NEA Leadership Competencies Guide NEA Leadership Competencies Guide Table of Contents NEA Vision, Mission, and Values Setting the context for leadership competencies Leadership competency framework explained Essential elements Ideas for using leadership competencies National (NEA Headquarters) 5VCVGCPFNQECNCHƂNKCVGU Constituent Groups Individual members Leadership Competencies Advocacy Business Communication Governance and Leadership Leading Our Professions Organizing 5 7 8 10 13 3 “The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders, and continually develops them.” John C. Maxwell Vision, Mission and Values Adopted at the 2006 NEA Representative Assembly The National Education Association We, the members of the National Education Association of the United States, are the voice of education professionals. Our work is fundamental to the nation, and we accept the profound trust placed in us. Our Vision Our vision is a great public school for every student. Our Mission Our mission is to advocate for education professionals and to unite ÕÀiLiÀÃ>`Ì i>ÌÌvÕwÌ i«ÀÃiv«ÕLVi`ÕV>Ì to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world. Our Core Values / iÃi«ÀV«iÃ}Õ`iÕÀÜÀ>``iwiÕÀÃÃ\ Equal Opportunity. We believe public education is the gateway to opportunity. All students have the human and civil right to a quality public education that develops their potential, independence, and character. A Just Society. We believe public education is vital to building respect for the worth, dignity, and equality of every individual in our diverse society. Democracy. We believe public education is the cornerstone of our republic. Public education provides individuals with the skills to be involved, informed, and engaged in our representative democracy. Professionalism. We believe that the expertise and judgment of education professionals are critical to student success. We maintain the highest professional standards, and we expect the status, compensation, and respect due all professionals. 5 Partnership. We believe partnerships with parents, families, communities, and other stakeholders are essential to quality public education and student success. Collective Action. We believe individuals are strengthened when they work together for the common good. As education professionals, we improve both our professional status and the quality of public education when we unite and advocate collectively. 6 Setting the Context for Leadership Competencies The National Education Association recognizes that today’s education leaders are making, and will face, some of the toughest decisions in the history of our Association and public i`ÕV>Ì°/ iÞÕÃÌLiLâi`]Õwi`>`iµÕ««i`ÜÌ the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to meet these new challenges. Consequently, NEA has come together like never LivÀiÌ`iÛi«>ÀiÕwi`>`ÌiÀ`ÃV«>ÀÞ>««À>V to leadership development. The NEA believes that investing in the development of great leaders is a powerful investment. Nearly every aspect of the Association plays some role in leadership development, making it even more important to have a common vision and understanding of what we are collectively working toward. NEA leadership development was, until recently, viewed as being part of individual programs or as a conference or event, but that view is quickly changing within the organization. Leadership development at NEA is now evolving to have its own language and standards, its own following and brand. More >`Ài]i>`iÀà «`iÛi«iÌÃLi}`iwi`>Ã>ÕÀiÞ]Ì>Ãi«Ã`ViÛiÌðÀi«ÀÌ>ÌÞ]Ì i`iwÌv leadership is expanding and changing. Leadership is no longer iViÃÃ>ÀÞ`iwi`LÞ>iiVÌi`ÀiÀ«ÃÌ]LÕÌLÞiÞ V >À>VÌiÀÃÌVÃ]>VÌÃ>`yÕiViÕÃi`Ìi>`ÜÌ >` beyond the Association. The catalyst for this change is a new set of NEA leadership competencies. 