Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 17, 2015 Saturday, 6:00pm Intentions January 18, 2015 January 18, 2015 January 24, 2015 Sunday, 8:00am Saturday, 6:00pm +Melvin Frei +John Lingnau +Helen Lingnau +Charlotte Ann Thornton Poor Souls Parishioners Special Intentions for the Ray & Grace Hoelscher Family Reader Tammy Ryan Tammie Frenzel Jennifer Ordner Offertory Paul Doskocil Family Calvin Wilde & Craig Ordner Melvin Ranly Family Todd Doskocil & Jeff Hering Walton Hering, Jr. Family Mike Heise & Michael Heise Janet Loden Connie Petru Mallory Wright Ushers Communion Mass & Shut-ins Organist Weekdays Monday January 19th No Mass Vocations Cross Altar Servers Kerri Meier Mallory Wright January 25, 2015 Sunday, 8:00am Parishioners “Announcements” Catholic School Students Catholic School Students Catholic School Students Geraldine Kahlig Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday January 20th January 21st January 22nd January 23rd 7:20am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am Living and Special Intentions for +Charlotte Ann +Frank Jansing Deceased Members A.T. & Doris Voltin Thornton +Clara Jansing of the Alois Fuchs Family 1/18 Charles & Cindy Moeller 1/25 Chris & Peggy Hrabal 1/18-1/24 Kolby Kosel, Ben Ford, Kelby Kosel, John Blake Arndt Altar Servers Communion Collection Ministers January Rosary Leaders Clean Church 1/25-1/31 1/19 -1/23 1/18 1/25 Saturday’s Sunday’s 1/24 & 1/31 Visit the Sick 1/19 thru 1/25 John Meyer, Logan Hare, Delaney Wilde, Helen Heese, Kaiden Kahlig Greneta Ordner Ronnie & Rita Kleypas and Clifford & Susan Neumann Ronnie & Lonnie Ranly and Bill & Kitty Reid Mary Jane Hubik Chris & Peggy Hrabal Peggy Hrabal, Laura Hrabal, Eileen Lewis, Barbara Hoelscher, Kimberley Klaypas, Tina Locklin, Paula Niemeyer Gary Herwald Meetings: Collections: High School Religion today @ 9:00am 1/11----$1,681.00 RCIA Class today @ 9:00am Girls Scouts Tuesday, January 20th @ 6:30pm Liturgy Commission Tuesday, January 20th @ 7:00pm Adult Choir Practice Wednesday, January 21st @ 7:00pm WVFD Wednesday, January 21st @ 7:00pm The Sanctuary Candle is burning the month of January in Memory of Herbert F. and Helen W. Hoelscher and in Memory of Geraldine Merryfield Please pray for the sick & suffering: Andy Field, Eddie Koenig, Brenda Hancock, Darrell Engel, Cleavie McCollough, Connie (Buckholt) Smiser, Nelson Coker, Kenneth Bernsen, Terri Hoelscher, JoAnn Kalmbach, David Michalewicz,, Kenneth Green, George Wright, Tim Friesen, Doug Landry, Pattie Pletzke, Charles Ordner, Edwin Green, Johnnie Thornton, Jr., Craig Thornton, Lori Meyer, and Grace Hoelscher. Extra Parish Directories are available for $10.00 to purchase one contact the church office on Fridays, or call Cindy Moeller at 721-1562. The bi-annual blood drive & pancake/sausage breakfast sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and Scott & White Blood Center will be held today from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM @ the Parish Hall. All parishioners & non-parishioners are invited to come out & enjoy the pancake/sausage breakfast and donate blood for the Blood Center if possible. There will be a sign up sheet in back of the church for the blood drive & pancake/sausage breakfast. Be sure to sign up. The annual KC #13902 Domino Tournament is scheduled for Sunday, January 25th, with registration starting at 11:30am continuing until 12:30 with play starting shortly after. Each player will draw for a partner and will play four (4) thirty-minute rounds. It is a great way to enjoy the afternoon and spend time getting to know some neighbors. Food and drinks will be available starting at 11:00. Prizes will be awarded to the top players. Please make plans to attend. The Knight of Columbus #13902 will host their annual Food for Families food drive on February 15th. Please bring food items to donate that weekend to Mass or leave them in the back of Church anytime the week before the drive. Texas Catholic Pro-Life Day in Austin will be Saturday, January 24. (Prayer Vigil, 7am, at Planned Parenthood, 201 E. Ben White Blvd) (Rosary for Life, 9:15am; then Diocesan Pro-Life Mass 10:00am celebrated by Bishop Joe Vasquez at St. Vincent de Paul) (March for Life, 1pm, 1600 N. Congress to State Capitol) Everyone is invited & encouraged to attend, to help establish the culture of life!! The Diocese of Austin is pleased to announce the establishment of the Gabriel Life Assoc. It is the unified Catholic response to those facing pregnancies in Central Texas. We work together to maximize services to families, avoid duplication & shepherd women to available resources to ensure comprehensive care, even beyond pregnancy. Our vision is a culture in Central Texas that provides every woman the support she needs to embrace life. If you would like to work towards this vision with us or are in need of