The Baptism Of The Lord January 11, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 In the Gospel (John 1.35-42) The disciples of John came and In the Gospel (Mark 1:7-11) John the Baptist has the vision saw where Jesus was staying, and they remained with him. to see one “mightier than I coming after me.” Jesus will “baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” Monday, January 19 9:00 a.m. Mass - Jason MacNamara Monday, January 12 (req. by Michael & Marie 9:00 a.m. Mass - Special int. of Jack & Ghislaine MacNamara) Vandenbosch Karen (Sedlacek) Malmstrom (req. by Dc. Michael & Sandra (req. by James & Mary Selacek) Anthony) Tuesday, January 20 Tuesday, January 13 9:00 a.m. Mass - Calvin Nigh 9:00 a.m. Mass - Special int. of Jack & Dorothy (req. by Deedee Alexandre) Walters Special Intention (req. by Walters family) Wednesday, January 21 David Lucescu 9:00 a.m. Mass - Waclaw Figura (req. by Debbie Pine) (req. by Sobkowska family) Wednesday, January 14 Erik Hansen 9:00 a.m. Mass - George Albanese (req. by Toni Van Hezewyk) (req. by Vince & Lena Addario) Thursday, January 22 Thursday, January 15 9:00 a.m. Mass - Robert Migdal 9:00 a.m. Mass - Angie Kirk (req. by Cathie & Tony (req. by Kathy Watson) Bachynski) Friday, January 16 Friday, January 23 9:00 a.m. Mass - Jack Bresnahan 9:00 a.m. Mass - Angelina Addario (req. by Michael & Mary Brady) (req. by Yvonne DiDonato) Brian O’Rourke Saturday, January 24 (req. by Edna O’Rourke) (Third Sunday in Ordinary Time) Saturday, January 17 5:00 p.m. Mass - Special int of Jean & John (Second Sunday in Ordinary Time) Geaghegan & family 5:00 p.m. Mass - Angelina Addario (req. by Matthew Kearns) (req. by Vince Addario) Sunday, January 25 Sunday, January 18 9:00 a.m. Mass - Dannie & Ignacy & Joe 9:00 a.m. Mass - Catharine Repar (req. by Skala family) (req. by E. Egnatios & family) Robert Migdal Alfred Macoretta (req. by Edward & Henrietta (req. by Richard & Imelda Migdal) McDermott) 11:00 a.m. Mass - People of the Parish 11:00 a.m. Mass - People of the Parish THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFUL STEWARDSHIP! December 21, 2014 Sunday Collection $5,015.25 Loose Collection $195.75 Total Collection $5,211.00 Debt Reduction $650.00 December 25, 2014 Christmas Collection $9,456.75 Loose Collection $1,466.25 Total Collection $10,923.00 December 28, 2014 Sunday Collection $2,988.00 Loose Collection $267.00 Total Collection $3,255.00 Christmas Collection $830.00 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2015 Jesus calls his disciples to help others see the kingdom of God in their midst. He asks not just for our intellectual assent; he calls us to be disciples (Mark 1:14-20). Monday, January 26 9:00 a.m. Mass - Robert Migdal (req. by Cathie & Tony Bachynski) Tuesday, January 27 9:00 a.m. Mass - Robert Migdal (req. by Archie Hachey) Special int. of Olga Woods (req. by Irma Ruiter) Wednesday, January 28 9:00 a.m. Mass - Richard Melrose (req. by Tim & Frances Stewart) Thursday, January 29 9:00 a.m. Mass - Marney Cristello (req. by Jude Repar) Friday, January 30 9:00 a.m. Mass - Catherine Toms (req. by Edna O’Rourke) Saturday, January 31 (Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time) 5:00 p.m. Mass - Special int. of Jean & John Geaghegan & family (req. by Matthew Kearns) Archbishop Joseph Cassidy (req. by Richard & Imelda McDermott) Sunday, February 1 9:00 a.m. Mass - Karen (Sedlacek) Malmstrom (req. by Aunt Valerie) Verna Presti (req. by Rita D’Amico(daughter) & family) 11:00 a.m. Mass - People of the Parish Wed., Sun., Wed., Wed., Sun., Jan. 14 Jan. 18 Jan. 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 25 Wed., Jan. 28 UPCOMING EVENTS 7:00 p.m. K.O.C. Monthly Meeting K.O.C. Pancake Breakfast 9:30 a.m. Hope Centre 9:00 a.m. C.W.L. Monthly Meeting 11:00 a.m. C.W.L. Sunday & Social following 11:00 a.m. Mass) 9:30 a.m. Social Committee Meeting Dear Parishioners, My New Year’s wish for you is that the joy, happiness, and peace you experience on Christmas Day may endure, indeed intensify, day by day, in 2015. Our Heavenly Father must certainly have been as pleased with your generous participation in the religious aspect of Christmas as I was. It was very moving to witness the large crowd that attended Masses for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. A great round of applause is in order for the many who co-operated willingly to enhance the church and the liturgy with song and decoration and to all those who donated an offering for the purchase of Christmas flowers. THANK YOU EVERYONE! Ministers of the Eucharist and Hospitality, Choir Director and Members, Altar Servers, Lectors and to the others who volunteered their time behind the scenes with cleaning and decorating. May your dedication to and love for God’s House of Worship and His Liturgy be amply rewarded with spiritual peace in the coming year. With My Love, St. Vincent de Paul of St. Alexander will be hosting lunch at the Hope Centre on Wednesday, January 21st. We are asking for chili, dinner rolls and fresh fruit. Please use the sign up sheet on the bulletin board and ensure the food supplies are at the church before 9:30am. Thank you and Happy New Year. Thank you everyone who supported the St. Alexander CWL in their annual Christmas Basket Raffle. The winners were: Jennifer Cunningham, Ethel Quattrini, Alcea Spada, Vanessa Bilsborough, Michael Heidebrecht and Christina Christensen. Congratulations to the KOC for another successful Pancake Breakfast on December 21, 2014 and thank you for the generous donation of $1,500.00 to the Church Building Fund . Please join us for the next Pancake Breakfast, January 18th following both Sunday Masses. Our Parish Community welcomes our newly married couple. Matthew McCormack & Alexandra Tatzel Our Parish Community welcomes our newly baptized children Jaclyn Lily Pritty Cecilia Jane Hominuk
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