Quality Improvement Programme CoH Progress Report of PHC Salun, Dist Kheda Dr J L Meena State Quality Assurance Officer Commissionerate of Health, Gandhinagar www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 1 Progress Report of PHC Salun, Dist Kheda www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 2 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Financial Progress Report (Expenditure with Utilization Certificate) www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 3 Financial Progress Report (Yr 2008-12) CoH Year Total Grant Received (NRHM) Rs. Total Grant Received (State) Rs. Grant Total (NRHM + State) Rs. 1 2008-09 0 0 0 0 0 2 2009-10 100000 0 100000 100000 0 3 2010-11 1020000 250000 1270000 1270000 0 4 2011-12 430000 0 430000 295375 134628 1550000 250000 1800000 1665372 134628 S. No. Total www.gujhealth.gov.in Total Total Expenditure Settlement Rs. with UC Rs. Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 4 Financial Progress Report (Yr 2008-12) S. No. 1 a b c d 2 a b c d 3 a b 4 5 Detailed Information 2009-10 Expenditure Grant Receive Infrastructure New construction 2010-11 Expenditure Grant Receive CoH 2011-12 2012-13 Grant Expenditure Grant Expenditure Receive Receive 9500 500000 - 110000 - 237201 - 80000 8074 68124 - 20000 400 68448 - 15000 Man power - - - - Class 1 - - - - Renovation Maintenance Display board / Signage Class 2 100000 Class 3 Class 4 - 1270000 10200 Instrument & Equipment New purchased Maintenance / Calibration Training Operational fund Total www.gujhealth.gov.in - 100000 12500 430000 30000 - 0 30000 41881 86286 113000 - - - 40411 105900 24041 20000 - 37079 24730 25000 18134 86719 4887 750743 1821876 1430 128885 293942 15000 110000 538000 1270000 430000 0 Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 5 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Financial Progress Report Infrastructure Detailed Year 2008-2012 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 6 Financial Progress Report Infrastructure Detailed Year 2008 - 09 CoH S. No. Detailed of Infrastructure Amt. Rs. 1 NIL - www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 7 Financial Progress Report Infrastructure Detailed Year 2009 - 10 S. No. Detailed of Infrastructure Amt. Rs. 1 New Construction, (Ramp, BMW Pit) 2 Renovation( Rain basera, Partition in labour room , ramp, garden – landscaping ) 3 Maintenance( BMW cover, generator fitting) Display Board/Signage( Display board, Fire safety) 4 www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH 17974 Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 8 Financial Progress Report Infrastructure Detailed Year 2010 - 11 S. No. Detailed of Infrastructure 1 New Construction (Aluminum Section, Emergency Room, Injection Room, CSSD, Many Fold Room, Aluminum Corner) 2 Renovation( PHC & Compound wall Color) 3 Maintenance( Electric Work, Land Filling) 4 Display Board/Signage( Display board of services, Wall painting of NHP ) www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Amt. Rs. 873773 Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 9 Financial Progress Report Infrastructure Detailed Year 2011 - 12 CoH S. No. Detailed of Infrastructure Amt. Rs. 1 NIL - www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 10 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Financial Progress Report Manpower Detailed Year 2008-2012 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 11 Financial Progress Report Manpower Detailed Year 2008-09 S. No. 1 www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Detailed of Manpower Amt. Rs. NIL - Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 12 Financial Progress Report Manpower Detailed Year 2009-10 CoH S. No. Detailed of Manpower Amt. Rs. 1 2 3 CLASS-1 CLASS-2 CLASS-3 0 0 0 4 CLASS-4 (BIO MEDICAL WASTER HANDLER SECURITY DAY OR NIGHT ) 10200 TOTAL 10200 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 13 Financial Progress Report Manpower Detailed Year 2010-11 CoH S. No. Detailed of Manpower Amt. Rs. 1 CLASS-1 0 2 CLASS-2 0 12500 3 CLASS-3 (DATA OPERATOR) 4 CLASS-4 (DAY & NIGH SECURITY, GARDENER, BIOMEDICAL WASTE HANDLER, ) 41881 5 Total 54381 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 14 Financial Progress Report Manpower Detailed Year 2011-12 CoH S. No. Detailed of Manpower Amt. Rs. 1 CLASS-1 0 2 CLASS-2 0 3 CLASS-3 (COMPUTER OPERATOR) 30000 4 CLASS-4 (DAY & NIGH SECURITY, GARDENER, BIOMEDICAL WASTE HANDLER, ) 86286 5 Total 116286 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 15 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Financial Progress Report Instrument & Equipment Detailed Year 2008-2012 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 16 Financial Progress Report Instrument & Equipment Detailed Year 2008-09 S. No. 1 www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Detailed of Instrument & Equipment Amt. Rs. NIL - Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 17 Financial Progress Report Instrument & Equipment Detailed Year 2009-10 S. Detailed of Instrument & No. Equipment 1 New Purchase ( Centrifuge, LT Kit for basic lab tests) 2 Maintenance & Calibration 3 TOTAL www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Amt. Rs. 40411 0 40411 Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 18 Financial Progress Report Instrument & Equipment Detailed Year 2010-11 S. Detailed of Instrument & No. Equipment CoH Amt. Rs. 1 New Purchase ( Centrifuge, LT Kit for basic lab tests) 105900 2 Maintenance & Calibration 37079 3 TOTAL 142979 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 19 Financial Progress Report Instrument & Equipment Detailed Year 2011-12 S. Detailed of Instrument & No. Equipment CoH Amt. Rs. 1 New Purchase ( Centrifuge, LT Kit for basic lab tests) 24041 2 Maintenance & Calibration 24730 3 TOTAL 48771 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 20 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Financial Progress Report Training Detailed Year 2008-2012 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 21 Monthly Financial Progress Report Training Detailed year 2008-09 CoH S. No. Detailed of Training Amt. Rs. 1 Training of all National Programme to staffs. - www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 22 Monthly Financial Progress Report Training Detailed year 2009-10 CoH