Kyle Lambert, Office Manager Church Offices: (704) 982-2722 Website: Volume 48 T he W eekly Bulletin F I RST PR ESB Y T E R I A N C H U R C H Albemarle, North Carolina Elizabeth McNair Ayscue, Pastor Matt Drumheller, Associate Pastor Mr. Frank Poolos, Director of Vocal and Handbells Mr. Stanley Scheer, Organist Gina Martin, Director of Christian Education Pam Knighten, Secretary FAX: (704) 982-7918 E-mail:[email protected] February 1, 2015 No. 05 T H E O R D E R O F W O RSH IP G A T H E RING BE F ORE G O D PEALING OF THE BELLS CONCERNS OF THE CHURCH Please sign and pass the Register of F riendship during this time. PRELUDE 3UHOXGHRQµ$GRUHWHGHYRWH¶ Everett Titcomb *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Who are you? People: I am a child of God. Leader: Who are we? People: W e are children of God, the family of faith. Leader: What does it mean to be children of God? People: :HEHORQJWR*RGZKRORYHVXVDQGFDOOVXV*RG¶VRZQ,QOLIHDQGGHDWKZHEHORQJ to God. Leader: Let us worship God together. *CHORAL INTROIT O Worship the Lord Wetzler *PRAYER OF THE DAY *HYMN 267 Come, Christians, Join to Sing The Ten-Cents-A-Meal offering for hunger may be brought forward at this time. Madrid *PRAYER OF CONFESSION E ternal God, we confess that we often act as if we can earn your love and have forgotten your gift of grace. Forgive us when we forget we are your children and find our identity in the messages of our culture. H elp us to live as your heirs, as children who belong to you. Show us how to love and trust you fully. *ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS Leader: «EHOLHYHWKLVJRRGQHZV People: In Jesus C hrist, we are forgiven. *RESPONSE TO FORGIVENESS Gloria Patri G lory be to the F ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy G host; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. A men, A men. PR O C L A M A T I O N O F T H E W O R D Lord, I Want to Be a Christian African American Spiritual If You Love Me Natalie Sleeth Trusty Travelers: Ella Cumming, Elizabeth Bryson, Brody Campbell, Piper Campbell, Nathaniel Eudy, Oliver Henkenjohann, Ellis Johnson, Maddox Johnson, Thora Kilde, Merrin Kinley, Brent Lisk, Caroline Lisk, Grant Lisk, Addison Marks, Stella Marks, Seth Richards, Danny Saltzman, Eli Snuggs, Abby Snuggs, Raygan Talbert, Holden Taylor, Caroline West ANTHEM FAITH SHARING WITH CHILDREN &KLOGUHQZLOOEHLQYLWHGWRFRPHIRUZDUG$WWKHFRQFOXVLRQRIWKH&KLOGUHQ¶V*UHHWLQJSDUHQWVPD\ take preschool children to the nursery. Children in grades K-PD\JRWKHFKDSHOIRU&KLOGUHQ¶V Church. PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION F aithful God, as we turn to your Word, we hear again your welcome. L et us listen with new ears so that we renew our commitment to love and serve you. A men. OLD TESTAMENT READING Psal m 111 Pew Bible, page 531 The leader will read the odd numbered verses; the congregation will respond by reading the even numbered verses. NEW TESTAMENT READING SERMON Mark 1:21-28 Healing Words Pew Bible, page 33 Mrs. Ayscue *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH 7KH$SRVWOHV¶&UHHG hymnal, page 35 I believe in God the F ather A lmighty, M aker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus C hrist his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy G host, born of the V irgin M ary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the F ather A lmighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy G host; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resur rection of the body; and the life everlasting. A men. *HYMN 181 Silence! F renzied, Unclean Spirit Ebenezer R ESP O N D I N G T O T H E W O R D MINUTE FOR MISSION John Howell 3$6725$/35$<(5$1'7+(/25'¶635$<(5 Mr. Drumheller O ur F ather who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. T hy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. G ive us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. A men. PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS