CLE EMEN NTIAN N The Ba aptism off the Lord d Janua ary 11, 201 15 You are my m beloved Son; with h you I am m well plea ased. (Mark k 1:11) “He wants to be b the brid de at every y wedding g, the corp pse at every funeral, and t the baby at a every ch hristening.” Ironically y, the subject of this cynical re emark wass a w world lead der. Even though t he often com mmanded d center sta age, he stiill craved a attention. Deep dow wn, most people p do. To varyin ng degree es, we’re lik ke those litttle kids w who want someone to notice and affirm m us: “Wattch me jum mp! Look at a this trick k! See w what I can n do!” Toda ay’s celebration con nveys a me essage ab bout this hu uman crav ving. In fac ct, you m might call the Baptism of the Lord the “Feast of Full Attention n.” The spo otlight is on J Jesus, who o comes to o John as ju ust anothe er penitentt in the cro owd. Then n suddenly, he is s singled outt as unique ely cherish hed: the heavens arre torn apa art, the Spiirit descen nds, a and the Fa ather’s voic ce declare es him “my y beloved Son.” Wh hat a stunn ning affirma ation o Jesus’ im of mportance e! But here’s h som mething just as stunning: the Sa acrament of Baptism m brings us right into Jesus’ own relationship witth the Fath her! You don’t d have e to strive fo or attentio on, w wonder wh ho you are e, or question whether your life e matters. If you’ve been b baptized into Christ, what the Father spo oke to Jesu us, he spea aks to you: “You are e my belov ved s son. You are a my beloved daughter.” Ye es, you nee ed to be transforme ed into the liikeness of Christ. An nd yes, tha at takes tim me. But as you make e that jourrney, you can c rest s secure tha at you are already God’s G belov ved child. Everything flows fro om that. Toda ay, as the Christmas season co omes to a close, why y not give one last gift? g O Offer God your full attention, as a you refle ect on you ur baptism. Let him reveal r you u to y yourself an nd show yo ou how gre eatly you are a loved. As you give g God your y full atttention, y you will discover how w much yo ou have His. “A Abba! Fath her! Thank k you that I am your beloved child.” c Our reeadings for nex xt weekend, Jaanuary 17 & 188: 1 Samuel 3:33-10, 19; 1 Corrinthians 6:13-220; John 1:35-442 Worship Book #8669 DAILLY MASS READING R GS Mon n., Jan. 12– Hebrews 1 :1-6/ Mark 1 :14-20 Tuess., Jan. 13 –Hebrews 2 :5-12/ Marrk 1 :21-28 Wed d., Jan. 14– Hebrews 2 :14-18/ Ma ark 1 :29-39 Thurrs, Jan. 15 – Hebrews 3 :7-14/ Mark 1 :40-45 Fri., Jan. J 16– He ebrews 4 :1-5, 11/ Marrk 2 :1-12 Sat.,, Jan. 17 – Hebrews H 4 :12-16/ Mark 2 :13-17 SUN NDAY COLLECTION N Stewa ardship Needed d Jan. 4 $ 10,433 $ YTD $183 3,409 Charrities $ 80 Over/Un nder 6,,784 $ 3,64 49 $169,,600 $ 13,8 809 Thiss week’s sanctuary candle e: Birth hday Remembrance e for Ryan Fleming, Req q. by Tom, Linda & Ty yler Flemin ng ary candle Lasst week’ss sanctua (co orrection)): For the Health of George Trov vato, Req. by Mary Ann A Roma ano & Rossalie Sacco one Sa aint Cleme ent Parish Family F offe ers our sym mpathy to Maryann M & Joe Brettt and Fam mily on the e death of her mothe er, Emily Turk kovich. Ple ease keep them in yo our pray yers. Ca athedral Catholic c Academ my News Wha at is Nation nal Cathollic Schoolss Week? Sain nt Clement Parish Family welcomes w s Chris & Teresa a Malec. We hope e they will be happy with us and d participa ate fully in n our parish faith commun nity. CALE ENDAR WINNE ERS Dec c. 30 – Gissele Andolina, #964 Dec c. 31 – Jullie Prachic ck , #490 Jan. 1 – Joyce e Golian, #471 # Jan. 2 – Janic ce Martella, #805 Jan. 3 – John n Vizza, #9 911 Jan. 4 – Jim & Leona Bowser, #56 65 Jan. 5 – Julie Wilson, W #26 69 on Mock, #950 # Jan. 6 – Sharo THE LIFT MINISTRY M Nattional Cath holic Scho ools Week is i the ann nual celeb bration of Catholic C education in th he United States. It sttarts the la ast Sunday y in January an nd runs all week, w which in 2015 5 is Ja anuary 25 - 31. The th heme for the t Nattional Cath holic Scho ools Week 2015 2 is "Ca atholic Sch hools: Com mmunities of o Faith, Kno owledge, and a Servic ce." Typically, we will obsserve the annual a cellebration week w with Masses, open n houses and other activities a for students, s f families, an nd commu unity members. Thrrough thesse events, we can focus on the value v Catholic educ cation provides to yo oung peop ple and itss con ntributions to our chu urch, our com mmunity, and a our na ation. This is a time that we "cele ebrate" the e fact that a solid Cattholic education is available a to o us in ourr diocese. And d we celeb brate YOU,, our parrishioners, who w help to t make th his posssible. In th he coming weeks you will be hea aring more e about the e events planned p for Catholic Schools S We eek 2015. I look forw ward to sharing our school s life with you! ~Rosema ary Batzel,, Principal or your co ontinued support s off Thank you fo y. The Jan nuary birthdays are: the Lift Ministry January 18th Edith McClain n Luth heran Hom me, Room 18 807 Goucher Street Johnstown, PA A 15905 “If you y want too lift yourseelf up, lift up u someonee else.” 2015 LO OTTERY CALEND DARS What a greatt calendarr year! All calendarss are sold! Thanks for you ur support!! athy & Joh hn Vizza ~Ka PRE NEWS As I write this, we continue to celebrate the Christmas Season. May the joy of Christ’s love be with you as the season concludes and throughout the new year! The weather has also brought the season’s traditional snow and cold. I ask that parents use extra caution when dropping off and picking up students from classes. Catechists meet students at the classroom doors and we do not have monitors stationed at doors. As always parents should be vigilant to safety concerns. In case of cancelled sessions information will posted on our website and through WJACTV. Important dates Jan 11 10th Grade Retreat at St. John Gualbert Cathedral; 8:30am-3:30pm; sponsor (or parent) must attend with candidate; pack a bag lunch. Jan. 18 PRE HomeStudy-work due 1/25 for attendance to count Jan. 21 Registration for Freshman Retreat due Jan. 24 10:30 am First Reconciliation Service for Second Graders Jan. 25 6:30 PM, Social Hall, Confirmation Session 9b, Prayer;All freshman from all schools must attend! Feb. 8 11b Sacraments and the Paschal Mystery Finally, we would love to start the new year with some new helpers. We welcome parent assistance in the classrooms. In particular, we are currently looking for someone to help in the office during Sunday PRE classes. If you can help, please contact me at [email protected] or 255-4422. Thank you and may God bless keep you, Mandy Vigna, DRE Marriage is a source of blessing to the couple, to their families and society and includes the gift of co-creating human life. USCCB Life Matters: Pope Francis reminds us constantly of the long concern Christians have for all people at any stage of life who have been cast aside or forgotten-the unborn, victims of violence, those suffering from addiction and those whose hearts ache to be part of a family. USCCB MARCH FOR LIFE The Annual March for Life will be held on Thursday, January 22nd in Washington ,DC. Mass will be held at St .Francis Church at 6:30 AM . Buses will depart after Mass. Please call Heidi @536-7335 if you would like to participate. Please pray to end abortion! “UN” DECORATING THE CHURCH As the old saying goes, “All good things must come to an end.” Now that the Christmas season is officially over, it’s time to undecorate our beautiful church! We welcome any and all volunteers to help take down and pack away the church’s Christmas decorations this Sunday, January 11th at 1:00 PM. This is another great opportunity for the youth of our parish to earn service hours. Any questions, please call Stephanie Bischof @ 539-3963. We hope to see you there! USED BOOK SALE Don’t forget to bring in your used books for our Book Sale at this year’s Parish Festival. We