Loveitts Feb Cover.qxp_Layout 1 16/01/2014 09:14 Page 2 PROPERTY AUCTIONS EXCELLENT PROVEN TRACK RECORD | COVENTRY, WARWICKSHIRE & BEYOND Thursday 6th February 2014 At 6.30pm (doors open at 5.30pm) De Vere Village Hotel, Coventry Business Park, Coventry CV4 9GZ Page 2.qxp_Layout 1 15/01/2014 17:04 Page 1 Auction Information Important Notice to Bidders 1. The attention of prospective purchasers is drawn to the general and special conditions of sale which are available for inspection at the office of the Vendors Solicitors and at the office of the Auctioneers. 2. Prospective purchasers shall be deemed to have inspected the relevant property. The vendor’s solicitors will provide a contract pack including the usual necessary searches and enquiries with all relevant authorities and other bodies. This is available for inspection at the Auctioneers office, during normal business hours. It is advisable to arrange for a survey of the property prior to the Auction. 3. As soon as the Auctioneers gavel falls on a bid, the successful bidder is under a binding contract to purchase the relevant property. The purchaser is immediately at risk in relation to the property and should therefore have confirmed bank or building society finance arranged (if required) and will also be deemed to have made prior arrangements for any insurance cover that is required. Completion will occur 28 days after exchange, unless otherwise specified. 4. On a property being knocked down, the successful bidder must immediately present to the Auctioneers Clerk his name and address and if appropriate, the name and address of the person or company on whose behalf he has been bidding, also the forms of identification requested concerning the Money Laundering Act 2007 - this information is detailed separately. 7. Prospective purchasers are strongly advised to check any sales particulars as to measurements, areas and all other matters to which the properties are expressed to be subject to and have the benefit of. In respect of any contents,fixtures and fittings, expressed to be included within the sale an inspection of the property must be made, and the Legal Information provided by the vendors solicitors must be inspected. All measurements and areas referred to in this catalogue are approximate only. 8. All location plans published in the particulars of sale are to enable prospective purchasers to locate the property only. The plans are photographically reproduced and therefore not to scale and are not intended to depict the interest to be sold but are for identification purposes only. The boundary lines and numbers on the photographs are again only to enable prospective purchasers to locate the property and are not intended to depict the interest to be sold. Purchasers are advised to view the special conditions in respect of the precise interest to be conveyed. 9. Any guide prices or any estimates or values mentioned in negotiations or discussions with the Auctioneers or any of their representatives cannot be relied upon by a prospective purchaser as representing professional valuations for any purpose in accordance with the requirements on guidance notes of relevant professional bodies or other authorities. In all respects prospective purchasers are deemed to have relied upon their own knowledge or the advice of their own professional or other advisors. Also the reserve price may in some instances exceed the quoted Guide Price. 5. The successful bidder must sign and exchange contracts with the Vendors Solicitors prior to leaving the room and at the same time pay to the Solicitor a deposit of 10% of the purchase price plus the Buyer’s Premium. In default of any of the above, the Auctioneer shall be entitled as Agent for the Vendors, to treat the failure or default as repudiation and rescind the contract. Thereafter the Auctioneer shall be entitled to re-submit the property for sale and if a successful bidder does not pay a deposit and/or complete the memorandum the Vendor reserves the right to claim any loss he suffers as a result. 