Trinity United Presbyterian Church (USA) is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We are three churches which merged together to become one in 2008. We are a multicultural, multigenerational and multiethnic congregation reflecting the rich diversity of God’s people. This church is a witness to the uniqueness of the Christian faith which must be responsive to diversity both in the church and in the world. You are welcome here. We have made space for you. OFFICERS The Session Class of 2014 Pat Rice, Sharon Auger, Terry Bausack, Sandy Topham Class of 2015 Craig Hardy, Jacquelyn McClellan Class of 2016 Sharon Burton, Shirley Hale, Jane Harger Moderator ~ Desiree A. Lawson Clerk of Session ~ Georgia McCall Treasurer ~ Janet Hartzell The Board of Deacons Class of 2014 Sharon Bonney, Jerry Kamrath, Funmi Adigun, Phyllis Scales Class of 2015 Charles Atwater, Beverly Bronson, Karen Fischer Class of 2016 Margaret Bausack, Anthony Lawson, Levi Smith Staff Pastor ~ Desiree A. Lawson [email protected] (617) 501-1460 (cell phone) A Growing Multicultural Congregation 5151 Lennon Road, Flint, MI. 48507 E-mail: [email protected] (810) 720-5152 office (810) 820-2433 fax NOW IS THE TIME FOR GOD! SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY Fourth Sunday After Epiphany February 1, 2015 10:30 am Pastor – Rev. Desiree A. Lawson Interim Music Director – Dr. Eleanor Goodman Liturgist – Elder Greg Bolduc Adult Choir (**indicates congregation standing as able. All Music will be projected on screen.) Interim Music Director – Dr. Eleanor Goodman [email protected] GATHERING “Praise the Lord! Happy are those who fear the Lord, who greatly delight in his commandments.” (Psalm 11:1) **Gathering Song Woke Up This Mornin’ **Call to Worship As the prophets promised long ago, Jesus came to speak God’s word. As even the demons seem to know, Jesus is the Holy One of God. **Opening Hymn We Have Come Into This House CONFESSION AND PARDON (in unison) God our Creator, we confess that we are broken, sinful creatures. You spoke to us through the prophets, yet we have not kept your commands. You give a new teaching through Jesus, yet we fail to obey your living Word. Forgive us, God of grace. Set us free from the grip of sin, cast out all that is evil within us, and bring us ever closer to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Please continue to pray silently. Assurance of Forgiveness One: Jesus has the authority to cast out unclean spirits and present us as holy and righteous before God. All: In the name of Jesus Christ, we have been washed clean! Amen! PRESENTATION OF TITHES & OFFERINGS Remember the words of the Lord Jesus: It is more blessed to give than receive. Deacons Faith Offering Offertory Meditation In the Beauty of Holiness **Doxology #592 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Offertory Response One: We praise and thank you, Lord God, for the majesty of your work, the wisdom of your word, and the generosity of your grace. All: Let the gifts of our lives bear witness to your goodness and mercy, your faithfulness and justice, and your steadfast love for all. Amen. THE WORD Music Ministry He is King of Kings Prayer of Illumination (unison) God of goodness and light, as you created the world by your Word and Spirit, breathe new life into us this day; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. Remembering the Dream: Words from Writings and Speeches of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Reading of Scripture: One: All: Sermon 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 The Word of the Lord Thanks be to God. There is no God but One Celebration of the Lord’s Supper (see insert) COMMUNITY TIME Joys & Concerns Prayers of the People Announcements (Minute for Mission, Special Events) LEAVING GOD’S HOUSE **Closing Hymn He is Lord **Blessing and Benediction **Three-Fold Amen **The Passing of Christ’s Peace One: All: Having met Christ in this house, let us now share his peace: the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all! And also with you! Please join us for refreshments and fellowship after worship.
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