Offertory Offertory César Franck *Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings F low hymnal, page 606 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise F ather, Son, and Holy G host. A men. *Prayer of Dedication *HYMN 694 Great God of Every Blessing Aurelia *BENEDICTION *CHORAL RESPONSE *POSTLUDE ---------*All that are able may stand. *RG¶V:RQGHUIXO3HDFH%HZLWK<RX (SLORJXHRQµ'L[¶ William M. Runyan William H. Harris W e rejoice that you are worshiping with us today. If you are a member of this church, please seek out those who are visiting and welcome them to this family of faith. If you are visiting and would like to know more about the church and membership here, please speak with one of the ministers following worship. T he acolyte today is E van Johnson. After extinguishing the Christ candle, the acolyte takes the light of Jesus Christ out into the world. W e will receive the T en-C ents-A-M eal offering for hunger today. Ushers: Penny Morton, captain; Jim Ivey, Dustin Jolly, Kim Marshall, Carolyn McLaurin, Jack Morton Nursery: Cici Ly Toddler Room: Lauren Cranford Preschool Partners: Susan Pandich; Janet Schaefer Nana & Papa T eam: Sarah & Ronnie Michael &KLOGUHQ¶V &KXUFK Angie Earnhardt; Kelly Lentz; Evan Johnson W e ask that you keep these people in your prayers: The family of Carrie Hawkins (mother of Nancy Joines), Hessie Clark, Mary Louise Sawyer, Nancy Brewer (pneumonia; friend of Janice Abernathy), Debby Johnston (hand surgery), Roger Thomas, Laura McLeod, Craig Morgan. See newsletter for complete list. *********************************************************************************** SO UP E R B O W L O F C A R I N G SU N D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 Sunday, February 1 is not only the day of the big football game, it is also the Souper Bowl of Caring. Youth will be collecting money at the doors of the sanctuary following worship. You are invited to drop $1.00 in the pots. We are also having a co-petition this year to increase our giving to SCCM. Depending on which section of the sanctuary you typically sit, you will bring in a certain kind of canned food. Left section (by the pit stop door) ± Canned F ruit Center section ± Cream of (choice) Soup Right Section & Choir Loft ± Tomato Soup Balcony & Back ± Chicken Noodle Soup Bring your cans of food to the pit stop on Sunday, February 1. There will be designated areas for each VHFWLRQ/HW¶VVHHKRZPXFKIRRGZHFDQFROOHFW W inter A rt G allery E xhibit F eaturing artist W ayne Palmer Mind Meets H and Inspired by a senior level art class while attending Florida State, member of First Presbyterian Church, Wayne Palmer began creating artworks through a variety of art techniques, styles and mediums. This collection of paintings, carvings and sketches are a ORYHO\GLVSOD\RIKLVOLIHORQJSDVVLRQIRUFUHDWLQJ«ZKHUHPLQGPHHWVKDQG7KURXJK DWHFKQLTXHFDOOHG³JOD]LQJ´SXWWLQJFRORURQE\OD\HUVXQWLOWKHGHVLUHGLQWHQVLW\RIFRORULVDFKLHYHG Wayne has created a softness in many of the watercolor and acrylic paintings in this collection. He has FDSWXUHGWKHVXEMHFW¶VUDZHPRWLRQLQKLVPLQGDQGUHYHDOVLWWRWKHRQORRNHUWKURXJKKLVJLIWRIDUWLVWLF expression. The three dimensional relief carvings are created using basswood, which is a soft wood and popular for hand carving. It has little grain and looks good when painted. Special woodcarving tools enable the artist to remove the wood in certain places, while leaving raised surfaces and texture to express depth in an art piece. The pencil sketches in WKLVH[KLELWZHUHGLVSOD\HGLQDWWKH:RUOG¶V)DLU([SRLQ.QR[YLOOH Tennessee. *********************************************************************************** V O L U N T E E RS N E E D E D F O R F I RST F A M I L Y G A T H E R I N G Dessert & Mandarin Salad Crew: Tuesday, February 3 at 10:00 a.m. Main Dish Crew: Wednesday, February 4 at 10:30 a.m. Salad & Sides Crew: Wednesday, February 4 at 1:00 p.m. Set-up Crew: Wednesday, February 4 at 3:45 p.m. Final Touches Crew: Wednesday, February 4 at 5:15 p.m. Clean-up crew: Wednesday, February 4 at 6:45 p.m. ,I\RXKDYHQ¶WHYHUMRLQHGXVSOHDVHGR:HKDYHVXFKDJRRGWLPHWRJHWKHU3OHDVHFDOO-DQH6Q\GHU at the church 704-982-2722 on her phone 704-438-3358 or email her at [email protected] if you would like to help.