10. Where a Guide Price range is specified, the Reserve Price will be no higher than the upper end of that range. 6. The Vendor has a right to sell before Auction or withdraw the Lot and neither the Auctioneer nor the Vendor is responsible for any abortive costs, loss or damages incurred by a prospective purchaser in these circumstances. Information as to prior sale or the withdrawal of a Lot can be obtained from the Auctioneers at any time prior to the Auction but vaild only at the time of enquiry. 13. The dimensions and/or areas shown in this catalogue are intended to be accurate to within +/- 5% of the figure shown. If greater accuracy is required we advise intending purchasers to carry out check measuring. 11. Bids may be refused at the Auctioneer’s discretion. The Auctioneers reserve the right to bid on behalf of the Vendor up to the reserve. 12. Inspection of investment properties is courtesy of the tenant. Inspection of properties with vacant possession only by arrangement with the Auctioneers. Interested parties should ring the office to discuss viewing arrangements or book keys before making their journey. 14. Properties sold at auction are not normally cleared of furniture and effects on completion. Property Insurance Once the hammer falls at a Property Auction, the purchaser becomes liable for the insurance of the property they have purchased. Page 3.qxp_Layout 1 15/01/2014 17:04 Page 1 Auction Information Misrepresentation Act 1967 and 1991 The Agents for themselves and for the Vendors of these Lots, whose Agents they are, give notice that, 1. These Particulars do not constitute any part of an offer, or a contract. 2. All the statements contained in these particulars as to the Lots are made without responsibility and are not to be relied on as statements or representations of fact and they do not make or give any representations or warranty whatsoever in relation to these Lots. 3. Any intending Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these Particulars. 4. No guarantee can be given as to the working condition of the various apparatus, appliances and services. 5. All items shown in photographs may not be included in the sale. All measurements are approximate. The Money Laundering Regulations 2007 In order to comply with these Regulations, on the night of the auction, all buyers will have to provide:- PROOF OF IDENTITY - EITHER • Current Signed Passport • Current Full UK EU photo card driving licence, NOT a provisional driving licence • Inland Revenue Tax notification AND PROOF OF ADDRESS - EITHER • Utility bill issued within the last three months (gas, electricity, council tax, telephone, water rates but NOT mobile phones) • Bank or Building Society statement Please note that only the above documents will be accepted at the auction venue. IN ADDITION • If a bidder is acting as an agent on behalf of another party, they will be required to provide the documents detailed above for both themselves (the agent) and the principal, as well as providing a valid letter of authority from the principal authorising them to bid on their behalf. • If a bidder is acting on behalf of a company, the above documents will still be required along with a written authority from the company. Failure to comply with the above could invalidate your bid and purchase of any Lot. Buyers Premium The successful purchaser will be required to pay the Auctioneers a buyer’s fee upon exchange of contracts, also all purchasers will be