CDD Lab Meeting August 15, 2014 CDD News and Updates ● No meeting 29 Aug (APSA) ● is live! o Check your bio o Let’s write! o Lab meeting notes to be posted ● Post-doc hiring on the horizon ● Martin Kruger is new PM at ONR o EG & JRL to brief project on 8/28 Upcoming Travel & Events ● JRL to PACOM 10-23 Aug ● APSA August 28-31, 2014 in Washington, DC o CDD Panel & Opportunity to meet with DC contacts o Brief ONR PM ● Minerva Conference September 10-11, 2014 in Washington, DC o Project overview--how much, how long? o Opportunity to meet with DC contacts ● CDD Annual Conference November 6-7, 2014 at UCSD o Revised CDD paper--sent o Awaiting paper topics (9/1) to formulate agenda Lab Meeting Schedule ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● August 15 (Jack): CDD insights from China S&T workshop August 22 (Rupal): STRATCOM Deterrence Symposium Debrief August 29: NO LAB MEETING (APSA) September 5: (Erik) TBD September 12 (Clara): Conference planning September 19 (Rupal): TBD September 26 (Shannon): TBD Blake--Testing Thucydides? Blog Schedule Please check your inbox for an email from for log-in instructions ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Week of… June 29: Rupal…. July 6: Clara July 13: Shannon July 20: Jack July 27: Rupal... August 3: Clara August 10: Shannon August 17: Jack August 24: Rupal August 31: Clara September 7: Shannon September 14: Jack September 21: Rupal September 28: Clara ● ● ● Anybody in the CDD group can post something, any time. This schedule just ensures we average something each week. Beth moderates the posts Topics can be on anything CDD related, of any length: ● Commentary on current events ● Book or article review ● Thought piece ● Research note Recent Publications ● Jon R. Lindsay, “Cybersecurity and International Relations: Evaluating the Threat from China,” International Security (forthcoming Winter 2014/15) ● Jon Lindsay, “Commentary on the Cyber Revolution,” International Security 38, no. 4 (forthcoming 2014) ● Erik Gartzke and Jon Lindsay, “Weaving Tangled Webs: Offense, Defense, and Deception in Cyberspace,” Security Studies (forthcoming) ● Erik Gartzke, “An Apology for Numbers in the Study of National Security . . . if an apology is really necessary,” H-Diplo/ISSF, no. 2 (2014): 77-90. ● Erik Gartkze, “The Myth of Cyber War: Bringing War in Cyberspace Back Down to Earth,” International Security 38, no. 2 (2013): 41–73. ● Jon Lindsay, “Stuxnet and the Limits of Cyber Warfare,” Security Studies 22, no. 3 (2013): 365–404. Papers in progress ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Erik, Jon & Clara: “Cross-Domain Deterrence: Strategy in an Era of Complexity” o Working paper, updated July 15, 2014. o 15 July revision for Conference invitees, Aug APSA, Nov conference Jon, Erik: “Coercion through Cyberspace: The Stability-Instability Paradox Revisited” o Chapter in Kelly Greenhill & Peter Krause volume on Coercion Michael: “Cross-Domain Deterrence in American Foreign Policy” o Nov conference Joe: “Latency and Cross-Domain Deterrence” o Nov conference Jon & Jack: “Interdependence in Space and Cyberspace in U.S.-China Relations” o Aug APSA Erik: “No Humans Were Harmed in the Making of this War: On the Nature and Consequences of `Costless' Combat” [drone war] o July RSIS (CENS) Jon: “The Common Strategic Logic of Counterinsurgency and Cybersecurity” o R&R with JSS SITC Workshop: Notes and CDD Insights Jack Zhang University of California, San Diego [email protected] SITC Notes ● Great mix of participants –Academia, government, military, industry etc –Engineering, political science, history, physics, computer science etc –See handouts for list of participants and topics ● Good syllabus, wealth of readings –See PDFs in shared google drive ‘SITC Summer Workshop’ folder ● Long lectures with lots of PowerPoint… SITC Notes ● Themes –Structure vs agency (forthcoming edited volume) –Typologies of innovation –Organizational structure of China’s S&T bureaucracies, civil military relations –Historical development of China’s S&T policy, importance of leaders –Case studies: cruise missiles, jet engines, HPC, human space program ● China-Minerva Database alpha version –PIs: Cheung, Naughton, and Meyer –Link: SITC: Implications for CDD ● Theoretical –Structure vs agency –Political economy of grand strategy ● Practical –Importance of asking the right questions –Economize in re-using existing materials –Undergrad lecture rule of thumb: good graphics, simple theory Structure Vs. Agency ● TMC: technological determinism vs strategic choice, focus on strong agents vs weak agents ● Weak theory: not convinced agents/structure 2x2 predicts innovation ● But how to move beyond Waltz and Allison/Jervis: how to better capture interaction of structure and