S. No. Detailed of Training Amt. Rs. 1 Training Expense ( Infection control , Disaster, fire safety, CPR training and all National Programme to staffs) NIL www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 23 Monthly Financial Progress Report Training Detailed year 2010-11 CoH S. No. Detailed of Training Amt. Rs. 1 Training Expense ( Infection control , Disaster, fire safety, CPR training, FP, LEPROSY and all National Programme to staffs etc) 4887 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 24 Monthly Financial Progress Report Training Detailed year 2011-12 CoH S. No. Detailed of Training Amt. Rs. 1 Training Expense ( Infection control , Disaster, fire safety, CPR training and all National Programme to staffs) 1430 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 25 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Financial Progress Report Operational Detailed Year 2008-2012 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 26 Monthly Financial Progress Report Operational Detailed Year 2008-09 CoH S. No. Detailed of Operational Amt. Rs. 1 Operational Expense( Stationary, colour Xerox, I- Card, cleaning of Linen , IEC board, Computer Expense, Inverter, BMW equipment, Apron) - www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 27 Monthly Financial Progress Report Operational Detailed Year 2009-10 CoH S. No. Detailed of Operational Amt. Rs. 1 Operational Expense( Stationary, colour Xerox, I- Card, cleaning of Linen , IEC board, Computer Expense, Inverter, BMW equipment, Apron) 18134 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 28 Monthly Financial Progress Report Operational Detailed Year 2010-11 CoH S. No. Detailed of Operational Amt. Rs. 1 Operational Expense( Stationary, colour Xerox, I- Card, cleaning of Linen , IEC board, Computer Expense, Inverter, BMW equipment, Apron) 750743 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 29 Monthly Financial Progress Report Operational Detailed Year 2011-12 CoH S. No. Detailed of Operational Amt. Rs. 1 Operational Expense( Stationary, colour Xerox, I- Card, cleaning of Linen , IEC board, Computer Expense, Inverter, BMW equipment, Apron) 128885 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 30 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Committee: Quality Improvement Programme Committee www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 31 Overall Functioning of All Committees CoH Committees shall meet regularly and shall determine the next date of meeting at every meeting Agenda of the meeting (as per their scope) shall be determined beforehand and shall be communicated to all members of the committee Committees shall discuss, analyze, take a unanimous decision and communicate the decision for implementation to appropriate department / personnel Chairman and convener of the committee shall bear the responsibility of committee functioning Each committee shall determine the protocols of committee functioning and all committee members shall abide by it. A copy of committee protocols shall be kept in committee file Each committee shall maintain records of proceedings in committee meet in the form of minutes of the meeting (MoM). The records shall be maintained in chronological order in committee file. www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 32 Overall Functioning of All Committees CoH If a detailed analysis of specific agenda under consideration is carried out a record of same shall be maintained separately and filed in committee file. It is advisable that a specific member of the committee shall be given the responsibility of maintaining all the records of committee functioning and communicate it to concerned personnel in the organization. Committees shall monitor the implementation of decision taken through physical monitoring / assessments / review etc. Hospital and staff are obliged to follow the instructions. Committee shall review their functioning at appropriate intervals, as decided by chairman of the committee, to assess their functioning www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 33 Functioning of Committees S. No. Name of the Committee Functioning (Yes / No) Fix interval of Meeting 1 DRUG / FORMULARY COMMITTEE YES 3 MNTH 2 HOSPITAL SAFETY COMMITTEE YES MONTHLY 3 HOSPITAL ETHICS COMMITTEE YES YEARLY 4 DIET COMMITTEE YES 5 GRIEVANCE HANDLING COMMITTEE CODE BLUE TEAM/ RESUSCITATION TEAM INFECTION CONTROL COMMITTEE HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE CLINICAL RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMTTEE 11 No. of Meeting Planned CoH No. of Meeting Conducted 1st SATURDAY OF 1st SATURDAY OF JANAUARY, APRIL, JUL & JANAUARY, APRIL, JUL & OCTOBER OCTOBER 1st SATURDAY 1st SATURDAY MONTHLY 2nd SATURDAY 2nd SATURDAY YES MONTHLY 2nd SATURDAY 2nd SATURDAY YES 3 MNTH 1st SATURDAY OF FEB, MAY, AUG & NOV 1st SATURDAY OF FEB, MAY, AUG & NOV YES MONTHLY 3rd SATURDAY 3rd SATURDAY YES MONTHLY 4th SATURDAY 4th SATURDAY YES 6 MNTH 2nd SATURDAY OF JAN & 2nd SATURDAY OF JAN & JUL JUL YES 6 MNTH 2nd SATURDAY OF FEB & AUG CONDEMNATION COMMTTEE YES 6 MNTH 2nd SATURDAY OF MAR & 2nd SATURDAY OF MAR & SEP SEP 12 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE YES MONTHLY 13 SEXUAL HARRESSMENT COMMITTEE YES 6 MONTH 6 7 8 9 10 www.gujhealth.gov.in 1st SATURDAY 2nd SATURDAY OF FEB & AUG 1st SATURDAY 2nd SATURDAY OF JAN & 2nd SATURDAY OF JAN & JUL JUL Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 34 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: Drug Formulary Committee www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 35 Yearly Progress of: Drug Formulary Committee Scope of Work Develop and issue Policy on formulary and medication management Supervise purchases and procurement Supervise and management of pharmacy Monitor and evaluate adverse drug reactions Manage the control of drugs Supervise drug information service Frequency of Meeting www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Function of the Committee There is a documented policy and procedure for pharmacy services and medication usage. Policies and procedures guide the organization of pharmacy services and usage of medication. The policies and procedures shall address the issues related to procurement, storage, formulary, prescription, dispensing, administration, monitoring and