Page 22 - THE CHRONICLE, Friday, April 11, 2014 IN PERSON BY PHONE BY EMAIL 37 Rowan Street, classifieds@ 5723 0101 Wangaratta 3677 5721 9447 fax WHEN TO SELLING BOOK A CAR Chronicle Classifieds 2.30pm the day prior to print North East Jobs 3pm Friday 2 WEEKS ADVERTISING WITH PICTURE from only $29 OPEN HOURS 8.30AM TO 5PM MON-FRI BUY ONLINE General Classifieds: Employment: Real Estate: WANGARATTA’S MARKET PLACE WITH OVER 40,000 READERS EACH WEEK IN PRINT AND ONLINE PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES DOCKER STREET GENERAL MEDICAL CENTRE 53 Docker St., Wangaratta 3677 (03) 5722 4887 Our annual flu vaccination clinic will be held on SATURDAY 12th APRIL 2014 between 12noon - 2pm NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Consultations bulk billed. Vaccine can be purchased for $15 or is free to all clients over 65 years old and those with a chronic disease. Expressions of Interest RE-ENERGISE YOUR HEALTH Don’t get sick this Winter Full Consultation with $ Computerised Body Scan 10 OFF - Natural Solutions for (until April 30 , Long Lasting Wellbeing 2014) With Your Local Naturopaths: Belinda McPherson, Michelle Cose & SSophie hi Atki Atkin Immunity Loose bowels Constipation Energy Weight loss Hormones Reduced aches Headaches PMS Menopause Eczema Acne Allergies Better wellbeing Detox Kids health Sleep issues Stress management Call 5721 5886 20 Ely St Wangaratta Dr Anne Michelson Dr Martin Horwood Dr Carolyn Chong Dr David Lin Dr Wilson Chen Sarah Bekker - hygienist ****** Due to an error by Yellow Pages, the 2013/14 telephone directory contains an incorrect number. The correct telephone number for Michelson’s Dental Surgery is: 5721 8033 FRIENDS of the HOSPITAL Friends of the Hospital CAKE STALL Hundreds of traditional home-baked goodies available Wednesday 16th April 2014 8.45am until sold out Northeast Health Wangaratta Staff Café Raising much needed funds for our local hospital Held 3rd Wednesday every month Ph (03) 57225 069 PHARMACIST Wangaratta Pharmacy SATURDAY, SUNDAY, 8.30am - 2pm 10am - 2pm 35 Murphy Street, Wangaratta PHONE (03) 5721 5055 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday 19 May 2014 Raffety’s Reception & Conference Centre, 55 Nunn St, Benalla 12.30 - 2.00 pm – light lunch provided Guest Speaker Julie Aldous Mansfield Secondary College Implementing Food & Fibre Models in Australian Schools RSVP to John - Phone 5762 7777 or email [email protected] by Friday 9 May 2014 TERM 2 COURSES AT PANGERANG COURSES * Computer programs – Computers for Beginners, Next Step 1,2 & 3 in Computers, Using Digital Technology, Windows 8, Job Seekers & Computer Skills * Computers for Seniors – Just starting & More just starting * General Interest – * How to use your Ipad * Mosaics * Creating printed photo books * Art Course * Parenting 3URJUDPV =XPED 7DL &KL :RPHQ·V Drumming Group * Yoga * Improve your photos * Loss & Grief- How to care, what to say * Meditation * Healthy Cooking * Cupcake decorating (special occasional) CHILDRENS PROGRAMS &KLOGUHQ·V&RRNLQJ&KLOGUHQ·V$UW &KLOGUHQ·V6HZLQJ6FKRRO+ROLGD\3URJUDPV OTHER * Pangerang “Puggles” Playgroup (special needs) * Occasional Childcare * Community Food Swap * Friday Fun (social get together) For more information on our courses and services please contact us (03) 5721 3813 or call into 38 Ovens Street, Wangaratta. The Minister for Environment and Climate Change is seeking expressions of interest for 4 skills-based positions on each of the following waste and resource recovery group boards: • Barwon South West • Grampians Central West • Gippsland • Loddon Mallee • Goulburn Valley • North East Board members are expected to commence in August 2014. The new waste and resource recovery groups will be established under the Environment Protection Act 1970. All boards will be responsible for waste and resource recovery infrastructure planning, and have a facilitative role in procurement of waste management facilities and waste and resource recovery services, delivery of education programs and waste and resource recovery projects. For information on board director duties, go to on-board-board-vacancies Applicants will be short-listed on the basis of their skills, experience or knowledge in at least 2 or more of the following areas: • Local Government • Risk Management • Financial Management • Environmental Policy • Contract Management • Waste Management • Materials Efficiency The Victorian Government is committed to ensuring the diversity of our boards represent the diversity of our communities. Women, Indigenous persons, people with a disability, young persons and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Application kits can be obtained from the Department