assistance, please contact any of the member organizations of the GLA. You can find us at GLA | Catholic Diocese of Austin Texas or call 877-WE-CARE. Rosebud Knights of Columbus Breakfast will be held today, at St. Anne’s Center in Rosebud from 7:00 to 10:00am. Sausage, Pancakes and more. Donations accepted. SECOND Sunday in Ordinary Time Brothers and Sisters in Christ, St. John the Baptist, the first to preach Christ, the last and greatest of the prophets, could not contain himself and cried out "Behold, the Lamb of God!" to the two disciples with whom he stood. (John 1:35, RSV CE) Truly filled with the Holy Spirit, St. John overflows with the divine love in which he shares, a love which seeks ever to pour itself out and embrace every soul. He cannot help but shout aloud the fantastic news of salvation in Christ, the perfect paschal Lamb who will offer himself in the perfect sacrifice of the Cross. The two disciples, having heard the Word proclaimed, are capable in faith of recognizing the Lord as "Rabbi", teacher, with the humility of authentic discipleship. They follow the Lord, as he invites them to "come and see" the place where he stays. One of these two among the first disciples was St. Andrew. He too, filled with the Holy Spirit and unable to keep the news of the Messiah to himself, "first found his brother Simon, and said to him, 'We have found the Messiah' (which means Christ). He brought him to Jesus." (John 1:41-42). The missionary impulse, the desire to proclaim Christ with burning charity for the salvation of others which we see in Saints John and Andrew, is at the core of the Christian message, and has been present from the beginning. In recent remarks the Holy Father spoke of the missionary impulse of authentic faith, seeking to spread itself, and of the work of the Church for the Jubilee Year 2000. Evangelization, he said, is the normal way in which the Church makes the light of Christ visible to the world. This light - "of love, of truth, of beauty" - cannot be imposed by force but must "illumine the spirit and attract the heart". Evangelization flows from the Eucharist which is the center and the nourishment of the Church's missionary activity. The Holy Father speaks of the supernatural desire of those who love Christ to preach the Gospel and to lead others to meet Christ in the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist. The Church teaches that the faithful cannot be silenced, that the impulse to spread the Gospel, to proclaim Christ as Messiah, is not an option, but rather an obligation. The Church is not "catholic", not universal, if the Church is not also missionary. " 'Having been divinely sent to the nations that she might be 'the universal sacrament of salvation,' the Church, in obedience to the command of her founder and because it is demanded by her own essential universality, strives to preach the Gospel to all men': 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and Lo, I am with you always, until the close of the age.' (Matthew 28:19-20) " (CCC 849) Christ has commanded that the Church grow to embrace all peoples, languages and cultures. God's love is satisfied only by reaching out to every single human being. There are some Christians who have the odd idea that it is somehow an imposition upon others to speak of one's faith in public places, in schools, at work, in the marketplace. The truth is quite the opposite. From the beginning authentic Christians did not hesitate to proclaim Christ as Lord in word and action. The host of martyrs who have the illuminated the way for the Church for nearly two millennia witness to this by their blood. You and I are not Christians in the authentic, wholehearted, sense unless we receive from Christ the fire of His love which cannot be stamped out, and which seeks to spread itself and to consume other souls in a conflagration which will light the way to salvation for all the world. Let the Church's preparation for the two thousandth anniversary of the Incarnation be the opportunity to discover and practice a love which is an undeniable sign of and sharing in God's own love. Preach, teach and live Christ. Do not keep the Messiah a secret. If you truly have his love, you will speak of him. You will not be able to keep silent. "Come and see; we have found the Messiah!" I look forward to meeting you here again next week as, together, we "meet Christ in the liturgy", Church of the Visitation Westphalia, Texas 144 County Road 3000, Lott, Texas 76656 254-584-4983 Website: Email: [email protected] Diocese website: Rev. Walter Dhanwar, IMS - Pastor Bishop Joe S. Vásquez – Diocese of Austin Deacon Bill Smetana Deacon Charlie Wright Deacon Julian Tyboroski Saturday Mass – 6:00 pm Sunday Mass – 8:00 am Reconciliation: Sat. 5:20 pm - 5:50 pm and Sun. 7:20 am – 7:50 am
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