So No.2/Guiarat 2015-16/1WMP IWMP (Gujarat) Government of India Ministry of Rural Development Department of Land Resources No.K-l 101 3/ 14 12012- 6th Floor, Lodhi Road,New Delhi-110003 Datcd:13th October,2015 To The Pay and Accounts Officer, Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development, CGO Complex, I lth Block, Lodhi Road, New Delhi -110 003 SUBJECT: Release of l't installment of funds for the year 2015-16 for implementation of IWMP projects under Watershed Component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) in Gujarat - reg. Sir, In continuation of this department's sanction order No. llGujarat/2O15-l6ilWMP dated 13.10.2015,I am directed to convey the approval of the President of India for release of Rs.100.00 crore (Rupees One Hundred Crore only) as I't instalment of Central share for 201516 for implementation of IWMP projects under watershed component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) in Gujarat. 2. The total amount of Rs.100.00 crore to be released under the following Budget Heads: S.No Amount Budget Head 3601.02.661.04.00.31 3601.02.789.61.00.31 1 (Rs. in cr.) Grants n aid General 83.50 Grants in aid (Special Component Plan for 16.50 Scheduled Caste) Total 100.00 Through this Sanction Order, sanction of the President of India is hereby conveyed for release of Rs.16.50 crore (Rupees Sixteen Crore Fifg Lakh only), as mentioned in para 2 (ii) above, to the State Government of Gujarat for implementation of above projects. The expenditure is debitable to the Head of Account given below:- 3. Demand No.85- Department of Land Resources 3601 - Grants in Aid to State Government (Major Head) O2-Grants for State Plan Schemes (Sub-Major Head) 789- Special Component Plan for Scheduled Caste (Minor Head) 6l- Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (Watershed Component) 61.00.31-Grants-in-Aid ( Plan) (2015-16) - Rs.16.50 Crore 4. The above release of Central assistance is subject to the following conditions :- The funding pattern between Centre & State is 50:50 with the exception of existing funding pattern for the NE Region and Hilly States for Watershed ii. component of PMKSY (erstwhile IWMP projects) The projects proposed to be taken up during 2015-16 as wellas the amount of funds required have the approval of State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC) in terms Contd../ -2- ofpara 16.0 0fPMKSY Guidclines 血 h面 サ山 酬 К nぉ 劇w江 . The state Govemmentshould relc d tt」 市 鯉ll蹴 霧鮒乳晟翼簾ti釧 鴛・ 蕊 警 織灘 轡 L鰐冨響蔓 燃雀 樹 樹脚 dtttttЪ 黒 』 お ど ヽ 欝 叫 冨 識 蝋轍機 鱗 i備淵鮮 the unspent balance for all pttects under the ablc. lbmit瀧1盤 輩∬電 鳳需 I淵鴛l琺■1胤 f翻織駆蠅11『攪障農署 嘱t認1 挽‖ 鷺 臨暢轟蝋轍鮎が 蹴驚 l了 1昴 levd。 h∫ ∬ 胸:n認 1濁:t譜 肥嚇 胎ili慧著乱思71i}ぶ鳳_'灘 11監 』 矯躍 transferred tO the state Govemment OfGujarat. 8. Thc Accounts Ofthe grantee institutiOn Or OrganizatiOn shall be Opened tO Intemal Audit of 器fち 譜Ψttit蹄 │ば酬』 潔1蝋冒 ∫ 耀瑞 ILttWm脇 『 :i∫l滉 Auditor Genera1 0flndia. tttlttF」 λ nsd淵 i戦 ピ lぽ縄 l∬ eM雨 飩 fRud Devdopmcm and h ツ゛ ・/1FD/LR/2015-16 8:守 犠 dated 12/10/2015。 Reddy) Copy to I Deputy Commi : The Principal Secretary, Rural Development Department & Chairman, SLNA (GSWMA) Gol.t. of Guj arat, Gandhi nagar. 3 4 :置躍Ttti留乱∫ 獅雲露 5 警 算 .MCha BhawaL Gand‖ 諮1lgiふ 」 進 The Secretary,Planning Deparment,Govt.Of ё :tt躊 nagar. ttarat,Gandhinagar. 6 The Secretary,Ag」 culturc Dcpanmcnt,Govt.of Gttarat,Gandhinagar. 7 Thc Accountant General(A&E),Govt.of Gttarat,Gandhinagar. 8 IFD,DoLR Sanction Order Folder Deputy Commissioner (WD) Amounttobereleasedduring2015-16asl'tinstallmentof Rs.16.50 crore(RupeesSixteenCrore Fifty Lakh only only),
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