w Republic of the Philippines OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION MHMORANDUM FROM TFTE C}TAIRPERSON CHED CENTRAL AND REGIONAI. OFFICE DIRECTGRS PRESIDSNTSIHEAD OF STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES SUB}ECT Japan World Expeisition Commemcratire ijEC) Fund DATE :r Sepiember zor4 The Commission on Higher Education is pleased to inform interested parties of the invitation to apply for a grant to fund their projects or acti.vities that promote culture, science, education, and art, among other fields, under the Japan WCIrld Expositian Commemorative (lECi Fund. duling the Japan World Exposition in r97o. Froceeels of . the exposition have been used ta subsidize activities promoting national or internationai cultural exchange, science, education, art. and traditionai Japanese culture. Since its foundation, there have been oniy r4 ]EC Fund grants awarded to institutions from the Philippines amounting to around Ta rnilliein yen {US?oo,ooo.oo} in total grant. JHC Fund was established Plrilippine institutioas cr organizations that qualify for a grant will be awarded goYo of the cost of the project. Guidelines fnr applications may be viewed frorn the JEC Fund's website at http://wr^/w.osakazr.or.jpliecfund/en/index.html. You may send your applications to [email protected], copy furnished [email protected], on or before 3o September zor4. Disseminatir:n of this fuiemorandurn is desired. a,<fu PATRICIA B, LICUANAN, Ph.D Higher Education Development Center Building, C.P. Garcia Ave., UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City, philippines Web Site: www.ched.qov.ph Tel. Nos. 441-1177,441-1168,441-1172,441-1143,441-1173,355-3895, 441-1216
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