RIO ZUNI ON-SITE CHEMICAL GENERATOR TM The MIOX RIO Zuni is a compact, easy to install and operate on-site chemical generator designed for minimal maintenance and ultimate simplicity. Similar to the thousands of larger MIOX installations around the world, this small-scale chemical generator can be UHWUR½WWHGLQWRH[LVWLQJLQIUDVWUXFWXUHV-XVWORDGZLWKVDOWDQGOHWWKH5,2=XQLGRWKHGLUW\ work for you! APPLICATIONS WATER • COOLING WATER • DRINKING WATER • WASTEWATER • PROCESS WATER SALT • CLEAN-IN-PLACE (CIP) • POOLS & SPAS ELECTRICITY INDUSTRIES SERVED • WATER UTILITIES • COMMERCIAL & INSTITUTIONAL • HEAVY INDUSTRIAL • FOOD & BEVERAGE • OIL & GAS DISINFECTANT ELECTROLYSIS PROCESS The electrolytic cell of a MIOX on-site generator uses common salt combined with water and electricity to generate high performance disinfection chemistries, eliminating the need to transport and store hazardous chemicals. ELECTRICITY WATER SALT OXIDANT ON-SITE CHEMICAL GENERATION 7KH0,2;5,2=XQLSURGXFHV0L[HG2[LGDQW6ROXWLRQ026 on-site, on-demand using only salt, water and electricity. This process offers customers safe, effective, maintenancefree water treatment. SPECIFICATIONS Rated FAC Capacity Water Treatment Capacity (at 1 ppm FAC) Flow Rate (± 15%) CONSUMABLES WATER 7KH½UVWIHHGVWRFNUHTXLUHGWRRSHUDWHD0,2;RQVLWH generator is water. The MIOX RIO Zuni can operate on water hardness up to 170 mg/L or 10 grains per gallon. Self-Cleaning FAC Concentration Water Hardness 6DOWLVWKHVHFRQGIHHGVWRFNUHTXLUHG0,2;UHFRPPHQGV granulated food grade salt which is commonly sold in 50 to 100 lb sacks or delivered in bulk to your site. ELECTRICITY (OHFWULFLW\LVWKHWKLUGIHHGVWRFNUHTXLUHGDQGLVVROGE\ kW-Hr. RIO Zuni 2 PPD 1.0 lb/ day 0.45 kg/ day 2.0 lb/ day 0.9 kg/ day 120,000 gal/ day 454 m³/ day 240,000 gal/ day 908 m³/ day 1.3 gph 4.9 lph 2.7 gph 10.2 lph YES 4,000 ± 1,000 mg/L 0 – 170 mg/L Electrical Service Requirement (OSG Only) 110 VAC to 240 VAC, 1 ph, 4A rating 50/60Hz Approximate Salt Ratio 3.0 - 3.5 lb/kg salt per lb/kg FAC Salt Quality Requirement SALT RIO Zuni 1 PPD 99.5% NaCl or better Hydrogen Venting REQUIRED Air Temperature Requirement 40°F to 120°F 5°C to 49°C Recommended Feed Water Temperature 50°F to 80°F 10°C to 27°C Allowable Feed Water Temperature Range 40°F to 95°F 5°C to 35°C Feed Water Pressure 1-75 psi 6.8 – 517 kPa Dimensions (WxDxH) 21” x 16” x 14” 53 cm x 41 cm x 36 cm Approx. Weight 25 lbs LABOR PARTS Labor is needed to load salt into the optional brine tank and to provide periodic preventive maintenance. The table below gives the recommended preventive maintenance activities, the interval on which they should be performed, and the number of PLQXWHVUHTXLUHG Parts may include a new electrolytic cell every 5 years. However, additional cells should not be necessary if the system is properly operated and maintained. Part (1) Valves and Fittings Preventive Maintenance Weekly Check for Leaks (Hoses, Tank, Cell, etc.) 1 min Check for Loose Connections and Corrosion 1 min Check Salt Level (Fill to top of tank) 5 min Check Chemical Production 7 min Check Cell Connections Toggle Day Tank Level 6ZLWFK%RWK¾RDWVXSJRHV to standby) Monthly Annual Zuni 2 PPD $ 25/yr $ 25/yr Water Pump $ 150 every 5 yrs $ 150 every 