21st Dec - Antrim Parish

,Martha 9.15am Mass in
St Comgall, St Joseph, St MacNissius
Rev Sean Emerson PP, St Comgall’s Presbytery: 94428016
Rev Felix McGuckin, 5 Oriel Road: 94428086
Rev Conor McGrath, St Joseph’s Presbytery: 94429103
PARISH SISTER: Sr. Catherine Corrigan.
SECRETARY: Mrs Bernie Mann: 94428016
Antrim Parish website www.antrimparish.com
St. Comgall’s Saturday, 6.30pm (Vigil), St. Comgall’s 9.00am 12 .00 noon
St. Joseph’s
Saturday 5.30pm (Vigil), St. Joseph’s 11.00am
St. MacNissius 10.00am
St. Comgall’s – Sat 12 - 12.30pm
Weekday Mass
5.45 - 6.15pm
St. Comgall’s: Monday to Friday at 10.00am, Tuesday 7.00pm
St. Joseph’s
Sat 4.45 – 5.15pm
St. MacNissius Monday 9.15am
St. Joseph’s: Monday to Thursday 9.30am. Friday 7.00pm
Feasts: Friday 26 St Stephen – First Martyr, Sat 27 St John - Apostle & Evangelist
Lord, we rejoice in the call and
response of Mary, woman of faith.
Teach us to listen to for you in
every corner of our lives and to
await your messengers in the most
conditions. Open our minds and
our hearts so that we will respond as
Mary did with faith and courage.
Intention for Parish Community Year 6
Week 4
We pray for every family in our
parish that this Christmas will be a
holy and peaceful time for every
one of them.
Thinking about going to Confession for
“God never tires of forgiving us, we are the ones who
tire of seeking his mercy. Christ has forgiven us
seventy times seven.
With a tenderness which never disappoints, but is
always capable of restoring our joy, he makes it
possible for us to lift up our heads and to start anew.”
Pope Francis
Evangelii Gaudium
Waiting in Joyful Hope
At Mass, we hear “. . . as we await the blessed hope and
the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.” This prayer
reminds us that during Advent, we wait in joy, in hope,
and in anticipation for the wonderful event we are about
to experience—the feast of Christmas, the coming of
Christ into our lives in new ways, the return of Christ in
glory at the end of time. We wait during Advent and look
forward to celebrating the fact that God loves us so much
that he sent his Son into the world to save us. This
waiting is far from empty; rather, it is full of the hope that
God promises us as we prepare for Christ in the feast of
We Pray For: Recently Deceased: Jamie Murphy, John Denver, Lily Donaghy,
1st Anniv.: Joshua Brush
Anniv: Millie Cahill, Mary Keenan, Mary, Eileen & John O’Kane, Frank, Ellen & Patrick Morgan,
Mary Hayes, Mary O’Rawe, Rita & Dan Allen, Brendan Barber, James & Evelyn Teggart, Mary Magee,
Teresa Barr, Maria Butler, Mary Crotty, Felix Keyland, Cathal Mooney, Harry McCollum
Bartley McDonald, Michael O’Brien, Kathleen & James McLarnon, Mary Blaney
William Wallace, Issac & Willie Magee, Rose & James McQuade, John Donaghy, Martha & Dan Gillan
Jane McKendry, Elizabeth Mooney,
CAROL SERVICE - Sunday 21st @ 6.30pm
Monday 22nd Penitential Service @ 7.30pm in St. Comgall’s Church
Tuesday 23rd Confessions after Morning Masses
Wednesday 24th Confessions after Morning Masses & from 12noon – 1.00pm in St. Comgall’s.
St. Comgall’s
St. Joseph’s
St. MacNissius
Christmas Day:
St. Comgall’s
St. Joseph’s
St. MacNissius
Thursday 26th
St. Comgall’s
7.00pm & 9.00pm
9.00am & 12.00noon
10.00am Mass
Exposition & Mid-Day Prayer
will not take place on Friday 26th December 2014 and Friday 2nd January 2015
1st Prize - £150
843 F. Chambers (Parish)
2 Prize - £150
468 K. Carr (E. Foster)
St Joseph’s PS Application forms for primary one for Joseph's PS available in the office. Please contact the
school office of you would like to arrange a visit to the school.
St Joseph’s Nursery School Application forms can now be obtained in the nursery school. These should
be returned completed to the nursery on or before Wed 14th Jan 2015. If you require further details please
contact the Principal, Mrs Maguire on 94462437
Tannaghmore P S, Reception Class. - Places are available in our Reception class for Sept. 2015 for those
children who have reached 4yrs. All enquiries to: Mrs M. Darragh 028 2589 8086.
Naíscoíl (Irish Language Nursery) - A very big ‘Fáilte’ to our Irish Language Nursery. Funded places are
available and we are presently accepting all those children who have reached 2yrs 10mths.
All enquiries to: Mrs M. Darragh 028 2589 8086 or 07865151491.
Tannaghmore Community Playgroup. - Limited spaces available at Tannaghmore Community Playgroup.
Contact Maire Byrne: 07849581499.
St Comgalls GAC Lotto Numbers for Dec 16th – 8,15,17,22,. No Winner £25 A. McGurren &
James Mitchell. Current Jackpot now £2,550
GOAL –Run A Mile @ 10am from St. Comgall’s car park. Donations in aid of third world charities. Your
support would be most welcome.
Parish of Antrim – Christmas Draw 2014
Draw will take place on Monday 22nd December 2014
*1st Prize: £500 *
2nd Prize: £300
3rd Prize: £200
4 Prize: £100
4 Prizes of £50 - 4 Prizes of £25
Book of Tickets - £5 each
Tickets £1
Ballot tickets are available in the church porches
Please take some books of tickets home to sell
among your family and friends.
Last opportunity to get your tickets this weekend
4th Sunday of Advent
Prayers Of The Faithful
Priest: Lord, as we contemplate the message of the angels to Mary and Joseph and how
their lives were changed by their acceptance of that message. We pray that our lives too
may be changed and that we may be people who trust in your Word despite the obstacles.
We pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis, our Bishops, Noel and Anthony
and for the priests of the Diocese, that by the grace of the apostleship they have received
from Jesus that they may bring about in all people an increase in faith.
Let us Pray to the Lord
We pray, Lord, to welcome you fully and joyfully in our hearts and homes this Christmas.
We pray your guidance on our political leaders and that they will be strengthened through
times of doubt and in difficult situations.
Let us Pray to the Lord
We pray during this Holy Season for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious
life, so that all generations will proclaim God’s faithfulness.
Let us Pray to the Lord
We pray for an attitude of generosity and care towards those who are sick, lonely, poor and
Let us Pray to the Lord
For all who have died and for those who mourn their passing;
Recently Deceased: Jamie Murphy, John Denver, Lily Donaghy,
1st Anniv.: Joshua Brush
All Those Named in the bulletin
Let us Pray to the Lord
Priest: God with us, help us to know your presence in our daily lives and look kindly on
those for whom we pray. We pray this through Jesus Christ our Lord.