Church of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin 5200 Greenridge Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15236 A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust “We are a Roman Catholic community of involved individuals and families who, through the spirit of tithing, dedicate ourselves to growing in faith and sharing Christ with others.” Fr. John R. Haney, Administrator Fr. Michael R. Peck, Parochial Vicar Rectory: 412-881-8115 Fax: 412-440-0160 [email protected] Baptisms: Call Rectory to schedule Confessions: Saturday: 12 N to 1 pm and as requested after weekday Masses Barbara Sawyer, School Principal 412-882-3353 (O) Suzan Slezak, Preschool Director 412-881-8358 (H) 412-292-6108 (C) Carol Vater, CCD Program Coordinator 412-881-7950 (O) 412-882-6561 (H) Carol Froehlich, Music Director 412-650-7390 (H) Today is Sunday, August 10th THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Due to the tremendous success of our Christ Life Program last Spring and to help us continue this informative program to enrich our faith, we are preparing the second part of the program entitled Following Christ this Fall (which will begin on Wednesday, August 27 th). It will be necessary to make a minor change in the parish schedule, namely, changing the Mass schedule on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 6:30 until further notice. Members of the Christ Alive Program Planning Team will be speaking at the Masses today to encourage your attendance at the next part of the program. Hopefully their words of encouragement will fire you up to learn more about your faith. Members of the 2014-2015 R.C.I.A. Class (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) are being accepted presently. The R.C.I.A. is the process to become a member of the Catholic Faith community. The process is intended for adults who are unbaptized, those who are baptized in other Christian denominations as well as those who are baptized Catholic and wish to complete their initiation through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. If you are not sure, then R.C.I.A. is for you. The process does not mean that you have to join the Church. Simply come and learn more about our faith and what it means to be part of a Catholic community. You are welcome just as you are and are free to leave at any time. If you are interested, call Fr. Haney for details. The process gets underway after Labor Day and continues twice a month until the Easter Vigil (April 4 th). Regular Thursday Night Bingo begins at 7:00 in the parish hall. Bring along your friends for an enjoyable evening of fun and good food! Friday of this week is the Solemnity of Mary’s Assumption into heaven (a holy day of obligation). Masses in the parish will be at 5:00 on Thursday evening and 7:00 (not 7:30) and 11:30 Friday morning and 6:00 on Friday evening. (continued) NOTES FROM FR. HANEY (continued) Our Lady of Guadalupe Devotions will be on Saturday with prayers preceding the 11:30 Mass to pray for the end of the evil of abortion. All are invited to pray. Only two weeks remain until our annual Parish Picnic on Sunday, August 24th at the Serbian Picnic Grove on Hamilton Road. It begins with Mass in the park at 12:00 Noon. See the ad as well as a registration form in today’s bulletin. Please R.S.V.P. A.S.A.P.! Please continue to use St. Gabriel Food Club Certificates. We have certificates for the following businesses: Atria’s Restaurant, Bruegger’s, Eat ‘n Park, Giant Eagle, Kohl’s, McGinnis Sisters, Mitchell’s Fish Market Restaurant, Olive Garden/Red Lobster Restaurants & Shop ‘N Save. golf a “gimme” can be defined as an agreement between two golfers...neither one of whom can putt very well! ******** In charity, please remember all members, relatives, friends and benefactors of our parish and community, with special consideration for the sick, homebound and distressed members. Pray for the repose of Carole Coholic, Wife of Nick Coholic, Kathy Warren, Sister of Alan Bickerton, and Michael Giannini, Brother of Elizabeth Tomasetti, Uncle of Gayle Knoll, who died during the course of this past week. Also, David Gillenberger, Son