of Environment and Primary Industries by phone (136 186) or email ([email protected]). Applicants are required to undergo police and probity checks. Applicants who have already applied for these positions following the first round of advertising need not reapply. Expressions of Interest close 17 April 2014. Customer Service Centre 136 186 BAC K b y p o p u l a r demand Sunday Roast. Roast of the day and sweet, $19.95 per person. Moments and Memories Tea Room, bookings 5728 2273. B Y A W A T H A R E C R E AT I O N RESERVE. Public meeting at The Byawatha Recreation Reserve on Wednesday, the 16th of April at 7.30pm. The purpose is to nominate between 3 and 9 people as the committee of management for 3 years. DR Shiranthini Perera, Paediatrician, will be joining Dr Peter Dewez, Dr Terry Stubberfield and Dr Niroshi Perera a t t h e Wa n g a r a t t a Paediatric Clinic, 44 Docker Street, Wangaratta on April 22, 2014. Appointments by referral can be made by phoning 5721 4508. NEED Catering!!! 30 to 300 people. Spit Roast Specialist. Clarks Carvery Service. Call 0412 296 196. NEWMAN Street, Wangaratta, Sunday market. The current committees term expires on the 31/5/14. All positions are open. Nominations for women are encouraged. JAM STALL Further information may be obtained from your local DEPI office or at the meeting. Moyhu Farmers' Easter Market Further enquiries contact Beth Gales on 0408 573 904. at the SATURDAY, APRIL 19 Hundreds of Jams, Chutneys and Sauces. Be early to avoid disappointment. MOBILE SCRATCH AND BUMPER BAR REPAIRS Well established and reputable business, large client base. For further information phone 0407 697 000 ARE YOU A GOOD TENANT? ZO430302 FLU VACCINATION CLINIC M E C H A N I C B U S I N E S S . We l l established with a good clientele, great location on main road, Wangaratta, WIWO. For enquiries phone 5721 2422. T U T O R I N G . Mathematics, Chemistry. Year 7-12, in-home tutoring service b y a n ex p e r i e n c e d teacher. Caroline Birmie 0403 644 453. WA N G A R AT TA Woodworkers Inc raffle winners: 1st prize - Pat Bradley (Ticket 3509). 2nd prize - Josh Dalton (Ticket 2844). 3rd prize - Daniel (Ticket 0352). 4th prize - Jim O’Meara (Ticket 4302). 5th prize - R.Carlile (Ticket 1570). 6th prize - D. Hawthorne (Ticket 0719). 7th prize - Melissa Sgarioto (Ticket 1789). 8th prize - Christine Pizzine (Ticket 3327). 9th prize - Jim Doyle (Ticket 0447). 10th prize - D. H aw t h o r n e ( Ti c ke t 0718). HEREFORD Heifer, Londrigan area, reward offered. Ph 5725 1546 or 0410 715 164. Let us help you find a new home! We are looking for tenants for: Brand new, 3BR townhouse, double garage, low maintence. 4BR, West End, brand new ducted heating/cooling, garage and large yard. Contact Joe McKenzie 0423 655 179 or Rachel McMillan 0429 853 190 CARPET CLEANING Moving and need your carpets cleaned? 3 rooms $100, 4 rooms $120, hallways free. Phone P. & D. Oates 0428 500 109. NEW brick veneer three beds, two bath, two car lockable garage Collyndale/West End area, Wangaratta close to Appin Street shops, $ 3 3 0 p w ava i l a b l e from May 16 unless negotiated. Inquiries phone 0404 471 622 a/h. TWO bedroom unit in Moyhu township. Rent $160 per week, minimum 12 month lease. Ph 0451 188 938. TO LET THE CHRONICLE, Friday, April 11, 2014 - Page 23 EMPLOYMENT FOR RENT Modern 3BRM House with Ensuite in Wangaratta. Ducted Cooling, Gas Heating, BIR’s, Wheelchair $FFHVVLEOHDQGVRPH'LVDELOLW\0RGL¿FDWLRQVLQSODFH SHUZHHNWRHOLJLEOHDSSOLFDQWV Bond & References required For more information call Amanda Beach PH: (03) 5722 8000 LLOYD’S Building, Faithfull Street, office approx 200sqm, fully furnished, underground carpark, ex government office. Ph 0408 573 651. BROKEN windows, flyscreens, security doors, shower screens. Karl’s Glass for all your glazing needs. Ph 5721 9245 or 0423 430 132. OFFICE space, 160sqm, first floor includes main office, board room, kitchenette, store room, split system air con, carpet, $200 pw inc outgoings. Ph 0431 190 630 or 5721 5153. G A R D E N I N G MOWING. City, rural up to 40km. Pruning and removable. Free quotes. Competitive rates. Fully insured. Geoff Moore 0421 639 775. SUITE available in Lloyd’s Building, Faithfull Street, underground carpark. Phone Mick Lloyd 0408 573 651. 4BDM fully furnished executive modern home to share in West End new estate, $200 plus utilities neg. Ph 0459 217 043. CLASSIFIEDS WORK! 5723 0101 PA I N T E R . N e a t , tidy, always on time. For a fair quote, work guaranteed. Phone Julian on 0412 597 482. WA N G A R AT TA Property Services. Home and bathroom renovations, concreting, painting, rendering, bricklaying, plastering, tiling, any odd job. Chris 0488 912 951. A Cheeky Gal, 18+, 1902 271 048. Randy Housewives, 1902 225 951. $2.45pm mobx. EMPLOYMENT ACCOUNTS / LIVESTOCK OFFICER Part-Time Parental Leave Replacement (approx. 