r_ l'. t.'\* NOITFICETION PAIICHAYATS, RURi[t HousrNG AND RURAIJ DE\TELOPMENE DEpARf'leNT Gujarat Panchayats Act, 1993. No. Kp/ 38 0f 2ot3lpnn/to2ot3/LBSBIKH :- rn exercise the powers conferred by sub_ section ) of section 227. read wit.h secLi-on 27 4 of the Guj arat, panch.ryaLs Act, 1993, (5 1B of ) ttre Government of Guj arat hereby makes the following rules to provide f or regulating recruitmeint to t.he post of (Guj - 1993 staff Nurse, class rrr/ in superior panchayat Service, namely : 1: These. rules may be called t.he Staff Nurse, "class rrr in gg.perior panchayat service Recruitment Rules , 2013. 2 - Appointment to the post of staff Nurse, cl-ass rrr, in Superior panchayat Service sharl .\ C:lusenvdninhtratoADesktoplNortFICATI1N 2tNo. KP- -J8 of 20I3-pRR-r020rJ-tBSB-KH.doc -1- ? To be eligible for appointment by direct selection to the post mentirned in rUfe 2, candidate shall a (a) not be more than 40 years of agel Provided that the upper age 1imit may be relaxed in favoure of a candidate-. (i) who is already in the se.rvices of the Government of Gujarat in accordance with the provisions of the . Gujarat Civil Services Classif i.cation and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967. or (ii) who is a,lready j-n the services of the panchayats in accordance with the provisions of the Gujarat Panchayats services Classif icat j-on and Recruitment (General) RuIes,!998; \ : C:lIlsercVdminisrauADestaoplNOTIFICATION2lNo,RP-38 of2013-PBR-102013-1858-KH,doc (b) possess (i) a degree of post basic B.Sc. (Nursi*g) obtained from any of the Universities or established incorporated by or under the Central- or State Act in India ; or institution any other recognized educational as such ,. ot declared as deemed to be a under'sect.ion University deemed of the University Grants' Cornmission Act, 1955 and recognized by Indian Councif; or NursJ-ng : (ii) a Diploma in General Nursing Midwif ery obtained f rom any of Universities and t,he established incorporated by or under the or Cent,ral- or Stat,e Act in India ; or any other educatipnal instituti-on recognized such or declared as deemed to AS be of the ' C:lUsersVrtininbtrauADeslaoplNonFlcATloN 2Wo. KP- 38 of 2013-PRR-102013-1|S|-K[.tloc -J- University Grants Commission Act, and. recognized by Council or the l-956 fndian Nursing Gujarat Nursing Council; (c) possess the . knowledge of basic computer application as prescribed in the Guj arat Cl-assif ication (General) Ru1es, Civiland 1,967 Servi-ces Recruitment : (d) possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both. Provided that a candidate who have worked for not less than ten years in ' the cadre of Auxiliary Nurse Midwife Female Health worker in subordinate service of the the Government and / or in the superior panchayat '\ of the Panchayat. and who servace possesses the qualification C:lUsenVdmiiistratoADestdoplNoTlFICATION 2Wo. KP- 38 of 2013'PRR'102013-1ES$-KH,tloc as ,'- in prescribed: ,clause- (b) of -rule 3, may be also eligibie for appointment to the post mentioned in rule 2 above. Notwithstanding anything contained j-n ru1es, a candidate sel-ected by any direct recruitment under rule 3 shall be appointed on contract basis for five years on such terms condit.ions prescribed as in Government Panchayats, Rural Housing Notification, and and RuraI Development Department, No. KP-12-2OL!PRR-1 O2OIO-2530-D, 5. dated the 1,5th June ,20L1,- A candidate appointed under rule 3 shall be given the prescribed pay scale of the post of Staff Nurse after period on his complet'ion of contractual performance. being found satisf actory d.uring the stipulated period of service on contract basis 6. - rule A cand.idate appointed in accordance with 3 shall during the stipulated period of service c:lusercvdtninistato{Desktop\NoTlFICATION 2lNo. KP- 38 of 2013-PRR'102013'185&-KH.tloc on contractual basis CC.C r. examination f,or be required to pass the computer knowledge prescribed in Gujarat Civil Services Competency Training as Computer and Examinat,ion Ru1es, 2006. i' , 7. A candidate appointed in accordance with rule-3 sha11, after regular appointment., be required t,o pass an examination of Hindi or Guajrati or bothr ds the case may be, in accord.ance wit.h the rul-es prescribed by the Government. B. A candidate appointed by direct selection shall have to undergo such traininq and to pass such examination as may be prescribed by the Government, from t.ime o to time. A candidate appoi-nt.ed by dj-rect selection -shall be required to get himself registered with the Gujarat Nursing Council under the Gujarat Nurses, Midwive\ and Health Visit.ors Act, (Guj . 24 of 1968) at the time C:lIJsenVdministatoADesktoplNOTIFICATION 2lNa KP- 38 of 2013-PRR-102013-18S&K*.ttoc of 1958 his -6- application for direct selection, if he is not so registered. 10. A candid.ate appoint.ed by direct selection sha11 be required to furnish a security and. a surety , bond in such form, for such amount and for such period as may be prescribed by the Government. By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat, '%qrvna (B. nTef/rso;ul Under Secretary to Government. I I ': : ::t | ' C:lttsersd.lninlstflttoADgkioplNonnclnox zwn'KP-38 ol20tni'RR-tozot3't858-rh,aoc
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