January 2013 Volume 2, Issue 19 $UVORQJELWDEUHYLVHVW´/LIHLVVKRUWDUWLVORQJ- Hippocrates Winter Celebration By Jana Latham A Very Happy New Year to you! I hope 2014 is filled with great opportunities, fulfillment, and cre- ative growth for you all. Thank you so much for your support of the Arctic Rose Gallery - we have many more good things in store for you in 2014! Kicking off the year we are bringing you Alaska's Artist, Mr. Jon Van Zyle, in a show chock full of his quintessential winter images. Beautifully lit landscapes, arctic animals, and a sneak peek at his 2014 Iditarod art! Be sure to stop in at the show on January 24th and grab your Official Idi- tarod art and have Jon sign it for you. Along with Jon, come in and meet gregarious musher Karen Ramstead, a Canadian delight who is a long-time Iditarod race veteran. Jon has painted a special image for Karen to use as a fundraiser for this year's race which she will be participating in with her world famous Siberian huskies. Come show your support of this Alaskan tradition and have Jon and Karen sign "Race Fans" - a showy piece depicting a crafty onlooker. All our best to you, our customers!! 1 Artist Profile: Rhonda Scott New Monthly Feature - We will profile one of our talented artists each month for you. Rhonda Scott I am a life-long Alaskan with strong ties to this community and a deep love of nature and gardens. A great day is one with dirt or paint on my hands. I find myself painting from a joyful spirit - as a child my dreams were simple: To create world peace, live in a garden, and be independently wealthy. 1RZWKDW,¶PDQDGXOW, find by re-defining these expectations, I have already met many of them: I paint spectacular flowers, find peace in my studio, and am anticipating my FIRST million dollar art sale! I work with the $O]KHLPHU¶V5HVRXUFHRI Alaska, and am constantly impressed and moved by their support and compassion for their clients and their families. In a small effort to help, I have pledged 10% of my annual art earnings to their very worthwhile organization. 2 Volume 2, Issue 19 ARAC Directing Members Jana Latham Jon & Jona Van Zyle Bethanna Bennett Kurt & Donna Jacobson Gail Flotre WHAT OUR DIRECTING MEMBERS ARE UP TO: . Kurt Jacobson: ³+DYH completed 4 really nice paintings, and will be making some prints of 2 of them. They will be available at Arctic Rose in February. Donna Jacobson: ³New Handmade Items! ³7KH%OHVVLQJ´E\.XUW-DFREVRQ I've had a blast making glazed glass balls that make beautiful little gifts all year long! I use fabric or paper with Alaskan themes and Mod Podge (4 layers). I sold a lot during the Christmas holidays and so I'm currently making more! Well, I finally crocheted a cute minions hat! I absolutely love minions! Toddler size is in the Gallery and I also made one for my husband :) " 3 Encaustic Wax Art By Judy Vars ,I\RXKDYHQ·WKHDUGRIHQFDXVWLFZD[DUW\RXDUHQRWDORQH,WZDV Greek to me once. The art form has been around since Marc Anthony and Cleopatra had their fateful love affair. Encaustic means to burn in pigments made from pure organic beeswax, mixed with damar resin and fixed with heat. The exact formula was lost until a modern chemist UHLQYHQWHGLWLQWKH·V7KHHDUOLHVWVXUYLYLQJH[DPSOHVDUH the Fayum mummy portraits, head and shoulder portraits painted onto wood panels for the mummy casing - an early Greek version of the funeral makeup artist. (add mummy picture) Currently at the Metropolitan Museum of Art there are more than 70 on display until May 2010. This funerary is a fascinating blend of Roman and Egyptian culture and is a rare glimpse into the faces and eyes of an ancient civilization. Encaustic wax art fell into obscurity by the seventh century and was forgotten with the invention of more practical methods such as oil and tempura. Electricity and pre-made pigments have made encaustic more available to everyone. Now in the 21st century encaustic is back in a big way. This summer there are several major exhibitions on the East Coast and at the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts in Oregon, in June, encaustic art is the cornerstone exhibit. My work is on display at the Arctic Rose Gallery, Anchorage. The qualities of the artwork that can be achieved with encaustics are unique. The beeswax is pure and organic, perfect for artists concerned with the Green Revolution. The methods are more like alchemy and magic than painting. It can be layered with translucent pigments to mysteriously reveal what lies partially hidden. The depth and luminosity that can be achieved is remarkable. Modern artists have taken the wax to amazing places. It also appeals to artists who want to carve, sculpt or collage Paintings by Judy Vars 4 5 Art Copyrighted by Chip Brock 6 WE ARE OPEN Monday³ Saturday: 10AM to 7PM Winter Hours Sunday: 10AM to 7 PM 7 8 9 Events and Art Happenings in and around the area . Artic Rose Gallery & Art Center 423 W 5TH AVE ANCHORAGE AK -ALASKA ARTIST GUILD MEETINGS - 4th Thursday of the month at Blaines Art Supply 6:30-9. . Information available on AAG website: www.alaskaartistguild.com Phone: 1-907-279-3911 Fax: 1-888-265-2029 E-mail: [email protected] ´:KHUH$QFKRUDJH *RHV)RU,QVSLUDWLRQµ Art Classes at Anchorage Museum H T T P : / / AR C T I C - R O S E - A R T CENTER.COM/ /$1'6&$3(3$,17,1* WRSP0RQGD\V-DQ-)HE 3DLQWFRORUIXODQGFRPSHOOLQJODQGVFDSHV7DXJKWE\DUWLVW/LQGD,QIDQWH/\RQV HOW TO JOIN THE ART CENTER Contact: [email protected] 3+272*5$3+<:25.6+23 7$.,1*7+(1(;767(3 DPWRSP6DWXUGD\DQG6XQGD\-DQ- /HDUQKRZWRSXEOLVKDQGGLVSOD\\RXUSKRWRJUDSKV7DXJKWE\DUWLVW&DUO%DWWUHDOO YOU CAN SUPPORT THE ART CENTER EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE NOT AN ARTIST. ASK HOW AT: [email protected] Call Of The Raven Newsletter Editor: Kurt Jacobson 10 0$6.0$.,1*)257((16 WRSP:HGQHVGD\-DQ 8VHFOD\DQGPL[HGPHGLDWRFUHDWHDPDVNWKDWFRQYH\V\RXUXQLTXHOLIHVWRU\7DXJKWE\ DUWLVW'UHZ0LFKDHO 9,%5$7,216 086,&$/,167580(1760$'()52075$6+ WRSP6DWXUGD\)HE Artwork by Teresa Ascone )DPLOLHVPDNHLQVWUXPHQWVXVLQJHYHU\GD\PDWHULDOVDQGWKHQSOD\WKHPDQGFUHDWHPXVLF WRJHWKHU7DXJKWE\PXVLFLDQ3DWULFN5\DQ Space is limited. Register online. Museum members receive discounts on art classes. Not a member? Join today.
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