*********************************************************************************** F I RST F A M I L Y G A T H E R I N G W ednesday, F ebruary 4 E vening Prayer at 5:45 p.m. in the chapel Dinner at 6:00 p.m. in the gym Menu: Chicken & Wild Rice, Green Beans, Mandarin Orange Salad, Mixed Green Salad, Biscuits, Fruit, Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Station, Assorted Desserts, Tea, Lemonade, & Coffee Contact the church office 704-982-2722 or [email protected] E\QRRQRQ7XHVGD\)HEUXDU\WRVD\\RX¶UHFRPLQJ *********************************************************************************** C hildcare Volunteer Needed for Pray & Play Ministry Pray and Play has been very successful this year, and there is a need for an additional childcare volunteer on Wednesday mornings (9:15 a.m.-11:00 a.m.). If interested, please contact Gina Martin ([email protected] or 704-982-2722) Let Your Love Light Shine Faith Explorers let their love light shine! Have you ever met someone or do you know someone whom you feel reflects WKHORYHRI&KULVW"'RWKHLUOLYHVSURMHFWDQGVKDUH*RG·VORYHIRUHYHU\RQHDQGLQ everything they do? Maybe, you know someone who needs to be reminded just how much God loves them. Our Faith Explorers continue to model what they have learned about the Fruit RIWKH6SLULWDQGKRZ*RG·VORYHIRUWKHPPXVWEHVKDUHGZLWKRWKHUVLQRUGHUWR IXOO\OLYHRXW*RG·VZRUG 3OHDVH VKDUH LQ RXU PLVVLRQ WR VKDUH *RG·V ORYH ZLWK DQd for others by purchasing a Let Your Love Light Shine flameless tea light holder, creatively designed by the 4th & 5th graders of our church. These make wonderful gifts for teachers, grandparents, aunts & uncles and are a safe way to light your home. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your F ather in heaven. (Matthew 5:16) $7 A ll proceeds will benefit Stanly County C hristian M inistry (SC C M) O n Sale in the Pit Stop: Sunday, F ebruary 1 & 8 W hich M inistry Is Right for You? Many of our committee chairs are putting together groups to share in ministry. Please prayerfully consider how you might be involved in the work of one of these committees. Contact the folks below to say, Here I Am! Committee Childcare Chairperson Laura McLeod Contact (email, phone number) [email protected] 704-986-6983/704-796-0487 Christian Education Jim Carter [email protected] 704-661-6969 College & Military Kim Andrew [email protected] 704-244-3233/704-983-1321 Fellowship Jane Boone [email protected]; 704-984-6353 [email protected]; 704-982-8260 Ken Knight Membership Liz Jolly [email protected] 704-982-6420 Mission Peggy Finley [email protected] 704-985-1136 Property John Earnhardt [email protected] 704-983-2894 Scholarship Ruth Cotton [email protected] 704-983-2481 Senior Care Debbie Hahn [email protected] [email protected] 704-983-1067 Stewardship Marshall Rogers [email protected] 704-533-0627/704-982-7969 Worship Lee McManus [email protected] 704-985-4500/704-982-1117 Ushering John Howell [email protected] 704-984-1941 First Presbyterian Church Congregational Retreat Please join us for a congregational retreat designed for the entire family! T here are many outdoor activities including hiking, canoeing, and a low ropes course. T here are cabin-style and bedroom-style accommodations available. T his will be a weekend of worship, recreation, food, and fellowship. W here: Y M C A C amp H anes in K ing, N C W hen: M arch 13-15 Cost: $98.00 per person Assistance with cost is available W H O C A N A T T E N D? The congregational retreat is for anyone who considers him/herself to be part of First Presbyterian Church, Albemarle. Whether you are a member