required to produce proof of identity, as well as their 10% deposit. Two forms of identification required. Guide Price Up to £250,000 £250,000 + Buyers Premium £395 + V.A.T. £500 + V.A.T. Please bring your cheque book in order to pay the 10% deposit plus the buyer’s premium as credit or debit card payments are NOT acceptable. Conditions Of Sale The Lots will, unless previously withdrawn, be sold subject to the Special and General Conditions of Sale which have been settled by the Vendors’ Solicitors. These Conditions may be inspected during the usual office hours at the offices of the Vendors Solicitors mentioned in the full sales particulars during the five days (exclusive of Saturday and Sunday) immediately before and exclusive of the day of the Sale. The Conditions may also be inspected in the Sale Room at the time of the Sale, but they will NOT then be read. The Purchaser shall be deemed to bid on those terms, whether he shall have inspected the Conditions or not. For any queries regarding the process of buying at Auction please do not hesitate to contact the Auction Team on 024 7652 7789 Page 4.qxp_Layout 1 15/01/2014 17:04 Page 1 Excellent Proven Track Record With Over 100 Years Experience Our clients include: ° Prominent Local Charities ° Warwickshire Police Authority ° Coventry City Council ° National Trust ° Treasury Solicitor ° Price Waterhouse Coopers ° Primary Care Trust What are the benefits of selling at auction? Loveitts have been selling property at Auction for over 150 years and the current Auction Team have a combined total of over 60 years experience within the property market. Loveitts are justifiably proud of their long and successful record of selling both residential and commercial properties ‘under the hammer’. The firm holds regular property auctions in Coventry and Warwickshire, usually every two months, and these attract a significant number of attendees. The Auction Team inspect every auction property personally to ensure that the best possible advice is given. In addition as part of our ongoing service, vendors receive regular progress reports throughout the entire marketing campaign. ° Best possible price achieved Which properties are suitable for auction? ° Binding contract plus 10% deposit paid on ° Residential properties and particularly those in the fall of the hammer ° Completion usually within 28 days ° Chain free sale need of modernisation and improvement ° Commercial and Industrial properties ° Rural properties ° Land with or without planning consent ° No adverse surveys or down valuations ° Probate / Executor properties ° Quick hassle-free sale ° Repossessions ° Fire damaged or blighted properties ° Unusual and distinctive properties ° Blocks of freehold garages ° Ground rents ° Builders yards / storage facilities ° Residential and Commercial investments For a Free Market Appraisal and no obligation chat please call us on 024 7652 7789 Page 5.qxp_Loveitts 17/01/2014 10:19 Page 1 /27 :DLQERG\ $YHQXH 6RXWK *UHHQ /DQH &RYHQWU\ &9¬%= 'HVFULSWLRQ EHGURRP GRXEOH ED\HG VHPL GHWDFKHG ZLWK JDUDJH ,Q VRXJKW DIWHU 6RXWK &RYHQWU\ ORFDWLRQ 0RVWO\ GRXEOH JOD]HG DQG ZLWK JDV FHQWUDO KHDWLQJ ,Q QHHG RI VRPH LPSURYHPHQW $FFRPPRGDWLRQ *URXQG IORRU +DOOZD\ ORXQJH GLQLQJ URRP DQG NLWFKHQ )LUVW IORRU EHGURRPV SOXV EDWKURRP 2876,'( )URQW *DUGHQ DQG GULYHZD\ OHDGLQJ WR JDUDJH 5HDU *DUGHQ DQG VLQJOH GHWDFKHG JDUDJH 7HQXUH )UHHKROG ZLWK YDFDQW SRVVHVVLRQ /27 /DQG 2UFKDUG 6WUHHW %HGZRUWK &9¬%: 'HVFULSWLRQ /DQG ZLWK SHQGLQJ SHUPLVVLRQ IRU HUHFWLRQ RI VHPL /27 /DQG 'DYHQWU\ 5RDG 6WDYHUWRQ 1U 'DYHQWU\ 11¬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age 6.qxp_Loveitts 16/01/2014 16:51 Page 1 Fast, flexible short term loans rates from just 0.75% working in association with Bridging finance