¿Cómo influye la cultura en la personalidad de

¿Cómo influye la cultura en la
personalidad de una persona
y cuáles son los factores que
influyen en este cambio?
Para definir cada individuo
Universales humanos
Diferencias individuales
Unidad personal
Proceso de la
crecimiento y
psicopatología y cambios de conducta
Conductas aprendidas
Rol de la persona
en la sociedad
metas de vida,
como enfrentar la vida
Edad 19 - 24 años
Choques culturales
la manera de comer, cuidarse a si mismos, de ver
el trabajo
5/2/2013 8:03
South Africa, I was expose to polygamy
siiii! cuando no sabian qué era ecuador. pensaban
que era el "equator" y juraban que vivía en una
"línea". Fue shockeante ver cómo es la eduación
tan individualista que muchas veces no ven más a
llá de estados unidos. En estados unidos la gente
no es tan "cariñosa" o afectivsy cuando por costumbre saludas con beso peinsan que eres lanzada y loca.
4/2/2013 23:07Ver respuestas
People are a lot more layed back and not so conservative in other countries
4/2/2013 22:28Ver respuestas
it wasn't as shocking, but people seemed a lot
more open
4/2/2013 21:26Ver respuestas
yes, In Japan, we take off our shoes inside. I just
cannot get in my room with my shoes. but I have
american roommate. it was hard to keep my area
yes. What shocked me the most was the different
idea Americans have of a "family" than the one I
4/2/2013 21:16Ver respuestas
They aren´t expressive because if they don't know
you they greet you with hands shaking
Cambios Culturales
soy mas enfocada en trabajar
I ve become less materialist
Yes i feel like it has become part of who I am. I am
no longer so narrow-minded. I am open to a whole
new way of living in every aspect of life.
sii! aprendí mucho a ser más puntual y cumplida
con mis cosas.
I'm not so shallow... I see further than the social
bubble we live in
I feel more independent
yes. I'm very easy going and so as american. it's not
too hard to get along with them even though our
culture is different
No, I think I learned a lot from my experience but
didn't adopt any part of their culture.
I like to be punctual
Cambios Personales
madura, concentrada en los demás
I became more tolerant
My mind has become more open to new ways of
living in a new culture. It has also helped me
become more proud and appreciative of the culture that I am from as well.
Maduré mucho, abrí más mi manera de pensar
acerca de la sociedad, aprendes avalorar lo que
tienes y aprendes de lo faltaría en tu cultura.
I became more mature and pacient
I try not to worry about what others think of me
and live my life to make myself happy
I feel more proud of showing who I am and not
as ashamed of my interests as before
I became more optimistic. to me, american laugh
a lot. even for a small event, and smile make
people happy. so
Becoming more independent and autosufficient.
I say what I think about everything and I've
become a perfectionist.
Puedo desenvolverme sola fácilmente