of Marlene and Vernon Gillenberger, whose funeral liturgy will be celebrated here Monday morning at 10:00, and John Davis, Husband of Rita Davis, whose funeral liturgy will be celebrated here Monday afternoon at 12:30. ******** MARRIAGE BANNS III Bradley Case & Amber Weimer, St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin ******** Take the next step in ChristLife – starting August 27. Following Christ is about practical ideas for strengthening your relationship with Christ. Each following evening, enjoy an enlightening video, prayerful song and fellowship in small group discussions. Following Christ is a free program run by volunteers CHRIST from our parish. For information or to register, visit: ******** ST. GABRIEL MEN’S BOWLING LEAGUE We are looking for a few good men – join us Monday evenings at 7 pm, Princess Lanes – Season starts August 25th – call Ray Buckman for details (412) 225-2111. ******** (check it out!) PARISH PICNIC – SUNDAY, AUGUST 24, 2014 Please look for the registration form for our Parish Picnic in today’s bulletin. Please take the time TODAY to make your reservations. It is a fun-filled day, especially for the kids! It is critical that you pre-register as early as possible for planning purposes. If you have not attended before, why not make this the year to begin. There is no better way to socialize with your fellow parishioners. 2014-2015 ST. VINCENT RAFFLE TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW! You can purchase your lucky ticket now for the 2014-2015 St. Vincent Raffle that begins Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 1, 2014 and end on Saturday, July 4, 2015. Call Fr. Haney for more information. WINNING NUMBER taken from the BIG FOUR of the Pennsylvania State Lottery Monday thru Saturday, evening drawing only. If no number is drawn, use previous day’s number reversed. No prizes awarded on Double Draw Number. AWARDS are also made on one and two above and on one and two below. Simply add or subtract one or two from the exact number. For example, if the exact number is 3549, then two below is 3547, one below is 3548, one above is 3550 and two above is 3551. IN CASE of any change in the state lottery system the Saint Vincent Development Club reserves the right to decide a new method of awarding prizes. *THE SHOLARSHIP prize is a $20,000 non-monetary award which may be applied at any time toward tuition, room, board or fees for any admitted student/s of your choice at Saint Vincent College. MEMBERSHIP-DONATION of $10.00 a month for ten months, or $100.00 paid in full for the year. To be eligible for awards, membership must be upto-date. If a balance is owed, that amount will be deducted from awards. Members winning awards will be notified in a timely manner. THE DEVELOPMENT CLUB PROCEEDS assist the Saint Vincent Benedictine Community in its various apostolates. Good Luck! ADULT CHOIR NEWS – YOU’RE INVITED TO JOIN!! The first rehearsal for the Adult Choir will be held Tuesday, August 26th at 7 pm in Church. The Adult Choir consists of singers, high school age and above, who have a love for singing and a dedication to our weekly rehearsal schedule. We rehearse on Tuesday from 7-8:30 pm and sing for the 10 am Sunday Mass and special celebrations throughout the Church Year. If you are interested in becoming a member or are interested in seeing what is all about, why not attend the rehearsal on August 26th. No audition is necessary. For more information, call Carol Froehlich at 412-650-7390. ******** SOCCER REMINDER...Even though soccer season is in Spring, it’s not too late or early to sign up now. The Soccer Program is looking for players: JV (Gr. 5-6) & Varsity (Gr.7-8). JV & Varsity Teams are co-ed. There are many activities planned prior to the upcoming season (skills, clinics, etc.), so please stay tuned. Last year’s Varsity Team played its playoff game at the Riverhounds Stadium in Station Square. If you would like additional information about the program, please email Tom Dongilli (Varsity Head Coach) at [email protected]. We are anticipating another exciting season and hope to see you soon! MASS INTENTIONS August 11 to August 17, 2014 MONDAY – FEAST OF ST. CLARE 7:30 am Bill Populo (Birthday) 11:30 am Tom Murtha (Anniversary) (req. Wife and Family) (req. Wife, Ruth) TUESDAY – FEAST OF ST. JANE FRANCES de CHANTAL 7:30 am Dora Balogh (req. