216 Saints Peter & Paul UOC 8410 West 131st St. Palos Park, IL60464 Fr. Vasyl Sendeha - Rector Deacon John Charest Rectory Phone/Fax: (708) 361-5165 Hall Phone: (708) 448-1350 www.sspeterandpauluoc.net [email protected] Icon of the Nativity of Jesus Christ Parish Council President Noreen Neswick Sisterhood of St. Anne President Josephine Hobert Church School Director Victoria Rak Church Choir Director George Cepynsky Sr. UOL President Harry Oryhon Caregiving Com. President Harry Oryhon Seraphim Group President Howard Brooks 50/50 Club President Michael Gbur Explanation of the Icon of the Nativity Continued from the Bulletin of Sunday December 28 We see in the icon that Christ's birth is not only for us but for all creation, including voiceless animals. They too are victims of the Fall. Christ's Nativity is for them as well as for us. There is something about the way Mary turns away from her son that makes us aware of a struggle different from Joseph's struggle. She knows very well her child has no human father, but she does not know her child's future, only that it is clear from the circumstances of his birth that his way of ruling is in absolute contrast to the way kings rule. The ruler of all rules from a manger in a stable. His death on the cross will not surprise her. It is implied in his birth. We see that the Christ child's body is wrapped "in swaddling clothes." In icons of Christ's burial, you will see he is wearing similar bands of cloth, as does Lazarus in the icon of his raising by Christ. In the Nativity icon, the manger looks much like a coffin. In this way the icon links birth and death. The poet Rilke says we bear our death within us from the moment of birth. The icon of the Nativity says the same. Our life is one piece and its length of much less importance than its purity and truthfulness. Some versions of the icon show more details, some less. Normally in the icon we see angels who are worshipping Godbecame-man. Though we ourselves are rarely aware of the presence of angels, they are deeply enmeshed in our history and we know some of them by name. This momentous event is for them as well as us. Often the iconographer includes the three wise men who have come from far off, whose close attention to activity in the heavens made them come on pilgrimage in order to pay homage to a king who belongs, not to one people, but to all people, not to one age, but to all ages. They represent the world beyond Judaism. Then there are the shepherds, the simple people summoned by angels to respond to Christ's birth. Throughout history it has in fact been the simple people who have been most uncompromising in their response to the Gospel, who have not buried God in footnotes. Not the wise men but the shepherds were permitted to hear the choir of angels singing God's praise. On the bottom right of the icon often there are one or two midwives washing the newborn baby. The detail is based on apocryphal texts concerning Joseph's arrangements for the birth. Those who know the Old Testament will recall the disobedience of midwives to the Egyptian pharaoh; thanks to one of them, Moses was not murdered at birth. In the Nativity icon the midwife's presence has another still more important function, underscoring Christ's full participation in human nature. Iconographers may leave out or alter various details, but always there is a ray of divine light that connects heaven with the baby. The partially revealed circle at the very top of the icon symbolizes God the Father, the small circle within the descending ray represents the Holy Spirit, while the child is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, the Son. At every turn, from iconography to liturgical text to the physical gesture of crossing oneself, the Church has always sought to confess God in the Holy Trinity. 2 216 Today 31st Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 6 Sunday after Nativity. Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ. The 14,000 Infants (Holy Innocents) slain by Herod at Bethlehem (1st c.). Ven. Marcellus, abbot of the monastery of the Unsleeping Ones (485). Ven. Thaddeus, confessor, of the Studion (818). Ven. Gal. 1:11-19 Mt. 2:13-23 Reader of the Hours - open Reader of the Eng. Epistle – open Reader of Ukr. Epistle-Halyna Kashpar Tuesday, January 13th at 9:00am Divine Liturgy by OCCA clergy followed by the meeting in the church hall. Wednesday, January 14th at 9:30am Divine Liturgy. New Year Sunday, January18 9:30 am 6:00pm 32nd Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 7 Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom Sunday before Theophany Strict Fast Day Eve of the Theophany Vespers and Great blessing of the water 2 Tim. 4:5-8; Mk. 1:1-8 Vesp.: 1 Cor. 9:19-27 ; Lk. 3:1-18 Blessing of Water: 1 Cor. 10:1-4; Mk. 1:9-11 Reader of the Hours - Jeremy Oryhon Reader of the Eng. Epistle – Jeremy Oryhon Reader of Ukr. Epistle-PM Olenka Monday, January 19 at 9:30 am Divine Liturgy and blessing of the water. The Holy Theophany. The Baptism of Our Savior Jesus Christ 3 “Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.” Seraphim Group Next Meeting Tuesday, January 13, 2015 Divine Liturgy at 9:00am lead by OCCA Clergy Luncheon at Noon Become a part of Seraphim Group of Seniors at our parish. Great opportunity to make friends, have nice time in the circle of peers. Different group activities: games, lunches, trips. Meetings ones a month. Home cooked meals. Warm and pleasant atmosphere. For more information see the president of Seraphim Group Howard Brooks Adult Bible & Faith Study Group The next meeting is schedules for January 21, 2015 at 6:30pm. If you are interested in studying the Bible, learning about Orthodox Faith you are welcome to attend. Fr. Vasyl Prayer Corner for the Month of January We ask all of you to remember in your prayers the following individuals who are in need of God's healing and grace: Rich Bendy, Helen Wolsko, Stephanie, Nick Kocelko, Dean Manson, Toni Marie Klavin, Noreen Neswick, Daria Masur, Michael Kimak, Yuriy Zmysly, Monte Milton, Gloria Kuzemka, Paul Jr & Dorothy Seliga, Wally Naumenko, Wally Thompson, Michael, Sherry Howard, Wolodymer Kashpar, Nick & Mary Kapusta, Frankie, Rose, Zachary, Michael, Paul and Alexander. If there is anyone who is in need of prayers, and you want to add them to the prayer corner, please notify Fr. Vasyl. 4 216 Parish Council News My Dear Parish Family! Thank you for not being afraid of bitterly cold weather and coming over to our temple of Sts. Peter and Paul to celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord and God Jesus Christ! Special thank to all of the parents for brining the kids over. Their angelic voices always brighten the celebration. Our thanks go to Karoline O’Neill, Lori Zvonek and Pat Ciapinski for organizing and running the Nativity Dinner. Also, we would like to thank Soukal Floral Company of Chicago for once again donating beautiful Poinsettias to our church for the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and God Jesus Christ. They have been so kind to our parish for several years now. Therefore, if you would need flowers or floral arrangements for any occasion, please turn to them. Soukal Floral Co. 6118 S. Archer Ave. Chicago, IL 60638 Phones (773)767-7055 or 1-(800)397-5632. www.soukalfloral.com Christ is Born! Let us Glorify Him! Fr. Vasyl Sunday School Blog Christ is born – Glorify Him. Wow we had a wonderful Sunday Service and Beautiful Nativity Service. It was great to have so many of you kids in church on Wednesday. You all did such a great job with singing. Since it was my Birthday you all made it very special. Lets continue to keep the spirit of joy and friendship throughout this year and always. I am not here today since I tool Miss Amber back to college. I thank everyone for helping out in my absence and I look forward to seeing you next week. God Bless You. Love, Miss Vicki (director) 5 Seven Day Vigil Candles Thanks to God for answered prayers for my sister Laura’s successful surgery by Yvonne L Oryhon For the health of family members in Belarus by Ludmila and Alexander Piskoun For the health of my husband Volodimer , son Mykola, daughter Iryna with family by Halyna Kashpar For the health of Fr. Vasyl, PM Olenka, David & Antony by Kashpar Family For the health & quick recovery for Rich Bendy by Katie & Barbara Bruce For the health and God’s blessing of family members by Katie & Barbara Bruce For the health of my parents Pavlo & Polina in Ukraine by Halyna Kashpar For the health of Olga on her birthday by Kashpar Family For the health of Mary Kapusta by Fr. Vasyl For the health of Podlecki & Redmerski families in the New Year by Carol Redmerski For the health of a friend, Darlene as she goes through surgery by Carol Redmerski For the health and God’s blessings of family members by Mike & Alvine Gbur For the health of Wally Naumenko by PM Olenka _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ In memory of husband John by Barbara Patronik In memory of Mother Anne on the 22nd anniversary of her repose in the Lord by Barbara Patronik In memory of John Batura by Fr. Vasyl In memory of my mother Emilia by son Vladimir Kashpar In memory of our parents Anna and Nikolai Chaika and Nadezhda and Mark Piskoun by Ludmila and Alexander Piskoun In memory of Bunia Oksana by Deacon John & Family In memory of our Late Father Borys James Czornyj & Anna M. Czornyj with love from daughter Laryssa & son Walter 6 216 Coffee Hour Schedule Today -- Harry & Yvonne Oryhon January 18 -- Coffee only – strict fast January 25 -- open February 1 -- “SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY” - Nick & Johanna Slobidsky dessert table PLUS 12 GREAT SOUP MAKERS February 8 -- Czerniak Family – His is Memory Eternal - Michael CZERNIAK Saturday, February 7 -- TRIVA NIGHT – Get your table of friends & have a great fun night! 8 -- Czerniak Family – His is Memory Eternal - Michael CZERNIAK February 15 -- Donna Nevels & Christine Thompson February 22 – Sr. UOL Cheesefare Sunday Nativity Donation in the mail George Grosskopf - $200.00 in memory of the parents Carol & William Bartlett -$200.00 In loving memory of the Orich and Husayko families. Elena Batura—$200.00 in memory of Father John Donation to Building Fund in memory of Anna Czornyj Michael Cheroim—$30.00 Memorial Service Panahyda January 18, 2015 In memory of My Mother + Anna Czornyj by Water Czornyj on the 40th day of stepping into eternity. January 25, 2015 In memory of +Dorothy & +Michael Bruce by Barbara & Katie Bruce In memory of +Joseph Mielnik by Josephine Hobert 7 UOL Chapter – Soup-er Bowl Sunday February 1, 2015! Once again this year, Senior UOL chapter is sponsoring and organizing Soup-er Bowl on Sunday February 1 after Divine Liturgy. Please come and share a bowl of soup for a good cause. All proceeds will be donated to Soup Kitchen in Ukraine. All you can eat — $10.00 . Kids eat free. Our talented Chefs of the parish please create and donate soups for the event. If you would like to volunteer for this even, please see PM Olena or Nick Slobidsky. Email: [email protected] Church Humor The Bible, Through the Eyes of a Child Creation In the beginning, which was close to the start, there wasn't anything except God, darkness and some gas. The Bible says, "The Lord, thy God, is one," but I think He has to be much older than that. Anyway, God made the world and then He said, "Give me some light," and somebody gave it to Him. He split an atom and made Eve. Adam and Eve didn't wear any clothes, but they weren't embarrassed because God hadn't invented mirrors, yet. Adam and Eve sinned by eating one bad apple and they were driven out of the Garden of Eden. I'm not sure what God drove them in because He hadn't invented cars, either. Adam and Eve's son, Cain, hated his brother as long as he was Abel. After a while, all of the first people died, except Methuselah, who lived to be, like, a million years old. Snow Removal Schedule Week of 01/11 thru 01/17 -Harry Oryhon Week of 01/18 thru 01/24 -- John Policzszuk Week of 01/25 thru 01/31 --Fr. Vasyl Sendeha Week of 02/01 thru 02/07 -- John Policzszuk If you are unable to make your schedule week, please find a replacement and let Fr. Vasyl know. . Keep in mind, if over 2” of snow, the snow service will remove it. You only need to come out if 2” or less. 8
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