Cemetery with full forms contact: Robert Clark Stone, Box blaze, but the fire was beyond control. ining trial in Meade Quarterly Court on He is survived by three children, Mr. military honors, directed by Jenkins-Stur- 608, Eastern Kentucky University, Rich Mr. Farris lived alone in the house, which charge of house breaking and larceny, Special Services At Cecil G. Brown, Mr. Ralph M. Brown, geon Funeral Home. Pallbearers were mond, Kentucky 40475, Telephone No. was located on the old Claude Huff place and were held to the grand jury under Church Of The Nazarene on Route 2, Brandenburg. both of Ekron and Mrs. Imogene Goodin, officers of the United States Army. (606) 622-2756 Rev. M. C. Hash, pastor of the Bran$2,000.00 bond. They are charged with Valley Station, Ky.; one half sister, Mrs. breaking and entering Jack Dooley's resi- denburg Church of the Nazarene anMildred Bolin, Brandenburg, Ky.; two nounces there will be special services dence, February 14th. half brothers, Mr. Chris Brown, Indiana, there Sunday, February 23, at 10:45 a.m., and Mr. Harold Brown, Louisville, Ky. with Dr. Dallas Baggett, district superinFuneral services were held Sunday, tendent, as the speaker. February ,16, 1969 from Ekron Baptist desire for themselves, their families, and Judge Bert Allen issued an official proc- our county and state, and our efforts will " F e m - l n " At St. John's School Church with Rev. Charles Blanc officiatlamation declaring the week of February continue to be directed toward this goal," their communities. We solicit the support There will be another "Fem-ln" this ing. Interment was in New Highland Cemeof all our rural and urban citizens in seek24th as "Farm Bureau Appreciation Week" he continued. ~ coming Monday evening, February 24 at tary, directed by Hager-Wright Funeral "Farmers, working together through ing to build a greater agriculture and aj in Meade County. St. John's School at 7:30 p.m. The guest Home. Pallbearers were Rudolph Hard The proclamation, which is similar to Farm Bureau, can achieve the things they greater state," he concluded. speaker will be an airline stewardess for esty, Randall Hardesty, Terry McLean, one issued earlier by Governor Louie B. * a national airlines, and the evening will Larry Torusio, Joe E. Brown, Zane Nunn, notes that 1969 is the 50th anniverSuits filed in Meade Circuit Court rebegin with a buffet supper. All teenage Brown, Gary Brown, James Brown. sary of the Kentucky Farm Bureau Federcently were as follows: girl? come and learn of a career as a • • • ation, with which Meade County Farm Mamie Lee Beard vs. Henry A. Beard stewardess. Bureau is affiliated. for divorce, married February 15, 1941, MR. ROY EDWARD MORRIS The local Farm Bureau is one of 115 eleven children Roy Edward Morris, 22 years old, of county Farm Bureaus in Kentucky (only Jo Nell Kelly vs. Wendell Embry, et al, West Point, Ky., died February 14, 1969 at five counties do not have a local organizafor damage in automobile accident on St. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital, Louis- tion) which work together for the adMarch 31, 1968. ville, Ky. vancement of agriculture and for proAnna Faye Turner and Alfred Glenn He was born December 25, 1946, the son grams and projects which benefit all Turner for divorce, married April 7, 1957, of Novice L. Morris and Mrs. Ora Cather- citizens of the state. three children ine Raley Morris. Doe Valley Corporation vs. Louisville The grand jury met Friday, February He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. and Nashville Railway Co. for causing Mr. H. H. Foushee, now of Valley 14 and returned two more indictments beBarbara Beard and Miss Donna Morris; fire on Plantiff's property, for $3,170 00 Station, Ky., is the only Irving charter fore completing its work for the February four brothers, Danny, Barry, Alan, and damages. member of the Moods County Farm term of Meade Circuit Court. Scott Morris, all of West Point, Ky. He is Charles