Kesser Torah College Your Weekly eNewsletter Thursday 5 February 2015 / 16 Shevat 5775 Parshas - Yisro Shabbos candlelighting - 7:39pm Shabbos ends - 8:37pm Tu B’Shevat @ KTC Click here to view the photo collage Principal’s Dvar Torah Important Dates General News (Pg 2-3) (Pg 4) (Pgs 5-6) Thursday, 5 February 2015 ECC (Pgs 8-10) Primary (Pgs 11-12) Secondary (Pg 13) What’s On At BINA? (Pg 14) Principal’s Message In this week’s Parsha, we bear witness to one of the most monumental events in education that the world has ever known. Indeed if one makes even a small effort, one can detect the impact of Jewish Values and Jewish Ethics – the impact of Divine Truth that comes from our Holy Torah in western thinking, western laws, courts of law, health systems and acts of charity worldwide and this week, most poignantly here at home. Parshas Yisro, the sedra in which בני ישראל, the Children of Israel, reach the foot of Mount Sinai and prepare themselves for the receiving of the Torah. According to the Chassidic masters, the ultimate purpose of the Torah being given to the Chosen People is to bring Peace to the world. And where was the Torah given? In the wilderness of the Sinai desert, an ownerless desert. There is no one person who has an exclusive claim on the Torah and its wisdom. It speaks to all people at all times. And who were trusted to be the guarantors of such a precious legacy? Lest we forget, it is our children whom Hashem finally accepted as worthy guarantors for Torah being given to the world. What are the messages for how to achieve Peace that we can gather from where and to whom the Torah was given? Peace – Unity through Diversity. In every aspect of our daily lives, we are faced with incredible diversity in our opportunities and choices. This is especially true in the arena of education for our children. And what more provocative issue faces us than this choice? Where we choose to educate our children affects their values and their direction for their life as a Jew in today’s world. There is a complicated array of educational opportunities we have available in today’s world. Clarity and peace of mind result only from a good choice, a choice for the best Torah education which includes a guarantee that the educational institution will focus on the individual needs of our children. The vision of an appropriate educational institution must be founded on the premise that students of all ages must be permitted to learn at their instructional level with pace and depth of content matching their abilities in a context that respects their path and journey through Yiddishkeit. Unity through Diversity. Kesser Torah College. Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates The Unique Nature Each child possesses a variety of intelligences, as well as a unique learning style, temperament, pattern of growth and development. Because children grow and develop at variable and irregular rates, they learn in different ways. These differences are valued. Children should be grouped not solely by age, but by a variety of factors including interests, abilities, learning rates and styles. Learning: A Definition The first years of schooling are critically important for developing and sustaining a passion for Yiddishkeit and Jewish learning. Learning is a continuous, cyclical, non-linear process. It has more to do with analysing, synthesising, and asking questions than accumulating facts. The process of learning is equally if not often more important than the product. Learning is most meaningful when children are actively engaged and interested in their own learning. continued on next page.... Thursday, 5 February 2015 Principal’s Message Role of the Teacher Teachers can best serve students by promoting initiative and self-direction in learning. After all, a teacher’s role is nurturing the guarantors of our Divine Legacy. Flexibility in grouping students, an ability to create an atmosphere conducive to developing both skills and self-esteem, and a desire to seize opportunities as they present themselves, allows the teacher to be responsive to the varied needs of the students. The Curriculum: Content & Methodology Students of all ability levels benefit from a differentiated academic program defined as: use of alternative