use of medications. A list of medication appropriate for the patient's and the organization's resources is developed. Policies and procedures guide the prescription of medications. Policies and procedures guide the safe dispensing of medications. Policies and procedures guide the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Policies and procedures govern usage of radioactive or investigational drugs. Policies and procedures guide the usage of chemotherapeutic agents. Policies and procedures guide the use of implantable prosthesis. Policies and procedures guide the shortage of medication. Monthly Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 36 Yearly Progress of: Drug Formulary Committee Name of Committee Frequency of meeting Number of members CoH Name of the member Dr. Anjana S. Soni DRUG / FORMULARY COMMITTEE H.G. Shah, Pharmasist 7 7 R.M. Shah MPHS D.P. Mistri P.R.O. Helen D. Parmar S.Nurse Agenda of Meeting Date of Meeting Action taken on the decision made Need of QAC, Function of QAC, Constitution of QAC, Make policy for Quality Improvement, Review of standard s/ indicators, Preparation of Quality Manual, Safety aspect of patients, relatives & staff, training of staff, review of records/ documents /reports, clinical audits, medical audits, review of ethical points of staff , co ordination with other committees, To read and sanction last meeting minute notes; To review performance indicators of different departments, To discuss the reports of all other committees and Suggestions from other stack holder for continuous quality improvement. Review of infection control , house keeping & probable disaster. 09/10/10, 04/12/10, 12/02/11, 12/03/11, 05/11/11, 07/04/12, 02/06/12 After reviewing the performance indicators of all departments, taken proper action to increase the performance wherever it require. Also taken action to take daily review concern to pre-assessment team visit. www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 37 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: HOSPITAL SAFETY COMMITTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 38 Yearly Progress of: HOSPITAL SAFETY COMMITTEE Scope of Work CoH Function of the Committee The committee will ensure the total hospital safety & security. Develop and issue Policy The committee will bring to the notice of the administration, any on patient, staff, and visitor safety and security gaps observed for the safety and security of hospital staff & the patients and their attendants. A well documented lab safety manual is available in the lab. This takes care of the safety of the workforce as well as the equipment Monitor training and available in the lab. implementation Documented policies and procedures exist to prevent adverse events like wrong site, wrong patient and wrong surgery. Policies and procedures guide the use of medical gases. Sentinel events are intensively analyzed and actions should be Monitor occupational taken upon the analysis. health and safety The organization has an interdisciplinary group assigned to oversee the hospital wide safety program. Frequency of Meeting www.gujhealth.gov.in Monthly Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 39 Yearly Progress of: HOSPITAL SAFETY COMMITTEE Name of Committee Frequency of meeting HOSPITAL SAFETY COMMITTEE 12 Name of committee HOSPITAL SAFETY COMMITTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in Date of Meeting CoH Number of members Name of the member Dr. Anjana S. Soni Dr. P.R. Trivedi Mr. Dhanesh P. Mistri Mr. Mitesh Mistri 8 Mr. Dilipbhai Patel Smt. F.H. Shah Smt. Nilam J. Parmar Mr. Rakesh M. Shah Agenda of Meeting 30/10/10, 14/03/11, Requirement of day 07/04/12, 04/05/12 or night security, Decision Made Action taken on the decision made They should recruit under NABH RECURIETED Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 40 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: HOSPITAL ETHICS COMMITTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 41 Yearly Progress of: HOSPITAL ETHICS COMMITTEE Scope of Work CoH Function of the Committee 1. Education In cooperation with the hospital administration, its various departments and divisions, and its medical/nursing and allied health professional staff, the committee will undertake educational efforts in clinical ethics. Depending on the availability of resources, the committee will develop or assist others in the development of lectures, seminars, Issue policy on medical ethics workshops, courses, rounds, in-service programs and the like in clinical ethics. The aims of these educational efforts will be to provide participants with access to the language, concepts, principles and body of knowledge about ethics that they need in order to address the complex ethical dimensions of contemporary hospital practice Review, evaluate and approve cases 2. Policy Review and Development for clinical research, organ The committee will assist the hospital and its professional staff in the development of policies and procedures transplant, experimental regarding recurrent ethical issues, questions or problems that arise in the care of patients. In this role the committee therapeutics, ethical dilemmas, may provide analysis of the ethical aspects of existing or proposed policy or assist in the development of new terminal care institutional policy in areas of need. 3. Case Review Case review is particularly recommended in three specific categories of decision making: decisions involving significant ethical ambiguity and perplexity in which case review may provide insight into complex ethical issues; Any other potential conflict of ethical decisions involving disagreement between care providers or between providers and patients/families regarding the issues and medical policy and ethical aspects of a patient’s care; or practice decisions that involve withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment which are not adequately addressed in hospital ethical policies In this role the committee will not act as a decision-making body, but will attempt to assist and to provide support to those who do have this responsibility. Its role in all such cases shall be advisory. Frequency of Meeting www.gujhealth.gov.in Monthly Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 42 Yearly Progress of: HOSPITAL ETHICS