32hrs/week) Peechelba Beef, part of the ICM Agribusiness Group, is the largest beef feedlot in Victoria, offering custom feeding services to a range of domestic and bullock finishing clients. Peechelba Feedlot is located 25 kilometres from Wangaratta. This position will require an amount of flexibility from time to time but will be set at a minimum of 4 days per week, whilst the existing staff member is on Parental Leave. We seek someone with substantial accounts and data entry experience, as this person will be responsible for maintaining the day to day records on the Livestock systems and Accounts payable, receivable and end of month processing. Experience in Attaché and QuickBooks Accounting packages and/or Feedlot 3000 Livestock system, will be highly regarded. Applicants should possess a high level of computer skills having used a variety of systems e.g. Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, accounting packages and demonstrate effective skills in organising and prioritising work activity in order to meet deadlines. Remuneration will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. For further details you may contact Ruth Sacco on 0400 678 820. Applications and Resumes should be forwarded to: The HR Manager ICM Agribusiness PO Box 925 Wangaratta Vic 3676 Fax: 03 57268 382 [email protected] EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Want to kick start an exciting career as an apprentice in a specialised field of floorcoverings? Learning Programs Department: Program Coordinator The Centre for Continuing Education is seeking DSHUVRQWRFRRUGLQDWH9&$/DQG&HUWL¿FDWHV I, II and III in General Education for Adults for the Learning Programs Department. Experience in VET is essential, ideally gained in a coordination, training or compliance role for a Registered Training Organisation. +ROGLQJ 7$( &HUWL¿FDWH ,9 LQ 7UDLQLQJ and Assessment will be highly regarded. The position requires good organisational and communication skills, and a strong focus on process and systems. This position is full time. A detailed position description and information on how to apply can be obtained from www. or by contacting The Centre on (03) 5721 0200. Applications must be in writing (handwritten or typewritten) and must address the key selection criteria outlined in the position description. To obtain further information about the position please contact Heather Williams, Learning Pathways Department Manager (Acting), on 5721 0223 or [email protected]. before 18 April or after April 25. Applications close: 5.00pm on Wednesday 30 April, 2014 The Centre is an Equal Opportunity employer and pays Above Award wages 4XDOL¿HG&KHI37±KU3: Learn in a team environment On job training 4 year apprenticeship with great government incentives 1 position available for Immediate start Submit resume via email to [email protected]. Aggenbach Floors Jobs at Indigo Storeperson/Trade Salesperson - Wangaratta L&H is a leading distributor of electrical, industrial DQG VDIHW\ SURGXFWV ZLWK VLJQL¿FDQW RSHUDWLRQV nationally that distributes recognised brands to the residential, industrial, commercial and utilities markets. An exciting opportunity exists for an eager and motivated Store and Sales person to join our friendly team at our L&H Wangaratta branch. In this diverse role you will be reponsible for: (IIHFWLYHVWRFNKDQGOLQJRILQZDUGDQGGLVSDWFKRI goods 3LFNSDFNLQJ 6WRFNFRQWURO *HQHUDO VWRUH ZRUN DQG KRXVHNHHSLQJ LQFOXGLQJ OH&S) 3URFHVVLQJ VDOHV WUDQVDFWLRQV DORQJ ZLWK TXDOLW\ customer service support. The successful applicant will ideally have H[SHULHQFH LQ VWRUHVZDUHKRXVLQJ DQG FXVWRPHU service, with profecient computer and organisational skills, a can-do attitude and the ability to multitask within a fast-paced environment. Wholesale trade or product knowledge and experience in the electrical, industrial or safety markets is desirable, but not essential. /+LVDQHTXDORSSRUWXQLW\HPSOR\HU Applications close 17.4.2014 3OHDVHVHQGUHVXPHWRGDUUHOO¿VN#OKFRPDX VINEYARD MANAGER &DPSEHOOV:LQHVLVDORQJHVWDEOLVKHG VXFFHVVIXODQGH[SDQGLQJIDUPLQJDQG ZLQHPDNLQJIDPLO\FRPSDQ\DW5XWKHUJOHQ 9LFWRULDRSHUDWLQJDSURSHUW\RIDSSUR[LPDWHO\ KHFWDUHVDFUHV7KHSURSHUW\ FRQVLVWVRIKHFWDUHVDFUHVRIYLQH\DUG ZKLFKLVGHGLFDWHGWRSUHPLXPZLQHJUDSH SURGXFWLRQIRURXURZQZLQHU\ZLWKWKH EDODQFHJURZLQJFHUHDODQGSURGXFLQJSULPH ODPEV 7KHDERYHVHQLRUSRVLWLRQWRPDQDJHWKH YLQH\DUGVHFWLRQRIWKHFRPSDQ\¶VDFWLYLWLHV KDVEHFRPHDYDLODEOHDQGFDOOVIRUDSHUVRQRI XQLTXHTXDOLWLHV 7KHDSSOLFDQWVKRXOGEHDEOHWRGHPRQVWUDWH H[FHOOHQWDGPLQLVWUDWLYHSHRSOHPDQDJHPHQW FRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGPRWLYDWLRQDOVNLOOVDVZHOO