7 The NEA Leadership Competency Framework Explained Ƃ >Ã`iwi`]vÀÌ iwÀÃÌÌiiÛiÀ]Ü >ÌÌi>ÃÌLi> “NEA leader” through the development of a series of six leadership competency domains. While NEA continues to invest in ëiV>âi`i>`iÀà «`iÛi«iÌ««ÀÌÕÌiÃvÀëiVwV membership categories and roles, these leadership competencies >ÀiÌi`i`vÀÌ iLiiwÌv>VÕÀÀiÌ>`Õ«V}i>`iÀÃ] regardless of role, level, or experience. The competencies are designed to prepare NEA members to lead relevant and thriving education associations and become world-class education leaders. Over the course of the 2012-13 year, NEA engaged leaders across the Association to discuss the current and desired future state of NEA leadership development. NEA also established a leadership development advisory team, consisting of member and staff-leaders to review member input and ideas and to develop a common vision for what NEA leaders should know and be able to do. It is out of this work that the NEA’s leadership competencies were born. / ii>`iÀà «`iÛi«iÌV«iÌiVÞvÀ>iÜÀÀiyiVÌÃÌ i NEA strategic framework and was developed through multiple leader and member engagements, interviews, focus groups, and a review of benchmark models in union, public sector and corporate iÛÀiÌð/ iÃiV«iÌiViÃ`iwivÀÕÀ>ÃÃV>ÌÜ >Ì leaders should know and be able to do in the areas of professional practice, organizing, advocacy, communications, business, as well as governance and leadership. 8 The framework has the following essential elements U U U U -Ý «iÌiVÞ>Ã\Ì iVÀivÕVÌÃvÌ i> ÃÃV>Ì°>V V«iÌiVÞ >Ã>`iwÌÌ >ÌiÝ«>ÃÉ `iwiÃÌ iiÃÃiViÛiÀ>ÀV }«ÕÀ«Ãi]}>>`LiVÌÛi® of the competency iÞÌ iiÃ\Õ`iÀi>V V«iÌiVÞÌ iÀi>ÀiÕÌ«i themes that convey the topic areas that the competency addresses *ÀwViVÞ«À}ÀiÃÃ>LiÃ>`>«Ìi`vÀ>}Õ>}ià >Ài` LÞÌ iƂ "®\«À}ÀiÃÃÃVÛiÞ>LÀiv«ÀwivÌ i leader and their capabilities. They include Foundational i>`}vÌ iÃiv®]Lâ}E*ÜiÀÕ`}i>`}Ì i À}>â>Ì®>`Ƃ}i`>ÀÛ}i>`}Ì iÀî° i >ÛÀÃ\ Üi>`iÀÃ`iÃÌÀ>ÌiÌ iV«iÌiVÞ>Ì VÀi>Ã}iÛiÃv«ÀwViVÞ 4 Competency Level 1: Foundational Theme Key 1- Competency Title ÓiwÌ 3- Theme 4- Progression xi >ÛÀ Level 3: Agenda Driving Level 2: Mobilizing & Power Building Acts strategically Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVWKHYDOXHRIPHPEHUVKLS Ř %XLOGVVXSSRUWIRUWKHYDOXHRI in the past and how it may need to membership by tying directly into to support the association’s value change to meet new challenges member needs and creating new proposition business models that provide added EHQHŵWV Ř 8VHVWKHŵQDQFLDOUHVRXUFHVRIWKH organization wisely and strategically to demonstrate association relevance and the value of membership Manages budget Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVEXVLQHVVSODQQLQJDQG budgeting processes development and business policy Ř 8VHVVWUDWHJLFSODQQLQJDQGWKH development of outcome based JRDOVPHWULFVWRFUHDWHEXGJHWV GHYHORSLQIUDVWUXFWXUHDQGLQFUHDVH LQYHVWPHQWVWKHUHE\HQVXULQJORQJ term sustainability of organization 3 Ř 'HYHORSVDFXOWXUHWKDWDSSUHFLDWHV WKHLPSRUWDQFHRIŵVFDOUHVSRQVLELOity; and ensures business policies UHŶHFWŵQDQFLDOEHVWSUDFWLFHV Ř $FFRPSOLVKHVWKHJRDOVRIWKH Promotes