agency? (rather than controlling or black-boxing one or other Structure Vs. Agency ● What’s the right balance when considering CDD? ● Rationalist theories of war –Rational expectations but agency-centric (at least more so than Waltz) –Abstracts away perceptions (error term?) –Ex. Chinese views of escalations dominance and controlled escalation –What is the role of structure? (regime type? Court politics) Political Economy of Grand Strategy ● Means matter: classical deterrence is about ends, but CDD is also about means ● If so how is CDD different from grant strategy? ● Does CDD take means as given and fixed? ● If given, how is CDD different from combined-arms warfare? ● Economizing over means is a matter of political economy Political Economy of Grand Strategy ● Case study of China in 1990s: –USSR collapse, Taiwan elections, and Strait Crises altered the China’s security outlook –It realized it had no means to achieve limited ends (prevent Taiwan independence) –Resolved to develop ‘assassin's mace’ capabilities after 1999 Belgrade bombings –Assassin’s mace = CDD (weapon to overcome much more power adversary) –No single weapon system, but China has modernized its C4ISR, ballistic & cruise missiles, submarines, strategic forces, and electronic warfare capabilities –Effective CDD because A2/AD is now a beltway boggyman –China now has means to expand its set of ends (ex. SCS) Political Economy of Grand Strategy ● Takes a long time to develop new capabilities: the PLA of today is a product of reforms initiated in 1993 ● Weapons systems also have life-cycle costs, these are rarely considered in strategic analysis ● Investing in the wrong capabilities today carries a high opportunity cost tomorrow ● Deciding on which capabilities to invest in is as much a political calculation as an economic one Beyond Rock, Paper, Scissors ● A winning RPS strategy (randomize) is not a policy prescription because its boring ● RPS is boring because the means are fixed (1/3 each) ● RPS becomes a much more interesting game if players had to purchase means under incomplete information ● Most promising policy implications for CDD is in the strategy and political economy of means acquisition Questions? Information Infrastructure: Space, Cyberspace, and U.S.-China Relations University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation Jon R. Lindsay [email protected] Jiakun Jack Zhang University of California, San Diego [email protected] Thesis ● China threat narrative: cyber and space are vulnerable, thus conflict in these domains are likely to be escalatory and destabilizing ● Technological determinist narrative: cyber and space are revolutionary technologies that change nature of warfare ● Our thesis: same things that make cyber and space vulnerable also makes it less likely that conflict occurs in these domains ● Space and cyberspace are vital for military performance. But their usefulness depends on a common set of institutions/informational infrastructures to be valuable ● Neoliberal institutionalist analogy: commerce = infrastructure ● Vulnerability is mutually constituted, operate on the basis of standardized protocols ● They enhance warfighting, multiply force but does not project force, but does not change nature of warfare, (not new domains? Discuss analogies to airpower) ● Dynamics in space and cyber should therefore be more similar to economic interdependence –Mutual vulnerabilities: inform, constrain, transform –Low intensity conflict persists, but high intensity conflict (which undermines the institution) is unlikely –Bottom line: we have observed constraint, this will continue Outline 1.Introduction: present thesis and theory 2.Literature review: flaws in the China threat and technological determinism narratives 3.Defining cyber and space capabilities/threats: focus on information infrastructure as institutions 4.Theory: analogy to commerce/economic interdependence 5.Why we should continue to expect constraint: logic of inform, constrain, transform 6.Expect low intensity conflict (espionage, sabotage etc), but these will not be escalatory 7.Conclusion: policy implications Questions? Next Steps? ● Review lab meeting and blog schedule and let us know what, if anything, needs to be rearranged ● Please post blog posts, focus on research notes/progress ● Meeting notes to be written, disseminated, uploaded o Review previous meeting notes and last week’s notes; if no comments, presentations will be posted as is CDD Contacts Program Content: ● Erik Gartkze, UCSD, [email protected] ● Jon Lindsay, UCSD, [email protected] ● Michael Nacht, UCB ● Celeste Matarazzo, LLNL ● Joe Pilat, LANL Program Administration: ● Beth Prosnitz, Project Manager, [email protected]
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