COMMITTEE Day Time Venue MO Members Every 6 month or when required 12:00 to 1:00 MO Chamber Chairman Dr. Anjana Soni Matron Public Prosecutor (Invitee Member) SCOPE OF WORK www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Dr. Anjana S. Soni Co Chairman cum Converier Smt. H.G. Shah Member Smt. Helen D. Parmar Member Advocate Son of Ramesh Patel Issue policy on medical ethics Review, DATE OF MEETING evaluate and approve cases for clinical 07/04/12, 02/06/12 research, organ transplant, experimental therapeutics, ethical dilemmas, terminal care Any potential conflict of ethical issues and medical policy and practice Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 43 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: INFECTION CONTROL COMMITTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 44 Yearly Progress of: INFECTION CONTROL COMMITTEE Scope of Work Surveillance for infection control Data collection on hospital acquired infections Calculation of HAI rates On job training of healthcare staff on infection control practices Develop report on HAI trends Monitor infection control practices Frequency of Meeting www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Function of the Committee The hospital should have an infection control team. The team is responsible for day-to-day functioning of infection control program. They shall support surveillance process and detect outbreaks. They shall also participate in infection prevention and control on a day-to-day basis. The hospital has designated and qualified infection control nurse for this activity. The Infection control team will work together with infection control committee and bring to their notice if any issues have seen related to infection. Every Fifteen days Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 45 Yearly Progress of: INFECTION CONTROL COMMITTEE Name of Committee Frequency of meeting Number of members CoH Name of the member Dr. Anjana S. Soni Dr. P.R. Trivedi Smt. Falguniben H. Shah Miss Kapila Parmar INFECTION CONTROL COMMITTEE 12 8 Smt. Helen D. Parmar Smt. Meenaben R. Macwan (FHW) Mr. Rakesh M. SHah Dr. Manhar Nayak, Nidhi Hospital, Nadiad. Date of Agenda of Meeting meeting held Responsibility of infection control committee & team, identification of high risk area, Discussion about need of BMW equipments, essential records & 23/10/10, register, surveillance of infection , HAI, Staff safety including immunization & 18/12/10, periodic medical check up, PEP & PPE , role of house keeping, BMW 29/01/11, Authorization, BMW disposal & transport services , Reporting of needle stick 05/02/11, injury & HAI - Action taken, Need of composed pit, training for infection 12/03/11, control, Review of practical for use of training, BMW annual report , 21/04/12, Suggestion from stack holder for infection 19/05/12 Control committee. www.gujhealth.gov.in Action taken on the decision made Make sure & supervise every class-4 wear PPE for BMW handling & also monitor record of BMW & infection control, supervise for surveillance & follow of BMW guideline, supervision for blood spill & mercury spill management. Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 46 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: DIET COMMITTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 47 Yearly Progress of: DIET COMMITTEE Day Time Venue Every 3 month or when required MO Chamber RMO Chairman Members Name of committee DIET COMMITTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in DENTIST DIETICIAN AHA Matron Head Cook Co Chairman Converier Member Member Member CoH Dr. Anjana S. Soni Dr. Shital M. Patel[Ayush] Dietirian Nilam J. Parmar J.P. Patel Hemaben G. Panchal Number of Decision Action taken on the meeting held Agenda of Meeting Made decision made 16/10/10, provide nutritional it should be 02/04/11, diet to deliverd supervisied work started 16/04/1212/05/1 mother by rch staff 2, 23/06/12 Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 48 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: GRIEVENCE HANDLING COMMITTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 49 Yearly Progress of: GRIEVENCE HANDLING COMMITTEE Scope of Work CoH Function of the Committee To issue policy on grievance To issue policy on grievance redressal redressal Develop a mechanism of handling employee grievances To handle all the employee grievances Develop a mechanism of The committee has to sort out the problem and find out handling employee the solution irrespective of the employee and its grievances position. Preventive measures must be taken by the committee not to repeat the same problem in future. To handle all the employee The committee must take a unbiased decision and it has grievances to be respected and accepted by the staff without any issue. To issue policy on grievance To issue policy on grievance redressal redressal Frequency of Meeting www.gujhealth.gov.in Monthly Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 50 Yearly Progress of: GRIEVENCE HANDLING COMMITTEE Day Time Venue Members Number of meeting held 13/10/10, 08/01/11, 15/03/11, 06/08/11, 21/03/12 www.gujhealth.gov.in Every month or when RKS Meeting required 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. MO Chamber MO Chairman RKS Presidence Co Chairman QAMO Member H.R. Manager Converier Member Junior Pharmasist Member X-Ray Assistant PRO Member Matron Member Vishakha Sister Member Member Bio-Medical Engineer Agenda of Meeting CoH Dr. Anjana S. Soni Smt. Renukaben R. Patel Dr. P. R. Trivedi Dr. Shital M. Patel[Ayush] Smt. Hinaben G. Shah Smt. Falguniben H. Shah Mr. Dhanesh P. Mistri Smt. Helen D. Parmar Smt. Nilam J. Parmar Smt. Kapilaben Parmar Decision Made solution of any grievence reported no grievance at phc report reported Action taken on the decision made nil Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 51 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: Clinical risk management & Adverse drug event committee www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 52 Yearly Progress of: Clinical risk management & Adverse drug event committee Scope of Work CoH Function of the Committee Monitor and analyses Monitor and analyses sentinel events, accidents, and sentinel events, accidents, adverse events. and adverse events. Incident Reporting System. Incident