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seibel) 8:45 am Tina Pollice (Anniversary) (req. Martha) WEDNESDAY – FEAST OF ST. PONTIAN & ST. HIPPOLYTUS 7:30 am Sean Conroy (req. Mr. & Mrs. Michael DiBattiste) 6:45 pm Rosary and Miraculous Medal Novena Devotions 7:00 pm In Memory of Darryl Kunkel (Wedding Anniversary Remembrance) and Special Intentions of Dianne Burkhart Kunkel (req. Christian Family Movement) THURSDAY – FEAST OF ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE 7:30 am Fred and Patricia Wallisch 8:45 am Ralph E. Ziviello 5:00 pm Dr. Victor and Eleanor Cafaro (req. Wallisch and Seidel Families) (req. Metta Majernik, Granddaughters and Great Grandchildren) (req. Sara Graf) FRIDAY – FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 7:00 am James Reddy (Birthday) (req. The Reddy Family) 11:30 am Emma, John, Walter, Bill and Vera Englert (req. Family) 6:00 pm John Tagg (21st Anniversary) (req. Ursula, Bob and Nancy) SATURDAY – FEAST OF ST. STEPHEN OF HUNGARY 9:00 am Ted Mueskes (req. Bob and Barb Powischill) 11:30 am Intentions of Our Lady of Guadalupe to end Abortion (req. St. Gabriel Respect Life Group) 3:00 pm Nuptial Mass: Bradley Case & Amber Weimer 6:00 pm Loretta Spratt (Birthday) (req. Sharon and Jim Vogel) SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 2014 – TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 am Judge John W. O’Brien (req. Debbie O’Brien and Family) 10:00 am Beverly Jordan (req. Maggie Stoker) 12:00 Noon Sean Conroy (req. Marion and Leon Sikora) 4:30 pm Maria D. DiNardo (req. Bob and Fran Mancine) BINGO The next St. Gabriel All-Paper Bingo will be held Thursday, August 14, 2014 in the parish hall. Bulls-eye game begins at 7:00 pm. For information, visit Menu: McHaney Rib Sandwich * Chips * Dessert * Beverage ******** ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE – August 11 to August 17, 2014 Monday, August 11 7:30 am Gabriella and Amilia Palatuci 11:30 am Emma Walsh and Anna Lucarelli Tuesday, August 12 7:30 am Daniel and Haley Goldbach 8:45 am Zachary Borman and Justin Gibson Wednesday, August 13 7:30 am Jason Redinger and Lexi Dadig Thursday, August 14 7:30 am Reno Butelli and Savanna Starr 8:45 am Erin and Grace Hampton 5:00 pm Dean and Mackenzie O’Toole Friday, August 15 7:00 am Brooke Veith and Mike Goga 11:30 am Meghan Wahal and Julia Koltas 6:00 pm Catey Bartko and Anna Koslow Saturday, August 16 9:00 am Bella Boehm and Abby Joyce 11:30 am James Dulya and Haley Goldbach 3:00pm Sara Chesnos and Arlen Hooks 6:00 pm Andrew Lease, Erica and Jared Koenig Sunday, August 17 8:00 am Nolan Abbiatici, Mallory and Jack O’Brien 10:00 am Haylee Rapali, Abby and Alexandra Barr 12:00 Noon Alana Price, Haley and Daniel Goldbach 4:30 pm Grace Hampton, Korin Kuss and Matthew Rohe Schedules available on St. Gabriel’s web page: ******** DON’T FORGET TO PURCHASE ST. GABRIEL FOOD CLUB CERTIFICATES WHEN SHOPPING FOR ALL OF YOUR (AND BACK-TO-SCHOOL) NEEDS!! CHRISTIAN MOTHERS ALTAR DUTY SCHEDULE August 15-Lori Och & Joanne Chesnos August 22-Shannon Coulehan & Mary Kay Gardiner August 29-Mary Anne Schirra & Dolly Lutz We acknowledge, with sincere gratitude, the following donations: To Our Awareness Fund: $400 in loving memory of Regis Terrick from Family To Our Flower Fund: $ 5 in loving memory of Elizabeth Reinsel from Daughter, Joan Henning To St. Vincent de Paul Society (Gift of Love): $500 in memory of our Parents given Anonymously $200 in the Name of my Family given Anonymously $150 in the Name of my Family from Mary Kay Gardiner $100 in the Name of St. Gabriel Parish Members given Anonymously $ 50 in the Name of the Food Pantry Clients from Mary Jane Buchan $ 25 in the Name of our Family from Norbert and Charlotte Pilewski $ 25 in the Name of my Family from Bernice McCort $ 25 in the Name of our Family from Elaine and Charles Kirsch $ 25 in the Name of the Rosary Makers from Bob and Rose Ann Bleichner $ 20 in the