are also taking cookbooks, but no encyclopedias or reference books, please. BISHOP’S ANNO OUNCEM MENT Bec cause of th he seriousn ness of this flu seasson, Bishop p Bartchak k has asked that the e Prec cious Blood d of the Lo ord not be e offered at Mass M temporarily. It is the belie ef of the Cattholic Churrch that th he whole Body B of Christ is present under either e form of con nsecrated bread and d wine. Also the exchange of the sign off peace sh hould avo oid bodily contact. c A reverentt nod with eye e contact and a a smile will be th he tem mporary pra actice. Re eception of o Holy Com mmunion on o the han nd is encouraged, how wever, rece eption on the tongue may not be denied d. These norms n are in effect thro oughout th he winter months m or until u the flu season is over. Only y Ministerrs for the hosst will be needed.. Please check the bulletin for revise ed sched dule. Ar rea Ev vents SA ANDWIC CH SALE A “Super “ Bo owl Porke ette Sand dwich Sale” will be e held on n Saturda ay, s st nuary 31 at St. Anthony A o Padua of a Jan Church, Win ndber, fro om 9:00 AM-12:00 A 0 dwiches are $3.00 0 each Noon. Sand d orders are due by Janua ary and 18th. To ord der, call 467-7292. 4 REMIND DER! YO OUTH BU US TO MA ARCH FO OR LIFE Just a remin nder that NEXT Sun nday, nuary 18th, the second co ollection Jan will be for ou ur St. Cle ement Fo ood Pan ntry. Tha ank you for your generous g sup pport eac ch month h! JPII Youth Ministry M att St. Bene edict hnstown, is sponso oring an Church, Joh ernight trrip to the March fo or Life on n ove Jan nuary 21--22 for an ny studen nts in 712tth grade.. The trip will include the Vig gil for Life at the National Shrine, S the e Youth Rally R and Mass forr Life and d the e March for f life. Itt will inclu ude lunch and dinner d Wednesda ay and eakfast and lunch h Thursda ay. Cost bre is $10. $ About 20 sea ats are still ava ailable. Signup S fo orms are ava ailable at http p:// . Ple ease drop p forms off at St. Benedict B Church Offiice. Que estions, or to pot, you may m also o contactt reserve a sp um frmsb [email protected] Fr. Matt Bau SUBW WAY FUN NDRAISE ER Sub bway is holding a Weeken nd Fun ndraiser to o benefitt St. Clem ment Chu urch. Co oupons are a in today’s bulletin. Sim mply cut out o the coupon c u wish to for the weekend you hen parrticipate and pressent it wh ord dering at Subway.. Ten perrcent of you ur purcha ase will be e donate ed to St. Cle ement Ch hurch. Th hank you for your parrticipation! LITURGICAL SCHEDULE AND APPOINTMENTS Schedule Monday Jan. 12 8:00 AM Mass Schedule Jane Goldhaber, Req. by Family Altar Servers Sophia Kuzmyak Mary Jo Swank Eucharistic Ministers Diane Riner Lectors/Cantors Anne Quinn Tuesday Jan. 13 8:00 AM Birthday Remembrance for Isabel Lopez, Req. by Family & Friends Sophia Kuzmyak Mary Jo Swank Diane Riner Judy Kelly Wednesday Jan. 14 NO MASS Thursday Jan. 15 8:00 AM Friday Jan. 16 8:00 AM Sam Eppolito Req. by Dorothy Veale Sophia Kuzmyak Mary Jo Swank Isabel Sadosky Diane Riner Eva Kinol, Req. by Friend, James P. Getz Sophia Kuzmyak Mary Jo Swank Dine Riner Bernadette Ward 10:00 AM John Dougherty, Req. by George, Jay and Regan Campbell School Children Rose Batzel School Children Saturday Jan. 17 4:00 PM Anniversary Mass for Trudy M. Will Req. by Family Adam Barnhart Carrie Barnhart Madelyn Bridges Greeters Margaret Sindleri M. Koval M. Lieb, S. Mock Sunday Jan. 18 8:15 AM Mary Agnes Bako, Req. by Frank & Jennie Maddison Brant Erin Carbaugh David Swank 10:30 AM Birthday Remembrance for Ryan Fleming, Req. by Dan & Kathy Zakraysek William Bulas Christopher Hasse Julia Kleinmeyer T. Brant C. Sheridan D. Roberts, J. Saracena C. Mercik ‐ Choir J. Haggerty S. Morello B. Rievel R. Marovich J. Catanese J. Wagner M. Pavlik B. Penksa J. Barnhart H. Barnhart C. Bonk C. Petro C. Bowser B. Ward J. Yniguez P. Yniguez A. Brazill J. Pattison R. Turco B. Bazyk H. Hecker A. Konicky
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