Henderson, et.al, vs. Elmer Lee Bureau, which was organised in \9tl, The indictments were numbered and also survived by his grandparents, Mr. Gray of APO Seattle, Washington, for |u»i im • • y»ari arret nw ararw r i r m styled as follows: and Mrs. Martin Raley, of Brandenburg, $12,083.00 damages in automobile accident, 4152—Charles R. (Buster) Board, grand Kentucky. ~ ~ ^ February 10, 1968. larceny, by stealing timber to the value of Funeral services were held Monday, Locally, more than 809 families joined Robert L. Harrington vs Walter Thomas $200.00. February 17, 1989 from St. John the Apos- Farm Bureau in 1968 to develop and imAmmons, for $950.00 damages in auto4153—Warren A. McKlnney, rape. tle Church. Interment was in St. George plement programs for the economic, social mobile accident, July 1, 1967. Cemetery, directed by Hager-Wright and educational improvement of KenFuneral Home, Pallbearers were Johnny tucky's farm people. The 1968 Farm BuWhite, Alan Morris, Eddie Raley, Barry reau membership w i s at an all-time high Morris, Ronnie Skaggs, Danny Morris. In the county, and statewide a record ' • • • 92,816 families joined the farm organization. MRS. GENEVIEVE REDMON The proclamation Issued here emphasMrs. Genevieve Redmon, 87 years old, izes that agriculture is an essential part Of Payneville, Ky., died Feb 12, 1969 in of our economy, and notes that progress tile Christopher Nursing Home, Louisville, in agriculture is therefore vital to the welKentucky. fare of all our citizens. * A fund drive is being planned for the This will be a house-to-house drive. So She was bore in Breckinridge County, Local Farm Bureau President Jake last of February and the first of March when you see the Fire Departments, or a Kentucky, on September 11, 1881, the Hamilton said an aggressive effort will be for MARC, (Meade Association for Re- representative in his or her own car, daughter of George Jarboe and Cecelia made during 1989 to make this golden anK E N T U C K Y FARM BIJRKA1V8 5fr y e a n of service to tarded Children of Meade County.) please give. Give until H hurts—and then Greenwell Jarboe. agriculture were recognized when Governor Louie B . niversary year the most successful in the The drive is sponsored by the Town and give until it feels good. The money will be N U B A , right, feigned a proclamation designating the week She is survived by her husband, Mr. Country Modulators, the Meade County used in the school here for retarded chilbeginning February 24 a* "Farm Bureau Appreciation Charles Cleveland Redmon, one daughtaw many Fire Department, and the Fire Depart- dren. Week* l a Kontnefcj. Receiving the proclamation from ter, Mrs. Parts (Irene) Hardesty; Louis- by Farm Bureau locally and statewide, we ments of Brandenburg, Flaherty, Mul- Each person working in the drive will Governor Nunn i s Louis Ison, prewldent of Kentucky Farm ville, Kentucky, one son, Mr. Guy Red- cannot rest on past achievements," Ham draugh and Rhodella. have proper identification on his or her Bureau. A t left In Farm Bureau Executive Secretary John mon, Star Route, Brandenburg, Kentucky, ntonsaid. The fund drive will begin on the even- person, reading MARC. You will know W. Koon. a n d second from left b WiUard Carroll, the or two staters, Mrs. Lime Wetiunffton, Alton, ing of February n t h and will continue all these representatives by this badge, says "There Is still modi to be done toward gamJcation'n field awvkjca director. Mrs. Evelyn Conrad, St day March 1st and 2nd, Mrs. Horace Conrad, publicity chahman. the improvement of life on the farms of The Stork Club Protect Property By Listing All Valuable Items Heart Sunday 8 Are Fined In Quarterly Court Fire Destroys Fords Home Local Farm Bureau Celebrates Week Suits Filed In Circuit Court Grand Jury Returns Two Indictments Fire Departments, CB Club To Collect For MARC w— * • Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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