Reporting System. Dealing with external bodies Dealing with external bodies and individuals. and individuals. Deal with Complaints on Deal with Complaints on Professionals management. Professionals management. Risk management policies to Risk management policies to reduce actual potential reduce actual potential patient risk. patient risk. Identify trends amongst Identify trends amongst incident and initiate action incident and initiate action Frequency of Meeting www.gujhealth.gov.in Monthly Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 53 Yearly Progress of: Clinical risk management & Adverse drug event committee Day Time Venue Members Every Monthor when required 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. MO Chamber Medical Officer Gynecologist Physician Matron Dr. Anjana S. Soni [M.O.] Dr. Manhar Nayak [Lapro Surgen] Dr. Harshad Nayak [BHO] Smt. Helen D. Parmar [RCH S.Nurs] EMO Dr. Ajit Thakar Name of committee Number of meeting held CLINICAL RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 16/04/2012, 19/06/12 www.gujhealth.gov.in Agenda of Meeting Decision Made sensitization of training for the all staff for class 4 staff CoH Action taken on the decision made training conducted Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 54 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: CODE BLUE TEAM/ RESUSCITATION TEAM www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 55 Yearly Progress of: CODE BLUE TEAM/ RESUSCITATION TEAM Day Time Venue Members On the site as and when required 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. MO Chamber Anesthetist On Duty Medical Officers On Duty Dr. Anjana S. Soni Nureses On Duty Smt. Nilam. J. Parmar Smt. Helen D. Parmar/ Miss Kapila Extra nurse from Emergency Parmar Security Guard On Duty Dineshbhai Parsottam Ward Servant On Duty Bhanubhai R. Chunara Name of committee Number of meeting held CODE BLUE TEAM/ RESUSCITATION TEAM 06/11/10, 02/07/11, 05/05/12 www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Agenda of Meeting Decision Made training for disaster training taken management & code blue Action taken on the decision made training taken Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 56 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 57 Yearly Progress of: HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE CoH Scope of Work Function of the Committee The committee will ensure the total hospital safety & security. Develop and issue Policy The committee will bring to the notice of the administration, any on patient, staff, and visitor safety and security gaps observed for the safety and security of hospital staff & the patients and their attendants. Monitor training and implementation Monitor occupational health and safety Frequency of Meeting www.gujhealth.gov.in A well documented lab safety manual is available in the lab. This takes care of the safety of the workforce as well as the equipment available in the lab. Documented policies and procedures exist to prevent adverse events like wrong site, wrong patient and wrong surgery. Policies and procedures guide the use of medical gases. Sentinel events are intensively analyzed and actions should be taken upon the analysis. The organization has an interdisciplinary group assigned to oversee the hospital wide safety program. Monthly Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 58 Yearly Progress of: HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE CoH HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE Every Monthor when required 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. MO Chamber Medical Officer Dr. Anjana S. Soni AHA Dr. Shital M. Patel[Ayush] Day Time Venue Members Name of committee Bio Medical Engineer Hardware Engineer S.I. Electrician Plumber Gardners Carpenter Drivers Number of meeting held 20/11/10, 15/01/11, HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE 12/03/11, 28/04/12, 19/05/12, 15/06/12, www.gujhealth.gov.in Smt. Falguniben H. Shah Rakesh M. Shah [MPHS] Rakesh M. Shah [MPHS] Mr. Gopalbhai Agenda of Meeting for providing lighting in garden of phc Decision Made Action taken on the decision made should be done under NABH required electric work done.. Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 59 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: Sexual harassment committee www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 60 Yearly Progress of: Sexual harassment committee Scope of Work CoH Function of the Committee Committee is formed to issue policies for Committee is formed to issue policies for complaint system and complaint system and recommended producers, recommended producers, investigation, and disciplinary action. investigation, and disciplinary action. The employee harassing another employee can The employee harassing another employee can be an individual of the be an individual of the same sex. same sex. The harasser can be the employee’s supervisor, manager, customer, coworker, supplier, peer, or vendor .any individual who is connected to the employee’s work environment ,other employee’s who observe or learn about the sexual harassment can potentially complain of sexual harassment. In the organization’s harassment policy, advise the potential victims that, if they experience harassment, they should tell the perpetrator to stop, that the advances or other behaviors are unwelcome. Frequency of Meeting www.gujhealth.gov.in The harasser can be the employee’s supervisor, manager, customer, coworker, supplier, peer, or vendor .any individual who is connected to the employee’s work environment ,other employee’s who observe or learn about the sexual harassment can potentially complain of sexual harassment. In the organization’s harassment policy, advise the potential victims that, if they experience harassment, they should tell the perpetrator to stop, that the advances or other behaviors are unwelcome. Monthly & as or when required Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 61 Yearly Progress of: Sexual harassment committee Name of Committee Frequency of meeting Number of members CoH Name of the member Dr. Anjana S. Soni Dr. Shital M. Desai SEXUAL HERRESSMENT COMMITTEE 2 6 Smt. Falguniben H. Shah Rakesh M. Shah [MPHS] Mr. Gopalbhai www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 62 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: CONDEMNATION COMMITTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 63 Yearly Progress of: CONDEMNATION COMMITTEE CoH Scope of Work Function of the Committee No objection certificate under Pollution Control Act. Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1981. Biomedical waste management handling rules 1998. Hazardous waste management and handling rules Act Water Prevention and control of pollution Act Review for No objection certificate under Pollution Control Act. Review Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1981. Review Biomedical waste management handling rules 1998. Review Hazardous waste management and handling rules Act Review Water Prevention and control of pollution Act License under Bio-medical Review License under Bio-medical Management and Management and handling Rules, 1998. handling Rules, 1998. Regular Scrap Disposal from the facility Review Regular Scrap Disposal from the facility Frequency of Meeting www.gujhealth.gov.in Monthly Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 64 Yearly Progress of: CONDEMNATION COMMITTEE Day Time Venue Members Name of committee CONDEMNATION COMMTTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Every Monthor and as when required 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. MO Chamber Chairman Dr. Anjana S. Soni [M.O.] Co Chairman Dr. H.N. Nayak [BHO] Convener Dr. Paresh Trivedi [QAMO] Memebrs Mr. R.M. Shah [MPHS] Memebrs Mrs. Renukaben Patel {RKS President} Memebrs Smt. Hinaben G. Shah [Pharmasist] Memebrs Smt. F.H. Shah [Lab. Tech.] Number of meeting held 15/03/11, 07/05/11, 19/06/12, Agenda of Meeting Decision Action taken on the decision Made made to condomn the not work done functional items of phc under mstc salun required procedure completed Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 65 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: Disaster management committee & EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE (FIRE & NON FIRE) www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 66 Yearly Progress of: Disaster management committee & EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE (FIRE & NON FIRE) Scope of Work Develop policy on prevention, management, and control of emergency situations within and outside the hospital Develop plan for handling fire and non fire emergency situation Ensure orientation of such plan to all CoH Function of the Committee Patient safety aspects and risk management issues are an integral part of patient care and hospital management. Staff members, students and volunteers are adequately trained on specific job duties or responsibilities related to safety. The committee will form the policy and provide guidelines for evaluation control and smooth management in case of events. This committee will rectify the faults in the system and fill up the gaps. Supervise training and mock drills The organization has plans for fire and non-fire emergencies within the facilities. Management ensures implementation of systems for internal Implementation of policy / plan and external reporting of system and process failures. Frequency of Meeting Monthly & as or when required www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 67 Yearly Progress of: CoH Disaster management committee & EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE (FIRE & NON FIRE) Day Time Venue Members Name of committee EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMTTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in Every Monthor and as when required 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. MO Chamber Chairman Dr. Anjana S. Soni [M.O.] Co Chairman Dr. Shital M. Patel[Ayush] Convener Dr. Paresh Trivedi [QAMO] Memebrs Mr. D.P. Mistri [PRO] Memebrs Smt. Helen D. Parmar [RCH S.Nurse] Memebrs Smt. Hinaben G. Shah [Pharmasist] Memebrs Mr. R.M. Shah [MPHS] Number of meeting held 1 Agenda of Meeting Decision Made Action taken on the decision made sensititation of staff for disaster management training for the all staff training conducted Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 68 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 69 Yearly Progress of: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE Scope of Work CoH Function of the Committee This committee shall have representation from management, various clinical and Discuss, decide and Issue hospital support departments of the Health Care Organization (HCO). The various quality Policies related to hospital operations improvement program shall be developed, implemented and maintained in a and accreditation. structured manner. This committee should have good knowledge of accreditation standards, statutory Documentation and review of policies requirements, hospital quality assurance principles and evaluation methodologies, hospital functioning and operations. This shall incorporate the mission, vision, quality policy, quality objectives, service Define scope of services standards, etc. Define and develop quality parameters Quality assurance manual has to be prepared and updated periodically. for clinical and non-clinical activities Set standards and benchmarks for The organization shall ensure that the practices are in consonance with good quality parameters clinical practices. Function as apex committee for As quality improvement is a dynamic process, it needs to be reviewed at regular monitoring performance indicators / pre-defined intervals (as defined by the HCO in the quality assurance manual) by parameters of QMS and medical the multi-disciplinary committee. The review shall also include analysis of key statistics indicators as defined by the standards. Standardization of professional Hospital management makes available adequate resources required for quality procedures and equipment improvement program. This shall include the men, material, machine and method. These should be in Credentialing and Privileging steady supply so as to ensure that the program function smoothly. Frequency of Meeting Monthly www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 70 Yearly Progress of: CoH QUALITY IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE Name of Committee Frequency of meeting Number of members Name of the member Dr. Anjana