teaching styles; flexible grouping and level of instruction; instruction of students of similar ability in small groups or individually; strategies of instruction and level of instruction that enable students to learn without the limits of traditional age-based curriculum. Classrooms should provide a wide range of activities so that students may demonstrate a variety of talents, skills and competencies. Creativity, problem-solving, risk-taking, critical thinking, and basic skills are best taught when integrated into the content of a subject rather than as separate courses. Just as modest Mt. Sinai blossomed miraculously, throughout the coming year, you will notice the personal attention your child will receive and the immeasurable positive effects this will reap. The dedicated, capable, professional staff at KTC is committed to focusing on the individual needs of each KTC Torah scholar. May we immediately reap the benefits of their Torah learning by seeing miracles of Peace and Harmony in the world recognising at last the legacy of Sinai. Wishing you all a good Shabbos and a restful weekend, Click here to return to Index Page - Rabbi Dr Noteh Glogauer - Principal Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 5 February 2015 Important Dates TERM 1 2015 Wk 3 Primary Parent Information Evening Wednesday 11 February Advanced PSG Briefing (all Parents) Tuesday 17 February Wk 4 High School Meet The Teacher Breakfast Taanis Esther Wk 6 Purim Shushan Purim Wk 7 Click here to return to Index Page Wednesday 11 March Indoor Soccer Competition (Years 7-9) Thursday 12 March & Friday 13 March Tuesday 24 March Wednesday 25 March Indoor Soccer Competition (Years 11-12) Thursday 26 March Last Day of Term 1 Tuesday 31 March Holidays 2nd Night Seder Thursday, 5 February 2015 Friday 6 March BOYS Swimming Carnival (Years 3-12) Erev Pesach (1st Night Seder) Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday 5 March Tuesday 10 March High School Vaccinations Wk 10 Wednesday 4 March GIRLS Swimming Carnival (Years 3-12) Pi Days - a Mathematics Event (Primary & High Schools) Wk 9 Wednesday 18 February Term 2 commences Friday 3 April Shabbos 4 April Tuesday 21 April General News PSG Roster - Term 1, Week 3 Monday - Thursday Afternoons: ARRIVE AT 3:00PM SHARP! Friday Afternoons: ARRIVE AT 2:15PM SHARP! Monday 9 February AM Robert Tockar Gil Mizrachi PM Shlomit Leinkram AM Royce Isacowitz Tuesday 10 February PM To be filled AM Marc Carr Wednesday 11 February PM Danielle Garson AM Daniel Friedman Mazel Tov !!! To Natan & Zehava Aharoni on the birth of a grandson; a son to Tom & Kerry. To Rebecca Butnaro on her engagement to Ben Seidman; and to Bex’s parents Ofer & Brenda Butnaro. To Mr Greg Wagner on his marriage to Natalie Miller (during the holidays). To Ms Anika Krause (Davey) on her marriage to Cal Davey (during the holidays). Thursday 12 February PM Robin Mitchell Click here to return to Index Page AM Lisa Nailand Friday 13 February Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 5 February 2015 PM Tamar Lurie Condolences To Gail Gottlieb on the passing of her brother-in-law. May we share only simchas. General News TravelLing safely to and from school IF YOU'RE WALKING TO AND FROM SCHOOL 7KLVLVWKHLGHDOWLPHWRSUDFWLVHURDGFURVVLQJVNLOOV7DON\RXU FKLOGWKURXJKWKH6723/22./,67(17+,1.URXWLQH±LW ZLOOKHOSWKHPEHFRPHPRUHWUDI¿FDZDUHDQGSUHSDUHWKHPIRU XQVXSHUYLVHGWUDYHO WHAT TIMES DO SCHOOL ZONES OPERATE? 0RVW16:VFKRRO]RQHVRSHUDWHEHWZHHQ±DPDQG±SP RQDOOJD]HWWHGVFKRROGD\V7KHVHDUHGHWHUPLQHGE\WKH6WDWH *RYHUQPHQWDQGLQFOXGHVWDIIGHYHORSPHQWDQGSXSLOIUHHGD\V /RRNRXWIRUWULDQJXODU³GUDJRQWHHWK´URDGPDUNLQJVZKLFKLQGLFDWH WKHVWDUWRIVFKRRO]RQHV GAZETTED SCHOOL DAYS 2014-2015 TERM 201 Tuesday 27-anuaryWR Thursday$SULO School zone safety is a priority for Waverley Council. 