Name of Jennica Finney from Thresa Yerman $ 20 in the Name of our Family from George and Susan Birringer $ 20 in the Name of my Family from Cel Klaphake $ 20 in memory of Joann from Mary Ann $ 10 in the Name of our Cousin, Joe from Ron and Mary Anne Schirra $ 10 in memory of William Penkrot from Family $ 10 in the Name of my Family given Anonymously $ 5 in the Name of the Bunner Family from the Koenig Family ...The members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank our parishioners for their kind donations to our Food Pantry at last weekend’s Masses. Their generous contributions of $585 to our Gift of Love Program and $270 to our Sunday Food Collection are very welcome additions to our Treasury! ATTENTION ALL CARD FLIGHT PLAYERS – NOW FORMING ST. GABRIEL CARD FLIGHT We invite you to join St. Gabriel Card Flight 500 Club. This is a nice way to renew old acquaintances or meet new friends in your home. Here is how the Club is orgainized: each couple plays another couple once a month for eight months (Sept. to April) with the scheduled arranged so that each couple entertains only four times. Dues are $12 per person and are paid in September. Refreshments usually consist of beverages and snacks while playing cards, and a dessert when card playing is finished. Prizes for high scores are given out in May. For more information or registration, please call Mary Anne Schirra (412-882-6473) or Dianne Kyslinger (412-882-2519) or fill in the following form and mail it to Mary Anne Schirra, 444 Lantern Hill Drive, Pgh., PA 15236. Deadline is August 24th CARD FLIGHT: ________ Couples “500” Flight -or- ________ Ladies “500” Flight NAME ______________________________ PARTNER’S NAME ________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________ PHONE ______________________ PHONE _____________________ “I’m so happy, so very happy...I’ve got the love of Jesus in my heart!” We, at St. Gabriel Preschool, welcome our families and young children looking for a nearby nurturing early education experience! Our program began in 1982 and is available for 3, 4 and 5 year old children. If you would like information, please check our website at and go to the preschool link! You may also contact Suzan Stark Slezak, M.Ed., at 412-881-8358 regarding registration specifics. A recently added component of the program is our very successful extended care option, both prior to and following session times. Wishing all families and children a summer of many blessings! ATTENTION: LECTORS A new Lector schedule will be out on August 16th. Please call Chris Good (412-881-5848) and let her know the dates you will be unavailable to Lector. ******** SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS OF THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD Help Wanted: Maintenance Secretary We are seeking a Sec’y. to act as a liaison between the Maintenance Dir., Administration, Staff, Business Contacts, etc.. Duties will include coordinating service schedules & maintenance requests, keeping accurate files & records, purchasing supplies & equipment and maintaining various campus calendars. Candidates must be computer literate and proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook). Degree preferred but experience may be taken into consideration. Please send resume to [email protected] or Attention: Donna Oyler, 3603 McRoberts Rd. 15234. ******** Flute for sale...beautiful, newly refurbished and gently used Bundy Student Flute ($250), call 412-650-8126 or email [email protected]. ******** S.G.A.A. NEWS -If you are interested in a seat on the 2014-2015 St. Gabriel Athletic Association Board, please contact Melissa Stefanyszyn at [email protected]. -If you are interested in coaching Girls Volleyball or Cross Country for the 2014-2015 school year, please contact Melissa Stefanyszyn at 412-215-2627 or [email protected]. ******** ST. MONICA’S PRAYER GROUP Please join us in St. Gabriel Church Monday evenings at 7 pm for a holy hour as we pray for the salvation of estranged Catholic friends and family members, the re-Christianization of our American culture, and the success of our parish efforts in the New