can be provided quickly for your auction purchase: s0ORTFOLIOINVESTMENTs"UYTO,ETs3EMICOMMERCIALs#OMMERCIAL 0161 333 1970 @AuctionFinance Scott Hendry Paul Hughes Jan Gallagher Laura Morgan 07778 150 845 07903 560 742 07946 891 349 07714 316 568 Page 7_Loveitts 17/01/2014 11:34 Page 1 /27 6FKRRO +LOO +DUWVKLOO 1XQHDWRQ &9¬1' 'HVFULSWLRQ EHGURRP PLG WHUUDFHG ZHOO SUHVHQWHG DQG UHDG\ WR PRYH LQ UHFHSWLRQ URRPV ZLWK JURXQG IORRU VKRZHU URRP SOXV XSVWDLUV EDWKURRP *DV FHQWUDO KHDWLQJ SOXV GRXEOH JOD]LQJ WKURXJKRXW &$1 %( 62/' 35,25 72 $8&7,21 $FFRPPRGDWLRQ *URXQG IORRU /RXQJH GLQLQJ URRP NLWFKHQ DQG VKRZHU URRP )LUVW IORRU EHGURRPV RQH JLYLQJ DFFHVV WKURXJK WR EDWKURRP 2876,'( 5HDU *DUGHQ ZLWK EULFN EXLOW VWRUDJH DW WKH ERWWRP RI WKH JDUGHQ 7HQXUH )UHHKROG ZLWK YDFDQW SRVVHVVLRQ /27 LEGAL DOCUMENTS All legal documents are available via our website and all parties wishing to inspect a Legal Pack can register their details on the site. The Legal Packs are available via a service provided by The Essential Information Group Ltd, which will not only allow the download of the Legal Pack but will also keep you updated with any changes to the Pack. Please note however that it is the responsibility of all bidders to recheck the Legal Packs for any changes prior to bidding, and the Auctioneer can accept no responsibility for any bidders not adhering to this advice. 1R $OORWPHQW 6KDNHVSHDUH *DUGHQV 6KDNHVSHDUH 6WUHHW &RYHQWU\ &9¬-= 'HVFULSWLRQ 6LQJOH DOORWPHQW ZLWKLQ DQ HVWDEOLVKHG VLWH RI DOORWPHQWV 6HOHFWLRQ RI IUXLW WUHHV DQG EXVKHV EULFN VWRUDJH VKHGV DQG ZRRGHQ VKHG 7HQXUH )UHHKROG ZLWK YDFDQW SRVVHVVLRQ WHO HPDLO DXFWLRQV#ORYHLWWVFRXN ZHE ZZZORYHLWWVFRXN Page 8.qxp_Loveitts 15/01/2014 17:11 Page 1 /27 *DUDJH RII 3ULQFH RI :DOHV 5RDG &KDSHOILHOGV &RYHQWU\ &9¬*4 'HVFULSWLRQ 6LQJOH )UHHKROG JDUDJH ORFDWHG ZLWKLQ D EORFN 2II 3ULQFH RI :DOHV 5RDG 6L]H RI WKH JDUDJH LV IW LQ [ IW LQ 7HQXUH )UHHKROG ZLWK YDFDQW SRVVHVVLRQ /27 %RVWRQ 3ODFH RII /RFNKXUVW /DQH )ROHVKLOO &RYHQWU\ &9¬11 'HVFULSWLRQ EHGURRP VHPL GHWDFKHG SURSHUW\ :LWK JDV FHQWUDO KHDWLQJ ,GHDO LQYHVWPHQW SURSHUW\ $FFRPPRGDWLRQ *URXQG IORRU 2SHQ SODQ ORXQJH ZLWK EUHDNIDVW NLWFKHQ )LUVW IORRU EHGURRPV SOXV VKRZHU URRP 2876,'( 5HDU 2YHUJURZQ *DUGHQ 7HQXUH )UHHKROG ZLWK YDFDQW SRVVHVVLRQ WHO HPDLO DXFWLRQV#ORYHLWWVFRXN ZHE ZZZORYHLWWVFRXN Page 9.qxp_Loveitts 16/01/2014 09:07 Page 1 ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATES Midland EPC Limited is a team of accredited Energy Assessors based in Coventry. We supply both Domesc and Commercial EPC’s for Landlords, Homeowners, Estate Agents, and Local Authories. All our assessors hold advanced CRB clearance cerficates and work in a professional and friendly manner. OUR SERVICES • Domesc EPC’s • Commercial EPC’s • Green Deal Assessments • Asbestos Survey Reports • Asbestos Removals • Lo & Cavity Wall Grants • FREE Boilers • Solar Panel EPC’s • SAP & SBEM Calculaons • ECO Calculaons CALL US NOW!!! MIDLAND ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATES LIMITED Building 2-4 Bilton Business Park, Humber Avenue, Coventry CV3 1JL T: 024 76 444 111 E: [email protected] W: /27 'URQILHOG 5RDG 6WRNH &RYHQWU\ &9¬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age 10.qxp_Loveitts 17/01/2014 10:50 Page 1 SO LD PR IO R /27 Offering a full range of legal services. 