steward- Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVŵGXFLDU\UHTXLUHPHQWV association by strengthening its ship and financial DQGGHPRQVWUDWHVLQWHJULW\LQŵQDQFLDO integrity of the transactions ŵVFDOKHDOWK organization Manages risk Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVULVNSURŵOH of the organization and recognizes early warning signs Utilizes data and Ř 5HFRJQL]HVLPSOLFDWLRQVRIXQLRQ ŵQDQFLDODQGHGXFDWLRQWUHQGVRQ analyzes trends to inform decision organizational sustainability and making GHFLVLRQPDNLQJ Ř ,QFUHDVHVDVVRFLDWLRQUHVRXUFHVDQG infrastructure to accomplish strategic REMHFWLYHV ,QFUHDVHVRWKHUVXQGHUVWDQGLQJ Ř ,QFUHDVHV RWKHUV XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RIULVNPLWLJDWLRQDQGLPSOHPHQWV RI ULVN PLWLJDWLRQ DQG LPSOHPHQWV applicable processes and policies Ř 0DQDJHVDVVRFLDWLRQEUDQGDQGULVN through effective oversight Ř %XLOGVVXSSRUWIRUVWUDWHJLFREMHFtives through member awareness of trends and data analysis Ř 8WLOL]HVEXVLQHVVRUJDQL]DWLRQDOWUHQGV DQGGDWDDQDO\VLVWRPDNHGHFLVLRQV WKDWPD[LPL]HJRDOVSODQVDQG strategies for growth 5 BUSINESS 1 Builds the brand and accomplishes the goals off the association through effective financial management and understanding of fiduciary responsibilities. 2 9 Ideas for Using the Leadership Competencies: 0CVKQPCN#HƂNKCVGCPF+PFKXKFWCNU The competencies are a vehicle to support continuous learning and are intended to be broadly applicable across the organization vÀ Ƃ]>vw>ÌiÃ>``Û`Õ>iLiÀð/ iV«iÌiViÃ>Ài a very robust and are not meant to be completed over the course of a single event or a single year. The competencies support the notion that leadership development is a journey, not an event. The competencies serve as a guide and a tool to show what association leaders know and are able to do over the course of their careers in À`iÀÌi>`Ì ÀÛ}>`ÀiiÛ>ÌÀ}>â>ÌðiÜ>ÀiÃi activities that may be considered across the entire Association. Ideas for National Headquarters U U U U / ÀÕ} ÜÜÜ° ƂƂV>`iÞ°À}]VÀi>Ìi>i>`iÀà « Management System as a hub for leadership content and Ì>iÌÌ >ÌÜ«ÀÛ`i Ƃ>`>vw>ÌiÃÌ i««ÀÌÕÌÞÌ pool and share their leadership development content, courses, and trainings in a single system. 1ÃiÌ i-Ì`iÌvÞ>ÞvviÀ}ÃÃÌ>Ìi]V>À>Ì>® that align with and support the leadership competencies. >Li`Û`Õ>iLiÀÃÌÕÌâiÌ ii>`iÀà «>>}iment system as a means to develop their own individualized learning pathways and to create leadership portfolios based on their trainings, skills, areas of expertise and activism. `iÌvÞ]`iÛi«>``iÛiÀVÌiÌ]iÀv>ViÌv>Vi i°}° >Ì>i>`iÀà «-ÕÌÃ®Ì >ÌÀivÀViÃ>` supports the leadership competencies 10 +FGCUHQT5VCVGCPF.QECN#HƂNKCVGU U U U U U `ÀÃi]>`«ÌÀVÕÃÌâiÌ ii>`iÀà «V«iÌiVià for use as a tool to enhance for state or local leadership development efforts. Help bring about a greater alignment of goals across the entire Association. `iÌvÞ>vw>Ìii>`iÀà «ÌÀ>}ÃÌ >ÌV>Lià >Ài`ÜÌ NEA to support the competency framework and leadership management system. ,iVi`Ì ƂiÝViiÌLÃ]ÀiÃÕÀViÃ] ÌÀ>}ÉÌÀ>iÀÃÜ ÃiVÌiÌÃÕ««ÀÌÃÌ iV«iÌiVià vÕÃiiÞi>`iÀà «V«iÌiViÃ]Ì iiÃ>`Li >ÛÀà into the development and delivery of state and local content >LÀ>ÌiÜÌ ƂÌ>iÃÌ>ÌiÀV>i>`iÀà « `iÛi«iÌÌÀ>}>`ÉÀÌÀ>iÀÃ>`iÝ«iÀÌÃi>Û>>Li nationally. Ideas for Constituent Groups (e.g. Councils and Caucuses) U U `ÀÃiÀ>`«ÌÌ ii>`iÀà «V«iÌiViÃvÀÕÃi>Ã> tool to enhance any leadership development efforts being offered. Help bring about a greater alignment of goals across the