5HVHDUFKVKRZV\RXQJFKLOGUHQFDQ¿QGLWKDUGWRPDNH VDIHFKRLFHVLQEXV\WUDI¿FDUHDVZKHUHWKH\VWUXJJOHWR judge speed, distance and safe gaps between vehicles. TERM 201 Monday 20 AprilWR )ULGD\26 June TERM 2015 0RQGD\-XO\WR 7 )ULGD\6HSWHPEHU TERM 2015 7XHVGD\2FWREHUWR )ULGD\'HFHPEHU WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP KEEP CHILDREN SAFE? IF YOU’RE DRIVING TO AND FROM SCHOOL: Make sure your children use an appropriate child car seat WKDWLVFRUUHFWO\¿WWHGDQGWKDWWKH\JHWLQDQGRXWRIWKHFDU WKURXJKWKHUHDUNHUEVLGHRUµVDIHW\¶GRRU 6FKRROGURSRIIDQGSLFNXSWLPHVDUHSDUWLFXODUO\EXV\IRU SHGHVWULDQDQGYHKLFXODUWUDI¿FVRFRQVLGHUSDUNLQJDEORFNRU WZRDZD\WRDYRLGFUHDWLQJFRQJHVWLRQ 2EVHUYHWKHNPKVSHHGOLPLWDQGUHVWULFWHGSDUNLQJVLJQV WKH\DUHWKHUHWRSURWHFWFKLOGUHQ¶VVDIHW\ UNDERSTANDING COMMON PARKING SIGNS NO NO STOPPING VLJQVPHDQQRVWRSSLQJDWDQ\WLPH QRWHYHQWRTXLFNO\GURSVRPHRQHRII,JQRULQJWKLV STOPPING VLJQSXWVFKLOGUHQLQGDQJHUDVLWREVWUXFWVWKHLUYLHZ RIDSSURDFKLQJYHKLFOHV Click here to return to Index Page BUS ZONE Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 5 February 2015 NO PARKINGVLJQVDOORZGULYHUVWRSDUN IRUPLQXWHVSURYLGHGWKH\VWD\ZLWKLQ PHWUHVRIWKHLUYHKLFOH7KLVLVSHUIHFWIRU VFKRROGURSRIIDQGSLFNXS]RQHVDQG RIIHUVIDLUVKDULQJRIOLPLWHGSDUNLQJVSDFH DWEXV\WLPHV Please note that even though some schools may operate on different term dates, speed and parking restrictions still apply on the gazetted days outlined above. MORE INFORMATION 3DUNLQJDQGGULYLQJRIIHQFHVLQVFKRRO]RQHVDWWUDFWD¿QHDQG GHPHULWSRLQWV)RUWKHODWHVWSHQDOWLHVYLVLWUPVQVZJRYDX 0DNHVXUH\RX¶UHXVLQJWKHULJKWFDUVHDWIRU\RXUFKLOG±YLVLW FKLOGFDUVHDWVFRPDXWR¿QGRXWPRUH 6XSSRUWWKHURDGVDIHW\OHVVRQV\RXUFKLOGUHQPD\EH OHDUQLQJDWVFKRROZLWKRQOLQHDFWLYLWLHVWLSVDQGUHVRXUFHV at VDIHW\WRZQFRPDX NEVER PUT CONVENIENCE AHEAD OF SAFETY. P BUS ZONES/STOPS DUHIRUEXVHVRQO\WKHUHLVQR VWRSSLQJRUSDUNLQJIRUFDUVDWDQ\WLPH Information correct as at -DQXDU\ 201. Printed on recycled paper. Tu B’Shevat @ KTC Mitzvah Class Tree Cake Yr K - Craft Dreidel Class - Fruit Sticks Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates CRELS - Planting veges Thursday, 5 February 2015 High Schools enjoy yummy Fruit Sticks Early Childhood Centres Class Phone Numbers Welcome! Welcome to all our ECC and CRELS families, as this is our first official newsletter for 2015 we would like to welcome all our returning families and hope you all had a wonderful holiday. To all our new KTC families we would like to welcome your children and your families and hope 2015 is a fun, dynamic and wonderful year. Shofar 9301 1153 Megillah 9301 1152 Dreidel 9301 1142 Torah 9301 1140 Simcha 9301 1125 Mitzvah 9301 1126 Menorah 9301 1129 Mazel Tov We would like to wish many of our children a Happy birthday in almost every class we have been celebrating with several birthdays a week what a great start to the year. ECC Dreidel Click here to return to Index Page Turning 3.... Zac Garson Gil Lurie Liba Brocha Joseph Nathan Groll Mendel Lazarus Mendel Milecki Nossen Schlanger Ruvy Litzman Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 5 February 2015 Torah Morah Trish Morah Chaya Perlow Simcha Turning 4.... Yitzchak Koncepolski Aimee Danielli Shira Ben Shimol Sienna Mattes CRELS Mitzvah Turning 4... Noam Cohen Dinah Ozehekh Menorah Shofar & Megillah Turning 4... Racheli Joseph Turning 2.... Basia Leinkram Liana Rothschild Early Childhood Centres New Staff On Monday 2 March we will be welcoming our new Simcha teacher, Luanne Lobel, who has been working in the Child Care industry for many years as both a teacher and as a Director. Luanne has a passion for Early Childhood and will bring a wealth of knowledge, commitment and compassion to her role. I have been having a wonderful time working with Morah Carmit and Morah Chaya in the Simcha class, so if you wish to get in touch with me, please email [email protected] or phone 9301-1125 (Simcha class). Upcoming Events Tu B’Shevat - Wednesday 4 February. Please see all the beautiful work and planting your children have done. Rosh Chodesh - Thursday 19 February Children will celebrate by group dancing in the playground. Clean Up Kesser Torah - Monday 23 - Friday 27 February In conjunction with Clean Up Australia Day. ....A proposed Calendar of events for 2015 will be coming your way soon. Click here to return to Index Page Flexischool Lunch Orders - not available for ECC Please be advised that lunch orders should not be ordered for ECC students through Flexischool system. This is due to KTC’s delivery arriving at 1:00pm, which is 1 hour after the ECC children have their lunch (at 12:00pm). Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 5 February 2015 Early Childhood Centres Class of the Week - Megillah How do trees grow? Tu B’Shevat is here! During our play experiences we have been very eager to discover what there is to learn about trees and our natural environment. Each day we are excited to participate in painting, collage, digging up soil, sensory exploration and dramatic play with our teachers and our friends. We have created trees using paint, shaving cream and our hand prints, collected leaves to make flowers, filled pots with soil and much more. Throughout our group discussions Morah Christina has explained to the children how important it is for a tree to have water and sun to grow. Together we have drawn big pictures of a seed, a baby tree and a big tree to demonstrate the progression of growth. It is wonderful to see all of the children listen, sing and participate in our group discussions. Fantastic! We are all very excited to plant our lettuce, corn, dwarf peas and snow peas in our garden bed outside. Each day we will water our plants and watch them grow. We are having so much fun! Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 5 February 2015 Primary School Mishmor After School Learning Program: Year K-6 The objective of this program is to provide learning enrichment for those parents who wish to extend their children’s understanding and appreciations of the Chabad ethos. Areas of study include aspects of Chassidus, special days in the Chabad calendar, Pirkei Avos, the 12 pesukim, Chassidic nigunim (melodies), reading, Chassidic insights into the Yomim Tovim, Rambam (Maimonedes) Sefer haMitzvos, stories of the Chabad Rebbes, building good character via stories of tzaddikim, learning Tanya off by heart, learning the Mah Nishtana in Yiddish and more. If you would like to enrol your child in this program, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can better arrange the classes. My email address is [email protected]. Important to Note: Click here to return to Index Page • Please see schedule on next page. • Most of the Mishmor classes take place in the Yr. 3G classroom. I will show the children where their Mishmor class is being held. • Please pick up your children promptly from the front entrance of the school. Please look carefully for the finishing time of the lesson and ensure you arrive on time. • Each child to please bring 1 packet of snack on the first day of the Mishmor program. We will then distribute this throughout the term to their class. • Please check your emails as we will correspond via email and ensure that the school has your correct email. Payments for this term are due Monday 16 February via any of the following methods: Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 5 February 2015 1. given to Rachel Smith (at reception) in cash, or 2. a cheque made payable to Rochel Blasenstein, or 3. please contact me on [email protected] for alternative payment methods. Primary School Mishmor After School Learning Program: Year K-6 Schedule Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 5 February 2015 High School An amazing start to the year in the BHS! It has been an extremely busy first week in the BHS with many special treats, guest speakers, learning sessions and gatherings taking place: Treats: On day 1 the boys enjoyed icy poles. Guest Speakers (pictured right): Shlomo from the JNF spoke about Green Sunday Rabbi Moss spoke in honour of Yud Shevat Learning Sessions and Gatherings: Special learning session with the Rabbis (and cokes) in honour of Yud Shevat Mesibos Shabbos Farbrengen at the Berkovits home on Shabbos afternoon attended by over 30 boys. Tu B’Shevat learning and fruit kebabs...(our first of many) - click here for Tu B’Shevat photo collage Tuesday afternoon BBQ and learning with over 20 boys! New Programs: Launch of the GCC. Simchas (pictured left): Hanochos Tefillin of Shloime Ulman - Mazel Tov! There will be much more kicking off in the coming week, including: Purim plans...BBQ and soccer...Thursday night STAY TUNED! Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates BHS Pick Up Protocol All BHS being collected by car need to be picked up along Rodney Street, near the oval at the end of the day and not outside the front of the school. Thursday, 5 February 2015 What’s On At BINA? Click here to return to Index Page Click here to return to Important Dates Thursday, 5 February 2015
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