DVSURYHQYLWLFXOWXUDONQRZOHGJHDQGVNLOOV 7KHSHUVRQPXVWKDYHWKHSURYHQDELOLW\WR OHDGDWHDPDQGRUJDQLVHDQGLPSOHPHQWZRUN SURJUDPVDFURVVDUDQJHRIDFWLYLWLHV$ERYH DYHUDJHPHFKDQLFDODSWLWXGHLVUHTXLUHGDVD UDQJHRIYLWLFXOWXUDODJULFXOWXUDOHTXLSPHQWLV XWLOLVHGE\WKHFRPSDQ\ $FXUUHQWGULYHU¶VOLFHQFHLVHVVHQWLDO$Q XQGHUVWDQGLQJRI4XDOLW\$VVXUDQFHDQG HIIHFWLYH2FFXSDWLRQDO+HDOWKDQG6DIHW\ SURJUDPVWRJHWKHUZLWKEDVLFFRPSXWHUVNLOOV ZLOOEHUHTXLUHG 6WDUWLQJGDWHDQGVDODU\FRPPHQVXUDWH ZLWKTXDOL¿FDWLRQVDQGH[SHULHQFHZLOOEH QHJRWLDWHG3RVLWLRQDQG-RE'HVFULSWLRQVDUH DYDLODEOH $SSOLFDWLRQVLQRZQKDQGZULWLQJWRJHWKHUZLWK &9VKRXOGEHIRUZDUGHGWR 0DOFROP&DPSEHOO 32%R[5XWKHUJOHQ9LF 3K by Thursday 1 May 2014 7+(&$03%(//62)587+(5*/(1:,1(0$.(566,1&( whatever your need is in pets or livestock for all your classified advertising needs Ph 5723 0101 ,PPHGLDWHVWDUW KUSHUZHHNKRZHYHUH[WUDKRXUV UHTXLUHGRQRFFDVLRQ 'D\VKLIWVZLWKRFFDVLRQDOQLJKWV :HHNHQGV3XEOLF+ROLGD\VHVVHQWLDO 3OHDVHHPDLOUHVXPHWR FHOODUGRRU#VDPPLUDQGDFRPDX &ŝŶĂŶĐĞKĸĐĞƌ ͻ Part Time – 30.4 hours per week ͻ Ψϱϭ͕ϱϳϯͲΨϱϱ͕ϬϳϬƉĂ;ƉƌŽƌĂƚĂͿ ͻ ůŽƐĞƐϰƉŵ&ƌŝĚĂLJϮϱƉƌŝůϮϬϭϰ ƵƐƚŽŵĞƌ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞKĸĐĞƌͲ Infrastructure ͻ Part Time – 9am to 1pm Mon to Fri ͻ Ψϰϳ͕ϳϭϴͲΨϱϭ͕ϰϵϱƉĂ;ƉƌŽƌĂƚĂͿ ͻ ůŽƐĞƐϰƉŵ&ƌŝĚĂLJϮϱƉƌŝůϮϬϭϰ Interested? WANGARATTA & BORDER CARDIOLOGY AND RESPIRATORY CENTRE CARDIOLOGY AND RESPIRATORY TECHNICIAN/ CLINICAL NURSE 3 day Permanent part time position Wangaratta & Border Cardiology and Respiratory Centre is a cardiac and respiratory testing facility with centres in Wangaratta and Wodonga. We employ a number of clinical nurses, sonographers and support staff. We wish to employ a person with a nursing degree or tertiary qualifications, who has excellent communication skills, excellent time management skills and the ability to work as part of a multi-disciplined team. Post graduate experience in cardiology and/or respiratory medicine would be an advantage. This position offers a stimulating work environment. Salary and conditions will be in accordance with the relevant award. To obtain a Position Description or make any further enquiries about this role please contact The Practice Manager on (03) 5722 1162. Expressions of Interest – External Member Audit Committee The North East Catchment Management Authority is seeking an experienced Business/ Accounting professional to join the CMA Board's Audit Committee for a two (2) year term. The CMA Board has established an Audit Committee to assist the Board fulfill its governance and oversight responsibilities in financial reporting, internal controls, risk management and internal and external audit.This is achieved by providing an independent and objective review of the financial reporting processes, internal controls and the audit function. Applicants will need to obtain a copy of the Expression of Interest Information Kit. This document can be downloaded from the Authority’s website or obtained by contacting the Wodonga office on 02 6043 7600. Applications must have a covering letter, current resume and address the key selection criteria. Applications to Wangaratta Cardiology and Respiratory Centre, 29 Clark Street, Wangaratta 3677 or emailed to [email protected]. Applications close Monday 14th April. St Catherine’s Hostel Wangaratta Inc RELIEVING COOK/FOOD SERVICES ASSISTANT Part Time Position Sat – 4-8pm & Sun – 4-8pm (Every weekend or alternate) Essential Criteria: 2e]R_VR[PRV[S\\Q`NSRaf]_\T_NZ` /N`VPS\\QUN[QYV[TP\b_`R 2ePRYYR[a P\ZZb[VPNaV\[ `XVYY` N[Q `a_\[T aRNZd\_XS\Pb` 0b__R[a;NaV\[NY=\YVPR0URPX =\`VaV\[1R`P_V]aV\[`N_RNcNVYNOYRS_\Z?RPR]aV\[ :\[3_V&NZa\"]Z All enquiries and applications including current CV with referees are to be addressed to: Applications must be received by 4.00 pm Friday 25th April 2014 No late applications will be accepted. Applications are to be emailed to the attention of: "Chair of the Audit Committee": Subject: “EXPRESSION OF INTEREST AUDIT COMMITTEE MEMBER” Email address: [email protected] ZO450523 .aa['.Q_VN[7\U[`a\[R @a0NaUR_V[R²`5\`aRYDN[TN_NaaN "&#&?fYRf@a_RRa DN[TN_NaaNCVP #$$ ARYR]U\[R "$! RZNVY'PR\-`aPNaUR_V[R`U\`aRY\_TNb Applications close 23 April 2014 Page 24 - THE CHRONICLE, Friday, April 11, 2014 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT McDonalds Glenrowan Southbound are now hiring for weekday and weekend crew! ͻƌĞLJŽƵŵŽƟǀĂƚĞĚĂŶĚĞŶƚŚƵƐŝĂƐƟĐĂďŽƵƚ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ͍ ͻtĞŚĂǀĞĂƌĂŶŐĞŽĨƉŽƐŝƟŽŶƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞĂŶĚǁŝƚŚ ŇĞdžŝďůĞŚŽƵƌƐ͕ĂƉŽƐŝƟǀĞǁŽƌŬĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂŶĚ ŶĂƟŽŶĂůůLJƌĞĐŽŐŶŝƐĞĚƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ ͻtŚLJŶŽƚĂƉƉůLJ͍ ƉƉůLJĂƚǁǁǁ͘ĂƉƉůLJ͘ŵĐĚŽŶĂůĚƐ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ ŽŶŽƵƌĐĂƌĞĞƌ͛ƐƉŽƌƚĂů͘ 1ST/2nd year Apprentice Baker. The applicant is required for Monday to Friday work with the occasional overtime Saturday available. Applicants must be willing to work full time and be able to handle early morning starts. Full Time Retail Assistant. The applicant must be able to work within a team, be reliable and customer service focused. Applicants must be flexible to work within the hours from 5.30am6pm Monday to Friday with the occasional Saturday. Please email applications or queries to appinbakery@ BOOKKEEPER REQUIRED MYOB experience essential. Pay-roll experience essential. Full-time position. Enquiries to Brock Fallon Fallons Group of Companies (03) 5722 9255 Department of Justice Leading Community Corrections Officer R FREE Range Hens, R ISA Brown Pullets, $18 To Visit Visited each. Phone Becky or SHED clean up, pocket Hugh on 5798 1868. bike, tool boxes, windows, bed frames MALTESE puppies, and more. 27 Wenhams pure, vacc, vet checked Lane, 8am-12pm, no and microchipped, 1 early callers. female $400, 1 male R $350. Ph 0431 220 R To Visit Visited 266. Microchip nos. 9 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 9 4 0 1 3 6 , SWAN Street, signs out, 8am, Saturday. 900012000942524. Shelving, general MOBILE d o g tools, household goods, grooming. Curbside, single bed, shed items, professional care. Full gardening tools, etc. s e r v i c e - c l i p p i n g , R R bathing, nails, flea To Visit Visited treatment. Superior results at a reasonable 5 V i n c e n t R o a d , price. Call to book 5752 Saturday 12th, 10am start, strictly no early 2121. sales. Quality household goods, kitchenware, linen, potplants, planters, books, bric-aAGISTMENT or lease brac, toys. wanted, 100-200 acres, for cattle. Phone Nathan 0428 250 576. R R } Case management role } Salary range $57,764 - $66,425 Wangaratta Community Correctional Services has a great opportunity available for an experienced case manager looking for a new challenge. As a Leading Community Corrections Officer, you will monitor and supervise complex and high profile offenders who have been sentenced by the Courts to serve community-based orders or have been released from prison on parole. As our ideal candidate, you will have experience in managing complex or high profile caseloads, with proven assessment and intervention skills. You will be resilient and have exceptional written and verbal communication skills. If you are looking for a rewarding career which will allow you to build on your case management experience, this could be the role you have been waiting for. For further information on this position and to submit your application, please visit Applications close on Monday 21 April 2014. Copies of photographs taken by our staff at North East Newspapers Pty. Ltd. are available for sale, and can be ordered through the mail or at our office in Rowan Street, Wangaratta. Phone 57230 100 for more information. [email protected] R To Visit Visited JAM Melons, straw, manure, plants, clothing $5 shopping bag. Lutheran OpShop, Saturday 8.30am - 12.30pm, Thursday 10am - 3pm. Ph 0488 750 014. Closed Easter Saturday. R R To Visit Visited SATURDAY, 6.30am. 5 Langtree Avenue. Camping gear, tools, 4x4 gear and household. R R To Visit Visited SATURDAY, 10am 12noon, corner Spink Avenue and Franklin Street. Lounge suite, student desk and other household goods. R alifetimeof memories R To Visit Visited 14 Gunther Street, 8am onwards, Saturday, A pril 12. A s s orte d goods including tools, mower, tiller, bikes, bric-a-brac and much more. R } Wangaratta based position R To Visit Visited 1 C h r i s t i n e D r v, Saturday, 8am start. G a r d e n m u l c h e r, freezer, banana lounge, bric-a-brac, ex bike, golf bag, kids gear. R To Visit Visited SATURDAY, 8am 5pm. 41 Black Boy Lane, Glenrowan. Leather look queen bed, horse gear, sewing machine, furniture, brica-brac. Undercover. R R To Visit Visited S AT U R DAY, 1 2 t h April, 7.30am - 1pm. 10 Hardisty Street, Wangaratta. Moving sale. Old and collectable furniture, china and household goods. No room. 1994 Commodore ute, 5ltr 5 speed, gas, air con, power steering, tinted w i n d ow s , l ow e r e d , headers, good paint and body, engine running but not driveable, no reg, no RWC, vin no. 6H8VRK80USL77755 0, as is, $3200. Ph 0428 636 503. FORD Laser, 1991, one owner, manual, (EUT830), $200 or best offer. Ph 5721 2095. HOLDEN Astra SXi, 2003 model, automatic, white, rego due April 2015 (SYU950), ha tchback, 3 door, 166,000km, $4500 ono. Ph 0423 281 628. HOLDEN Calais VX, long rego, RWC, towbar, 210,000km, service record, (YVS425 Vic.), $5500. Ph 0407 513 655 A/H. MAZDA 626 sedan, white with grey velour A 2 B To w i n g a n d trim, 2.2ltr, t-bar auto, Salvage, servicing NE aircon, psteer, cruise Victoria and beyond. control, 145,000km, Forklift, scissor lift service history, RWC, h i r e . 