or a visitor, married or single, young or old, you are invited to join in! Schedule Friday evening Getting to know one another Campfire Saturday morning Program for adults and youth. &KLOGUHQ¶VSURJUDPDQG Childcare for others. Saturday afternoon Low ropes course and other outdoor activities. Napping, reading, board games, etc. Saturday Evening Keynote Fun and Games Sunday morning After breakfast, we will worship before we depart for home. Sharing Your G ifts We can use your help! Can you help by: Leading an activity on Saturday? Welcoming retreaters as they arrive? $VVLVWLQJZLWKWKHFKLOGUHQ¶V program? Helping design worship on Sunday morning? Shopping for needed supplies? If so, please contact Matt ([email protected]). ********************************************************************************** Sign me up! Name _____________________________________________ # of people ____________________ Request Housing in: ____ C abin-Style (open plan with 18 beds in each room) Would like to share with___________________ ____ Hotel-Style (bedroom with 2-4 beds in each) Please return to F irst Presbyterian C hurch office with a $50.00 deposit. Sign up deadline is F ebruary 5! O PP O R T U N I T I ES T H IS W E E K H A PPY B I R T H D A Y! Sunday, February 1 F EBRUARY 9:00 am Breakfast Bunch (Media Room) 01- Jean Rabe 9:45 am *Sunday School Caroline Smith 9:45 am 7UXVW\7UDYHOHUV¶UHKHDUVDOVDQFWXDU\ 02- Lee Boone 11:00 am *Worship Penny Morton 12:00 pm Mission Committee (Session Room) 03- Kellyn Poole 12:00 pm Decorating Committee meets in the Gathering Place 04- Hugh Carpenter (3rd Floor) Holly Holbrook Monday, February 2 05- Keith Byrd 7:00 pm Circle #5 meets at the home of Polly Moose Robin Howell (24875 Hwy. 52 South, Albemarle) 06- Melissa Eudy 8:30 pm Senior High Bible Study at (OL]DEHWK¶V Bob Johnston T uesday, February 3 07- Jennifer Mabry 10:00 am Adult Bible Study H A PPY A N N I V E RSA R Y! 10:00 am First Family Dessert & Mandarin Salad Crew F EBRUARY 11:30 am Dutch Treat Lunch Gathering at Badin Treehouse 06- Steve & Laura Blalock W ednesday, February 4 6:30 am 7RE\:HEE0HQ¶V3UD\HU%UHDNIDVW 9:30 am *Pray & Play 10:30 am First Family Main Dish Crew 12:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (Parlor) /HW¶V*RWR/XQFK 12:00 pm Young Adult Lunch at Little Tokyo (Hwy. 52) W hen? 1:00 pm First Family Salad & Sides Crew T uesday, February 3 at 11:45 a.m. 3:15 pm-5:15 pm Youth Cubs/Youth Club W here? 3:45 pm First Family Set-up Crew Meet at the Badin T reehouse 5:15 pm First Family Final Touches Crew (24 Falls Road, Badin) 5:15 pm-5:45 pm Youth Orff/Handbells Ensembles /HW¶V IHOORZVKLS ZLWK RQH DQRWKHU (QMR\ D 5:45 pm Evening Prayer (Chapel) Dutch treat lunch ± HYHU\RQH¶V LQYLWHG WR 6:00 pm First Family Gathering (Gym) come & bring a friend. Call the church office 6:45 pm First Family Clean-up Crew (704-982-2722) by Monday, February 2 to let 7:00 pm *Chancel Choir Rehearsal XV NQRZ \RX¶UH FRPLQJ DQGRU LI \RX QHHG 8:30 pm Pick-up Basketball transportation. T hursday, February 5 9:00 am Muffins & More 10:00 am Staff Meeting F riday, February 6 Youth Depart for Asheville Youth Mission Trip G lass Jars Needed Saturday, February 7 for Youth C lub Project Asheville Youth Mission Trip Glass jars (12-20 oz. size) are needed for a Sunday, February 8 Youth Club project. Please put your clean jar F aith Explorers sing in worship in the marked container in the pit stop. Youth Return from Asheville Youth Mission Trip Salsa/Cheese jars, as well as pickle jars, work 8:45 am *Diaconate best. :HDUHUHTXHVWLQJMDUVRQO\«QROLGV 9:45 am *Sunday School Donations are greatly appreciated. 9:45 am *Faith Explorers rehearsal (sanctuary) 11:00 am *Worship 12:00 pm-3:00 pm )DLWK([SORUHUV¶Outing (pit stop) 6:00 pm Worship Committee 7:00 pm Session SC C M N E E D F O R F E B R U A R Y : C A N N E D B E A NS & D R I E D B E A NS *childcare provided
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