8SSHU $EEH\ 6WUHHW $EEH\ *UHHQ 1XQHDWRQ &9¬'1 'HVFULSWLRQ 'RXEOH IURQWHG 5HWDLO 8QLW ZLWK 2IILFH 6WRUDJH VSDFH DERYH H[WHQGLQJ RYHU DGGLWLRQDO IORRUV VTIW VTP ZLWK SRWHQWLDO IRU FRQYHUVLRQ VXEMHFW WR FRQVHQWV 3URPLQHQW $EEH\ *UHHQ ORFDWLRQ $FFRPPRGDWLRQ *URXQG IORRU VTIW VTP )LUVW IORRU VTIW VTP 6HFRQG IORRU VTIW VTP 2876,'( 5HDU <DUG 7HQXUH )UHHKROG ZLWK YDFDQW SRVVHVVLRQ Why not give us a try – we offer a Free First Advice service to see if we’re the right solicitor for you. Call your local office now: What you can expect Coventry office, 02476 631212 1 The Quadrant, Coventry, CV1 2DW Kenilworth office, 01926 857631 39-41 Warwick Rd, Kenilworth, CV8 1HN QualitySolicitors Mander Hadley Changing the way you see lawyers [email protected] Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority No. 58396. /27 &URIW 5RDG 6WRFNLQJIRUG 1XQHDWRQ &9¬': 'HVFULSWLRQ EHGURRP VLQJOH ED\HG VWRUH\ HQG RI WHUUDFH SURSHUW\ ZLWK RII VWUHHW SDUNLQJ 0RVWO\ GRXEOH JOD]HG DQG SDUW JDV FHQWUDO KHDWLQJ ,Q QHHG RI VRPH LPSURYHPHQW $FFRPPRGDWLRQ *URXQG IORRU +DOOZD\ ORXQJH VLWWLQJ URRP NLWFKHQ UHDU OREE\ SOXV :& )LUVW IORRU EHGURRPV DQG EDWKURRP 6HFRQG IORRU %HGURRP ORIW URRP 2876,'( )URQW *DUGHQ SOXV RII VWUHHW SDUNLQJ 5HDU 6ODEEHG SDWLR DUHD 7HQXUH )UHHKROG ZLWK YDFDQW SRVVHVVLRQ WHO HPDLO DXFWLRQV#ORYHLWWVFRXN ZHE ZZZORYHLWWVFRXN IBC.qxp_Layout 1 15/01/2014 17:03 Page 1 For all of your property needs:- M42 Tamworth Atherstone ° Residential Sales Nuneaton ° Residential Lettings Hinckley Bedworth ° Land and New Homes M42 M69 Coventry M6 Balsall Common Rugby ° Financial Services Kenilworth Marton Wroxall ° Professional Services ° Auctions ° Commercial Property ° Property Management ° Surveys & Valuations Leamington Spa Henley-in-Arden Warwick Southam Alcester M40 Stratford-upon-Avon Wellesbourne Kineton Shiptonon-Stour Established in 1843, Loveitts is the largest independent multi-discipline practice of Estate Agents, Chartered Surveyors, Valuers and Auctioneers in Coventry and Warwickshire. Loveitts is your first choice of agent to find the right property for you. Loveitts Feb Cover.qxp_Layout 1 17/01/2014 10:25 Page 1 For further information on any of the Lots Offices also at offered please do not hesitate to contact us or visit our web site at Nuneaton Office 7 Coventry Street Nuneaton Warwickshire CV11 5TD T: 024 7634 7676 F: 024 7767 3509 E: [email protected] NEXT AUCTION Thursday 27th March 2014 LOTS NOW BEING TAKEN Southam Office Leamington Spa Office D LN OLD COVENTRIANS RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB TILE HILL LN B4101 29 Warwick Row Coventry CV1 1DY T: 024 7652 7789 F: 024 7663 2212 E: [email protected] W: BROA WY AD H MSTE TCHA Coventry Office (HEAD OFFICE) D LN LE A45 F 16 Denby Buildings Regent Grove Leamington Spa CV32 4NY T: 01926 429268 F: 01926 450693 E: [email protected] BROA A45 FLETCHAMSTEAD HWY 4 High Street Southam CV37 0HA T: 01926 813428 F: 01926 812467 E: [email protected] HOTEL VENUE B4101 HERALD AVE N MMO L CO RSAL 1 HEA B410 HEARSALL COMMON Bidding Order – Auction 6th February 2014 GUIDE PRICE 1 88 Wainbody Avenue South, Green Lane, Coventry CV3 6BZ £150,000 - £160,000 2 Land Orchard Street, Bedworth CV12 8BW £30,000 - £50,000 NOTE: Conditional Planning Approval was granted on 16th January 2014. 3 Land, Daventry Road, Staverton Nr Daventry NN11 6BG £5,000 - £15,000 4 38 School Hill, Hartshill, Nuneaton CV10 0ND £85,000 - £95,000 5 No 68 Allotment, Shakespeare Gardens, Shakespeare Street, Coventry CV2 4JZ £6,500 6 Garage 42, Prince of Wales Road, Chapelfields, Coventry CV5 8GQ £3,000 7 25 Boston Place, off Lockhurst Lane, Foleshill, Coventry CV6 5NN £65,000 - £75,000 8 3 Dronfield Road, Walsgrave, Coventry CV2 4BZ £65,000 - £75,000 9 23 Upper Abbey Street / 1-2 Abbey Green, Nuneaton CV11 5DN SOLD PRIOR £65,000 - £75,000 10 136 Croft Road, Stockingford, Nuneaton CV10 7DW PRICES CORRECT AT TIME OF GOING TO PRESS – 17.01.14 ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATINGS (PER LOT) Lot 1: D Lot 2: N/A Lot 3: N/A Lot 4: F Lot 5: N/A Lot 6: N/A Lot 7: E Lot 8: F Lot 9: D Lot 10: G TEL: 024 7652 7789 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB:
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