2 4 / 7 s e r v i c e . (FNX576), $4500 ono. Wangaratta, call Tony Ph 0418 579 368. 0418 132 056. VALIANT ute, 1975, ALL building jobs. silver, Hemi 265, 4 S h e d s , ex t e n s i o n s , speed manual, 3.23 diff, renovations, bathrooms, extractors, 350 Holley, verandahs, pergolas and m a g s , ( S K B 2 6 5 ) , other general carpentry $6700. Ph 0407 112 work. Contact Tony 583. 0418 873 733. ALL building jobs. Extensions, renovations, bathrooms, tiling, j o i n e r y, a l f r e s c o , alterations, general maintenance, owner builders. Contact Andrew 0418 597 246. B AT H R O O M Complete renovations is a must with NFA builders. Call Neville Allan on 0418 690 467. HIA no. 510086, reg no. DBU8111. CONCRETING - Big or small jobs. Paths, driveways, shed slabs, verandahs. 15 years experience. For a free q u o t e p h o n e Tr e v Anderson on 0422 200 761. DANIEL’S Carpentry and Maintenance Solutions for installation or repairs of decking, pergolas, doors, windows, eaves, fascia, floorboards, skirting. Phone 0413 660 636. N E C a r R e m ova l s , 2 4 / 7 , f r e e r e m ova l of cars, boats, c/ vans, machinery, etc. Servicing NE Victoria. Ph 0418 132 056. PAINTER. Ovens and King Painting Service. 20 years experience. Interior / exteriors. For free quote phone 0422 778 257 or 5721 5482. COLLECTOR wants oil bottles, old tins and signs. Any condition. Cash paid. Ph 0478 162 069. HOLDEN Astra 2003, 4 door, full electrics, cheap on fuel, lowered. 12 months rego. (TME658). $3200 ono. Ph 0427 555 236. 2010 Holden Cruze CDX, 94,000km, manual, petrol, reg until Nov 2014 (XZQ272), metallic black, $13,500 ono. Upgrading to bigger car. Ph 0400 348 025. HONDA XR650L 2002 model, rego to 12/14. Big tank, bashplate, heavy duty tubes, great condition. Little use. $4250 ono. Ph 0429 290 045. TOYOTA Camry ZX. Reg (PVQ563). Auto, air cond, pwr str, cen lock, in beaut cond, near new tyres, low 155,000km. The perfect cheap 1st car r/ about. $2950 RWC. Ph 0407 505 040. LMCT 11086 HARLEY 2007 Fatboy, 27,000km, great bike but want to travel. Reg. (FQ311). 5RDGZRUWK FHUWL¿FDWH and price negotiable. $20,000. Ph 0420 776 237. HONDA XR80, good condition, $800. 4 wheeler Yahama 250cc Timberwolf, $800. Ph 5727 9179. 2011 Hilux SR5 dual cab ute, too many extras to list, 10 mths Vic reg (ZAE445), RWC, immaculate cond, $43,000 ono. Ph 0407 697 000. HYUNDAI Accent 2001 mod, Reg (RKE447). Auto, air cond, pwr str, tint, one owner, in beaut cond, mech A1, new timing belt and service, low 145,000km. Great 1st car r/about. RWC. $4200. Ph 0407 505 040. LMCT 11086 Ph 03 5723 0101 CARAVANS & CAMPERS 2007 Toyota Aurion Prodigy sedan, auto. Leather upholstery, tinted windows, parking sensors, climate control, 141,000km, color mica metallic. Exc. cond. Full service history available. Reg. (WOC239). $11,990 ono. Registered mid August 2014. Contact Harold 5721 4686. 1992 Subaru Brumby ute 4WD, a/c, RWC, rego (XRF394), $2800 good condition. Ph 0428 222 565. 2003 Mazda 323, auto, air cond, cruise, mech. A1, RWC, 115,600km. Full service history. Reg. Sept. 14 (SLY677). $7000 ono. Ph 0400 054 133. For all your classified advertising needs 2008 VE Commodore Omega sports wagon. Excellent condition. 97,000km. Reg to Nov 2014 (1BM2FH). Mag wheels, tow bar, cargo barrier and blind. $14,900 ono. Ph (03) 5721 5601 or 0412 548 376. CLASSIFIEDS WORK! 5723 0101 KTM 450EXC 2009 model, full rego, excellent condition, well looked after, hardly ridden due to working away. $8000 ono. Ph 0438 015 488. C A M P E R t r a i l e r, motorcycle, full annexe and awning, excellent condition, $4950. 6x4 trailer, $500. Ph 0431 261 155. JAYCO Swan 1989 campervan, 5 berth, full annexe, (B99199), $6500. Ph 5766 6417. REGENT Parklane 1999 complete with W/O bars, 90lt 3-way fridge freezer, microwave, gas top oven, double island bed, full annexe, roll out awning, exc. cond. $20,000 ono. Ph 0429 122 359. REGAL Poptop 17'6", dual axle, all the usual ¿WWLQJV SOXV 9 /(' OLJKWLQJ LGHDO WRXUHU RU D IHZ QLJKWV EXVK FDPSLQJ 3K $+ JAYCO Swan, full DQQH[H HQG À\V QHZ ZKHHOV DQG W\UHV ZD\ IULGJH JDV RYHQ DQGFRRNWRS9,&5HJ 'RQR 3K THE CHRONICLE, Friday, April 11, 2014 - Page 25 21FT tandem, 2 berth, good clean condition, has a few extras. $8500 ono. Ph 0403 425 593 Myrtleford area. 2009 Mastercraft XStar only 78 hours lake use, like new, loaded with extras, $80,000. Ph 0409 941 333. FORD SUPER DEXTA 3000 $6500 0423 113 110 KIOTI Daedong DK551C, 55HP Cabin 2 buckets, 4in1, f r o n t l o a d e r, g r a d e r blade, as new, 3 