S. Soni QUALITY IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE H.G. Shah, Pharmasist 12 5 R.M. Shah MPHS D.P. Mistri P.R.O. Helen D. Parmar S.Nurse Name of committee QUALITY IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE www.gujhealth.gov.in Number of meeting held 11/12/10, 18/12/10, 05/11/11, 07/04/12, 04/05/12 Agenda of Meeting for providing lighting in garden of PHC, Cleaning Decision Action taken on the Made decision made should be done required electric work under done.. NABH Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 71 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Yearly Progress of: Legal license & Act. www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 72 Yearly Progress of: CoH Legal license & Act. S. No. Name of the License / Act. Available (Yes / No) Date of Validity Expiry Date 1 Building Permit (From the Municipality). Yes Life Time - 2 No objection certificate from the Chief Fire Officer. Yes Life Time - 3 License under Bio-medical handling Rules, 1998. Yes 9/1/2011 - Management and 4 No objection certificate under Pollution Control Act. Yes 9/1/2011 - 5 Radiation Protection Certificate in respect of X-ray equipments from AERB. N.A. - - 6 Excise permit to store Spirit. Yes 3/31/2014 - 7 Narcotics and Psychotropic substances license and Act. - - - Yes 7/13/2012 - 8 Vehicle registration certificates. 9 Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1981. - - - 10 Atomic energy regulatory body approvals. - - - www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 73 Yearly Progress of: CoH Legal license & Act. S. No. Name of the License / Act. 11 Biomedical waste handling rules 1998. 12 management Available (Yes / No) Date of Validity Expiry Date - - - Consumer protection Act, 1986. - - - 13 Dentist regulations, 1976. - - - 14 Drugs and cosmetics Act, 1940. YES 02/08/2016 - 15 Employees provident fund Act, 1952. - - - 16 Equal remuneration Act, 1976. - - - 17 Fatal accidents Act, 1955. - - - 18 Indian lunacy Act, 1912 (MENTAL HEALTH ACT 1987) Indian medical council Act and code of medical ethics, 1956. - - - - - - Indian nursing council Act, 1947. - - - 19 20 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 74 Yearly Progress of: CoH Legal license & Act. S. No. Name of the License / Act. Available (Yes / No) Date of Validity Expiry Date 21 Nurses and Midwives Act, 1953 - - - 22 Indian penal code, 1860. - - - 23 Indian trade unions Act, 1926. - - - 24 Maternity benefit Act, 1961. - - - 25 MTP Act, 1971. - - - 26 Minimum wages Act, 1948. - - - 27 National building code. - - - 28 Negotiable instruments Act, 1881. - - - 29 Payment of wages Act, 1936. - - - 30 Persons with disability Act, 1995. - - - www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 75 Yearly Progress of: CoH Legal license & Act. S. No. Name of the License / Act. Available (Yes / No) Date of Validity Expiry Date 31 Pharmacy Act, 1948. - - - 32 PNDT Act, 1996. - - - 33 Licenses under PNDT Act 1996 - - - 34 Protection of human rights Act, 1993. - - - 35 BARC, Act. - - - 36 Registration of births and deaths Act, 1969. - - - 37 Tax deducted at source Act. - - - 38 License for the blood bank. - - - 39 Constitution of India. - - - 40 Transplantation of human organs Act, 1994. - - - www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 76 Current status of DRS in the country CoH Progress of: Clinical Indicators Year 2008-2012 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 77 Progress of: CoH Clinical Indicators Year 2008-2012 S.No. Indicators 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 1 No. of OPD per month (Average) 865 1076 1086 1210 2 IPD Number per month (Average) 25 58 76 113 3 No. of Major / Minor Operation (Average) 2 37 106 248 4 No. of deliveries per month (Average) 24 43 53 48 5 Patient comments indicators - 75% 85% 87% 6 Employee Satisfaction Indicators - 100% 100% 100% 7 Bed Occupancy rate - 63% 71.17% 81.44% 8 ICU occupancy rate - - - - 9 % utilization of OT - 14.25 17.54 20.75 10 % of biomedical equipments under repair condition - - - - 11 % of Biomedical equipments calibrated 100% 100% 100% 12 Number of Patient falls per 1000 patient days - - - www.gujhealth.gov.in - Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 78 Progress of: CoH Clinical Indicators Year 2008-2012 S.No. Indicators 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 13 Number of Medication errors per 1000 patient days - 2% 1% 0.50% 14 Major / Minor adverse drug reaction rate (per 1000 patient days) - 0 0 0 15 Blood transfusion reaction rate (per 100 BT) NA NA NA NA 16 Incidence of wrong surgeries (wrong patient, wrong site, wrong surgery etc.) - - - - 17 Sentinel events, needle stick injury - - - - 18 All Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) rate - - 0.2 0.1 19 Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) rate - - - - 20 Average length of stay - 1.58 2.21 1.56 21 Total no of infant death & Total No. of Admission. - - - - 22 Total no of Maternal death & Total No. of Delivery. - - - - 23 Total no of death(including all) Net Mortality Rate - - - - 24 % of film wasted in radiology department - - - - www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 79 Progress of: Clinical Indicators Year 2008-2012 Year 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH No. of OPD per month IPD Number per month No. of Major / Minor Operation No. of deliveries per month 10377 305 2 283 12910 691 37 510 13036 909 106 634 14520 1350 248 579 50843 3255 393 2006 Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 80 Progress of: CoH Clinical Indicators Year 2008-2012 Year 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 www.gujhealth.gov.in Patient comments indicators Employee Satisfaction Indicators Bed Occupancy rate ICU occupancy rate - - - - 75 100 63.00 - 85 100 71.16 - 87 100 81.44 - Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 81 Progress of: Clinical Indicators Year 2008-2012 Year % utilization of OT % of biomedical equipments under repair condition % of Biomedical equipments calibrated Number of Patient falls per 1000 patient days - - - 14.25 - - - 17.54 - 100% - 20.75 - 100% - 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 CoH Total www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 82 Progress of: Clinical Indicators Year 2008-2012 