Association. ,iVi`Ì Ƃ]iÝViiÌLÃ]ÀiÃÕÀViÃ] ÌÀ>}ÉÌÀ>iÀÃÜ ÃiVÌiÌÃÕ««ÀÌÃÌ iV«iÌiVið 11 Ideas for Individual Members U U U U U U -iiÕÌi>`iÀà «««ÀÌÕÌiÃÜÌ ÞÕÀ«ÀviÃÃÌ >Ì exemplify the competencies `iÌvÞÜi`}i]ÃÃ>`>ÌÌÀLÕÌiÃ>LÌiîii`i`vÀ a particular leadership role or assignment. Consider questions ÃÕV >Ã\ - What leadership strengths can I build on through the competencies? - What leadership challenges can I improve through the competencies? ƂÃÃiÃÃÞÕÀi>`iÀà ««ÀwViVÞ>VÀÃÃÌ iV«iÌiVià iÛi«>«>vÀÞÕÀi>`iÀà «`iÛi«iÌ iÛi«>i>`iÀà «`iÛi«iÌ«ÀÌvÉÌÀ>ÃVÀ«ÌÌÌÀ>V your progress ,i}ÃÌiÀÀÃ}Õ«Ì>VViÃÃÀiÃÕÀViÃ>`«À}À>ÃÌ ÀÕ} the leadership management system 12 Competency Level 1: Foundational Theme Leverages Ř ,GHQWLŵHVDQGGLVFXVVHVIXQGDPHQadvocacy practice tals of advocacy practice and theory within the community Ř (QJDJHVLQSRZHUPDSSLQJDQG implements high impact and culturally competent advocacy plans and strategies Level 2: Mobilizing & Power Building Ř (QVXUHVDGYRFDF\SUDFWLFHVHJ V\QHUJLVWLFSDUWQHUUHODWLRQVKLSVDUH well integrated into the strategic plan and contribute to association’s goals Level 3: Agenda Driving 2UJDQL]HVDFROODERUDWLYHPRELOL]Dtion plan around shared interests of XQLRQHGXFDWLRQDOFRPPXQLWLHVDQG legislative bodies Ř $QDO\]HVDQGVWUHQJWKHQVDOOLDQFHV ZLWKDGLYHUVHVHWRIVWDNHKROGHUVWR LPSOHPHQWVXSSRUWHYDOXDWHDQG FRPPXQLFDWHVRFLDOMXVWLFHLQLWLDWLYHV &UHDWHVDQGLPSOHPHQWVDQDGYRFDF\ Ř engagement plan that supports student learning and leading the professions Ř 'HVLJQVDGYRFDF\SODQVDQGVWUDWHJLHVIRUPXODWHGIURPVRFLDOMXVWLFH research that impacts educational SUDFWLFHVSROLFLHVDQGSURIHVVLRQ Engages Ř 5HVHDUFKHVDGYRFDF\LVVXHVWREHWWHU Ř community XQGHUVWDQGFRQWHQWDQGVKDUHNH\ around issues messages with community supporting student learning Interprets and acts Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVVRFLDOMXVWLFHLQLWLDWLYHV on social justice from review of research and discussinitiatives HVWKHLPSDFWRQHGXFDWLRQSUDFWLFH SROLF\DQGWKHSURIHVVLRQ (QJDJHVDQGSHUVXDGHVDOOVWDNHholders around shared interests LQQDWLRQDOVWDWHDQGORFDOSXEOLF education policy and reforms Ř 7DNHVDOHDGHUVKLSUROHLQ DVVRFLDWLRQFLYLFRUJDQL]DWLRQ3$& FDPSDLJQDQGRUUXQVIRURIŵFH Leads public Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVDQGUHSRUWVRQQDWLRQDO Ř 'HYHORSVFUHGHQWLDOVDQGH[SHULHQFH Ř education policy state and local public education in advocacy and collaborates to reform policy and reforms GUDIWQDWLRQDOVWDWHDQGORFDOSXEOLF education policy and reforms Acts as a Ř 3DUWLFLSDWHVLQEDVLFFDPSDLJQ political DFWLRQVLQFOXGLQJFDQYDVVLQJ advocate petition signing and e-mail Ř (TXLSVPHPEHUVWREHFRPHPRUH effective advocates by getting them involved in the political process (at WKHOHYHOWKDWPDNHVVHQVHIRUWKHP DQGSURYLGLQJYDOXDEOHHGXFDWLRQ information and research ADVOCACY $GYDQFHVWKHFDXVHRI public education through VRFLDOMXVWLFHDQGKRZLW benefits our students and members’ professional needs and rights. 14 Competency Level 1: Foundational Theme Acts strategically Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVWKHYDOXHRIPHPEHUto support the ship in the past and how it may need association’s value to change to meet new challenges proposition Level 2: Mobilizing & Power Building 8VHVWKHŵQDQFLDOUHVRXUFHVRIWKH organization wisely and strategically to demonstrate association relevance and the value of membership Level 3: Agenda Driving Ř %XLOGVVXSSRUWIRUWKHYDOXHRI Ř membership by tying directly into member needs and creating new business models that