years old, 112 hours, $42,000. Ph 0402 960 637. CLASSIFIEDS - 5723 0101 Internet Agreement In lodging an advertisement with us you agree that we may publish the advertisement on our website. The general terms and condition that apply to publication apply also to publication of material on our website. FOR SALE AFTERS WOOD YARD SPECIAL .LOQGULHGKDUGZRRGRIIFXWVPWXWH ORDGGHOLYHUHG PWPL[HGWLPEHUXWHORDG 5HGER[JXPPWPD[LPXPGHOLYHU\PW Phone Laurie 5751 1802 Snowboard b d & Ski G Gear Sale Save up to 70% 10 Day Clearance Sale of all New Equipment & Clothing Great Bargains on ex-hire gear Sale starts 9am Good Friday, 18 April Rays Ski Shop, Great Alpine Rd Myrtleford Ph. 03 5752 1306 HAYSHED/MACHINERY SHED SALE 18m x 9m x 4.0m(h) - $7,634 24mx 12mx 4.5m(h) - $12,236 30mx 15mx 5.25m(h) - $23,302 Prices are for Roof Only, Ex.Yard and include GST. CUSTOM MADE CALL NOW For a Free Quote (03) 5821 4399 30 Florence Street, Shepparton, VIC 3630 CARL’S CATCH OF THE DAY SEAFOOD. Now taking seafood o r d e r s f o r E a s t e r. Seafood trailer sites and times: Tuesday and Friday, 11am till 6pm, Bottlemart carpark, Rowan Street; Thursday, 11.30am till 6pm, Wang H y d r a u l i c s , Pa r fi t t Road. Ph 0409 178 721. TENNIS racquet, Head Radical’s, $80. Ph 5721 5143. FIREWOOD - top quality redgum and general hardwood. Cut split and delivered if required. Phone Ned 0407 516 221, (03) 5727 6200. 8x5 trailer and stockcrate, $2200. Ph 5722 3488. FIREWOOD for sale, pick up or delivery available, no load too big or small. Please contact 1300 788 830. FIREWOOD. Redgum, top quality, dry, clean, split. Gourmet Gum. Phone David 0417 377 391 or 5727 3328. FIREWOOD. Quality, dry, split, mixed species, pick-up only Carboor, $90 cubic metre. Ph 5729 5509. - Current Model (Suitable Birth to Toddler) Black in colour. Brand new only 4 months old. Comes with ALL original unused accessories. Fully compatible with Bassinet and Car Capsule attachments (not included). Top model, well looked after, excellent condition. $550. (RRP $700) may be placed before 2.30pm the day prior to publication Phone: 03 5723 0101 Fax: 03 5721 9447 COLLIHOLE GATHERCOLE 5723 0101 It is with pleasure that Leanne and Steve, together with Robyn and Neville, announce the marriage of WORK! LUCERNE hay, third cut, small bales, from $10 each. Ph 0427 268 226. William Michael (SUDUL) Don and Tracey are proud to announce the arrival of on April 3, 2014. Special thanks to all at CMP. Rebecca & Matthew at Our Lady's Church, Saturday, April 12, 4pm. Best wishes from both families. FINGER, Grant William BRUCE ~ McKENZIE Congratulations Kelly and Michael on your wedding Saturday, April 12, 2014 at Moyhu. We wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. Love from Mum, Dad, family and friends. Newman ~ Ambrosio Jon and Emily Your families wish you a great wedding party tomorrow and love and happiness for ever. The committee and members of the Moyhu Football Netball Club are saddened to hear of the passing of Grant, son of Kevin and Lyn. Our thoughts and sympathies are with the Finger family at this time. FROST, Garnett Lebbel. Late of Killawarra. Passed away at Northeast Health Wangaratta on Thursday, April 10, 2014. Much loved husband of Mary. Father of Margaret, Dianne and their families. 57 222 525 Personal Notices may be placed before 2.30pm the day prior to publication Phone: 03 5723 0101 Fax: 03 5721 9447 PET DEATH FATCAT O’Connor tragically taken away from me April 6, 2014. You were not just a cat, You were my son. I love you forever. Please see Monday's Chronicle for funeral details. s#HAPEL&ACILITIES s0RE!RRANGED!DVICE s0REPAID&UNERALS Member Congratulations Don and Tracey on the birth of William Michael 3/4/2014 Another precious grandchild for Rod and Jenny Whitehead Susan Coralie. In loving memory of Mum, Nanny Catt. Passed away April 11, 1989. No matter how I spend my day, No matter what I do, No morning dawns, Or evening falls, Without a thought of you. In our hearts now and forever. All our love, Karen and Brayden. xoxo. FUNERAL DIRECTORS BIRTH CONGRATULATIONS WHITEHEAD (SUDUL) CATT, Member of AFDA 'RETA2OAD7ANGARATTA WWWTATEFUNERALSCOMAU NIKLAUS KEMP celebrating life Katie and Anthony Congratulations on your marriage 12/4/2014. We wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. Love from Mum, Dad and Emma-Lee. (03) 5722 2525!LL(OURS ESS WANGARA SIN TT A BU PERSONAL CARE & HEALTH NG WA PersonalNotices CLASSIFIEDS WHITEHEAD PA R K E R S H a y Rolls and big squares from $66. Plus our usual range of quality small squares of oaten, pasture, rye, clover and lucerne. Oxley. Ph (03) 5727 3806, 0427 273 388. on their engagement on 30/3/2014 in Cairns. We wish you both love, health and happiness. 