Evangelization. ******** MARY’S CORNER The month of July is devoted to honoring the Precious Blood of Jesus. Is not everyone saved by the Most Precious Blood of Jesus? Neither the Sacred Heart nor the gaping wounds of Jesus have been our redemption. The Most Precious Blood of Jesus redeemed us and freed us from hell. Since our salvation is the fruit of that Blood, since to it we are indebted, is it not just that we should each and all embrace devotion to the Precious Blood and render it all Honor and Glory...even daily homage? ...Legion of Mary ******** RESURRECTION CHOIR The Resurrection Choir at St. Gabriel Parish invites parishioners to sing at funerals in our Church. Currently we have a dozen participants and are looking for new members who would enjoy singing with this special ministry that provides consolation to mourners in our Parish. If you would consider participating in this Corporal Work of Mercy by joining this Choir, please give Bill Switala a call at 412-884-5910. We look forward to hearing from you. ****** ...2 in ground burial sites at Queen of Heaven Cemetery are available for purchase ($1,200). Please call 412-308-6662 if interested. ...Need your house or office cleaned? Call 412-853-4663 today. St. Gabriel Conference, Society of St. Vincent de Paul 5200 Greenridge Dr., Pgh., PA 15236 Subject: United Way & Combined Federal Campaign, St. Vincent de Paul Society It’s that time again when the United Way and Combined Federal Campaign (the United Way for federal workers) have begun their annual drives. Our St. Vincent de Paul Society is an approved recipient in the Contributor Choice section for each agency. Last year our Conference received $6,198 from the United Way and $5,345 from the Combined Federal Campaign. We used your pledge money to help needy families in our own area. Again we ask for your support. If you are going to pledge a donation through either agency, we ask that you consider giving all or part of it to the St. Vincent de Paul, St. Gabriel Conference. To do this, fill out your pledge contributor choice section and designate: Agency Code #528 – to the United Way or Agency Code #89706 to the Combined Federal Campaign of S.W.P.A. If you have already pledged a donation and did not make a designation, you can change it. Ask your employer for a new form. Cancel your previous pledge and designate our Society in the Contributor Choice Section. If you have any questions, please call 412-881-4855. Again, we thank you for your support to help our own people in need over these hard times. We also ask for your prayers. ...Your St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin Parish C.C.D. Registration Form Students entering St. Gabriel C.C.D. for the first time, including students entering 1 st Grade during this school year, must pre-register. If you attended C.C.D. last year you do not need to register. Family Name ____________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Home Phone ____________________ Zip ______________ Cell phone or other emergency contact # ________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________________ Father’s First Name __________________ Mother’s First Name __________________ Mother’s Maiden Name ____________________ Student First Name ____________________ Student Last Name ____________________ Student Birth Date _____________________ Entering Grade _______________________ School District ________________________ School ______________________________ Date Baptized ________________________ Place Baptized _______________________ (If not baptized at St. Gabriel Church, a copy of the baptismal certificate must accompany registration.) Special Health Concerns: Special Educational Needs: Please return registration form to: St. Gabriel Religious Education Office, 5200 Greenridge Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15236. Or, you may drop it in the Sunday collection basket or take it to the Rectory. Please mark the envelope: Carol Vater/Religious Education Office. Questions? - please call Carol at the Religious Education Office (412-881-7950) or at home (412-882-6561)
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