provide added EHQHŵWV Ř $FFRPSOLVKHVWKHJRDOVRIWKH association by strengthening its ŵVFDOKHDOWK Ř 0DQDJHVDVVRFLDWLRQEUDQGDQGULVN through effective oversight Ř ,QFUHDVHVDVVRFLDWLRQUHVRXUFHVDQG infrastructure to accomplish strategic REMHFWLYHV Manages budget Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVEXVLQHVVSODQQLQJDQG Ř 'HYHORSVDFXOWXUHWKDWDSSUHdevelopment and budgeting processes FLDWHVWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIŵVFDO business policy responsibility; and ensures busiQHVVSROLFLHVUHŶHFWŵQDQFLDOEHVW practices Promotes Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVŵGXFLDU\UHTXLUHPHQWV stewardship DQGGHPRQVWUDWHVLQWHJULW\LQŵQDQand financial cial transactions integrity of the organization Ř ,QFUHDVHVRWKHUVXQGHUVWDQGLQJ RIULVNPLWLJDWLRQDQGLPSOHPHQWV applicable processes and policies Ř 8VHVVWUDWHJLFSODQQLQJDQGWKH development of outcome based JRDOVPHWULFVWRFUHDWHEXGJHWV GHYHORSLQIUDVWUXFWXUHDQGLQFUHDVH LQYHVWPHQWVWKHUHE\HQVXULQJORQJ term sustainability of organization Manages risk Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVULVNSURŵOH of the organization and recognizes early warning signs Ř 8WLOL]HVEXVLQHVVRUJDQL]DWLRQDO WUHQGVDQGGDWDDQDO\VLVWRPDNH GHFLVLRQVWKDWPD[LPL]HJRDOVSODQV and strategies for growth 5HFRJQL]HVLPSOLFDWLRQVRIXQLRQ ŵQDQFLDODQGHGXFDWLRQWUHQGVRQ organizational sustainability and GHFLVLRQPDNLQJ Ř %XLOGVVXSSRUWIRUVWUDWHJLFREMHFtives through member awareness of trends and data analysis Utilizes data and Ř analyzes trends to inform decision making BUSINESS Builds the brand and accomplishes the goals of the association through effective financial management and understanding of fiduciary responsibilities. 16 Develops a two- Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVWKHIXQGDPHQWDOVRI way strategic communications strategy communications plan Competency Level 1: Foundational Theme Ř 'HYHORSVDQGLPSOHPHQWV communications plans with consistent and purposeful mesVDJHVWKDWFRQVLGHUWKHXQLTXH needs of different constituencies Level 2: Mobilizing & Power Building Ř (YDOXDWHVDQGDGMXVWV communications plans for maximum effectiveness Ř ([HFXWHVWKHFRPPXQLFDWLRQV plan in a persuasive and strategic manner to promote the goals of the association Level 3: Agenda Driving Ř 7DLORUVFRPPXQLFDWLRQVWRDSSHDO Ř ,PSOHPHQWVDGLIIHUHQWLDWHG WRGLIIHUHQWDXGLHQFHVDGMXVWVWKH communication strategy that rallies SXUSRVHVXEVWDQFHDQGVW\OH DGLYHUVHVHWRIVWDNHKROGHUV Uses current media, Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVWKHFRPPXQLFDWLRQ technology and YDOXHRIFXUUHQWPHGLD social networks to WHFKQRORJ\DQGVRFLDOQHWZRUNV communicate 8QGHUVWDQGVWKHYDULRXV approaches and styles needed to communicate with diverse audiences Ř 'HYHORSVDQGLPSOHPHQWV strategic and integrated HQJDJHPHQWSODQVWKDWXWLOL]HD YDULHW\RIPHGLDWHFKQRORJ\DQG VRFLDOQHWZRUNV Develops communi- Ř cation approach and style to fit appropriate audience Ř 6HOHFWVDQGJXLGHVFUHGLEOH messengers to inspire action Ř %XLOGVFRDOLWLRQVE\IRUJLQJSRZerful emotional connections with audiences Ř $GYDQFHVRXUDVVRFLDWLRQPHVVDJH using empowered messengers Ř 8QLWHVGLVSDUDWHDXGLHQFHVDURXQG a common message Acts as an Ř 'HPRQVWUDWHVHIIHFWLYH Ř 'HOLYHUVHQJDJLQJDQGSHUVXDVLYH Ř $FWVDVDSRZHUIXODQGSDVVLRQDWH effective speaker SUHVHQWDWLRQVNLOOVZKHQVSHDNLQJ VSHDNHUZKRFDQLQŶXHQFH presentations that motivate to a variety of audiences agendas and actions DXGLHQFHVWRWDNHDFWLRQ Acts as a Ř &RQQHFWVDVVRFLDWLRQPHVVDJHV with audience compelling advocate for the organization Identifies Ř 5HFRJQL]HVWKHLPSRUWDQFHRI appropriate aligning the appropriate messenmessenger(s) JHUVZLWKWKHPHVVDJH COMMUNICATION Builds an integrated communications strategy that drives the goals of our professions. 