Year 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 CoH Major / Minor adverse Number of Medication drug reaction rate (per 1000 patient days) errors per 1000 patient days Blood transfusion reaction rate (per 100 BT) Incidence of wrong surgeries (wrong patient, wrong site, wrong surgery etc.) - 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.50 0 0 0 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 83 Progress of: Clinical Indicators Year 2008-2012 Year 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 CoH Sentinel All HAI rate events, needle stick injury UTI rate Average length of stay - - - - - - - 1.58 - 0.2 - 2.21 - 0.1 - 1.56 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 84 Progress of: Clinical Indicators Year 2008-2012 Year 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 CoH Total no of infant death & Total No. of Admission. Total no of Maternal death & Total No. of Delivery. Total no of death(including all) Net Mortality Rate % of film wasted in radiology department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 85 Progress of: Clinical Indicators Year 2008-2012 CoH Year Total Number of Admission Number of Death % of Death 2008-09 305 0 0 2009-10 691 0 0 2010-11 909 0 0 2011-12 1350 0 0 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 86 Progress of: Clinical Indicators Year 2008-2012 CoH Year Total Number of Admission + Delivery Number of Death % of Death 2008-09 305 0 0 2009-10 691 0 0 2010-11 909 0 0 2011-12 1350 0 0 www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 87 Current status of DRS in the country CoH Progress of: NABH Standards www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 88 JOURNEY TOWARDS NABH S. NO. DETAIL DATE 1 SELF ASSESSMENT 07-10-2009 2 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT 7-09-2010 3 APPLICATION FOR PREASSESSMENT 22-10-2010 4 PREASSESSMENT 30-11-2010 5 APPLICATION FOR FINAL ASSESSMENT 19-01-2011 6 FINAL ASSESSMENT 12-03-2011 7 AWARD CEREMONY FOR N A B H AWARD 29-04-2011 www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 89 Progress of: NABH Standards www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 90 Current status of DRS in the country CoH Progress of: Documentation / Infrastructure / Instrument / Equipment / Manpower / Training etc. www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 91 Following Gaps are fulfilled CoH SECTION A INFRASTRUCTURE • • • • • • • • • • • MOU FOR LAUNDRY,HOUSE KEEPING,DIETARY SERVICES. SAFTEY ARRANGEMENT RAMP ACCOMODATION FOR STAFF TRAINING TO STAFF DRUG FORMULARY PROPER PRESCRIPTION IN CASE PAPER LEAD TIME PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM ATTACHED TOILET IN LABOUR ROOM ATTENDENCE LOUNGE FOR VISITOR www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 92 Following Gaps are fulfilled CoH SECTION A INFRASTRUCTURE • • • • • • • • • • • ATTACH TOILET IN LABOUR ROOM SEPARATE BIOMEDICAL WASTE STORAGE ROOM ANIMAL GUARD PARKING FOR STAFF AND EMPLOYEE SEPARATE ADMINISRATIVE ZONE NURSHING STATION EMERGENCY ROOM MANIFOLD ROOM COVERED WASHING AREA COMPOST PIT SEPARATE AYUSH ROOM www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 93 Following Gaps are fulfilled CoH SECTION B PROCESS • ADEQUATE SIGNAGE • SECURITY GUARD FOR 24*7 • STAFF VACCINATED • DOCUMENTATION IS LEGIBLE,TIMED,DATED,NAMED • LIST FOR INFORMED CONSENT • HOSPITAL CLEANLINESS AS PER RULE • ACCIDENTAL SPILLAGE OF WASTE PROPER www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 94 Following Gaps are fulfilled CoH SECTION B PROCESS • DISASTER ACTION PLAN PROPER • THREE COLOUR REFER CARD AVAILABLE • AVAILABILITY OF SPECIFIC OPD,IPD ,DISCHARGE CARD,PARTOGRAPH,TRI COLOUR REFER CARD • PROPER PRESCREPTION IN CASE PAPER • PROPER DISPENSING OF MEDICINE • PROPER STORAGE,MAINTAINANCE OF MEDICINE • PROPER RECORD KEEPING • TRAINING OF STAFF www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 95 Following Gaps are fulfilled CoH SECTION C GOVERNANCE • QUALITY MANUAL • SOP • EVALUATION OF ALL TRAINING & DOCUMENTED • STATUTORY REQUIREMENT & FULFILLED • QUALITY MANUAL IS READY www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 96 Following Gaps are fulfilled CoH SECTION C GOVERNANCE • SOP FOR SUBCENTER,ANTIBIOTIC POLICY,AVAILABLE • EMPLOYEE ARE VACCINATED AGAINST HEPATITIS B ,TETANUS • PATIENT RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITY DISPLAYED IN LOCAL VERNACULAR LANGUAGE • EMPLOYEE RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITY DISPLAYED • PATIENT ,EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION SURVEY DONE • APPRAISAL FOR EMPLOYEE AVAILABLE • ALL STATURARY REQUIRMENT FULLFILLED www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 97 Following Gaps are fulfilled CoH SECTION D OUTCOME •CONTENT OF THE MEDICAL RECORDARE PRE DEFINED •AUDIT OF MEDICAL RECORD www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 98 HEALTH GOAL AT NATIONAL LEVEL SR. NO. Indicator 1 2 3 4 IMR MMR TFR Malaria Mortality 5 Dengue Mortality 6 Leprosy Prevelence rate Tuberculosis DOTS Service Engaging Asha Worker 7 8 www.gujhealth.gov.in Goal at National Level 30/1000 Live Birth 100/100000 Pregnancy 2.1 Reduction Rate 50% upto 2010 and additional 10% by 2012 Reduction Rate 50% upto 2010 and Sustaining at the level until 2012 1/10,000 population Maintain 85% Cure Rate 1/1000 Population CoH Achieve at PHC Level 23.1 0 2.3 0 0 1.6 Maintain 85% Cure Rate 1/1000 Population Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 99 HEALTH GOAL AT COMMUNITY LEVEL CoH SR Goal at Community Level 1 Availability of trained community level worker with drug kit Health Day at Anganwadi on fix day per month Availability of drug at Sub-center Quality services at PHC level Improved immunization services by auto disposable syringe and improve mobilization Improve facility for delivery and JSY for BPL Improve outreach service 2 3 4 5 6 7 www.gujhealth.gov.in Achieve at PHC Level Available Maintain Available on NABH Pathway Available Available 100% coverage in JSY Maintained Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 100 NABH AWARD FUNCTION CEREMONY NATIONAL AWARD FOR NABH PHC : SALUN www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 101 CoH Thanks www.gujhealth.gov.in Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 102
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