0438 217 103 H AY. N ew s e a s o n w h e a t e n h a y, a l s o wheaten straw available, in 5x4 rolls or 8x4x3 squares, can deliver. Phone 0428 438 512 or 0428 652 260. NEW / old - shower bases, toilets, spa’s, shower screens, old gal roof iron, windows, basins, hot water units. Ph 0418 690 467. Damien and Michelle WANGARATTA TRAILER SALES TO a l l t h e c a r i n g compassionate strangers who helped me recently when I had emotional breakdowns at Glenrowan, then when I crashed my car near McDonalds South bound into trees, then F I R E W O O D , 6 x 4 when I collapsed from trailer, $110 delivered. panic attack in gutter at Chemist Warehouse, Ph 0421 838 614. thank you for calling FISHING rods (2), Police, Ambulances and 1 hardly used, few tow truck. accessories (hooks etc), Thank you for your $50. Ph 5721 4067. helping care and H A Y . I r r i g a t e d , compassion. n o w e e d s , m o w e r - Chris Everingham, c o n d i t i o n e d , s m a l l formerly of 33 Smith squares, pure white Crescent, Wangaratta. clover, white clover and Thank you. rye, oaten, from $8.80. Targa oaten round, shedded, $77 per roll. Exceptional quality. Ph 0428 591 657. MOUNTAIN bike, boys 24”, Gemini Attivo, excellent condition, $150. Ph 5721 5143. Tom and Ada Cannata, together with Michael and Rhelma Markotich, are happy to congratulate MARONEY, Rex. Much loved son of Jack and Grace (both dec). Brother and brother-inlaw of Helene and John, Beth and Robert. Uncle of Sharon, Jodie, David, Nikki and Peter. Fond memories. 1 201 Ph: 0431 117 884 TRAILERS Domestic box, tradie, m/bike, car, tipper. - ALL SIZES Also fire fighting units FIREWOOD. Redgum or box mix, 1.25 tonne mini tipper loads, 3 to 6 tonne truck loads, preseason discounts start now. Hill’s Wood Yard. Ph 0400 651 748 or (03) 5726 5359. NATIVE plants and farm trees. Retail a n d t r a d e n u r s e r y. Tubestock to advanced. Ph (02) 6027 1497 Yackandandah. www.s Steelcraft Strider Compact Pram TYRES, used, guaranteed quality. F and B from $30 each. 10” to 16”. W treads, light truck. X ply. Adzam Tyres, 44 Newman Street.Ph 5722 2035 or 0428 257 221. CANNATA~ MARKOTICH CATT, Susan Coralie. In loving memory of my darling wife. Passed away April 11, 1989. Aged 40 years. A very special lady. Today our thoughts are with you, But that is nothing new, MARONEY, Rex. We thought about you A great neighbour for yesterday, over 18 years. And the day before that We’ll miss you Rex. too. Deepest sympathy to With aching heart and Yvonne and family. tears unseen, - Tony, Michelle, Luke, Wishing your absence Chelsea and Dexter the was only a dream. little white rocket. To hear your voice and see your smile, Just to sit and talk awhile. To be together in the BEVACQUA same old way, Requiem mass for Mrs Would be my dearest Sara Bevacqua will be wish on this day. offered in St Mary's Loved and sadly missed Catholic Church, every day. Lawrence Street, - Yours forever Kevin. Myrtleford on CATT, Susan Coralie. Monday, April 14, BEVACQUA, Sara. Passed away April 11, Much adored and loving 2014 commencing at 1989. member of the entire 11am. The funeral will A mother truly is a leave at the conclusion mother for life. Bevacqua family. Our memories of your of mass for interment Behind our smile there the Myrtleford is many a tear, grace and humility in throughout your illness Lawn Cemetery. For a wonderful mother will never diminish. Flowers are welcome we love so dear. Our deepest sympathy or if preferred a As time goes by the is with Giovanni, Enzo, donation made to emptiness grows, Teresa and families. Multiple Sclerosis We miss you Mum, - John, Suzanne, Frank Australia would be M o r e t h a n a ny o n e and Sam xo. appreciated. Donation knows. envelopes will be Our Mum’s memory available at the church will be with us forever. We love and miss you entrance. Mum. - Karen, Allison, Amee and Mark. BEVACQUA, Sara. Passed away peacefully surrounded by her family on April 8, 2014. Aged 64 years. Loving wife of Giovanni. Loved mother and mother-in-law of Enzo and Amanda, Mario (dec), Teresa and Max. Adored nonna of Joshua, Nate, Lachlan, Alexander and Jack. Sister of Joe, Saverio, Ferruccio, Massimo, Rosa, Silvana and their families. We speak your name with love and pride. We smile through tears we try to hide. Thank you Mum for the time we shared. The love you gave, the way you cared. You left a place no one can fill, We miss you Mum and always will. EX CE LL EN CE CARAVANS & CAMPERS AR AT TA B USINESS AWARD OR SF 5721 5060 (All Hours) Professional, Personal Service Glenn & Emma Bouchier Church Chapel Burial Cremation şśȱȱǰȱĴȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱ ǯǯǯ
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