18 Level 2: Mobilizing & Power Building 8QGHUVWDQGVWKHUROHVDQGUHVSRQŘ %XLOGVWHDPZRUNDQGFRQVHQVXV sibilities of core team leadership among leaders on governance SRVLWLRQVDVZHOODVWKHVSHFLŵFGXWLHV DFWLYLWLHVDQGVWUDWHJLFREMHFWLYHV and legal obligations conferred on governance Competency Level 1: Foundational Theme Effectively Ř executes governance and leadership responsibilities Ř %XLOGVDQGPDLQWDLQVSURGXFWLYH internal and external alliances Level 3: Agenda Driving Ř ([HFXWHVSODQVSROLFLHVDQGVWUDWHgies to accomplish the short and long WHUPREMHFWLYHVRIWKHDVVRFLDWLRQ ,PSOHPHQWVVWUDWHJLHVWKDWPRYH SHRSOHWRDFWDQGXVHVWKHPLVVLRQ vision and core values to drive our ZRUNDQGFXOWXUH Ř /HYHUDJHVLQWHUQDODQG external relationships to DFFRPSOLVKVWUDWHJLFREMHFWLYHV (PSRZHUVRWKHUVDQGSURPRWHVD Ř culture that appeals to the different motivations of members while recognizing the contributions of all Ř %XLOGVDGLYHUVHJURXSRIOHDGHUV WRWDNHRQJUHDWHUUROHVDQG responsibilities in the association Ř 'HYHORSVVXFFHVVLRQ strategies that ensure a smooth transition in leadership and sustain the association’s vision over time Ř (GXFDWHRWKHUVRQDVVRFLDWLRQVWUDWHJLHV Ř &UHDWHVYDOXHIRUPHPEHUVWKURXJK and tactics to advance organizational clear and compelling long-term goals long-term goals and priorities and priorities 8VHVWKHSXUSRVHFXOWXUHDQG Ř KLVWRU\RIWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQDVZHOODV HGXFDWLRQDOXQLRQWUHQGVWRLQŶXHQFH WKHGLUHFWLRQRIRXUZRUN Establishes Ř (VWDEOLVKHVSXUSRVHIXO and maintains relationships to foster collaborative, collaboration effective relationships Advances the Ř organization by internalizing its mission, vision, and core values Sets strategic Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVWKHLPSOLFDWLRQVRI objectives the organization’s strategy for own to guide longactions and tactics term goals Develops self Ř ,GHQWLŵHVRZQOHDGHUVKLSVWUHQJWKV and others DQGZHDNQHVVHVDQGZRUNVWR as leaders improve them Governance and Leadership 6HWVWKHPLVVLRQDQG establishes strategies necessary for a relevant and thriving organization; HPSRZHUVPRWLYDWHVDQG fosters a pipeline of talent for the future. 20 Competency Theme Builds capacity for continual improvement and learning Shows educational leadership and understands union’s role in student learning and leading our professions Advocates for policies and strategies that positively impact our professions and student learning Analyzes and applies research, policies and trends to determine potential impact on our professions and student learning Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVWKDWUHVHDUFK policies and trends impact public education Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVWKHSROLFLHVDQG strategies that impact our professions and student learning Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVWKHKLVWRULF current and emerging role that the union plays in our professions Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVWKHYDOXHRI continuous learning and improvement in our professions Level 1: Foundational Ř &ROODERUDWHVZLWKRXUGLYHUVH JURXSRIVWDNHKROGHUVWRFRQGXFW evaluate and communicate education research and