5 yrs Brine Pump $ 140 every 5 yrs $ 140 every 5 yrs System Power $ 220 every 5 yrs $ 440 every 5 yrs New Cell(s) (2) $ 1,100 every 5 yrs $ 2,200 every 5 yrs %DVHGRQ0,2;SULFHVDQGVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH3OHDVHFDOO0,2;IRUFXUUHQWTXRWH (2) Additional cells should not be necessary if properly operated and maintained. COOLING FAN 6 min BRINE PUMP CELL(s) 1 min WATER PUMP Clean Brine Tank and Solution Tank Total Annual Labor Requirement (hours) Zuni 1 PPD 60 min DISPLAY 15 hr/yr OPERATIONAL COST 7KHDPRXQWRIVDOWDQGSRZHUFRQVXPHGLQJHQHUDWLQJDTXDQWLW\RI)UHH$YDLODEOH&KORULQH)$&LVGHWHUPLQHGE\)$&SURGXFWLRQDQGWKH FRQYHUVLRQHI½FLHQFLHVRIWKHV\VWHP&RQVXPSWLRQDQGFRVWHVWLPDWHVDUHSURYLGHGEHORZ3OHDVHQRWHWKDWLQPRVWFDVHVWKHZDWHUXVHGIRU generation will be fed to the process water stream, resulting in no loss of water or additional water usage cost. Cost/lb 100% FAC WATER SALT $0 $0.24 COST COMPARISON PRICE PER LB OF 100% ACTIVE FAC When compared to bulk Hypochlorite at 12.5% concentration, WKHHTXLYDOHQWFRQFHQWUDWLRQQHHGVWREHFRQVLGHUHG Hypothetically, the price per 12.5% concentration Hypo would be: (3lbs at $0.08/lb) MIOX ELECTRICITY DISINFECTANT $0.18 (2.5kW-Hr at $0.07/kW-Hr) $0.42/lb Sample costs for model: Salt at $0.08 / lb and Electricity at $0.07/kW-Hr $0.42 DELIVERED BULK HYPO $0.85 ~ $2.50 PROPRIETARY BIOCIDES $1.50 ~ $5.00 MIXED OXIDANT SOLUTION (MOS) As a leader in OSG innovation, MIOX learned early on that the electrolytic cell inputs and operational parameters could EHFDOLEUDWHGWRSURGXFHDTXHRXVFKORULQHVROXWLRQVZLWK VXEVWDQWLDOO\GLIIHUHQWR[LGDWLRQDQGGLVLQIHFWLRQSURSHUWLHV 7KHVHREVHUYDWLRQVFRXSOHGZLWKH[WHQVLYHHQJLQHHULQJDQG PLFURELRORJLFDOUHVHDUFKDOORZHG0,2;WRGHYHORSDXQLTXH patented OSG product line capable of reliably producing MOS. MOS BENEFITS • More rapid and thorough inactivation of a wide range of microbial contaminants • ,QFUHDVHGELR½OPUHPRYDORYHURWKHUELRFLGHVHYHQDW a high pH • Reduced disinfection byproduct formation • Elimination of hazardous chemicals • Reduced chemical costs 026HOHFWURO\WLFFHOOVDUHHQJLQHHUHGIRUPD[LPXP GLVLQIHFWLRQHI½FDF\WKURXJKSURSULHWDU\FHOOGHVLJQFRQWURO of power and cell geometry. MOS HYPO + PEROXIDE 0L[HG2[LGDQW6ROXWLRQ026LVDKLJKSHUIRUPLQJ\HW HQYLURQPHQWDOO\EHQLJQGLVLQIHFWDQW5HYROXWLRQDU\HI½FDF\LV GHULYHGIURPWKHQGR[LGDQWSUHVHQWLQWKHVROXWLRQ°+\GURJHQ 3HUR[LGHZKLFKFRH[LVWVIRUKRXUVDIWHUHOHFWURO\VLV 1. Water and food grade salt are introduced (or injected) into the electrolytic cell (OHFWURO\VLVRFFXUVLQVLGHWKHFHOOSURGXFLQJ0L[HG2[LGDQW Solution (MOS) chemistry 3. MOS is ready for use ABOUT MIOX MIOX invests deeply in technology and intellectual property, and regularly partners with new industries to develop solutions for their needs. Increased performance, safety, and a fast return on investment for our customers remain a principal focus. With twenty years of H[SHULHQFHLQWKHZDWHUGLVLQIHFWLRQPDUNHWDQGWKRXVDQGVRI0,2;LQVWDOODWLRQVLQRYHUFRXQWULHV0,2;FKHPLVWULHVDUHFOHDQLQJRYHU billion gallons of water per day. 5601 BALLOON FIESTA PARKWAY / ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87113 USA 505.343.0090 / 888.646.9420 / FAX 505.343.0093 / [email protected] / WWW.MIOX.COM
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