practices Ř )RUJHVDOOLDQFHVDQGDJUHHPHQWV that positively impact our professions and student learning Ř ,GHQWLŵHVDQGSURPRWHVRZQ and members’ credentials and H[SHUWLVHHQVXULQJXQLRQ leadership of our professions Ř $GYRFDWHVIRUPHDQLQJIXO development inside our SURIHVVLRQVWKHUHE\HQHUJL]LQJ members and our diverse set of HGXFDWLRQVWDNHKROGHUV Level 2: Mobilizing & Power Building Ř 'ULYHVHIIHFWLYHSROLF\FRQWHQW based on deep understanding of research Ř /HDGVRXUSURIHVVLRQVE\ anticipating challenges and putting in place proactive strategies Ř 'ULYHVFROODERUDWLYHGHFLVLRQ PDNLQJDQGSROLF\RQRXUNH\ professional issues Ř %XLOGVDFXOWXUHRI professionalism that illustrates the association’s commitment to continuous learning Level 3: Agenda Driving LEADING OUR PROFESSIONS $GYRFDWHVIRUTXDOLW\ inside our professions and promotes our union’s role in advancing education transformation and student learning. 22 Level 2: Mobilizing & Power Building Level 3: Agenda Driving Ř 'HYHORSVDVXFFHVVIXOFDPSDLJQXVLQJ Ř (YDOXDWHVFDPSDLJQVWUDWHJLHVWR RUJDQL]LQJVNLOOVWRHQJDJHPHPEHUV continually improve the impact of future LQNH\LVVXHV campaigns and organizing approaches Competency Level 1: Foundational Theme Utilizes organizing Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVWKHWKHRU\DQGEHVW best practices practices associated with organizing Ř &ROODERUDWHVZLWKGLIIHUHQWDQGGLYHUVH FRPPXQLW\DXGLHQFHVDQGHGXFDWHV WKHPRQNH\LVVXHV Ř 7UDQVIRUPVWKHUHODWLRQVKLSZLWKWKH community to harness the power of collective action Builds meaningful Ř (QJDJHVGLIIHUHQWDQGGLYHUVH community audiences in the community to partnerships identify common issues Ř 0HQWRUVHPHUJLQJOHDGHUVDQG encourages them to put plans in place to accelerate their level of participation ,QŶXHQFHVPHPEHUVWRRZQWKHDJHQGD of the association through their active participation and attitude towards collective action Ř $GYRFDWHVIRUQHZDQGGLYHUVHPHPEHU strategies and actively supports leadership succession planning Ř 'HYHORSVLPDJLQDWLYHUHFUXLWPHQW Ř and retention strategies that grow the DVVRFLDWLRQőVPHPEHUVKLSDQGLQŶXence others to become more actively involved in the talent management process ORGANIZING 0RELOL]HVWRLQIOXHQFH Makes strategic Ř $QDO\]HVDQGFRPSLOHVUHOLDEOH Ř 8WLOL]HVYDOLGGDWDWRIRUPXODWHDIRXQ- Ř ,PSOHPHQWVVWUDWHJLFSODQVWRLQFUHDVH plans that rely on research data to formulate organizing dation for long term plans including PHPEHUVKLSDQGVXSSRUWNH\REMHFWLYHV successful organizing RXWFRPHVVWUHQJWKHQ data and analysis strategies REMHFWLYHVVWUDWHJLHVDQGJRDOV internal and external UHODWLRQVKLSVDQG Ř 5DOOLHVRWKHUVDURXQGNH\RUJDQL]LQJ Ř 0DNHVRUJDQL]LQJRQNH\LVVXHVPRUH membership capacity; opportunities by appealing to V\VWHPDWLFDQGSURFHVVGULYHQWR as well as recruit and member passions and interests improve their impact identify new members and potential leaders into the association. Engages in Ř ,GHQWLŵHVDQGHQJDJHVLQKLJK collective impact and actionable organizing action to identify opportunities and address pivotal issues Creates conditions Ř 8QGHUVWDQGVSURFHVVHVDQGVWUDWfor continuous egies for member recruitment and association growth retention and strength Fosters the Ř ,GHQWLŵHVDQGHQJDJHV development of emerging association leaders who UHŶHFWRXUGLYHUVLW\ leaders at all levels of the organization 24 NEA thanks the following member and staff leaders for their expertise in developing the NEA Leadership Competencies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